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1、高考英语重点词汇一、易写错词汇5magazine n.杂志March n.三月material n.材料means n.方法,手段(单复同形)modern adj.现代的manner n.方式,举止,礼仪二、易错词汇变形major n.majoritymanage n.management 管理,经营n.manager 经理,管理者many/much more比较级 most最高级marry n.marriage mass adj.massive 厚重的,巨大的match pl.matches mean n.meaning meaning adj.meaningful 有意义的adj.mean

2、ingless 无意义的,无价值的medium pl.media medicine adj.medical memory adj.memorable 难忘的mercy adj.merciful 仁慈的mere adv.merely 仅仅,只是mess adj.messy 脏的,凌乱的message n.messenger 信使minor n.minority miss adj.missing 丢失的,缺少的,失踪的misunderstand n.misunderstanding mistake adj.mistaken 错误的mix n.mixture 混合,混合物mobile n.mobil

3、ity 流动性,灵活性month adj.monthly 每月的motivate n.motivation move n.movement (政治、社会)运动、活动adj.moving 动人的,感人的,移动的mouse pl.mice mud adj.muddymusic adj.musical 音乐的n.musician 三、熟词僻义1.make (熟义: 制作 )成为, She will make a good wife and mother.她将成为贤妻良母。make believe 假装 The little girl made believe she was a princess.这

4、小女孩假装她是公主。2.make do with凑合用(吃) He did not have a hammer, and he had to make do with a heavy rock.他没有锤子,只好用一块石头凑合着用。3.make it 按时到达某地;成功 You can make it if you hurry.如果赶快点,你会按时到达的。4.make up(熟义:编造) 和解,构成,弥补 They quarreled, but made up after a while.他们吵了架,但不久就言归于好了。We must make up the work we missed.我们必

5、须把没有做的工作补回来。Farmers make up 80 percent of the population of China.农民占中国人口的80。5.meet (熟义:见面) v.满足(要求) Meet ones need/demand/requirement满足某人的需求6.mind 熟义:介意;心(思) v.当心,注意 Mind your head!当心!不要碰着头了。We should mind our behaviour in public places.7.major 熟义:较大的,主要的,重要的 a major cause主要原因生义:.主修, 专攻 He majors i

6、n physics.他主修物理。专业学生 He is a history major.他是主修历史的学生大学主修科目 His major is English8.manner 生义:pl.礼貌, 规矩; 态度, 方式;样子;(艺术.文学的)风格,手法 Its good manners to do sth干有礼 / Its bad manners to do sth.干没礼 Mind your manners.注意礼貌 / table manners餐桌礼仪来源:Z,xx,k.Com9.mass 熟义:块;团;堆大多数, 大量 补充:a mass of = masses of)许多/大量生义:(

7、1)群众 the masses群众, 民众(2)群众的, 大规模的 mass education大众教育;mass production.大规模生产10.match 熟义:比赛 ,火柴 生义:(1). 匹配.匹敌(vi / vt)The color of the shirt does not match that of the coat.衬衫的颜色与上衣不相配。The curtains do not match with the decoration.窗帘与室内装璜不相配。Im ready to match my strength with against图片 yours.我准备和你较量较量。

8、These two are well matched in strength.他们俩势均力敌。(2).对手; 相似的人物, 相配的人物 补充:strike a match 划一根火柴You are no match for him.你不是他的对手。find meet ones match 遇到对手, 棋逢对手best match最佳匹配The blue shirt and gray tie are a good match.蓝衬衫与灰领带很谐调。11.matter 熟义:pl.事态,情况; 补充:as a matter of fact ;Thats how matters stand.目前情况

9、就是这样。生义:重要,要紧(vi)What matters most is that you should have confidence in yourself.12.mean 熟义:意思是.意味着; 意欲/想要;意指生义:吝啬的;小气的;卑鄙的 be mean with money花钱小气be mean about/ over在方面很小气 / a mean motive.卑鄙的动机(因能力.命运等)注定 I believe he is meant to be a soldier.我相信他天生是要当军人的。用意(v) He means ill /well to me.他对我怀有好意/ 恶意.

10、关系重大;重要 My friends mean a lot to me.我的朋友对我来说非常重要。方法.手段(means,单复数同形) Every means has been tried./ All means have been tried.by means of .凭借;by this / these means 通过这个/ 这些方法by all means当然;当然可以by no means并没有;绝不:By no means should this remark be taken lightly.这次讲话绝不能等闲视之13.measure 熟义:尺寸, 量度的单位; 量具;量器;测量

11、,生义:(1). 措施;办法 take measures to do sth / about sthThey took strong measures against dangerous drivers.他们对危害公众的司机采取强硬的措施。(2).斟酌, 权衡 She works hard and doesnt图片 measure the cost to her health.她工作勤恳并不考虑身体代价。He measures his words with caution.他仔细斟酌着字(3).量度为.The room measures five metres across.这房间有五米宽。m

12、ake sth to ones own measure 量身定做14.monitor 熟义:班长生义:监听器, 监视器, 监控器; 计显示器 air monitor空气监测器来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,K监控(v) monitor an examination监考monitor the enemys radio broadcasts监听敌方的电台广播15.must 熟义:必须,非得,生义:n.必需的东西;必须做的事, 偏偏warm clothes are a must in the mountains.住山里必须备有厚衣服。四、常考词组1 a washing/ sewing machine 洗

13、衣机/缝纫机2 a piece of machinery 一台机器3 be mad at/ with sb 生sb的气be mad about sth 对sth生气go mad 疯狂,生气4 mail sth to sb 把sth寄给sb5 major in 主修6 a majority of 大多数7 make sb do 使sb做sthmake a living/ fortune 维生/赚大钱make money 赚钱make A from B/ be made from/ be made of 从B中做出A/由sth做成的make up for 弥补make up 组成,构成,化妆mak

14、e out 辨别出be made up of 由组成8 manage to do 设法做sth9 good manners 好的礼貌in a manner 以的方式10 high/ low mark 分数低/高11 marry sb to sb 把sb嫁给sbbe/ get married to sb 和sb结婚marry sb 和sb结婚12 wear a mask 戴着面具13 no match for 不是sb的对手14 a matter of time 时间问题to make matters worse 使的事情更糟糕as a matter of fact 事实上Whats the m

15、atter with sth? Sth怎么了no matter how/ what/ when/ where 无论怎样15 maximum number 最大值16 may as well 最好做may sb do 祝愿sb做sthbe that as it may 尽管是说到的那样17 cook/ make a meal 烧饭18 What do you mean by saying that? 你那么说是什么意思?mean to do 打算做sthmean doing 意味着做sthbe meant to do 应该做sth/意图做sthby means of 通过means of tra

16、nsportation 交通方式19 in the meantime 同时20 in the meanwhile 同时21 take measures to do 采取措施去做sth22 gold/ silver/ bronze medal 金牌/银牌/铜牌23 medical care/ treatment 医疗24 take medicine 吃药25 of medium height/ build 中等身高/中等体形26 meet with failure/ difficulties 遇到失败/困难meet a need/ demand/ requirement (of sb) 满足需要

17、/需求27 have/ hold a meeting 开会go to/ attend a meeting 参加会议28 have a good memory 记忆力好in memory of 为了纪念29 mental illness 心理疾病30 mention sth to sb 向sb提起sth31 on the menu 在菜单上32 at the mercy of 任由sb摆布33 Merry Christmas.圣诞快乐The more the merrier.人越多,越快乐34 in a mess 一片混乱make a mess 造成混乱35 get/ receive a mes

18、sage 得到信息leave a message for sb 给sb留口信give sb a message 给sb传达口信36 in the middle of (doing) sth 在做sth的途中37 at midnight 在午夜38 in the middle of the night 在半夜burn the midnight oil 熬夜39 might as well do最好做sthwith all his might 尽全力40 3 million 300万millions of41 in sbs mind 在sb的头脑中change your mind 改变主意make

19、 up ones mind to do 下定决心去做sthhave sth in mind 有心事bear/ keep sth in mind 记住on sbs mind 记住mind doing 介意做sthmind your own business 别多管闲事42 defence minister 国防部长43 in the/a minority 少数人44 in a minute 马上at any minute 任何时候45 work/ perform miracles 创造奇迹46 in the mirror 在镜中47 a missing child 一个迷路的孩子48 miss

20、doing 错过做sthmiss a change to do 错过机会做sth49 make a mistake (of ) 犯一个sth的错误spelling mistakes 拼写错误common mistakes 常见的错误mistake A for B 把a误认为是b50 mix A with B 把a和b混合起来51 mobile phone 手机52 in the modern world 在现代世界in modern times 在现代53 at this/ that/ the moment 在此时/在那时from that moment on 从那时侯起in a moment

21、 马上at any moment 在任何时候54 make/ earn/ lose/ raise money 赚钱55 a monument to sth/ sb sth/sb的纪念碑56 in a good/ bad mood 心情好/坏in the mood of doing 有心情做sth57 ask/ cry for the moon 请求得到不切实际的东西once in a blue moon 非常难得58 moral standards/ values/ support 道德标准/价值/支持59 more than 不仅仅是more or less 或多或少once more 再次

22、not any more/ no more 不再more A than B 与其说是b不如说是ano morethan 和sb一样不no more than 仅仅,只有whats more 此外60 in the morning 在早上in the small hours of the morning 在凌晨61 most of the students = most students 大多数的学生at most 至多62 big mouth 大嘴巴make your mouth water 使你馋涎欲滴by word of mouth 口述63 on the move 在行动中64 watc

23、h/ see a movie 看电影go to a movie 去看电影65 commit a murder/ crime 犯罪66 remain a mystery 仍旧是个谜67 by myself 独自not feel/ be myself 身体不好五、常见难词(大纲词汇+超纲词汇)magnificent n.壮丽的;华丽的mansion n.大厦, 府邸manufacture vt.制造 n.制造;产品manufacturer n.制造商;制造厂marine a.海的;海上的 marvelous a.奇迹般的;了不起的masterpiece n.杰作,名著meadow n.草地,牧草地

24、melon n.瓜,甜瓜melody n.曲子, 曲调melt vi.融化 vt.使融化mental a.智力的;精神的merchant n.商人;零售商merit n.长处,优点;功过metropolitan a.大城市的microphone n.话筒,麦克风microscope n.显微镜mill n.磨坊;制造厂 miniature n.小画像,缩影miserable a.痛苦的,悲惨的 misery n.痛苦,悲惨,不幸mislead vt.使误入岐途 mission n.使命,任务;使团mist n.薄雾moan n.呻吟声 vi.呻吟 mock v.嘲笑,模仿地嘲弄mode n.方

25、式,样式moderate a.温和的;有节制的 modest a.有节制的;谦虚的 modify vt.更改,修改;修饰monarch n.君主,帝王mortgage n.抵押贷款,抵押证书v.抵押monument n.纪念碑;纪念馆 mount vt.登上,爬上 n.山mourn vi.哀痛,哀悼 mouthful n.满口,一口,少量mute vt.减弱.的声音a.缄默的 n.哑巴mutual a.相互的;共同的六、不规则动词变化make made made mean meant meant meet met metmistake mistook mistaken misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood


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