The Staircase《阶梯之间(2022)》第一季第五集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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1、6♥4♥0 号♥你可以出来了Alright, 6♥4♥0, you*re out.快动作快点Come on. Lets go.快点Lets go!2004年4月快走Walk.判决的六个月后6♥4♥0 号♥Pod 6♥4♥0.快走Move.就这些吗Is that it?嗯我想是的Uh, yes, I think so.-是还是你觉得-是的-Yes, or you think so? - Uh, yes.你的余额是345.Your balance is 345

2、-不用了谢谢Oh, its all right. Thank you.你怎么可以这么对我 你坑了我How could you do that to me? You just fucked me! 混♥蛋♥Motherfucker!我要杀了你PH kill you!我要杀了你PH fucking kill you!皮特森 6♥4♥0 号♥Peterson 6♥4♥0.只在周二开放上午11点到中午12点玛哈制片法国巴黎莫伯日街42号♥你知道他为什么收拾你吧You know why he

3、jacked you up, right?而且你到底What the fuck are you doing去新奥尔良干什么down there in New Orleans anyway?新奥尔良尔迪格拉音乐狂欢节在该节日上女孩通过露出胸部换取串珠-贪图狂欢节的串珠项链吗-太过分了别这样-Trying to get the most beads? - Gross. No.爸爸你听我说Look, Dad, I really,我真心觉得自己不对劲I really feel like theres something wrong with me.我一向都觉得困难Ive, Ive always had

4、 issues.朋友都觉得我有学习障碍My, my friends think that I have a learning disability-殉道者玛吉Margie the Martyr.那只不过是用医学术语表达“懒惰”Thats just medical jargon for lazy,我倒是很同意你一向懒惰which I agree youve always been.你为什么那么恶毒Why are you being so awful?我要打给妈妈一打呗 Im going to call Mom. I dont. - Go right ahead.我和凯瑟琳意见一致Kathleen

5、 and I are on the same page.你猜怎么着And guess what?我们不会负担你Were not paying for回家过感恩节的机票费用your plane ticket home for Thanksgiving.爸爸别说了Dad, stop.我们得开始省钱We need to start saving money为校方取消奖学金做好准备for when they drop your financial aid.你在开玩笑吗Are you kidding me?我恨他I hate him.他这次又做了什么What did he do this time?我不

6、能回家过感恩节了Im not going home for Thanksgiving.他不肯帮我买♥♥机票Hes not getting me my plane ticket.不是吧Shit.他是像平时生气那样Was he, like; normal dad angry还是像那次春假那样生气or was it like spring break angry?我不知道我不知道他I dont know. I dont know. He was.有问题something.你不回家的话Well, if yourre not going,我就留在旧金山Im staying i

7、n San Francisco.比尔比尔我们要耐心一点Bill, Bill, we need to be patient.上诉法♥院♥已经受理了几个月了The appellate court has had it for months now.关键在于你前面排了多少上诉的案件Look, its, its all about how many appeals were filed ahead of yours.你觉得有没有可能Do you think that theres any chance我们可以口头申诉加快进程that we could expedite wi

8、th an oral argument?我们的案子是辩方有利你自己也说过Our case is strong. You said so yourself.别着急很快就会有转机了Just sit tight. This is going to be in the rearview in no time.我得进去陪孩子们了I need to get back to the kids.好吧孩子们怎么样Okay. How are they doing?他们六十岁的父亲You know, their 60-year-old father刚刚被一个瘾君子狠揍了一顿was just brutally ass

9、aulted by a meth head然后被单独监禁了一周and thrown into solitary confinement for a week.你觉得他们现在能怎么样How do you think theyre doing?我在能力范围之内Im doing everything竭尽全力去帮他们比尔in my power to help him, Bill.而我要变卖♥♥掉这个人曾经拥有的一切And Im selling everything the man owned才能一直雇你to keep writing you checks.所以你在学西班牙语

10、吗So you learning Spanish?没有其实根本没必要学No. No, you dont really need to.卡布算得上是度假胜地I mean, Cabos mostly resort town.有很多美国人Lot of Americans.所以分时度假才会这么火爆Thats why the timeshare business is booming.给Here.妹子啊The girls, man.你应该过来玩一玩You know, you should come down sometime.好玩的地方内特都门清Nate knows all the good spots

11、.贝基应该不会同意我去的Yeah, I dont see Becky letting me do that.“同意”是什么意思What do you mean letting you do that?带她一起就行了Just bring her.过来Get over here.邮票带了吗-五十美分的对吧-Got the stamps? - Fifty, right?楼梯杀手Yo, Staircase.有啥好货Whats good?你好很高兴见到你Hi. Nice to meet you.天哪Jesus!他没病吧He alright?他担忧因为他是白人你会不接受他Hes worried you w

12、ont be cool because hes white.真的吗我的肤色让你紧张That true? My skin make you nervous?什么不What? No.一会让你紧张吗不当然不会-Does it make you nervous? - No, of course not.看你这个模样就知道你在说谎I can tell by the way you said that youre lying.我不喜欢骗子我没有我只是-1 dont like liars. - Im not. Im just, uh.我不知道这里什么规矩I, I dont know how things w

13、ork.我们拿白人的钱也没问题Hey, we aint got a problem taking a white guys money.除非你是兄弟会的Unless youre in the Brotherhood.你不是纳粹吧楼梯杀手Youre not a Nazi, huh, Staircase?不当然不是No, of course not.阿尔戈尔美国政♥治♥家曾于1993至2001年担任副总统尽管属民♥主♥党 但他立场较偏向中间派比方支持反堕胎和禁止枪♥械♥买♥♥卖 &hea

14、rts;♥我给戈尔投过票I voted for Gore.给戈尔投过票Voted for Gore.好了没事了Alright, man, we all set.每周一来碰个头包你没事Hit me up every Monday, you stay set.不用再担忧那个瘾君子了You aint got to worry about that crackhead no more.好了Alright, man.你健身吗You lift?亲爱的索菲Dear Sophie,尽管我对神灵有所疑虑despite my doubts about a higher power,我双手合十祈祷my

15、 hands are clasped in prayer for you希望纪录片能够尽早发布to get the documentary out sooner rather than later.我的上诉已经安排在三个月内裁决My appeal is set to be decided on in less than three months. 我一直觉得纪录片是最好的方法I always felt the documentary was the best way让人们看到我这个角度的故事for people to hear my side of the story.我觉得自己必须问那个早该

16、问的问题了I feel I must ask a question that is long overdue.你为什么还在给我写信Why on earth are you still writing to me?你是个正直黄金时期聪明又有成就的女性Youre a smart, accomplished woman in the prime of her life 听起来很像臭鼬佩佩who sounds surprisingly like Pepe Le Pew.而我是个已被定罪的犯人And Im a convicted criminal等待着那群穿着黑袍子的混♥蛋♥

17、waiting for some assholes in black robes成认错误 还我自♥由♥to admit mistakes were made and free me.凯瑟琳的甲状腺软骨骨折说明The fractured cartilage in Kathleens thyroid indicates 可能存在企图勒死凯瑟琳的行为a strangulation attempt is. merely possible.我是说非常非常有可能I would say it was highly, highly likely有人试图勒死她an attempt a

18、t strangulation was made.但是你能站在But can you say that合理医学可能性的角度上with a reasonable degree给出这种结论吗of medical certainty?是的我可以Yes. Yes, I can.我要回家了伊迪丝在等我呢软骨骨折你怎么看可能是那次跌入泳池或从楼梯上摔下来弄骨折的可能是可能不是这正是我们的观点我们无从而知感觉感觉如果我见到麦克尔如果我能跟他相处一小时我就能解释通了我看未必晚安明天见我当然想她了Of course, I miss her.我怀念每天早上都能看到她的脸庞I miss seeing her fac

19、e every morning.我怀念她能被我的笑话逗笑I miss her laughing at my jokes,即便不那么好笑even when they werent funny.我能做些什么呢What can I do about it, you know?她去世了还有这场庭审Her being gone and this trial,我什么都改变不了I cant change any of it.我很担忧你Im worried about you.很多的自私和自负都会随着年龄的增大而消失A great deal of selfishness and ego goes away w

20、ith age. 这是我们无法阻止的You cant help it, you know.你眼看着自己变得又老又胖又蠢You watch yourself get old and fat and stupid.你就会担忧别的事情And so you worry about other things.其他的人Other people.你女的人Those you love.就是你们Like you guys.凯瑟琳卡萝尔-Kathleen. - Carol.你好啊Hi. Hi!难以置信I canrt believe this.我昨晚还说起你了I was just talking about you

21、 last night.我在告诉朋友I was telling my friends 你让我自 ♥由 ♥ 了 how you set me free.好吧Okay.见到你真开心Oh man, it is good to see you.我也是你看起来很精神You too. You look good.确实Yeah, I am good.-你现在在哪工作-鲍曼和吉拉德-Where are you working now? - Bowman and Girard. 市区的一个中型公♥司♥Its a mid-sized firm downtow

22、n.薪酬还好吗Moneys good?不太好Not great.是以前赚的一半多点吧About little more than half of what I was making.但没关系But its fine.工作时间人性化The hours are completely humane.当我退一步You know, when I took a step back回头看过去时away from it all,我发现自己在北电网络真是状态太差了I can see I was really, really struggling at Nortel.但以前很有趣是吧But it used to

23、be fun, right?虽然是工作I mean. it was work,但我们干得很好but we were doing pretty well.对Yeah.然后就改变了Then it changed.现在我能看到孩子了Now, I can actually see my kids.我们还安排了地中海度假村的旅行Weve even got a Club Med trip planned.特克斯和凯科斯群岛Turks and Caicos.你能信吗那太好了卡萝尔-Can you believe it? - Oh, thats great, Carol.真的.太好了Thats. its re

24、ally great.嗨Hi.这是传家宝Hi. Um, this is a family heirloom.抱歉 这个不卖♥♥Im sorry, its not for sale.抱歉Im sorry.拉里你应该先打个电♥话♥的拉里 Larry. You should have called, Larry.我们会让你先进来We would have let you in first.没事Oh, thats okay.不想麻烦你们Didn*t want to be a bother.但这个不是有两个吗But werent there two

25、?.两个什么鹿-Two what? - Deer.说真的我完全不知道To be honest, I have no idea.这大家伙收多少钱Well, how much you want for this bad boy?怎么能收你钱呢胡说-Oh no, no, no, no. - Nonsense.麦克尔现在需要钱Michael needs the money.那就算一百吧Lets call it. A hundred.谢谢Thank you.要是需要我我就在隔壁Remember, Tm right next door if you need me.走吧Oh, come on.现在我退休了

26、Im retired now.有的是时间Got nothing but time.为了让我安心So, for my peace of mind,我需要有人专门负责I need someone dedicated每周给我的监狱杂货店的账户存钱to making the commissary deposits every week.支付食物Its, its all my food,写作材料邮票writing materials, stamps.所有东西我可以接手-Its, its everything. -1 can take over.没事我来就行NO/ Ive got it.过去六个月都是我&

27、hearts;干♥的 不是大事Ive done it the past six months. Its fine.但你要去墨西哥我在美国更容易些Yeah. But youre in Mexico, and Im in the states. Its easier. 你知道墨西哥也有银行吧You know they have banks in Mexico.我是想让你休息一下Im just trying to give you a break.就说是托德吧Lets just say its Todd, okay.托德负责你负责狗Its Todd. You get the dogs.

28、我讨厌那些狗I hate those fucking dogs.比尔觉得资产能卖♥♥个好价钱You know, Bilfs expecting a good haul from the estate sale. 那房♥子呢有人感兴趣吗And the house? Any interest?我们不那么乐观Were less optimistic there.这是什么意思Whats that supposed to mean?应该卖♥♥不了我们要的那个价格It, it*s looking like its going to go

29、 for less than asking.那是多少一百万吗What, like a million?大概是75万70万More like. seven-fifty. Seven.70万开玩笑吗Seven? Are you kidding me?这房♥子有六个厕所为什么Itrs got six fucking bathrooms! Why?因为房♥子里发生的事Because of what happened in there.不知道No.他等一间单人牢房♥等了五年He was waiting on a single cell for five year

30、s. 马上就轮到他了但他们把单人间给了你 Was next on the list, and they gave it to you 因为你是名人because youre famous.铃响了Bell.到关门的时间了Lock-in time!回见楼梯杀手See you around, Staircase.关门Close her.马赛尔普鲁斯特追忆似水年华第一部亲爰的麦克尔Dear Michael, 一个老朋友上周来访 an old friend visited last week 非常想去看卢浮宫dying to see the Louvre.走在卢浮宫中时让我想到Walking throu

31、gh the museum reminded me 在等待上诉的期间that you don*t have the luxury of relaxing 你无法享受一丝放松while you wait for your appeal.我们的期限很赶Our deadline is tight.请相信我们在尽快制♥作♥Trust that we are working as fast as we can 把你的故事公诸于世to get your story in front of the world 并最终让你得到应有的审判and finally get you the

32、 trial you so deserve. 在此期间你说过监狱图书馆的藏书In the meantime, you said the prison library 不怎么有趣所以我出去后就破产了So Im going to be broke when I get out of here.老兄Yo, man,我不必来这里I dont have to fucking be here!好了好了Okay, okay.完全不用I fucking dont.- 这里太可怕了 克莱This is horrible. - Clay.真的我都不知道自己怎么撑下来的It is. I donft know how

33、 I survived-你只进来了四年You only did four years.- 我知道而且你确实有罪1 know. - And you were guilty.抱歉Sorry.抱歉我只是Sorry. Tm just.对于失去房♥子感到不开心Im just upset about losing the house.告诉我你害怕吗在一栋可能有凶手的房♥子里当然害怕而且像恐怖电影的房♥子那么多房♥间沉浸在黑暗中地板吱吱作响到处都是阴影和秘密不不是这种我想要一些更简单更精炼的好吗我知道这是个敏感的话题但我们能谈谈之前说过的预映吗没到时候

34、我们还需解答一些问题让大♥师♥把作品完成吧首映式是一个半月以后我觉得最好等到加配乐的最终版本很接近了对吧我们不能让索菲继续参加了她有偏见从剪辑能看出来这关系重大我同意她的所有剪辑她之前从来不这样事有蹊跷我们不能在完成前一个月炒了她 没道理她必须得离开刚才的很棒 但再柔和些 悲伤些像葬礼的哀乐好吗谢谢有何不可这只是给她更多与罪犯厮混的机会别误会我要是有她那样的丈夫也会这样这样呢还要更慢吗 还是可以Okay. Slower still, yes?听着我考虑过了我理解你的担忧如果你希望我就停止写信给他这是个好的开始我不是为了你才这么做的也不是为了让我是为了这部剧才这么做的

35、如果你说的是真的而且我们都同意这部片子的质量非常好那我相信我们可以重新讨论软骨那幕天啊我来这里是出于善意结果她说得对你为什么要提那件事你认真的吗 为什么等等你们问我的意见我给了 她剪辑我执导你制片你不该干预艺术决策有什么意见吗Thoughts?建议吗Notes?请再演奏一次One more time, please.亲爱的麦克尔Dear Michael,我非常享受我们的通信Ive so enjoyed our correspondence.或许太享受了Perhaps too much.因此我需要拉开距离Because of that, I need distance,我将暂时不再写信给你and

36、 I will be taking a break from writing you.我希望你能理解I hope you understand.为了让你保持忙碌我会寄给你另一本书To keep you occupied, Im sending along another book, 因为你一直坚持撒谎since youre sticking to your lie你读完普鲁斯特了that you finished Proust.这是我小时候最喜欢的书It was my favorite as a young girl.但我已经好多年没有读了But I havent read it in yea

37、rs.我希望你可以读这本书然后告诉我Im hoping you can read it and then tell me它是不是如我记忆中一样好if its as good as I remember.我害怕我的回忆已经扭曲了I fear my memory has distorted我对它的感想my perception of it.我希望你能告诉我是我错了Hopefully, you can tell me Im wrong.爰你的索菲Fondly, Sophie.亲爱的索菲我很遗憾得知Dear Sophie, Im sad to know你暂时无法写信给我you cant write m

38、e for a time.但我能理解But I understand.我知道人生有时非常复杂I know how complicated life can be.不过我觉得我必须回信I felt I had to respond感谢你送给我这本书to thank you for the book, though.它也是我小时候最喜欢的书之一It was also one of my favorites when I was young.在这磨难期间我也常觉得自己像爱丽丝Ive often felt like Alice during this whole ordeal.好似我穿越了那面镜子Li

39、ke Ive gone through the looking glass.而监狱的一切都像是地狱And prison is every bit the hell its made out to be.比战争还糟Worse than war.老天战争有时还挺有趣的Hell, war was even fun sometimes.不过这里充满了有趣的人But its full of interesting people他们可以幽默温柔忠诚who can be funny, gentle, loyal.很难与我知道他们做过的事联♥系♥在一起Its hard to squ

40、are up with what I know theyfve done.清点人数各位先生Head count, gentlemen.快点各位先生Lets go, gentlemen.总有一天这会成为一本好小说Ifll make for a good novel one day.我感到自己开始才思泉涌I can feel my imagination turning on这都归功于你thanks to you.爱丽丝梦游仙境其实我最近常常想到巴黎Ive actually been thinking a lot about Paris lately.闭上眼睛然后想象Closing my eyes

41、 and imagining凯瑟琳和我从前经常去的四街小咖啡厅this little cafe Kathleen and I used to frequent in the 4th.红皇后你知道这家咖啡厅吗La Reine Rouge. Do you know it?等我赢了上诉我只希望When I win my appeal; I would like nothing more能跟你一起去那里than to go there with you.我们可以坐下喝一杯酒让旁人看着We could sit, have a glass of wine, and people watch.我觉得你也会喜

42、欢这样的I feel like youd enjoy that too.你的记录片主角希望有一天也会是你的朋友Your documentary subject and hopefully one day, friend,索菲布吕内麦克尔皮特森Michael Peterson.他们到了吗还没暴风雨前的片刻宁静还有这个来自你的笔友谢谢Oh, merci.不看不看你能从合理医学可能性的角度上Can you say that with reasonable degree给出这种结论吗of medical certainty?是的我可以Yes. Yes, I can.好Okay.就是这样Et voila

43、.不继续播放为什么这段这样就行了鲁道夫盘问的重点是拉迪施医生的发现不适用于其他谋杀案医学可能性并非不证自明可是她没有眨眼我们剪到这里那就是这部的精华德尼说得对你怎么了你还好吗没事我之前反对加入这幕但如果要用我就会剪到这里但如果我们要加入这幕这样就够了对但这幕暗示我们电影制♥作♥人认为他有罪在叙事上我们可能在剧情中途就泄漏结局再播一次跟克莱顿的那幕克莱顿Clayton?我们希望观众沉浸式体会美国的司法体系优点和缺点对吧这个想法很好但这集先前的版本更好所以我们保持不变不要软骨那幕保存跟克莱顿的那幕可是等等不到此为止 我们不要再讨论这个了我已经决定了保存跟克莱顿的那幕就是

44、这样你真是个自我中心的混♥蛋♥-德尼不不我为这部剧赌上了我的名声让他们把这部剧从两小时延长到八小时花我自己的钱来继续拍摄我从来没要求你做这件事我对资助人夸下海口我们没方法兑现承诺了我费尽心血制♥作♥这部剧我会为自己的片子献上生命你能够接受各种采访享受掌声但在这期间我却待在阴影中做那些脏活就像是可悲的卡西莫多你当时甚至不想拍摄这个案子是我努力争取的你说完了没还没你不尊重我我们原本可以制&hearts作♥一部特别的作品一部创造历史的作品删掉软骨保存克莱顿是吗对外面太热干不了这些Its too hot outside for th

45、at shit.你们今晚真是棒极了进来吧You girls were really something tonight. Come on in.停不下来不愿停下Oh, cant stop, wont stop.好吧Okay.进来我们给你们看看♥房♥♥子 Come on in. Well show you the place.我喜欢我喜欢I like it. I like it.223 平♥米♥2,400 square feet.刚建Brand new construction.有一个你能浸没全身的浴缸A tub you co

46、uld drown in.还有天地良心And fuck me.那个泳池the pool.简直就是艺术品Its a goddamn work of art.姑娘们You ladies.你们跟泳池很配噢yeah, youd look pretty good next to it.当你来到卡布When you come to Cabo.没人知道你是谁no one knows who you are.你可以随心所欲You can do anything you want.棒极了Itrs fantastic.我家人常年来这里度假Well, my familys been vacationing here for years, 所以大家都认识我们so everybody knows us.所以你们才需要这个房♥子Well, thats exactly why you need this place.我告诉你们我可以周一And I-fm telling you, we could have you就让这公♥寓♥属卜你们in this condo by Monday.轻轻松松Oh, easily.钥匙给你完工Keys in hand. Done, yours.太疯


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