The Staircase《阶梯之间(2022)》第一季第八集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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1、2017年2月24日2017年2月24日奥尔福德认罪日你想聊些什么麦克尔What is it you wanted to talk about, Michael?棒球Baseball.棒球吗Baseball?不用担忧时间Dont worry about the time.我们到底为什么要坐在这 麦克尔Why are we really sitting here, Michael?阶梯之间第八集剧终我想说的就是这些Thats all I got to say.让我们是朋友吧Jean, were friends, right?拜托不要告诉索菲Please dont say anything to

2、Sophie.让她看就行了Just let her see it.没问题Of course.来吧我扶着你Come on. I got you.我扶着你I got you.你们冷吗玩得开心吗Oh, are you cold? Did you have fun?我能把浮袖摘下来吗Can I take my floaties off?可以我们把你的浮袖摘下来吧Yes, we can take your floaties off.2011年12月9日2011年12月9日重审听证会前夜好了Okay!各位欢迎收看快乐与健康和一些犯罪现场照片 and some crime scene photos. 那就是

3、我的潘多拉魔盒It was my Pandoras box.我姐姐去世的种种邪恶画面All the evils of my sisters death跃入眼帘leaped into my eyes.我姐姐挨打的恐怖场景被展示出来The horrors of my sister*s beating were shown. 因为你And because of you, 我姐姐已离开这世界 my sister has been gone 十年之久 from this world for ten years. 十年前的今天她遇害了 Ten years ago today; she was murder

4、ed.她身上有35处割伤淤伤伤口挫伤Her 35 cuts, bruises, wounds, contusions.没错她被扼住了脖子Yes, she was strangled.她后脑勺遭受的七次致命打击And the seven death blows to the back of her head, 导致她慢慢失血身亡 causing her to bleed slowly to death.我姐妹已经入土了 16年My sister has lied in her grave for 16 years.十年Ten years我和洛莉已经失去亲姐姐十年了Lori and I have

5、been without our sister 她的女儿已经失去她十年了 and ten years her daughter hasnt had her. 她供养你You took the life并抚养你的孩子of the one that provided for you.你却夺走她的生命 and guided your children. 她生前深爱着你们She loved you guys.她深爰着你She loved you.凯瑟琳是你拥有过最美好的事物Kathleen was the best thing you ever had.对麦克尔皮特森的指控正确无误Michael Pe

6、terson was correctly charged,今天他对罪行供认不讳and he is pleading guilty today.”艾尔福德认罪”失去了意义The words Alford plea, theyre meaningless.什么艾尔福德这个词毫无意义就是有罪Alford schmal-ford. Means nothing. Guilt.清白之人绝不会服罪An innocent man doesnt plead guilty.只有有罪的人才会A guilty one does.所以我今天才想请求赫德森法官And thats why Im asking you, Ju

7、dge Hudson, today立即驳回本次重审听证会to immediately dismiss this retrial hearing.拜托了Please.拜托了Please.不要给这个凶手自♥由♥的机会Do not give this killer a chance at freedom.谢谢法官阁下Thank you, Your Honor.你的发言非常打动人 赞佩里尼太太Your words are very moving, Mrs. Zamperini.本庭并未遗忘你的姐姐Your sisters memory is not lost on this

8、 court.说吧说吧Come on. Come on.按自♥由♥裁量权The court, in its discretion,本庭将拒绝驳回本次听证会的请求will deny the motion to dismiss the hearing.本庭已准备好进行重审听证The court is ready to proceed with the hearing for a retrial. 法官阁下我想传唤伊芙琳艾文斯出庭Your Honor, I would like to call Evelyn Ivins to the stand.我特别关注了格雷格泰勒I

9、was specifically focused on Greg Taylor, 他被错误地定了罪who was wrongfully convicted, 然后我顺着查到了杜安迪弗 which led me to Duane Deaver然后查到了北卡罗来纳州调查局的内部操作and the inner workings of the North Carolina SBI.你都调查到了什么What did you learn?数年来州调查局一直都存在违反宪法的行为For years, the SBI has been engaging in unconstitutional behavior,

10、 向辩方隐瞒无罪证据hiding exculpatory evidence from the defense以确保检方能给他们定罪in order to ensure convictions for the state.谢谢你艾文斯女士Thank you, Ms. Ivins.我们为什么要相信你呢And why should we trust you?先生我写过超过200份血迹报告Well, sir, Fve written over 200 bloodstain reports看过500处犯罪现场and overseen 500 scenes.法官阁下没有别的问题了No further qu

11、estions, Your Honor.你是否有机会检查Have you had a chance to review检方与杜安迪弗这20年职业生涯来all documents provided by the State相关联的全部报告related to Agent Duane Deavers 20-year career?我检查了I did.超过十万页Well over 100,000 pages.你全部都看过了And you reviewed all of that?很不幸是的Unfortunately.好吧好吧Yeah. Alright. Alright.一共有多少起案件How man

12、y cases were there in total由杜安迪弗观察过血迹in which Agent Deaver just observed bloodstains,无论是在现场在州调查局实验室either at the scene, at the SBI laboratory,或是看照片or by looking at photos?只有54例Only 54.在这些案件有一共有多少例In how many of those cases did Agent Deaver provide由杜安迪弗给出了血迹分♥析♥意见a bloodstain pattern an

13、alysis opinion?36例并不是200例Thirty-six. Not 200.不是200例Not 200.在皮特森的案子发生之前How many cases were there in which Agent Deaver迪弗探员真正检测或实验的案子有多少actually performed tests or experiments before the Peterson case?三例只有三例Three. Only three.古雷特先生如果一个人声称Mr. Guerette, if someone claims that theyrve worked在20年的职业生涯里处理过数

14、百起案件on hundreds of cases over a 20-year career但事实上but actually only worked处理的案子不超过五例这叫什么on less than five, what would you call that?撒谎-反对法官阁下-Lying. - Objection, Your Honor.-这是谎言-反对成立-That is a lie. - Sustained.没有其他问题了法官阁下No more questions, Your Honor.正如赞佩里尼太太之前提到的As Mrs. Zamperini mentioned earlier

15、,今天是凯瑟琳去世十周年的日子today marks the ten-year anniversary of Kathleens death. 十年前Ten years ago,麦克尔和凯瑟琳皮特森Michael and Kathleen Peterson晚上享受了一部电影enjoyed a night in with a movie from Blockbusters,美国甜心“Americas Sweethearts.等她处理完工作电♥话♥之后After she finished with a work call,他们决定去泳池边they decided to

16、go out by the pool品尝美酒with a bottle of wine.他们聊到了孩子们They talked about the kids圣诞节and Christmas.他们在期待着未来They were looking towards the future.然后她道了晚安Then she said good night.麦克尔继续留在泳池边Michael stayed out by the pool.等他之后再进来的时候And when he came back in later,他发现自己的妻子he found his wife.他的此生挚爰the love of hi

17、s life,从楼梯上摔下来奄奄一息barely breathing at the bottom of the steps from a fall.一起悲惨的意外A tragic accident.但是很大程度上因为杜安迪弗But in large part because of Duane Deaver,地检让陪审团相信了这是一起谋杀案the DA convinced the jury that this was murder.现在我们知道迪弗一直以来What we know now is that Deaver had a habit都习惯于出具有误导性的报告of preparing mi

18、sleading reports并且在宣誓之后给出具有误导性的证词and presenting misleading testimony under oath.我们并未要求能有完美的审判We never asked for a perfect trial.但起码应该是公平公正的but we at least deserved a fair one.因此这一次我希望法庭Im therefore going to ask the court at this time重新审判麦克尔皮特森to grant Michael Peterson a new trial并且能够以公正的方式呈现证据at whi

19、ch the evidence can be presented in a fair and unbiased way. 这样Then.让12人的陪审团let a jury of 12, uh.作出决定sort it out.谢谢法官阁下Thank you, Your Honor.好了Alright.请被告起立Would the defendant please rise?先生你是否理解Do you understand, sir,你现在有权不认罪让陪审团审判that you do have the right to plead not guilty and have a jury trial

20、?理解皮特森先生-Yes. - Mr. Peterson,你将接受北卡罗来纳州奥尔福德认罪协议youre pleading guilty pursuant to North Carolina versus成认蓄意谋杀Alford case of voluntary manslaughter.你是否明白-明白-Do you understand, sir? - Yes.皮特森先生是否能证明了杜安迪弗误导法庭Has Mr. Peterson proven that Duane Deaver misled this court? 该问题的答案为是The answer to that question

21、 is yes.皮特森先生是否已经证明杜安迪弗误导Has Mr. Peterson proven that Duane Deaver misled陪审团相信其论点的效力the jury on the validity of his argument?该问题的答案为The answer to that question is.是yes.迪弗误导他人的证词Was Deavers misleading testimony是否对皮特森先生的判决critical and material很关键亦很重要to the conviction of Mr. Peterson?该问题的答案为The answer

22、to that question is.是yes.好了Alright.你是否明白当你接受奥尔福德认罪Do you understand that when you enter a plea of Alford, 本庭出于量刑目的the court will treat you as though youre guilty会将你视为有罪for the purpose of sentencing?理解先生Yes, sir.那么皮特森先生So, Mr. Peterson,针对凯瑟琳皮特森死亡一案的to the charge of voluntary manslaughter蓄意谋杀指控in the

23、death of Kathleen Peterson,你如何辩护how do you plead?有罪Guilty.我认罪I plead guilty.本庭裁定被告The court finds that the defendant将在检方认为合适的时间will receive a new trial接受新的庭审at a time that the State deems fit.本庭将立即开始释放The court will begin the process皮特森先生的程序of releasing Mr. Peterson immediately.本庭裁定皮特森先生The court fi

24、nds that Mr. Peterson根据奥尔福德认罪已服完了所有刑期has fulfilled his obligation pursuant to the Alford plea且对北卡罗莱纳州没有进一步义务and has no further obligations to the State of North Carolina.你可以离开了Youre free to go.休庭Court dismissed.恭喜Congratulations.好我们Alright, let*s, uh.你必须遵守晚上十点的宵禁You have a 10 p.m. curfew将会受到严格监督that

25、 will be strictly monitored.我马上回来Be right back.你想洗澡然后休息一下吗Do you want to shower and get some rest?不不绝对不要No. No, no, absolutely not.不我不喝谢谢你No, no, Im okay. Thank you.所以老头子你想去哪里庆祝So, you old man, where do you want to go celebrate?克莱我们一起去阿马尔菲吧Clay, lets go to Amalfi.我觉得我可以吃超级大碗的I feel I could eat an en

26、ormous, obscene bowl意面和肉丸of spaghetti and meatballs.-你可以订位吗-好-Can you get on that? - On it.阿马尔菲我是杰茜卡请问有什么可以帮你Amalfi. This is Jessica. How may I help you?我需要预约Yeah, I need to make a reservation人数很多的席位今晚十二人for a large group, 12 for tonight.没问题请问订位的大名是Certainly. Whats the name?是麦克尔皮特森Uh, its for Michae

27、l Peterson.麦克尔皮特森那个麦克尔皮特森吗Michael Peterson, Michael Peterson?是的好吧-Yes. - Oh. Okay.等一下请稍候片刻Just a moment. Please hold.您好请问是为麦克尔皮特森订位吗Hello. Are you calling about Michael Peterson?是的我们以前很常去那里Yep. We used to go there all the time.是的问题是我们不接待被判罪的凶手Yes. Well, the thing is we dont seat convicted killers. 谢

28、谢你Thank you.2011年麦克尔皮特森获得重审In 2011, Michael Peterson was granted a retrial并根据诉讼程序性细节而出狱and released from prison based on a technicality.没事吧阿马尔菲不接待我们-We good? - Amalfi can*t take us.我们人数太多了Were too big of a party.大家觉得巴哈宫怎么样How does everyone feel about Baja Palace?皮特森在过去六年内Peterson remained out of pri

29、son麦克尔皮特森接受奥尔福德认罪依然待在监狱外等待重审for the last six years awaiting the retrial.但检方和被告之间的协商But the negotiations between the State以僵局告终and the defense ended in a stalemate,双方成认将会很难召开重审with both sides conceding that a retrial could be difficult.麦克尔皮特森接受奥尔福德认罪今天麦克尔皮特森接受奥尔福德认罪Today, Michael Peterson entered an

30、Alford plea,因此结束了 16年thus ending the 16-year saga检方诉麦克尔皮特森的传奇故事of the State versus Michael Iver Peterson.今晚稍后请收看Tune in later tonight for my sit-down interview我与麦克尔皮特森本人的访谈with Michael Peterson himself.你想要我继续吗You want me to keep going?抱歉给我点时间Sorry. Give me a minute.好当然我理解Yeah, of course. I get it.克莱

31、顿视频附件克莱顿大家好Hi, everybody.快点内特Come on, Nate!你可以的You got this!球队看起来很棒你们看到爸爸接受认罪了吗谢天谢地So, guys, Happy and Healthy在北卡罗来纳州达勒姆的直播coming to you live from Durham, North Carolina.如你们所见As you can see.我今天吃的不是卡布的食物Im not on the Cabo diet today.牛肉汉堡可不属于健康饮食Beef sliders are not part of the regimen, 不过我跟哥哥一起回家了but

32、 Im back home with my brother这是一次非常重要的家庭旅行on a very important family trip.-别拍我-克莱-No. - Clay.克莱跟大家打个招呼吧滚一边去-Clay-Man, say hi. - Get the fuck outta here.我哥哥他一直比拟害羞Well, he has always been the shyer brother.总之非常感谢各位观看Anyways, thank you guys so much for checking in, 我希望能尽快带着好消息回来and I hope to be back s

33、oon with some good news.有多少人会看How many people watch that?差不多每个视频都有一百人多一点吧Well, ifs like a little over 100 every post.不过这都靠视频连贯性和数量But its all about consistency and quantity.这样才能建立吸引粉丝I mean, thats how you build the following.你觉得他们是因为爸才看这个吗Do you think people are there because of Dad?嗯当然Yeah, I mean,

34、 absolutely.来看的还有纪录片的粉丝Theres people that are fans of the, the doc,真实案件的粉丝true crime fans.即便是不喜欢爸的人I mean, even people that dont like Dad终于我们今天应该过去吗不现在在他身边还是不太容易不要害怕拥有你表达这些感受Dont be afraid to possess the space that you need 所需的空间to express these feelings.你在这里很平安这里是个平安的空间Youre safe here. This is a sa

35、fe space.我们今天应该过去吗不现在在他身边还是不太容易玛莎我同意我们都有别的事需要考虑托德今晚演出成功玛莎记得发送照片我降落的时间应该会刚好赶上谢幕你还好吗还好-You okay? - Yeah.我们继续工作吧好-Lets get back to it. - Alright.最糟的局部是什么What was the worst part?我们一定要露出我的脸吗Do we have to show my face?当然不会不Of course not. No.只要你觉得舒服就好Whatever makes you comfortable.请向下倾斜摄像头Tilt down, please

36、.各位我是托德Hey, guys. Todd here.你知道的每天我起床都心怀感激You know, every day I wake up just so grateful.感激我还活着身体健康Grateful to be alive and to be healthy 能够跟你们说话and to be talking to you guys.我知道上周我因为对今天惴惴不安I know last week I was a bit confused所以有些迷茫in anticipation of today.你们很多人来关心我A lot of you guys reached out to

37、me问候我看看我好不好to check in to see if I was okay,这对我来说意义重大and that meant the world to me.我不知道坎迪我就是I dont know; Candy. I just.我现在毫无感觉I feel nothing now.那可能是我的问题Well, then something maybe is wrong with me因为我还是很愤怒because I still feel pissed.我们等重审等了六年.We waited six years for a retrial.你得放手了You have to let it

38、 go.我们早就知道We knew.我早就知道I knew他这人有问题something was wrong with him.但为什么没Why didnt我们为什么没和凯瑟琳说呢why didnt we say anything to Kathleen?为了礼貌吗To be polite?我们不能因为觉得姐夫是个傲慢的混♥蛋♥We couldnt tell our sister to leave her husband就让姐姐和他离婚because we thought that he was an arrogant jerk.不No.不止如此It was mor

39、e than that.我早就有预感I had a feeling.你无法阻止命运You cant stop fate.凯瑟琳认识他那天就注定会死Kathleen died the day that she met him.美国甜心凯瑟琳死前数小时你在想什么What are you thinking about?我在想去阿鲁巴Im thinking about going to Aruba.然后去巴黎Then Paris.或者先去巴黎再去阿鲁巴Or Paris then Aruba.然后又想到And then Im thinking about我没钱去任何地方只能留在德勒姆how I cant

40、 afford anywhere but Durham.亲爱的我们吃得起意大利面租得起影碟Well, honey, we can afford pasta and Blockbusters. 也许他们有Maybe they have, uh.对是他Oh yeah. Its him.我们是不是该说说他们Should we say something?不用别理他们 我们没什么见不得人的No, just ignore it. We have nothing to hide.你想吃什么What would you like?嗯Well.爸爸我帮你点吗Here, Dad, you need help?该

41、死Fuck.克莱顿你帮我点吧Clayton, can you pick for me?-没问题-你来吧-Sure. - You do it.我好久没吃像样的食物了I havent had good food in a century.来份牛排烤肉卷饼谢谢Hell have the steak fajitas, please.服务员Excuse me.来杯双倍纯龙舌兰Can I get a double tequila neat, please.好的先生Yes, sir.爸爸我有个惊喜Dad, I have a surprise.这是什么是什么What is it? What is it?是我和

42、凯瑟琳买♥♥的一个可笑的杯子 Its a, its just a silly cup that Kathleen and I bought.我把它藏了起来免得被卖♥♥掉I hid it so it wouldnt get sold.谁会想买 ♥♥啊Whod want it?敬爸爸拜托不要-Dad. - Please, no.别从我开始Please, dont start with me.好吧Okay.敬索菲Sophie,感谢你thank you for,一直支持我爸爸for being there for ou

43、r dad为他奋斗and for fighting for him.你从未放弃You never gave up.我觉得And I dont think如果没有你我爸爸今天就不会在这里my dad would be here if it werent for you.敬索菲To Sophie.敬索菲To Sophie.能递过去吗Could you pass it?到你了Its your turn.-敬玛格丽特-不你要选别人-To Margaret. - No, you pick someone else.懂了Okay.好的Okay.敬玛莎To Martha.我看了让寄到巴黎的第一段影片Well

44、, from the first footage that Jean sent to Paris,我立马知道你很聪明I knew you were bright.也很敏感and sensitive.一直面对着摄像机的拍摄很不容易It wasn*t easy with the cameras in your face all the time. 但你很勇敢没有闪躲But you had courage. You didnt hide.所以感谢你让我们进入到你的生活So thank you for letting us into your life.-敬玛莎-敬玛莎-To Martha. - To

45、 Martha.还有告诉大家巴黎是你们第二个家And know all of you that Paris is your second home. 太好了谢谢你Great. Thank you.干杯-您的酒-Cheers to that. - Here you go.-但是别一起过来谢谢-Just dont come all together. - Thank you.谢谢Thank you.敬帕蒂To Patty.感谢你的善良Thank you for your kindness.从你身上我学到要同情What Ive learned about just empathy和谅解他人让我变得更

46、坚强and understanding from you has made me much stronger.你没事吧-没事-You alright? - Yeah. fm okay.敬我的长子To my eldest.他已成家A husband,也当上了爸爸a father in his own right,这么多年来也是他父亲心中的英雄and a hero to his own father all these years.你彻底转变了自己的人生How you turned your life around.我本来没想告诉你们And I wasnt going to tell you ye

47、t,但我决定but I have decided要搬来达勒姆住能离你更近些麦克尔to relocate to Durham to be closer to you, Michael,也离大家近一些and to everyone here.惊喜啊Surprise!敬我弟弟To my brother.我最好的朋友My best friend.你启迪了我Im inspired by you你的影片触动了许多人and all the people that youve been reaching with your videos.该死Fuck!抱歉Sorry.再给我来一杯谢谢Just another one, please.抱歉


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