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《Home《家园(2020)》第一季第七集完整中英文对照剧本.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Home《家园(2020)》第一季第七集完整中英文对照剧本.docx(18页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、社会非常希望我们所有人发挥全部潜力成为最高效的生产机器Society really wants us all to become the maximum productive units we can be.为了到达这个目标他们要求我们And to do that, they want us to really focus专注一件事并做到神乎其技的地步on getting really, really, really good at that one thing.但我认为这样会把人变成井底之蛙看不到缤纷的大千世界But I think it limits your experience of

2、all that the world has to offer.我是一名律师兼作家Im a lawyer and a writer.我靠写小说谋生And I make stuff up for a living.我喜欢写科幻小说I gravitated toward writing science fiction因为我不必成为专家便可以重新创作整个世界because you can reinvent the entire world without being a specialist.所以我想建一座房♥子And so, I wanted to build a house它要能令

3、人们有看到奇迹的感觉that could actively generate the sense of wonder并在我们这个反乌托邦中努力创造一些乐土and to try to make some amount of utopia from the dystopia we find.这是一件很容易相信的事Its sort of an easy thing to believe.但却不是一件容易实现的事but its not an easy thing to undertake.(得克萨斯州奥斯汀)我认为家始于我们居住的土地To me, home starts with the land o

4、n which we live,包括我们与地球上with the environment that we share全部其他生物共享的环境with all of the other living creatures on this earth.我觉得此时我们有机会And I think that we have an opportunity,(房♥主、律师兼科幻小说作家克里斯布朗)去重新调整我们与自然的关系at this juncture, to retune our relationship with nature.放眼美国与全世界Throughout the whole Un

5、ited States and the world,她知道我们的社区中存在这种知识who understood that this knowledge existed in our community, 如何真正重现得克萨斯州原生景观of how to really bring back the Texas native landscape.阿古斯蒂娜把这些设计概念拿给我看时When Agustina came to me and presented these design concepts,我看着她说:“你想把草原种在房♥顶上I looked at her and said,

6、Youre trying to put a prairie on a roof.她说:“是吗? ”我说:“当然”And she said, Are we? And I said, Absolutely.我说:我想我们可以帮你实现”And I said, I think we can help you out.她喜欢这种与众不同She loves the uncanny.她喜欢打破普通的生活方式She loves hacking the normal ways of living.倒茶Pour the tea.喝茶吗?Tea?喝Yep!(阿古斯蒂娜父母的家)你们觉得姨丈和阿姨来了之后他们会怎么想

7、?What do you guys think t 挪 o and t 挪 a are gonna think when they come? 他们会爱上那房♥子是吗?Theyre gonna love the house. -You think so?-是你打算让他们住哪?-Yes. -Where you gonna put em?要让他们住多功能房♥间吗?Are you gonna put them in the multipurpose room?一把沙发翻开就一直开着?-Open the couch and- -And leave it open?-为了他们

8、一直开着-真好-Leave it open for them. -Thatll be nice.-要牛奶吗?-要-Leche? -Yeah.我对家的概念最初形成于阿根廷My idea of home was first formed in Argentina.我妈妈来自巴塔哥尼亚爸爸来自门多萨My moms from the Patagonia, my dads from Mendoza.我们之前住在布宜诺斯艾利斯We lived in Buenos Aires,我们在一栋很高大的公♥寓♥楼高层有一套公♥寓♥where we had an

9、 apartment on the upper level of a big high-rise.对这是你记忆中的第一座房♥子?Yes, this is the first house you remember?我印象最深刻的是The things that stand out the most to me are the connection连接起居室、主要生活空间和户外阳台的局部between our living room and our main living space and the outdoor patio.我们院子里有几个小型地上游泳池We had little

10、 aboveground pools that we would fill up on our courtyard.我们在游泳池里度过的时光非常快乐Times we spent at the pool. It was so much fun.在高楼林立的城市里这是我们的小小庇护所In this urban jungle, it was our little sanctuary.阿古斯蒂娜总是很开心在学校里有很多朋友Agustina was always happy, had lots of friends from school.我们举办过生日派对We had birthday parties

11、, get-together parties.(阿古斯蒂娜之母弗吉尼娅罗德里格斯)联欢聚会,我们很喜欢社交Very socially active.这是你当然了This is you, of course.后来我丈夫被一家石油公♥司♥雇佣了But then, my husband, he got a position with an oil company,我们搬到了休斯敦and we moved to Houston.我们刚搬到休斯敦时我很想念阿根廷I missed Argentina when we first came to Houston.我记得因为语言不通

12、我感到了巨大的文化差异I remember feeling culture shock for not speaking the language记得那种不知道周围发生了什么的感觉and the feeling of not understanding whats going on.我记得看着当时搬去的居民区And I remember looking at the neighborhood where we moved心想:这里的一切都好丑”and I was like, “Everythings ugly.我迫不及待地想搬走所以我17岁时就搬去了奥斯汀I couldnt wait to g

13、et out of there. So I left and moved to Austin when I was 17.后来我决定当一名建筑师And then I decided to become an architect.我上学时不知道建筑师将会面对什么样的挑战I dont know that I knew, going into school, what I was in for.我感觉和我一起读研究生的很多同学I felt like a lot of the people that I was going to graduate school with 都有强得多的教育背景had a

14、 much better education.我发现我总是要克服觉得自己做得不够好的想法I found myself constantly having to overcome impostor syndrome 才能完成课程或是读完一个学期just to get through my classes or to get through a semester.但同时在学术环境里But at the same time, in an academic setting,他们不会教学生如何用感觉去设计its like you*re not taught how to design with feel

15、ing或是为了独特的体验去设计or for a unique experience, necessarily.在这里生活很不同寻常Living it is very different.住在这座房♥子里对我的设计方式绝对产生了影响Living in this house has definitely impacted the way I design.把一个能成为人们热议话题的东西The idea of taking what was gonna be a big icebreaker point 放在这个陡崖的边缘out over the edge of the bluff h

16、ere做成一个不含氯的游泳池and making a chlorine-free swimming pool,这都是阿古斯蒂娜的主意that all came from Agustina.这将是一个混凝土平台This was actually going to be a concrete deck,就像一根混凝土菲勒斯插入树林中just, like, a concrete phallus sticking out into the woods.似乎有些气势汹汹、极度男性化And it seemed a little bit aggressive and hypermasculine.水这种元素

17、在传统上可以用来作为一种媒介Waters an element that traditionally you can use as a medium 让很多东西丧失物质形态to sort of dematerialize things.我认为那正是这里缺少的And I think that was the missing piece.关键是要抓住家的感觉It was very much trying to capture that feeling of home.我要重新制♥造♥这种感觉这段院子中的记忆How do I re-create this feeling,

18、 this memory of that courtyard space我们享受游泳池的时光where we would enjoy poolside time.现在家中几代人And the whole family throughout all the generations都会聚集到这里来烧烤just gather here now for barbecues,我们有了新版本的游泳池and we kind of have our new version of the pool.在我的事业初期我与自然的互动远不及现在这么多When I was starting out my career,

19、I got a lot less involved with nature.我和我的家人在爰荷华州There wasnt much more economic opportunity赚钱的机会不多for me or for my family in Iowa.我找了很久终于找到了奥斯汀Through a long process, I ended up finding Austin.这里是个大学城可以过大城市生活And it was like, Heres a college town where you can make a big-city living. 我很喜欢Sign me up.于

20、是开始了普通的成年人生活Kind of started having a pretty conventional adult life.但我的工作太忙了But I was totally consumed by work.现代生活甚至可以把最乐观的人变成愤世嫉俗者Experiences of modern life can turn even the most upbeat person into a cynic. 我没有意识到身边正发生什么I didnt realize what was going on around me.我只有一半的时间来做一名单亲老爸And I ended up as

21、 a half-time single dad.我走向世界努力成为一个强大的人You step out into the world to try to be a figure of strength,一个别人可以依靠的人a figure on which others can rely.但我感觉一切即将崩塌But I felt like everything was gonna collapse.我在市中心租了 一套公♥寓♥And I found myself renting in a downtown apartment,每天准备营养均衡的三餐做午餐便当prep

22、aring square meals, and getting lunch packed,催促孩子做作业and making sure homework is done.但我认为这段生活让我严于律己这是之前不曾有过的But I think that grounded me much more than I maybe had been before.为人父母对我来说是最重要的事Theres no more important role to me than being a parent.我意识到我们从事的各种伟大事业I realized all the grand undertakings w

23、e take on以及我们的工作环境and the work environment in which we exist, 它们在感情上的意义、重要性和强烈程度theyre emotionally a lot less meaningful, a lot less significant, a lot less intense 远不及那种简单、原始的你可能让孩子失望了than just the simple, primal feeling that you might be letting your kid down你必须帮孩子渡过难关”的感觉and that you got to get e

24、m through it.这迫使我更加关注雨果感兴趣的东西It forced me to pay more attention to the things that interested Hugo.我们开始在身边的环境寻找合适的地方And we started looking for places right in the immediate environment around us, 想在离市区不太远的地方找sort of within the fabric of the city and going out and just trying to explore.我们会翻过水坝后面的篱笆W

25、e would jump the fences behind some dam去看看那里有什么人居住and find out what was living back in there.我记得和他一起找到一个很大的鹿头骨旁边堆满了啤酒瓶And I remember finding some big deer skull with him, buried in beer bottles. 探索很有趣Just having fun.那是我第一次见到这条天然河的遗迹Thats when I first saw this remnant of wild river here,距离奥斯汀市中心大约十分钟

26、like ten minutes from downtown Austin.我想:我们应该看看河的下游有什么And I was like, uWe should go see whats up down there.看起来很棒That looks kind of cool.于是我们借来一条小船发现了这个惊人的小湖And so we borrowed a canoe and found this astonishing lagoon.里面的乌龟像网球拍那么大With these turtles the size of tennis rackets.这让我突然明白And it was just a

27、 revelation.像这样的环境The very fact that something like that could even have been allowed to exist, 竟然可以存在于极度城市化的地方even in the most extreme urban environment.我们都被它的美惊呆了We were both blown away by how beautiful it was.和我的儿子雨果一起更是因为我的儿子雨果Together with my son, Hugo, really because of my son, Hugo,我发现了与自然相处的

28、时光I rediscovered the extent to which spending time in nature.是我快乐的核心局部was a really essential part of my happiness.我想这也许是一种召唤And so it was like, Well, okay, maybe this is a calling to figure out告诉我要为我和儿子打造一个两个人的城♥堡♥how to build a kind of fortress of solitude for two, for him and me.”但是生

29、活充满了有趣的意外But life is full of interesting surprises.2008年经济萧条期间During the recession in 2008,(公共装置艺术 阿古斯蒂娜)我拿到了建筑学硕士学位I graduated with a master of architecture,但我做的市场工作更多but I was doing more marketing,因为当时工作机会匮乏cause there was really a lack of work at the time.我遇到了柏希陈So I came across Bercy Chen成了边缘地带之

30、屋市场团队的一员and ended up on the Edgeland House marketing team.(柏希陈工作室)但我加入的时候房♥子的概念已经基本确定了But by the time I came along, the concept was pretty much developed.绝对和我之前见过的房&h e a r ts;子不同And it was definitely unlike anything Id ever seen.看起来就像一个不可能造出来的研究生毕业设计It kind of looked like a graduate school p

31、roject that just wasnt meant to happen.太奇特了You know? It was just so far-out.我心想:“这个客户是谁?”I was like, Whos the client for this?*,他会去现场勘查So, he would basically explore the site当时甚至连废弃的石油管道还没有挖出来before they even excavated the retired oil pipeline.他会向设计团队发电邮内容经过深思熟虑几乎像论文And he would send the team these

32、really thoughtful e-mails that were almost essays 谈他在现场观察到的、遇到的东西about his observations on the site and things that he had come across.它点燃了我心中的火花And it did spark something in me.这些群发的电邮变成了只有我和他的电邮往来And these group e-mails turned into just him and I exchanging e-mails.那些电邮开启了一次对话That sort of started

33、a conversation,“这个地方为何如此令人感兴趣? ”“What is it about this place thats so interesting?那次对话又开启了新的话题我们开始讨论入口And then that started a conversation about portals, as it were, 即如何进入这个空间由此又引发了更深层次的对话through which we each entered this space that then led to; kind of, deeper things.那是我第一次看见那东西你是在河边找到的吗?Thats the

34、 first time Ive seen that. Did you find that down by the river?对是某种白垩纪化石Yeah, thats some sort of. one of these Cretaceous fossils.我们有很多共同之处我们开始互相吸引We had a lot in common, and we started to really like each other.(2013年克里斯和阿古斯蒂娜的婚礼)我去树林里隐居You go off to hide in the woods心想自己会成为街道尽头的怪老头thinking youre g

35、onna be the weird old guy at the end of the street却找到了真爱and find true love.真是意想不到Go figure.-这颗浣熊的牙是-对-This raccoon molar is. -Yeah.这座房♥子成了 一种不可思议的合作And so the house became this kind of incredible collaboration.既是夫妻间、父子间的合作更是一个现代家庭的合作As a couple, as a father and a son, as a modern family.我们都为对

36、方提供了一个视角I think we each provide a point of view for the other person这种视角在没有对方的情况下是不会存在的that we wouldnt have without the other person.嗨-嗨怎么样?-Hey. -Hey, whats going on?找到什么了吗?-快好了-What are you finding? -Almost done.只有几棵小杂草I mean, there*s just little minor weeds.阿古斯蒂娜是将这座房♥子Agustina is the key所

37、具备的各种元素组合在一起的关键to the way all of the elements of this home are synthesized.它是有生命的我们是有生命的Ifs a living thing, and were living beings.它是我们作为一对夫妻的倒影具有深刻的意义Its a reflection of us as a couple in a really profound way.我想种那种紫色的草I want to get that purple grass.这一棵?看到了吗?This one here? See that?那棵颜色很好看是Thats g

38、ot a nice color. -Yeah.也许我们可以把它挪到更靠前的地方去Maybe we can kind of carry it closer to the front.但只要一点点照料它就能长得很好But just a little bit of attention would go a long way.这项工程让我意识到This project awakened me to the potential在任何城市环境中这种自然环境的修复都是有可能的for this kind of restoration in the urban environment in any city.这

39、周末是第一次上门拉票很有意思This weekend was the first block walk, and it was fun.确实很有意思Ifs actually a lot of fun.我去不了我星期六很忙I couldnt make it. I was tied up on Saturday.我注册了第一次投票是吗?-I did register my first voter. -You did?有个无家可归的人我喜欢-This homeless dude. -I love that.我们星期六开会吗?So, were gonna have this meeting Satur

40、day?他们想把那些树砍掉They want to cut all those trees down.在三角区吗?On the Triangle?我们无能为力And theres not much we can do.不一定我感觉有些方法能让他们与我们合作I dont know. I feel like there are ways to get them to work with us.克里斯最近才搬来这一居民区Chris, hes one of the few people that I know在我认识的人当中这样的人不多that is relatively new to the nei

41、ghborhood他对我们之前做的事心存感激who has an appreciation for what we have done.(奥斯汀环形区)环形区和边缘地带之屋都属于复原地带Circle Acres and Edgeland House are both brownfield restoration sites都位于东奥斯汀距离科罗拉多河几百米in East Austin within a few hundred feet of the Colorado River.环形区之前主要用作大奥斯汀地区的垃圾场Circle Acres was used primarily for the

42、 refuse of larger Austin.一段时期内这里堆积了各种不同的材料All sorts of different materials built up over a time,有些材料是非常有害的and some of those materials were highly toxic.你现在要测试水质吗?You gonna do some water testing now?环形区的社区决定What the community at Circle Acres has decided to do恢复这一地区的生态环境is to essentially heal that lan

43、d.有些巨大的残骸散落在这里When you see giant debris它们来自我居住的城市被撤除的区域from a demolished phase of the city in which you live lying there,就像美丽的废墟theyre like beautiful ruins,它们同时也向我展示that also show you in their context there无论土地遭受多么严重的工业污染都可以恢复如初that you can recover from the worst kinds of industrial misuses of the l

44、and. 我不要爬进去I am not crawling in there.-我一定要爬进去-不可能-Im totally going in there. -No way.你小时候没做过这种事吗?You never did that stuff when you were a kid?做过爬吧-Yeah. -Crawl up.但人总是会长大的But dont you grow up eventually?那不一定为什么?为什么要长大?你可以爬回去I dont know. Why? Why bother? You can go back in.就像老年城市探索俱乐部Be like the ger

45、iatric urban exploration club.看来你的适应力更强Seems like youre more resilient.还记得吗?我本想在这里安装的Remember when I wanted to do that installation here?我第一次尝试公共艺术就是在这座桥下My first attempt at public art was underneath this bridge.一是吗? 是-Really? -Yeah.有乌龟Turtles.在哪?Where?如果我们有意邀请其他物种What if we invited other species来与我

46、们共享栖息地会如何?to share our habitat with us on purpose?土地已经不再被视为是家园、空间land is no longer looked at as a home, as a space.(地球资源保护组织总监苏珊娜阿曼扎)土地被视为一种投资一种地&hearts产♥投资Its looked at as an investment; a real estate investment.但地球是个有机生命体But the earth is a living organism.当人们不断地将土地铺成公路So when youre constant

47、ly paving over everything,地球该如何呼吸?它该如何运作?how does that earth breathe, how does it function?后果不容乐观The consequences are not good.这里的人们已经与自然和谐共存了几千年Populations had lived here for thousands of years in harmony with nature.(地球资源保护组织协调人丹尼尔亚内斯)而不是将其占有Not on top of it.克里斯的房♥子设立了一个模板Chriss house is setting the template.重点不是他建了什么而是他的建造方法His approach, it*s not like what he built but how he went about doing it.房♥子没有建在土地上He didnt sit on top of the earth.而是依偎在大地的怀抱中Hes nestled in it.房♥子真正的魔力是它与周围的景观完美融合The real magic of the house is that its so integrated with the lands


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