The Staircase《阶梯之间(2022)》第一季第四集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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1、好了索菲 我们到法♥院♥了14年前庭审就在这里举♥行♥这次是为了更好的原因来这里没错确实是更好的原因你第一次来这里吧是的但我在电视上看过这里我们用英语做访谈吧好的Okay.我知道你此前一直不愿意在镜头面前I know youve been reluctant to speak on camera about 谈起你与麦克尔的关系your relationship with Michael until now.德勒姆县法♥院♥所以谢谢你这次同意接受采访So thank you.2017年2月24日没事Of cou

2、rse.你们在一起多久了How long have you been together?12年了12 years.就在庭审后在一起的Right after the trial ended.你们是怎么认识的How did you meet?这个嘛Well.我我们能先聊别的话题吗C-Can we start with something else?好吧那我们先聊聊今天的事吧Okay, lets start with today.你觉得今天是否证明了Do you think today is proof司法体系是有效的that the justice system works?I just want

3、 to put these binders up here. 拉迪施女士 是拉迪施医生Ms. Radisch. - Dr. Radisch.抱歉拉迪施医生Forgive me, Dr. Radisch.我希望你能告诉我I want you to tell me这些是不是北卡罗来纳州1991至2003年间if, um, these appear to be a collection of all the autopsies involving所有头部钝器伤致死的验尸报告blunt force trauma to the head in North Carolina from 1991 to 20

4、03.反对Objection.反对无效Overruled.她想要怎么回应都可以She may respond however shed like.这些我不能给出准确的答案I dont think I can give you an accurate answer to that. 今天不行好吧-Not today. - Alright.我们至少回顾了整个北卡罗来纳州前十年内Alright. Well, we went back at least a decade and pulled所有殴打致死的案件卷宗the case files for every beating death in the

5、 state of North Carolina.准确的说是257例Two hundred fifty-seven, to be precise,然后发现在每起案子里and found that in every case,无论凶器是空心的whether the object was hollow还是实心的or hard或轻或重or thin or heavy,每一次every single time,殴打都会导致头骨骨折the beating resulted in either a skull fracture或者大面&hearts积♥脑损伤or massive injury

6、 to the brain.在很多案例中这两种情况都存在In many cases, it was both.你知道这点吗Are you aware of this?不我说过了No. Because like I said,我没有机会去回顾这些I havent had a chance to review these-好吧我们就只假设我总结得没错Alright. Well, lets, lets just assume for right now that its true这也确实是真的which it is.凯瑟琳皮特森并没有头骨骨折 对吧Kathleen Peterson didnt ha

7、ve any skull fracture, did she?是的但是她有多处She didnt, but she did have a multitude.-医生面部损伤以及软骨骨折-Doctor - of facial injuries and broken cartilage.你回答是或否就好医生These- These are yes-or-no questions, Doctor.有头骨骨折吗Was there skull fracturing?没有No, there wasnt.她身上也没有任何骨折She also didnt have any broken bones.-没有-头

8、部没有任何挫伤-No. - Or contusions on the brain.对没有No, she did not.水肿呢有吗Or edema, did she?没有No.鉴于我们在之前的案例中Given that some combination of these甚至是每起案件都有这些共同特性was found in literally every one of these cases.是否有可能你为了得出结论is it possible in order to reach the conclusion凯瑟琳皮特森的死因that Kathleen Petersons death was.

9、是他杀a homicide.是地检让你这么说that you were coached by the DA?反对Objection.撤回Withdrawn.没有其他问题了法官阁下 Nothing further, Your Honor. 你可以离庭了You may be dismissed.我跟你说过我第一次听古典音乐的事吗Did I ever tell you about the first time I heard classical music? 我跟我父母当时开车回家My parents and I were, uh, were driving back 刚参加完少年棒球联盟赛from

10、 a Little League game and, um.我有点沮丧I was upset about something. 我猜那场一定是输掉了I guess we must have lost.然后And, uh.我们当时正在听武装部队电台we were listening to, uh, to Armed Forces Radio, 在我爸家附近which was, you know, it was the only, 就只能收听到这一个电台only station we could get growing up near Dads base.我们开到家门口的时候And as we w

11、ere pulling up to the house, 一栋温馨的小屋子a sweet little place, 播到了这首曲子this came on.马♥勒♥第五交响曲 Mahlers Fifth.第一乐章First Movement.我爸爸去关电台 我抓住他的手My dad went to turn it off, and I grabbed his hand. 我说“不别关”I said, stop. No.那是我听过最美妙的音乐It was the most fabulous thing Id ever heard.我爸根本没听进去Now, Dad d

12、idnft listen.他直接关掉广播进屋去了He just flipped it off, went inside.他一刻不喝酒都不行He never liked to be too far from his bourbon.但我亲爰的母亲But my dear mother,她又把广播翻开she turned the radio back on,她留在车里陪着我and she stayed in the car with me.我们一起听And we listened.这有乐曲And the music.冲击着我washed over me.我被其感情淹没Just. it overwhe

13、lmed me.我当时And I was.入迷了hooked.包含着如此多的情绪Just so much emotion,如此多的情节 如此多的真♥相♥so much drama, so much truth.无需一言一词All without saying a single word.大卫不让我说我就只能都对你说了David wont let me talk, so I take it out on you.我不知道你要怎么把我的碎碎念I dont know how youre gonna get all my 都塞进一部电影里rambling into one

14、film.实际上我们的剪辑师建议我们做得更长Our editor is suggesting we make it longer, actually. 电视纪录剧集大概六到八集的样子TV series. Maybe six or eight episodes.是吗Really?就是这里This is the part.本案的各项证据表示The facts of the case suggest truth 事实确实比小说更为离奇is indeed stranger than fiction.第二名女性伊丽莎白拉特利夫A second woman, Elizabeth Ratliff, 玛莎和玛

15、格丽特拉特利夫的生母 mother to Martha and Margaret Ratliff, 二十年前在德国被发现was found dead at the bottom of the stairs伊丽莎白拉特利夫1942年11月3日生1985年11月25日卒死在了楼梯底部20 years ago in Germany.其棺材将离开埋葬地得克萨斯The coffin will leave its Texan home开始一段1200英里的旅程and begin a 1,200-mile journey 穿越美国中部去到北卡罗来纳州across middle America to Nort

16、h Carolina, 将由法医黛博拉L拉辿施where an autopsy will be performed 在那里进行尸检by medical examiner Deborah L. Radisch.你相信客观事实吗Do you believe in objectivity?不信No.接近客观事实的唯一途径The only way to get close to objectivity 就是认识到我们的主观性有多强is by recognizing how subjective we are.我们根据自己的过往经历来看待世界We see the world based on our p

17、ast experiences.而且我认为接近客观事实的唯一途径And I think the only way to get close to objectivity 就是认识到它并不存在is to realize it doesnt exist.不乐观啊麦克Doesnt look good, Mike.两人都死在了楼梯底部Both at the bottom of the stairs,都有七处撕裂伤both have seven lacerations.皮特森Peterson.拉特利夫Ratliff.看上去完全不同They look nothing alike.他们还说卢页内没有问题An

18、d theyre saying that the brain was clean.没有动脉瘤的迹象No signs of an aneurysm.是什么见了鬼的情况下In what fucking universe他们能把负责凯瑟琳的人can they assign the same person又指派来负责丽兹的尸检that did Kathleens autopsy to do Liz*s?这其中有利益冲突啊Its a conflict of interest.你怎么没有阻止这事Why didnt you stop this?你对她攻击太强了大卫You went too hard at h

19、er, Dave.拉迪施吗Radisch?真是抱歉啊Oh, Im sorry,难道我还该对她留一手吗was I supposed to take it easy on her?这意味着什么What does this mean?说实情别绕弯子别废话Like, really mean? Like, no spin, no bullshit.哈丁会就此做些什么What, what can Hardin do with this?他们会找来更多证人Theyre going to call more witnesses.当年德国那些在现场的人People from Germany who were t

20、here,还记得的人-记得什么-who remember it. - Remember what?那是二十五年前了什么都没发生It was 25 years ago, and nothing happened.德国人说她头部有动脉瘤The Germans said there was an aneurysm.现场甚至都没什么血迹You know, there wasnt even any blood.还是有血迹的麦克尔Well, there was some blood, Michael.所以我们的策略是什么So, whatrs the strategy?我们继续呼吁大家以常识判断We kee

21、p appealing to common sense.这是个奇怪的巧合仅此而已This is a strange coincidence, nothing more.没有什么所谓的楼梯杀手There is no such thing as a staircase killer每二十年行动一次who emerges every 20 years把他的受害者扔下楼梯to hurl his victims down the steps.好了Okay.-凯特琳你会成为最好的舞者-我会尽力的-Caitlin, are you going to be the best dancer. - Im gonn

22、a try. 我们需要帮手Yeah. We need help.我在拍下来Im getting this.看我的好-Til show you. - Okay.One, two.我总是不-1 always- - No!再来一遍再试试再试试Well try again, well try again, well try again.你在做什么呢What are you doing here?地检的整个案子都围绕着Well, so the DAs whole case revolves证明爸爸用火钗打了妈妈around proving that Dad beat Mom.打了凯瑟琳展开uh, Kat

23、hleen, with the blow poke.所以我在翻看所有的录像So what Im doing is Im looking through all these videos证明火钗已经消失一段时间了to prove that its been missing for a while.那是这样吗And has it?大局部时候是似乎都不在那里Mostly. It doesnrt seem to be there.你做这件事和第二起尸检的发现有关吗Is this project related to the second autopsy finding?这Its.这是我的错我本可以拒绝

24、的its my fault; you know, I could have said no.是吧Right?凯特琳嗨Caitlin. Hi!你好圣诞快乐-Hello. - Merry Christmas.你们就只能吃这个了Thats all youre getting.看起来很好吃It looks delicious.好了All right.圣诞快乐Merry Christmas.2001年11月凯瑟琳死亡三周前你是忘记去取我的外套了吗You didnt remember to pick up my suit, did you?我要参加市政厅的辩论I have that town hall d

25、ebate.在老兵协会Its at the VA.在你衣柜里In your closet.管道工会来修理The plumber is coming to fix the pipes但我们得想方法解决蝙蝠的问题but we need to do something about the bats不然还会再发生or else itll happen again.会的我们会的We will. We will.你脖子怎么样了 好多了-Hows the neck? - Oh, much better.不过还是痛Except when it hurts.在英国♥军♥队的帮助下.a

26、s he continues to make gains in Afghanistan他继续在阿富汗取得进展with the help of British forces.布♥什♥继续向全世界保证Bush continues to assure the world这场战争是针对恐♥怖&hearts注♥义♥that this war is a war on terrorism.不是阿富汗本身.not on Afghanistan itself.“基地”组织是罪魁祸首Al Qaeda is to blame.我感觉你在生我的气I

27、 feel like youre mad at me.我有点烦没错因为你迟到了Im upset, yeah, because you were late.抱歉我在学习Well, Im sorry. I was, um, studying.是你又迟到了你总是迟到I mean late again. Youre always late. So.好吧我刚说了抱歉Alright. Well, I just said I was sorry, so.你总是很抱歉 但似乎总是不改变Well youre always sorry, but nothing ever seems to change.好吧Oka

28、y.怎么回事你这是哪来的气Whats going on here? Where is this coming from?不是所有人都能得到第二次机会克莱顿Not everyone gets a second chance in life, Clayton.好吧Oh, okay.但你得到了 一行吧-But you did. - Yeah. Okay.而你似乎一心想要搞砸这次机会And you seem determined to screw it right up.我已经服过刑了好吗Look, I did my time, alright?我根本不在乎春假那件事克莱顿I dont give a

29、shit about spring break, Clayton!天啊Jesus.我是对7月的事情很冒火Im still pissed about what happened in July.-懂吗-不是吧-Okay? - Wait. For real?就是没错Yeah, for real!那可是件大事It was a big deal.你似乎真的一点都不了解And you really dont seem to understand that.如果贝基都原谅我了If Becky is completely over it,-你为什么还耿耿于怀-我觉得她没有-why do you get to

30、 hold some kind of a grudge about it? - I don*t think she.-简直是狗屁-行了行了-Thats total bullshit! - Okay. Alright.这很难说Its hard to say.正义是什么What is justice?我从第一天就开始说Ive said from day one只有一种可能that it can only be one thing. 目击证人的证词我是ABC11新闻频道的索妮娅菲弗This is Sonya Pfeiffer for ABC 11 News.诉讼索妮娅菲弗这是一段漫长而曲折的旅程It

31、s been a long and winding journey, 但我们终于迎来了这天 but were here.麦克尔皮特森案庭审的第一天Day one of the Michael Peterson trial.一年多A year and a- 庭审不过是双方比赛A trials simply two sides谁讲的故事更好competing to tell a better story.我们将向你们说明Were gonna contend to you 在经过与其妻子激烈的争论后 that after a vicious argument with his wife, 麦克尔皮特

32、森残忍♥地杀害了凯瑟琳 Michael Peterson murdered Kathleen in cold blood, 不断地击打她的头部 beating her in the head.用这个with this.那么这个And where is this神龙见首不见尾的凶器在哪呢 elusive murder weapon?他们找不到因为它根本不存在They cant find it because it doesnt exist.事实就是 凯瑟琳喝了点红酒你知道不你说得我好像-You know what? - Youre treating me like Im,当我是熊孩

33、子like Im some kind of a fucking child.你没错Youre right.你是个完全负责又成熟的成年人Youre a totally responsible, fully formed adult.所以行吧So. yeah,就让我们就安静听电台lets just listen to the radio in silence等着我把你载到学校去while I drive you to school.凯瑟琳你在那指手画脚You know what, Kathleen, you go around acting like好像你是什么道德圣人youre so moral

34、ly superior to everyone.但你从来没有成认过你开始操♥我♥爸的时候Youve never copped to the fact that you started fucking my dad他和我妈还是夫妻when he was still married to my mom.什么What, I.谁告诉你的Who told you that?我们都知道We all know.我们只是没当着你的面说We just dont rub your face in it.你太虚伪了Youre a fucking hypocrite.你注意点自己的脾气克莱

35、顿You mind your temper, Clayton.北卡罗来纳州的法医North Carolinas medical examiner发布了关于伊丽莎白拉特利夫的最新信息has released new information on Elizabeth Ratliff.而在令人震惊的事件转折中And in a shocking turn of events,尸检揭露了第二起阶梯谋杀案the autopsy reveals a second staircase murder. 检方今早宣布The prosecution announced this morning 他们会传唤一位来自德

36、国的关键证人 theyll be flying in a key witness from Germany, 艾格妮丝沙斐尔Agnes Schafer, 德勒姆县法♥院♥ 她是拉特利夫的亲生女儿nanny to Martha and Margaret, 玛莎和玛格丽特的保姆Ratliffs biological daughters.我一如往常在早上七点半到达那里I got there at 7:30 in the morning like always. 而我看到的第一件事就是And it was the first thing I saw, 丽兹躺在那里像个玩偶L

37、iz just lying there like a doll.现场有血吗Was there blood?有到处都是Oh yes. Everywhere.地板墙壁阶梯The floor. The walls. The stairs.到处都是血Blood everywhere.你之后干了什么What did you do next?我首先担忧Well, my first concern玛莎宝贝和小玛格was for Martha-Baby and Little Gee-Gee.我非常爰这两个小女孩I loved these little girls so much.我我上楼去看她们I. I we

38、nt upstairs and got them.然后呢我确定她们没事-And then what? -1 made sure they were okay. 然后我去厕所呕吐And then I went to the toilet and vomited. 放轻松Ease up.然后呢And after that?我去找隔壁的麦克尔I went and got Michael next door.他进门观察四周He came in, took a look around, 然后说丽兹有脑动脉瘤 and said that Liz had a brain aneurysm 她一定是因此才从阶

39、梯摔下来的 and that she must have fallen down the stairs from that. 当时有任何具医学权威的人到达现场And had anyone with any medical authority arrived 可以证实他的猜想吗who could verify this guess of his?没有差不多是麦克尔宣布的No. Michael sort of proclaimed it.然后这个猜想被证实了And. and then it was true.我就是从那时起有一种感觉Thats when I started getting a fe

40、eling.什么样的感觉What sort of feeling?麦克尔做了可怕的事That Michael had done something horrible.反对无证臆测Objection. Speculation.反对成立Sustained.沙费尔女士Ms. Schafer,在你对德国警方的口供中in your statement to German police, 你从未提过血迹或呕吐you never mentioned the blood or the vomit 或任何对麦克尔皮特森or any suspicions at all 不利的怀疑为什么 against Micha

41、el Peterson. Why is that? 我不太懂你的意思Im not sure I understand.既然你当时没有提到任何问题Well, if you didnrt mention anything at the time 也没有照片能证实你的说法and there are no photographs to corroborate, 我只是很好奇 你怎么能确定Im just wondering how you could be sure这些事真的发生了any of this happened at all.这很简单Well, thats easy.我看到关于凯瑟琳的报道时W

42、hen I saw the reports about Kathleen,丽兹的死开始在我脑中重新闪回Lizs death started coming back to me in flashbacks. 好的抱歉Right, and- Im sorry.你的脑中一直有闪回吗You*ve been having flashbacks?是的Yes.它们像短片一样浮现非常鲜明They come in short scenes, theyre very vivid.确认一下你把这些Just to be clear, you-yourre referring脑中的画面称为闪回to these ment

43、al images as. flashbacks而不是确切的回忆and not actual memories.是的Yes.那起事件之后Isnt it also true你依然受雇于麦克尔皮特森that you remained employed长达一年时间by Michael Peterson for the period of a year 对吧following the event?如果你认为他是凶手Isnt that a questionable thing to do这么做不是很奇怪吗if you thought he was a murderer?但我就是因此才这么做的But th

44、ats why I did it.我希望能照看她们I wanted to keep an eye on them.迈克尔对儿子非常严厉Michael was very strict with the boys.好吧我们说回正题-我正在说啊-Alright, well, lets stay on topic. -1 am.我留下是因为我不希望两个女孩有相同遭遇I stayed because I didn*t want the same for the girls.一反对法官阁下我失败了-Objection, Your Honor. -1 failed.我应该保护好你的玛莎宝贝I should

45、have protected you, Martha-Baby.我应该保护好你不让他伤害你I should have protected you from him.法官阁下请求删除Your Honor, move to strike.去车上Get to the car.皮特森先生你在德国殴打小女儿了吗Mr. Peterson, did you beat your baby daughter in Germany?皮特森先生回答一个问题就好告诉我们Mr. Peterson, just one question. Tell us.玛莎-老天玛莎-Martha! - Jesus Christ, Ma

46、rtha.玛莎Martha.你还好吗Hey. Are you okay?-拜托你在干嘛玛莎玛莎-Come on! What the fuck, Martha! - Martha.玛莎玛莎别闹了托德Martha. Martha, knock it off. Todd!我在试了好吗Im trying, okay.开门该死的Open the door, dammit.-艾格妮丝在说什么-开门-What was Agnes talking about? - Open up!她本来要说什么What was she going to say?我怎么会知道How do I know?她是个一团糟的女人想要成

47、名的十五分钟Shes a broken woman who wants her 15 minutes. 她跟我说了事实她说她爰我们She told me the truth. She said that she loved us.看在老天的份上现在不是说这个的时候For Christs sake. Now is not the time.玛莎Martha!直接回答下列问题拜托Just answer the question. Please.我跟你说了她满嘴胡话Im telling you, shes full of crap.那为什么我有这种感受Then why do I feel like this?麦克尔Michael!


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