The Staircase《阶梯之间(2022)》第一季第七集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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1、拜托Come on.该死我忘了东西Fuck, Im forgetting things.泰隆搞什么.Tyrone? What the.阶梯之间第七集胡扯Its horseshit.我不会接受这个认罪协议Im not taking the goddamn plea.那.怎么So. what,2017年2月24日2017年2月24日达勒姆你想要重审吗you want a retrial? Hmm?不是我想要重审是我得这么做Its not what I want. Its what I need.我不会成认我杀了凯瑟琳I am not going to say I killed Kathleen.天

2、呐麦克尔Jesus, Michael.麦克尔想想钱的问题Michael, think of the money,还有这些年你为了辩护所耗费的光阴the years youll waste fighting for this.我不是白♥痴♥我知道这意味着什么I am not a moron. I know the implications.-我们要是按照这上面说-是我如果这么说-If we say these words- - If I say them你如果照这上面说就不用再坐牢了If you say them, no more prison.你想让我站在庭上成认Y

3、ou want me to get up and say我是我人生中最糟的那一夜的罪魁祸首Im responsible for the worst night of my life, 我要对凯瑟琳所受的痛苦负责吗that Im responsible for Kathleens suffering?-No. the nature of Kathleen Petersons death不再属于异常is no longer an anomaly.但那些尸检报告But all those autopsy reports.所有其他殴打案Every other beating case,都出现了颅骨骨折

4、they all had skull fractures.直到现在Until now.你说过有动机You said there was motive.官方说法是盗窃闹出人命Officially, robbery gone wrong.霍兰德警探认为两个男人互相认识But Detective Holland thinks the men knew each other.打搅了拉迪施医生你能来看样东西吗Sorry. Dr. Radisch, can I show you something?失陪一下Excuse me.丹尼斯韦恩罗罗Rowe?我们赶在前头Lets get ahead of it.是

5、丹尼斯罗吗It was Dennis Rowe?丹尼斯罗四夕罗Dennis Rowe. R-O-W-E.我的线人说他是个跛子My sources say he has a limp.跛子A limp?他说你曾跟他做过四五次Says you had sex with him four or five times.你在跟我开玩笑吗Oh, you*re shitting me.这是他声称的我的天啊-Thats what he*s claiming. - Oh my god!现在知道他总比之后才知道好Rather know now than later.他有没有说Did he indicate whe

6、re这段伟大的婚外情是在哪里发生的this great love affair took place?-喂-让-Hello? - Jean.我仍在达勒姆很抱歉我还不能走好的你记得丹尼斯罗吗我当然记得丹尼斯罗麦克尔当时非常不自在丹尼斯死了死了吗他头部遭到击打头骨没有骨折和凯瑟琳一样好的Wow. Okay.你觉得丹尼斯的事麦克尔是不是说谎了他俩是不是真上过床绝对是2001年12月5日凯瑟琳死前四天我要那些摆设I will take them.用这两张卡付And, uh, Fil split it on these two.没问题You got it.快过节了你兴奋吗So, uh, are you

7、excited for the holidays?本来很期待Well, I was,但我和男朋友分手了but my boyfriend and I broke up, 现在我伤心欲绝and now Im devastated.过节前分手吗Oh! Before the holidays?老天有些人就是奇葩God, some people are strange.节日可能会给人压力吧I guess it can be stressful.那他压力可太大了Well, apparently he was so stressed, 大到要去睡其他人he had to fuck other people.

8、一感情的事很复杂-请往上看-Its complicated. - Look up, please.我第一任丈夫弗雷德My first husband, Fred,他以前经常撒谎he used to lie all the time, 我对自己说“再也不要这样了”and I was like, Never again.”下不为例告诉我真♥相♥Never again. Give me the truth.不管是好是坏或是丑陋”The good, the bad, and the ugly. 结果你知道吗You know what?我自己脑补的故事The stories

9、I make up in my own head 比现实糟多了are far worse than reality.但你还是再婚了But youre married again?是的嫁给了一个极品Yup. To a real piece of work.他是我遇到过的Yeah. Hes the strangest, 最奇怪又最有趣的人most exciting person Ive ever met.听起来真棒That sounds great.但不可能有这种人-真是这样-And impossible. - Thats it.麦克尔一直都是两面人Its always two things wi

10、th Michael.-麦克尔这是他的名字吗对-Michael. Thats his name? - Yeah.除非他一直都在骗我Unless he*s pulling a long con.这块表要三百多块钱So this watch is $300 more?是的因为上面镶嵌了钻石Yes. The diamonds make it special.好吧Yeah.那我要这块廉价点的吧Okay, well, Im going to have to go with the cheaper one, 帮我用礼品纸包好and I would love it gift wrapped.好的Of cou

11、rse.开什么玩笑Oh, youre shitting me.你好Hello?MP最近怎么样M.P. What is up, man?抱歉你是谁Im sorry. Who is this?西蒙Simon.-你的经纪人西蒙啊-Your agent. - Oh, Simon.对Yes!查理徐Charlie Two Shoes/1主人公中文名查理徐被谐音称为two shoes-还记得那个老家伙吗-当然了是我写的-Remember that old horse? - Sure. I wrote it.是的Yeah, right.抱歉总之Sorry. Anyways,我刚通了 一个电♥话&

12、hearts;I just got off the phone收到了非常好的消息and I got some really good news.格蕾芬豪森德国帕蒂Hey, Patty.宝贝玛莎你到了Hello, Martha baby. Youve arrived.这一路都挺顺利的吧Oh, I trust you traveled well.飞机实在是太快了Airplanes are so fast.还是要谢谢你能让我借住Thank you again for having me.当然了Of course.等你安排好了Once youre settled in here,今天下午我们就去你看你

13、妈妈的房♥子we can head over to your mothers house this afternoon.好Okay.见到你实在是太好了It is so good to see you.进去梳洗一下吧Lets get you cleaned up.这房♥子以前充满了快乐也充满了痛苦但是我想只拥有其中之一是不可能的非常感谢你如此慷慨不客气我听说了这房♥子里发生的事情不用急慢慢看你点燃了火柴You lit this match.狗♥娘♥养♥的就是改不了出轨Son of a bitch cant sto

14、p cheating.现在就要燃烧起来了Now its gonna burn.是弗蕾妲布莱克吗Hi. Freda Black?我是伊芙琳艾文斯My names Evelyn Ivins.你有衣服需要干洗吗You got something that needs cleaning?我和我的伙伴My partners and L were,我们在为一部纪录片拍摄后续采访were filming follow-up interviews for a documentary 为了调查这些年的调研成果to, uh, investigate what weve learned over the years

15、.-好你介意把这个放进去吗-Sure. - Do you mind putting it in?接收器The, the wire.好了Thats it.问吧Fire away.非常感谢你能应约Thanks so much for coming here.我想了解一下你以前的雇主Ed like to know more about your past employer.亲爱的我有过好多雇主Honey, I*ve had several past employers.我说的是达勒姆地检Yeah, the Durham District Attorney.谢谢Thank you.我不会告密的Oh,

16、Im not one to kiss and tell.就算你沦落到在干洗店工作Even though youre the one working at a dry cleaner而吉姆哈丁都当上法官了and Jim Hardins a judge?我相信这起案件非常复杂Im sure the case was complicated,不过说到底but, you know, at the end of the day,所有证据都指向谋杀everything pointed to murder.凯瑟琳皮特森是在楼梯底部被杀害的Kathleen Peterson was killed at the

17、 bottom of that staircase.你考虑过其他可能性吗Did you ever consider the alternatives?老实说并不多Honestly, not much.我不会忽略事实真♥相♥I dont ignore facts.人会负债会有工作压力You had debt, work stress,空巢出轨empty nest, infidelity,识破谎言and the discovery of a lie.我希望谋杀是不可预测的I wish murder wasnt predictable,然而它就是but it is.那如果

18、确实是谋杀呢So. what if it was murder?好吧Okay.继续说Go on.麦克尔和男人睡了Michael sleeps with a man.丹尼斯Dennis.这么说你听说丹尼斯罗了So you heard about Dennis Rowe?这次采访的真正目的是什么What-what-whats this interview really about?我想深入了解一下fd like to know more about the relationship达勒姆地检between the Durham DA和州调查局关系如何and the State Bureau of

19、Investigation.州调查局州调查局是独♥立♥机构-SBI. - Well, the SBI is an independent agency, 根据现有的证据得出客观地结论arriving at objective conclusions based on the evidence in hand.二者没什么关系There is no relationship.据我调查事实并非如此Well, what I found suggests that isnt really whats going on.地检办公室The DAs office,他们为州调查局的所

20、有分&hearts淅♥师撰写年终绩效考核 they write the year-end performance reviews for all SBI analysts. 你想说什么What are you suggesting?当升职加薪的权力在检方手里时That its pretty hard to stay objective很难做到客观公正吧when your raise is being determined by the prosecution.不No.亲爱的达勒姆地检和州调查局并没有隐藏什么Honey, the Durham DA and the SBI aren

21、t hiding anything.这不是什么秘密Its no secret.这种安排或许有些问题I mean, it may be problematic,但并不违法but it*s not illegal.直到这种存在问题的关系促使州调查局Until the problematic relationship encourages SBI掩盖或者隐藏证据以满足地检的需求to shade evidence or hide it to suit the DAs needs.那好吧继续Okay. Alright, well, uh, go on.丹尼斯跟别人说他认识个有钱人Dennis tells

22、 someone he knows about a rich man住着大房♥子with a big house然后不小心and. accidentally让坏人萌生了想法puts an idea into a bad mans head.然后这个坏人去了雪松街1810号♥And that bad man goes to 1810 Cedar, 杀害了凯瑟琳ends up killing Kathleen.凯瑟琳和丹尼斯受的伤一样Kathleen and Dennis had the same injuries.可能是同一个人杀害了他们俩So the same ma

23、n could have killed them both. 所以你想说So what youre saying is罗跟泰隆拉库尔说了皮特森的事情Rowe tells Tyrone Lacour about Peterson.泰隆拉库尔Tyrone Lacour?抱歉他是谁Uh, Im sorry, whos this?是他杀害了罗Well, he, he killed Rowe.惯犯Career criminal.抱歉你的麦克风我不能Oh, Im sorry. Your mic. I cant.等等怎么了-Wait. - What?我一开始是辩护律师You know, I started

24、as a defense attorney.我的家人他们犯过法My family, they had run-ins with the law, 我就在想要是有机会and I thought when I get the chance, 我为什么不去帮助有需要的人呢 why not help those in need?但后来我遇到了需要帮助的人But then I met the needy.男人Men,大局部都是男人mostly men,对女人做出了丧尽天良之事的男人doing. horrible things to women.而我作为辩护律师And as a defense attor

25、ney, 我得尽我所能帮他们脱罪I had to do my best to get em off.但你知道吗要是遇到家暴男But you know what? When it came to the wife beaters, 我甚至不用那么努力I didnt even really have to try all that hard.打了女人再稍微这么勒她一下You know, hit a woman and give her a little.要是你不走运If youre unlucky, you get最多也就是坐三个月牢three months max in county.但偷别人的

26、车But steal a mans car?不这可是“真正的犯罪”No, now were talking real crime.假如拉库尔 他拖欠了房♥租Say Lacours, hes late on rent.抱歉Sorry.所以他去了皮特森家So he goes to Petersons去偷一些能卖♥♥的东西to steal some stuff that he could sell.他吓到了凯瑟琳He surprises Kathleen.然后事情一步步开展One thing leads to another, and, uh,你找到了一个y

27、ouve got yourself a crime scene值得拍成电影的犯罪现场worth making a movie about.没错是啊但我们-Exactly. - Yeah, but we, 我们没有发现任何闯入的迹象we didnt find any signs of an intruder.说不定是你们忽略了Maybe you missed the signs.不我们没忽略因为原本就没有No, we didnt, we didnt miss any cause there werent any.你听到我念的内容了吗Did you listen to what I read?我们

28、会说你没有做错任何事Were saying you didnt do anything wrong.前面是没有但到最后Not until the very end where I say我还是要成认我做了一切I did everything wrong.我不会成认自己有罪Im not going to say Im guilty.我不能成认I cant.我想防止一切I want to avoid anything会让你的自♥由♥受到威胁的情况that puts your freedom at risk.我想让你的孩子们不用再担忧I want your kids to

29、 stop worrying.他们会理解的他们他们会支持我They1! understand. They, theyll support me.麦克看看周围Mike, look around.只有我在这里支持你This is all the support you got.是我叫他们别来的I told them not to come!别来听他们的父亲为自己作伪证Not to bother hearing their father perjure himself!你有可能再次被判定有罪You could be found guilty. Again.是吗有什么证据Yeah, with what

30、 evidence?检方的所有证据不是不可被采纳就是被玷污了Everything the DA had is inadmissible or compromised.除了你说的谎麦克尔Except for your lies, Michael.你的人格Your character.这些还是会造成影响Those are still in play.你无法扭转那些谎言因为因为拉库尔Because, because Lacour,他认识皮特森he knew Peterson.就跟丹尼斯认识皮特森一样in the same way Dennis knew Peterson.麦克尔认识拉库尔吗Micha

31、el knew Lacour?是啊我们审讯罗的时候他交代了Oh yeah. When we questioned Rowe, he folded.他告诉我们皮特森Told us that Peterson was getting跟拉库尔也有一腿a piece of Lacour too.拉库尔根本不需要闯入Lacour didnt need to break in因为他之前就去过那里because he*d been there before.跟麦克尔一起With Michael.麦克尔跟他们都睡过吗Michael slept with both of them?麦克尔皮特森上过很多人Uh,

32、Michael Peterson fucked a lot of people.不过拉库尔这条线索很有用索菲But this Lacour thing, its good, Sophie.真的很有用Itfs real good.我会继续跟进Im going to follow up on this.我厌倦了帮助坏人I got worn out helping the wrong people,所以我决定转行so I decided to switch teams.我本可以在地检会大展身手I could make a difference in the DA*s office.大多数情况下这种感

33、觉很好And it felt good, mostly.但有时并非如此Sometimes it didnt.因为你没有公平公正Because you werent playing fair.生活本就不公Lifes not fair.法律也反映了这一点And the law reflects that.要是我觉得他们做了错事If I think someoners done something wrong,而我不尽我所能how am I going to live with myself去阻止他们再犯if I dont do everything in my power我怎么能心安理得地活着to

34、 stop em from doing it again, huh?弗蕾妲州里有三个人Freda, there are three men from around the state 因为州调查局的错误证据被处决who have been executed on faulty SBI evidence.他们因为没有犯过的罪被处死They were killed for crimes they didnt commit. 真的吗That true?我手头的这个案件Im working on a specific case.一个不应该坐牢的人Theres a man sitting in pris

35、on正在坐牢who shouldnt be there.我还要去熨餐巾I got an order of napkins I need to press.你愿意为州调查局和地检之间Will you testify to the quid pro quo nature存在的利益交换作证吗of the SBI/DA relationship?你知道去哪找我亲爱的You know where to find me, sweetie.我都不记得她了I cant really remember her.你妈妈是个天使Your mom was an angel.她很爰你们两个女儿She treasured

36、 you girls.我爸去世后她是什么状态What was she like after my dad died?丽兹过得一团糟Oh, Liz was a mess.她无法理解She couldnt understand为什么这种事情会发生在她身上why something like this would happen to her.在你们身上To you girls.她去世后你的情绪波动太大After she died, your emotions were so big.你总闹脾气You had tantrums.这让麦克尔很生气Thats what made Michael so ma

37、d.他控制不住你他讨厌这样He couldnt control you. He didnt like that.所以他做了坏事So he did bad things.你看见他打我了吗Did you see him hit me?没有No.我只看见了他打完你之后的样子I only saw what happened after he hit you.你手臂上和脸上的伤痕Bruises on your arms, your face.让人难以承受It was unbearable.你当时太小记不住这些 但玛格丽特You were too young to remember, but Margar

38、et.她可以告诉你She could tell you.她知道-不不是这样-She knows. - No. That*s not right.布莱尔阿姨也可以告诉你Aunt Blair could tell you麦克尔把你从一个家赶到另一个家how horrible Michael was bouncing you有多么可怕from home to home.麦克尔和帕蒂一直要把你们送人Michael and Patty kept giving you away to people.把我们送人Giving us away?有一对德国夫妇There was a German couple w

39、ho wanted想收养你和玛格丽特to adopt you and Margaret.但他们没有成功It didnt work out with them,所以你们去了得州so you went to Texas.后来是孟菲斯 再后来是布莱尔阿姨家Then Memphis. Then Aunt Blair.等等你在说什么Wait, what are you talking about?后来麦克尔想留下玛格丽特Then Michael wanted to keep Margaret把你送人and give you away.你父母都已经去世了Your mama and papa were al

40、ready gone.你能想象再把你和姐姐分开吗Could you imagine taking your sister from you?我当时怎么了What was so wrong with me?玛莎Oh, Martha.你只是表现得像一个You were simply acting失去了爸爸like a child who had lost her father后来又失去妈妈的孩子and then her dear mother.经受了两次打击 让你变成了难对付的孩子Lightning struck twice, and it just made you a nightmare.就是

41、这样Thats all.-我当时才三岁-你总、闹脾气-1 was three. - You had fits and tantrums.你会伤害自己你总全身是伤You hurt yourself. You were bruised all the time. 我们无法平息你内心的混乱We, we could not assuage your inner turmoil.麦克尔和我都爰你Michael and I loved you, 但我们的爱似乎不够 but it seemed we could not love you enough. 所以你也想把我送人吗So you tried to g

42、ive me away?天啊帕蒂Jesus, Patty.我尽我所能好好生活I live my life trying my best 我也相信and also believing每个人都在尽他所能生活that everyone else is trying their best.这就是人们所能做的一切And that is all people can do.这就是我们对他人的期望Thats all we can expect from them. 我把这一理念推及到所有的孩子身上I extend this philosophy to all my children.甚至包括麦克尔And e

43、ven to Michael.我觉得失望时我知道这只是因为我相信When I feel disappointed, I know its simply my belief 一个从未真正存在的现实in a reality that never truly existed.你觉得失望吗玛莎Are you disappointed, Martha?我只是在想I just wonder如果这一切都没有发生的话if all of this hadnt happened.我会是怎样的人who would I be?如果事情不是这样If things had been different, 你也会不一样yo

44、u would be different.无论如何For what its worth.我很爰你真正的样子I really love who you are.而且我很期待能认识你将成为的那个玛莎And I look forward to knowing the Martha you will become.你看起来真美You look beautiful.美丽的女人值得听到好消息Beautiful women deserve good news.什么好消息We do?西蒙打来了电♥话♥Simon called.西蒙是谁我的经纪人-Simon? - My agent.

45、对Right.还记得查理,徐吗Remember Charlie Two Shoes”?记得我爱那本书Oh yeah, I loved that book.那本书刚被一个制片人买♥♥走版权Well, that book just got optioned by some producer他想要把书改编成电影who wants to turn it into a movie.大制♥作♥ 真的吗-Big one. - Really?真的麦克尔-Yeah. - Michael.你不是只为了让我感觉好受点Youre not just telling

46、 me something I want to hear才说我想听的消息吧to make me feel better, are you?检查我的电♥话♥Check my phone.西蒙打来了版权已经确定卖♥♥出了Simon called. The options guaranteed.我不知道接下来会发生什么What happens then, I have no idea,但看起来很有希望but it seems promising.多少钱一万美元-How much? - $10,000.好吧Okay.明天我们来庆祝Well, tomorrow well celebrate,吃一顿豪华的晚饭have a fun dinner.我会去买♥♥凯特琳111 go and buy that watch for Caitlin很想要的那块表that she really wants.她的品味非常好She*s got such good taste,就像她母亲just like her mother.糟了Oh shit.我们得点上蜡烛然后离开We gotta light the candles and leav


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