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1、高考英语重点词汇一、易写错词汇2headache n.头痛horizon n.地平线,眼界hearing n.听力language n.语言latter adj.(两者中)后者的later adv.随后 (late的比较级)library n.图书馆lightening n.闪电literature n.文学luggage n.行李magazine n.杂志March n.三月material n.材料means n.方法,手段(单复同形)modern adj.现代的manner n.方式,举止,礼仪二、易错词汇变形habit adj.habitual 惯常的,习惯性的happy n.happ

2、iness hard adv.hardly几乎不hard v.harden (使变硬,变坚固)harm adj.harmfulharmony adj.harmonious hate adj.hateful 可恨的health adj.healthyhealthy adv.healthily heavy adv.heavily high n.height history adj.historic 古老的,历史上的history adj, historical 与历史有关的,历史上的places of historical interest 历史名胜help adj.helpful (有用的)he

3、lp adj.helpless (无用的)hero pl.heroeshero adj.heroic 英雄的,英勇的hesitate n.hesitation hesitate adj.hesitanthope adj.hopeful (有希望的)hope adj.hopeless (无希望的)humour adj.humorous hunger adj.hungrylack adj.lackinglate adv.lately 近来,最近large vt.enlargelast adj.lasting 持久的laugh n.laughter law n.lawyerlazy lazier比较

4、级 laziest最高级lead n.leaderadj.leading 最好的,最重要的leaf pl.leaveslearn adj.learned 博学的,有学问的legal OPP.illegal less v.lessen (使)降低,减少library n.librarian 图书管理员life pl.lives light v.lighten 减轻,减少,使变亮/轻松limit n.limitation adj.limited 有限的listen n.listener 听众literature adj.literary 文学的little less比较级 least最高级loca

5、l adv.locally locate n.locationlogic adj.logical 合情合理的,有逻辑的 long n.lengthloose v.loosen 松开,放宽(规定)low v.&adj.lower 减少,降低;下方的 loyal n.loyalty luck adj.luckylucky adv.luckily luxury adj.luxuriousmajor n.majoritymanage n.management 管理,经营n.manager 经理,管理者many/much more比较级 most最高级marry n.marriage mass adj.

6、massive 厚重的,巨大的match pl.matches mean n.meaning meaning adj.meaningful 有意义的adj.meaningless 无意义的,无价值的medium pl.media medicine adj.medical memory adj.memorable 难忘的mercy adj.merciful 仁慈的mere adv.merely 仅仅,只是mess adj.messy 脏的,凌乱的message n.messenger 信使minor n.minority miss adj.missing 丢失的,缺少的,失踪的misunders

7、tand n.misunderstanding mistake adj.mistaken 错误的mix n.mixture 混合,混合物mobile n.mobility 流动性,灵活性month adj.monthly 每月的motivate n.motivation move n.movement (政治、社会)运动、活动adj.moving 动人的,感人的,移动的mouse pl.mice mud adj.muddymusic adj.musical 音乐的n.musician 三、熟词僻义(一)1.hold 拿着,握着召开,举行;She was holding the baby in

8、her arms.她怀里抱着婴儿抑制;控制 to hold ones breath 屏住气容纳;装 The room can hold twenty people.这屋子可容下20个人。How much water图片 does the jug hold?那罐子能盛多少水?占有;占据;坚守 to hold a position 坚守阵地拥有,持有(金钱.土地.职位等) hold an important position at the bank.在这家银行里担任一个重要的职务。My husband and I hold conflicting opinions on this matter.对

9、于这件事,我和丈夫的意见相左。保持;继续 Hold the line, please.请不要挂断电话机Do you think the good weather can hold?你认为好天气能持续下去吗?认为,以为 I hold it for certain.我以为那是确实的。We hold that no country should interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.我们认为一国不应干涉他国的内政。 hold to be拘留,扣留 held the suspect for questioning.拘留嫌疑犯以待审讯2

10、.hand (熟义:手) n.帮助,控制 ,手表指针Its really heavycan you give me a hand?真的很重帮一下忙,好吗?The boys have got out of hand.男孩们变得难以管教了。3.heavy 熟义:adj. 重的My father is a heavy smoker. adj.超出一般规模、数量、力量的The traffic today is especially heavy.adj.交通拥挤的4. head v.动身去(熟义:头)The ship was heading for Shanghai.这艘船开往上海。5.help (熟义

11、:帮助) 生义:避免;抑制Dont tell him more than you can help.不要把不该告诉他的话告诉他。6.home (熟义:家)The cars are made for the home market.adj.本国的,国内的 7.hit 熟义:v.击中,打击The film Hero is quite a hit of this year.n.成功,红极一时的人或事A terrible flood hit the city.袭击A good idea hit me.使想起8.hot 熟义:adj.炎热的Were waiting for the hot news on

12、 the election results. a hot temper 急躁的脾气 hot 辣的hotpot 火锅(二)1.land 熟义:陆地; 土地,(使)登陆,(使)登岸,(使)着陆;生义: 国家; 捕(鱼)抓住或钓上(鱼);获得,取得war between lands 国与国之间的战争land a big catfish. 钓上一条大鲇鱼land a well-paid job 找到一份收入很高的工作2.late 熟义:迟的, 晚(期)的(adj/ adv)生义: v已故的, 前任的,新近的,最近的(1) the late doctor已故的医生the late president前任

13、总统the late government 上届政府来 his late wife 他已亡故的妻子(2) the late news最近的新闻the late earthquake最近的地震(3)补充: latest(late的最高级): 最后的.最近的.最新的 the latest news the latest development(4).later (on) 以后.后来3.last 熟义:最后的,最末的; 紧接前面的;刚过去的(adj)生义:(1)vi.持续, 延续, 维持; 耐久 The festival lasted two days.节日持续了两天。This cloth last

14、s well.这种布很耐穿。(2)够用.使得以维持(vt) The food will last us another week.食品够我们再吃一星期。(3)最不可能的least likely or expected);最不适当的图片,最不合适的(the least desirable or suitable)the last person we would have suspected. 我们最不可能怀疑的人the last man for the job.对这项工作最不合适的人4.lead 熟义:领导,引导,生义:(1)铅 (2)通往(向)(to) The path leads to th

15、e village.这条小路通到那村庄。(3) 导致(to) lead to the thief being caught(4) 在比赛中领先 After the first half of the race I was leading.(5) 过(生活) He led a hard life.他的图片日子过得很苦。(6) 榜样,带头 take the lead in everything5.leave 熟义:离开, 动身;留下,把(落)遗忘在某地;把交付(委托)给There are six days left before we go.离我们出发还剩下六天。I have left my gl

16、oves on the bus.我把手套忘在公共汽车上了。生义:(1)使处于某种状态 leave the work undone丢下工作不干leave him an orphan 使他成为孤儿leave him sad 使他伤心leave the raincoat hanging behind the door 让雨衣挂在门后leave sb.in the dark 不让某人知道(2)听任 leave him there让他呆在那里吧。leave it as it is让它保持原样。I will leave you to do as you like.你爱做什么就做什么。图片 (3)准休假,

17、假期(不可数) ask for leave请假ask for two days leave (take two days off) 请两天假be on leave 在度假;在假期中grant / give sb a leave准某人的假(此处冠词为特殊用法)6.lift 熟义:举图片起,.升高,提高; 英电梯;吊车生义:(1)免费搭乘,搭便车 He gave me a lift to the station in his car.他让我搭他的汽车去火车站。 ask for a lift请求搭车(2)窃取(尤指小件物品);抄袭,从已发表的东西上照抄.剽取(观点.文章等)He was caught

18、 lifting make-up in the supermarket.Many of his ideas were lifted from other authors.他的许多见解都是从其他作家那里剽窃来的。7.line 熟义:绳;线,路线,线路;排,列(n);(使)排列,排队(v)生义:(1). 运输公司 an airline航空公 a shipping line 海图片运公司(2).(pl) 台词 spend the weekend learning her lines.利用周末熟记她的台词(3).短信;便条 Ill drop you a line.我会留个便条给你8.lesson 熟义

19、:功课, (一节)课, pl.课程 生义:教训 be a lesson to对.是一个教训 teach sb.a lesson给某人以教训earn ones lesson得到教训9.live 熟义:生活, 居住,生义:(1).实况地, 实况转播的, live broadcast 现场直播(2).adj.活的, 仅用于修饰动物.家禽.鱼等。live animals.活着的动物 live shrimps活虾 live 表此意10.let down(熟义:放下来) 辜负,使失望He said he would be here by 12oclock, but he let us down.他说他12

20、点钟之前就到,但他让我们失望了。11.let out (熟义:让出去)泄露(机密);发出(声);出租 Ill never tell you another secret if you let this one out.如果你把这个秘密说出去了,我再也不告诉你第二个秘密了。12.live up to 使行为和 相符 The WTO cannot live up to its name if it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.如果WTO不包括一个占世界人口五分之一的国家, 那就名不副实。13.in

21、the long run 长远来说, 最后 It is difficult to save money now, but it is worth it in the long run.现在存钱很困难,但从长远来讲是值得的。14.long v.(熟义:长,久 ) 渴望 The children are longing for the holidays.孩子们盼望放假15.look (熟义:看) n.表情,外貌, 美貌 She kept her looks even in her old age.即使上了年纪,她仍然风韵犹存。16.be lost in =lose oneself in (熟义:消

22、失在中) 聚精会神于,迷上,陷入 He is lost in thought / the book.他陷入 沉思/他聚精会神地啃那本书。(三)1.make (熟义: 制作 )成为, She will make a good wife and mother.她将成为贤妻良母。make believe 假装 The little girl made believe she was a princess.这小女孩假装她是公主。2.make do with凑合用(吃) He did not have a hammer, and he had to make do with a heavy rock.他

23、没有锤子,只好用一块石头凑合着用。3.make it 按时到达某地;成功 You can make it if you hurry.如果赶快点,你会按时到达的。4.make up(熟义:编造) 和解,构成,弥补 They quarreled, but made up after a while.他们吵了架,但不久就言归于好了。We must make up the work we missed.我们必须把没有做的工作补回来。Farmers make up 80 percent of the population of China.农民占中国人口的80。5.meet (熟义:见面) v.满足(要

24、求) Meet ones need/demand/requirement满足某人的需求6.mind 熟义:介意;心(思) v.当心,注意 Mind your head!当心!不要碰着头了。We should mind our behaviour in public places.7.major 熟义:较大的,主要的,重要的 a major cause主要原因生义:.主修, 专攻 He majors in physics.他主修物理。专业学生 He is a history major.他是主修历史的学生大学主修科目 His major is English8.manner 生义:pl.礼貌,

25、规矩; 态度, 方式;样子;(艺术.文学的)风格,手法 Its good manners to do sth干有礼 / Its bad manners to do sth.干没礼 Mind your manners.注意礼貌 / table manners餐桌礼仪来源:Z,xx,k.Com9.mass 熟义:块;团;堆大多数, 大量 补充:a mass of = masses of)许多/大量生义:(1)群众 the masses群众, 民众(2)群众的, 大规模的 mass education大众教育;mass production.大规模生产10.match 熟义:比赛 ,火柴 生义:(1

26、).匹配.匹敌(vi / vt)The color of the shirt does not match that of the coat.衬衫的颜色与上衣不相配。The curtains do not match with the decoration.窗帘与室内装璜不相配。Im ready to match my strength with against图片 yours.我准备和你较量较量。These two are well matched in strength.他们俩势均力敌。(2).对手; 相似的人物, 相配的人物 补充:strike a match 划一根火柴You are

27、no match for him.你不是他的对手。find meet ones match 遇到对手, 棋逢对手best match最佳匹配The blue shirt and gray tie are a good match.蓝衬衫与灰领带很谐调。11.matter 熟义:pl.事态,情况; 补充:as a matter of fact ;Thats how matters stand.目前情况就是这样。生义:重要,要紧(vi)What matters most is that you should have confidence in yourself.12.mean 熟义:意思是.意味

28、着; 意欲/想要;意指生义:吝啬的;小气的;卑鄙的 be mean with money花钱小气be mean about/ over在方面很小气 / a mean motive.卑鄙的动机(因能力.命运等)注定 I believe he is meant to be a soldier.我相信他天生是要当军人的。用意(v) He means ill /well to me.他对我怀有好意/ 恶意.关系重大;重要 My friends mean a lot to me.我的朋友对我来说非常重要。方法.手段(means,单复数同形) Every means has been tried./ Al

29、l means have been tried.by means of .凭借;by this / these means 通过这个/ 这些方法by all means当然;当然可以by no means并没有;绝不:By no means should this remark be taken lightly.这次讲话绝不能等闲视之13.measure 熟义:尺寸, 量度的单位; 量具;量器;测量,生义:(1).措施;办法 take measures to do sth / about sthThey took strong measures against dangerous driver

30、s.他们对危害公众的司机采取强硬的措施。(2).斟酌, 权衡 She works hard and doesnt图片 measure the cost to her health.她工作勤恳并不考虑身体代价。He measures his words with caution.他仔细斟酌着字(3).量度为.The room measures five metres across.这房间有五米宽。make sth to ones own measure 量身定做14.monitor 熟义:班长生义:监听器, 监视器, 监控器; 计显示器 air monitor空气监测器来源:学,科,网Z,X,X

31、,K监控(v) monitor an examination监考monitor the enemys radio broadcasts监听敌方的电台广播15.must 熟义:必须,非得,生义:n.必需的东西;必须做的事, 偏偏warm clothes are a must in the mountains.住山里必须备有厚衣服。四、常考词组(一)1 be in the habit of doing 有做sth的习惯have/ develop/ form the habit of 养成做sth的习惯break the habit 打破/改掉习惯2 have black hair 有黑头发a fe

32、w white hairs 几根白发not turn a hair 非常镇静3 half an hour 半个小时one and a half (days) 一天半two and a half 2个半4 give up halfway 半途而废be/ come/ go halfway to doing sth 在做sth的中途5 shake hands with sb 和sb握手take sb by the hand 抓住sb的手臂raise your hands 举手on the one hand on the other hand 在一方面,在另一方面give/ lend sb a han

33、d 帮助sthgive sb a helping handhand in hand 手牵手hand down to 世代相传hand in 上交hand over 移交6 get a handle on sth 掌握sth,对sth了解7 hang-hanged-hanged 上吊,绞死hang-hung-hung 悬挂hang on 坚持/别挂断hang out 出去玩get the hang of sth 掌握sth,了解sth8 sth happen to sb sb发生了sthIt happens that 碰巧sb happens to do sb碰巧去做sth9 have a ha

34、rd time doing sth 做sth很不愉快10 hardly/scarcelywhen/ before 一就11 do sb harm = do harm to sb 给sb造成伤害do more harm than good 坏处比好处多There is no harm in doing sth 做sth没有坏处It does no harm to do 做sth没有坏处12 be harmful to 对sth有害13 in harmony 和谐地14 hate doing/ to do 讨厌做sthI hate it when you cry. 我讨厌你哭。hate sb do

35、ing 讨厌sb做sthI hate to ask 我不想问15 have a look/ walk/ sleep/ talk/ think 看一下/散步have lunch 吃饭have sb do/ doing sth 使sb做sth/使sb持续做sthhave sth done 使sth被做16 use your head 动动脑子come into/ pop into your head 突然想到17 have a headache 头痛18 damage your health 破坏健康poor/ ill health 身体差in good/ poor health 身体好19 he

36、ar sb do/ doing sth听到sb做sth/正在做sthhear sth done 听到sth被做hear from 收到sb来信hear of/ about 听说20 know/ learn sth by heart 熟记sthdo sth to your hearts content 做sth直到你心满意足not have the heart to do sth 不忍心去做sthgive/ lose your heart (to sb) 爱上sblose heart 灰心21 10 meters in height 高十米22 help sb (to) do sth 帮助sb做

37、sthhelp sb with sthcant help doing sth 情不自禁做sthcant help but do sth 不得不做sthhelp sb out 帮助sb摆脱困境with the help of 在的帮助下23 Here you are.给你Here comes the bus.汽车来了24 hesitate over/ about 对sth迟疑hesitate to do 犹豫不决去做25 without hesitation 毫不犹豫have no hesitation in doing sth 做sth毫不犹豫26 hide sth from sb 向sb隐藏

38、sth27 100 feet high 高100米It is high time sb did sth sb做sth的时间到了28 speak highly of sb 高度赞扬sb29 give sb a hint 提示sb30 hire sb to do 雇佣sb去做sth31 in history 在历史上in the history of mankind 在人类的历史上32 hold on 坚持/别挂断hold your breath 屏息hold out 伸出hold up 堵塞/耽搁33 on holiday 在度假have/ take a holiday34 feel at ho

39、me 自在make sb feel at home 使sb感到自在35 do ones homework 做家作36 to be honest 老实说37 Honesty is the best policy.诚实是最好的政策。38 have the honor of doing 荣幸做sthin honor of 为了向sb表示敬意a sense of honor 荣誉感39 by hook or by crook 不择手段40 hope that/ to do 希望去做hope for 希望得到I hope not.我希望没有。41 on the horizon 在地平线上broaden/

40、 expand ones horizons开阔视野42 in horror 恐惧地to sbs horror 使sb恐惧的是horror film 恐怖片43 in hospital 生病住院in the hospital 在医院里44 host country / nation 主办国45 a hot topic 流行的话题in hot water 在水深火热之中have a hot/bad temper 脾气坏46 stay at a hotel 住在宾馆check into a hotel 入住宾馆check out of a hotel 退房check in at the hotel

41、入住宾馆47 pay sb by the hour 按小时付给sb酬劳office/ opening hours 营业时间working hours48 bring the house down 获得满堂彩49 a sense of humor 幽默感black humor 黑色幽默50 hunger for sth 急需sth51 hunt for 寻找52 in a hurry 匆匆忙忙地in ones hurry to do sb匆忙去做sth(二)1 label A (as) B 把A标为B2 labor market 劳动力市场child labor 童工3 lack of 缺少 (

42、此处lack为名词)for lack of 因为缺少lack sth 缺少sth (此处lack为及物动词)be lacking in sth 缺少4 master a language 掌握一门语言native language 母语the English language 英语the official language 官方语言5 last but one 倒数第二last but not least 最后但同样重要的6 10 minutes late 晚了10分钟be late for (the meeting) 会议迟到be late with (the rent) 交租金晚了bett

43、er late than never 晚做总比不做好in the late 1980s 在20世纪80年代late husband 已故的丈夫7 in later years/ life 在晚年later on 后来8 the latest news 最新的消息9 laugh at 嘲笑10 have a good laugh 哄堂大笑11 burst into laughter 突然笑起来12 launch an attack 发动进攻launch a satellite 发射卫星13 break the law 违法obey the law 守法law and order 法治14 lay

44、 the foundations 建立基础lay/ place/ put emphasis on 强调lie-lied-lied-lying 撒谎lie-lay-lain-lying 位于,躺lay-laid-laid-laying 放,下蛋15 lead to 导致/通向lead sb to do 导致sb做sthlead a happy life 过着开心的生活All roads lead to Rome.条条大道通罗马。16 under sbs leadership 在sb的带领下17 turn over a new leaf 洗心革面18 at least 至少not the leas

45、t/ not in the least 根本不19 leave (A) for B 离开a地去b地leave sb alone 使sb独处leave sb to do 使sb去做sthask for leave 请假20 give/ deliver a lecture (on/ about sth) 关于sth发表演说go to/ attend a lecture 去听讲座21 on ones left 在sb的左边on the left side of sth 在sth的左边22 lend sth to sb = lend sb sth 把sth借给sblend (sb) a hand 帮助

46、sb23 10 meters in length 长度为十米at length 长时间地,没完没了的24 have/ take lessons 上课learn a lesson 得到教训teach sb a lesson 给sb教训25 let sb do 让sb做sthlet go of 松手,放开let sb go 释放sblet alone 更不用说let sb down 使sb失望let out 泄露26 a letter of thanks/ introduction 感谢信/介绍信27 high/ low level 高/底水平pollution levels 污染水平28 lie in 在于tell (sb) a lie 向sb撒谎a white lie 善意的谎言29 in sbs life 在sb的一生中lead/ live/ have a life 过着的生活30 lift up 举起take the lift 乘


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