The Staircase《阶梯之间(2022)》第一季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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1、德勒姆县法♥院♥2017年2月24日麦克尔Michael.让Jean.很高兴再见到你Good to see you again.你感觉怎样不错很好-How are you feeling? - Oh, fine. Good.再次回到这里感觉有点奇怪A bit strange to be back here.但这次是为了好事For good reason, though.是啊Yeah.我去调试拍摄设备Im going to finish setting up.里面见See you in there.来得正是时候About time.索妮娅还好吗Hows Sonya?她

2、很好Oh, she*s good. She*s good.孩子们也很好大家都很好Kids are good. Everyones good, you know.你呢家人都好吗-大家都很好-You? Hows the gang? - The familys fine.那么你准备好了吗Well, are you ready?你余生的第一天First day of the rest of your life.现在没有回头路了Theres no going back now.谢天谢地Oh, thank god for that.我们尽快解决这事你们也能尽快去巴黎Sooner we get this d

3、one; the sooner you get to Paris. 在见法官前我们正好有时间About not coming.我以后会努力改进多陪你Im going to do better to be there.没关系Its okay.没关系的Its okay.对不起谢谢你-Im sorry. - Thank you.这是卢卡斯This is Lucas.你好.卢卡斯-Oh hi. - Hi. Lucas.-幸会-很高兴见到您-Nice to meet you. - So nice to meet you.我们走吧Shall we go?进去吧Lets do it.你缺钱吗Youre do

4、ing okay on money?邮票那些呢 我可以寄更多.Stamps and all that? I can do more-你寄多少都无关紧要了It doesnt matter how much you send.你们父亲一直在写作Your fathers been writing.一些短篇小说Some short stories.爸爸太好了Dad, thats great.不我没再写下去了No. No, I stopped all that.玛格丽特Margaret.婚后生活怎么样How*s married life?我们还欠你们一份礼物 对吧I believe we still o

5、we you a gift.不用了谢谢您太好了Oh no, thank you. Thats, uh, thats too kind.我们住的地方很小Our place is pretty small, so we,所以不需要太多东西we dont really need much.不想收到我送的东西是吗Dont want anything from me?他只是客气麦克尔Hes being polite; Michael.我昨天和托德聊了一下I spoke to Todd yesterday.他说卡布的地&hearts产&hearts注意非常赚钱He says the Cabo real e

6、state thing is really paying off. 他在海边置办了一处好地方Hes got some sweet setup at the beach.玛莎在咖啡厅找到一份新工作And Marthas got a new job at a cafe,她也开始去看心理医生了and she started going to therapy.她说还要再把舞蹈捡起来She says shes going to start studying dance again, 很不错which is great.索菲你在德勒姆做什么工作So, Sophie, what are you doing

7、in Durham? 我和让去了一家新的电影公♥司♥Im working on a new film with Jean然后and, uh.我就来见你♥爸♥爸了I come to see your father.一再拍一部纪录片吗不不剧情片-Another documentary? - No, no, no, fiction.再也不拍纪录片了过时了No more documentaries for us. Kaput.我还和拉里见了一面And also I just met with Larry.拉里波拉德Larry Pollard?为什

8、么Why?他一直在Well, hes been.调查这起案子investigating the case.他有一套很有趣的说法He has an interesting theory.他相信猫头鹰He believes an owl跟那晚的事情有关has something to do with that night.猫头鹰An owl?好吧拉里是谁Okay. Who is Larry?-拉里是我家邻居好的-Larry was our next-door neighbor. - Oh, okay.你还记得他敞篷车里的那只死鹿吗Do you remember when he had that d

9、ead deer in his convertible?谁会开敞篷车去打猎啊I mean, who drives a convertible to go hunting?他很怪Hes eccentric.这件事得了结了This needs to end.爸爸Dad?爸爸Dad.麦克第二次上诉的失败让我很伤心Im all torn up about Mike losing his second appeal.他是个好邻居是个好人He was a good neighbor. A good man.这么好的人坐牢实在可惜了Its a shame to see an innocent man beh

10、ind bars.太可惜了A damn shame.但是辩方和检方But the defense, the prosecution,都没解释清楚事故的原因neither of them made much sense of the facts.所以我接下来要说的事情才会显得无比可信And thats what makes what Im about to say so convincing.我这套理论解释了之前无法解释的事情This theory accounts for the previously unaccountable.我首先成认这很疯狂Im first to admit its c

11、razy.但其可信度不减分毫But that doesnt make it any less true.角鹃伤害人和狗这一带有已证实的猫头鹰袭人案There were confirmed owl attacks in the area.基本上每个案例里In almost every case,猫头鹰袭击猫头鹰都是从后面攻击头部the owl strikes from behind, attacking the head.男孩遭遇猫头鹰纠缠受伤男孩被猫头鹰所伤十二月 凯瑟琳死的那段时间In December, when Kathleen died,正是横斑猫头鹰的交&hearts酒己&heart

12、s;时节barred owls are mating它们是出了名的具有攻击性和领地意识and known to be aggressive and territorial.如你所见As you can see,横斑猫头鹰的爪子the talon of the barred owl和凯瑟琳头上的伤口匹配matches the set of wounds found on Kathleen.它攻击的时候When the owl attacks,爪子就像剃刀一样伤及凯瑟琳的头骨the talons, like razors, rip into Kathleens skull.她努力把鸟赶走She f

13、ights to get the bird off.和猫头鹰搏斗The tussle with the owl解释了她身上的伤痕点点explains the scratches and pinpricks脸上鼻子上手上都有on her face, her nose, her hands.同样也解释了为什么她没有头骨骨折It also explains why there are no skull fractures.这就是原因And it tells us why.在验尸报告里In the examiners report,”她左右手里都抓了头发”Hair was noted to be gr

14、asped between the left and right hand. 猫头鹰缠到了她的头发上她想把它赶走She was trying to fight off the owl as it got tangled in her hair.最后等到鸟终于松开的时候So finally, finally, when the bird releases her,它毫发无伤地飞走了it flies away unharmed.但是凯瑟琳跌跌撞撞走到前门But Kathleen, she stumbles to the front door.两滴血滴在过道上Two drops of blood f

15、all onto the path.凯瑟琳抓住门留下一抹血渍Kathleen grabs the door, leaving a smear of blood.她感到晕头转向Shes now disoriented.她走上后楼梯She moves up the back stairs,往衣柜走去heading to the linen closet,找能够止血的东西searching for something to stop the blood此时她血流如注thats now really coming down.然后砰凯瑟琳皮特森从楼梯上摔下来And bam, Kathleen Peter

16、son falls down the stairs.这个Here.先驱报市议会候选人之妻死亡你看这个Look at this.仔细看Closer.她死前的一天The day before she died,它们还不在那里they weren*t there.这就是凯瑟琳在外面的原因Thats why Kathleen was outside in the first place.她一定是那晚才把鹿放到了外面She must have put him out there that night.那就是猫头鹰决定发起攻击的时刻And thats when the owl decided to str

17、ike.是猫头鹰凯瑟琳被猫头鹰攻击了所以她才会在房♥子外面摔倒等等等等索菲好我知道我们需要做些调查要找到证据但是我告诉你这个故事没有结束索菲Sophie.我们不应该和被访对象如此纠缠但他不是什么被访对象他是麦克尔好吧你需要什么文字记录图片文件-要哪一个都要弗吉尼亚州森特维尔换我来招待你们一次还真不错So nice to get to be able to host you all for a change.真希望你们一家都在Just wish the whole gang were here.大家都来你这不一定能装得下Well, Im not sure your house wo

18、uld even fit the whole gang. 能找到方法的Wed make it work.快快快快点拜托Go, go, go. Come on. Come on!拜托快点快Come on. Come on, go!快点该死的Go. Oh! Goddammit!家就是母亲所在之处麦克尔你最近有读到什么好文章吗So, Michael, you read anything good lately?我读了这个枕头五六遍吧Well, I read this pillow five or six times.这是真正的杰作马克Its a real tour de force, Mark.那些

19、小东西真可爱Those little guys are adorable.需要烤多久时间Now how long do they take?-175摄氏度烤40到45分钟-45分钟-Forty, 45 minutes at 350. - Forty-five?糟糕我的烤箱没那么多空间Shoot, I dont have the oven space.不其实你有的Well, no, you do, actually,如果你可以晚点烤红薯的话if you just did the sweet potatoes later.我有计划的-计划会变的-1 have a plan. - Plans cha

20、nge.如果我直接洛莉 不要碰烤箱-Here, wha-what if I just- - Lori, dont touch that oven. 我只是想说当我举办派对时All Tm trying to say is when I host,我喜欢给客人一点指示I like to give the guests a little guidance告诉他们该带什么这样我们就不用on what to bring, so we donrt have对而我喜欢不要控制我的客人Yeah, and I like to not micromanage my guests让他们事先就有压力and stres

21、s them out in advance.能听见吗我可以说几句话吗Hello? Can I just jump in here for a second?洛莉安静让我们说就好-Lori, quiet! - Just let us talk!天哪你们两个Jesus Christ, you two.贝基直接给我下了最后通牒Becky point-blank gave me an ultimatum.北卡罗来纳州达勒姆限制你喝酒吗Curb your drinking, though?限制到底是什么意思I mean, what does curb mean?就是停止的意思因为我之前酒驾嘛Like,

22、stop. Its the DUIs, man.是啊我相信在独♥立♥日大发雷霆绝对没有帮助Yeah, Fm sure hulking out on 4th of July didnt help.滚Fuck off.你不如直接告诉她你要休息一下You know, why dont you just tell her youre taking a break?继续喝酒Keep drinking.你是说对她撒谎吗You mean lie to her?不这不是撒谎你只是没有No, its not lying. You*re just not.告诉她全部真♥相

23、♥telling her the whole truth.你在限制喝酒对吧I mean, youre curbing, right?这就像是慢慢停止一样Thats like coming to a slow stop.但我真的能做到吗But can I even do that?我能限制住自己吗Like, can I curb my shit?不只是喝酒而是所有事情I mean, its not just the drinking, its everything.我怎么知道我不会像爸爸一样How do I know Im not going to be like Dad?他背叛了

24、妈妈离开了她He cheated on Mom. He left her.他还在跟她要钱He still hits her up for money.看看爸爸和凯瑟琳Look at Dad with Kathleen.对吧他是个很棒的丈夫他很忠诚Right? I mean, hes a great husband, hes loyal.重要的是结婚对象克莱Its about the person, Clay.你因为这种事把自己搞得神经兮兮的Youre really psyching yourself out about all this.如果你想去做 你就可以让自己振作起来If you wan

25、t to do it, you can get your shit together.太好了好Fuck yeah. Okay.播放音乐我去让他们进来Cue the music. Tm going to let them in.好吗Alright?等等我来了Hold on. Tm coming!感恩节快乐感恩节快乐-Happy Thanksgiving. - Happy Thanksgiving!你们好我是梅洛迪Hi, Fm Melody.加州旧金山今年感恩节我要感谢This Thanksgiving, Im thankful for.我的精神力量the strength of my spiri

26、t.-谢谢你谢谢你梅洛迪-Thank you. - Thank you, Melody.好的各位我是乔希Alright, guys. Tm Josh.我想要透过歌♥曲来表达我的谢意And I would like to express my gratitude through song.我是亚丝明Im Yasmine.玛莎Martha.这是肖恩This is Shawn.你晚点要做什么 想去真正的派对吗What are you doing later? You want to go to a real party?真正的派对是什么Whats a real party?不是这种No

27、t this.保佑我们主啊因为我们Bless us, 0 Lord, for these thy gifts将通过基♥督♥我主 从祢的恩惠中 which we are about to receive from thy bounty 罗德岛普罗维登斯接受祢的礼物through Christ our Lord.阿门Amen.我们真高兴你来了这里We are so happy to have you here.对啊Yeah.我知道丽兹也会很高兴看到我们在一起And I know Liz is just so pleased to see us together.玛莎明年

28、应该过来Martha should come next year.好啊Yeah.如果爸爸继续发神经的话我们会来的I mean, we will if Dad keeps being a psycho.我们都需要偶尔远离麦克尔一段时间Well, we all need a break from Michael now and then.什么意思What do you mean?麦克尔总是你知道的Michael always did, you know,非常随心所欲march to the beat of his own drum.对待你们两个女孩 他当时又那么And with you girls

29、, he, he was just so-玛吉问你一个重要问题Hey, Margie. Important question.你想要吃鸡的哪个部位What part of the bird do you want?你的肌肉开始松弛了Youre starting to get soft.你需要重新开始举重Need to get you lifting again.麦克尔Michael.Weve got just enough time to run through the questions 过一遍所有问题before we see the judge.会议室这是你的Thats yours.好了

30、我想我们再过一遍这些问题吧Okay. Id like us to walk through this one more time. 今天是2017年2月24日Today, February 24th, 2017,自己主动认罪 以得到法♥院♥轻判 奥尔福德认罪讲稿开庭陈述:麦克尔,皮特森是清白的 从调查皮特森太太之死的第一天开始 到他与刑事司法系统的十五年斗争以来 皮特森先生始终坚称自己是清白的 麦克尔皮特森你将接受奥尔福德认罪 you, Michael Peterson, will be entering an Alford plea. 该项认罪协议已经过This

31、plea has been carefully negotiated 北卡罗来纳州检方数年的仔细协商with the state of North Carolina over the past several years. 我们首先将做以下声明We will begin by saying the following: 麦克尔皮特森是清白的Michael Peterson is innocent.”阶梯之间第六集2006年春11年前你租到房♥子了吗Did you find a place to rent?我会继续找的Fil keep looking.你知道我喜欢风景好的房&hea

32、rts;子Well, you know how I like a view.不是望出去一眼看到砖墙的房♥子Well be lucky if it doesnt look directly我们就该庆幸了 into a brick wall. 我有更好的风景可以看麦克尔Michael.我在跟你说话Im talkin* to you.老天麦克尔你在干嘛Jesus! Michael. What the fuck you doing?你在干嘛What the fuck you doing!我要杀了你Im gonna fucking kill you!我要杀了你Im gonna fuckin

33、g kill you!禁闭室禁闭室Hole! Hole! Hole! Hole!皮特森的庭院有很多开放空间The Peterson yard has lots of wide-open space.因此横斑猫头鹰喜欢Because of this, barred owls love the woods雪松街1810号♥周围的树林surrounding 1810 Cedar.庭院给了它们充裕的机会捕猎The yard gave them ample opportunity to hunt.你能否从合理的医学可能性角度上得出结论Would you say with a reasona

34、ble degree of medical certainty 凯瑟琳皮特森的死that Kathleen Peterson was killed是由于头部钝器伤造成的by blunt force trauma to the head?-可以-关于你在凯瑟琳手中发现的头发-Yes. - Was there anything unusual发现任何异常了吗about the hairs you found in Kathleens hand?我检查那些头发时When I examined the hairs, 有一些头发的断口像是刀子边缘there were ones where the cut

35、 looks like the edge of a knife, 而且切口也参差不齐and they were also ragged看起来像是断了so it looks as they were broken.结合这两个特征Its a combination of these two characteristics 我们认为死者受到了攻击而非摔死that make us think it was an attack instead of a fall. 我就知道I knew it.我早就知道是这样I damn well knew it.犯罪现场到处都是证据Crime scenes are l

36、ittered with evidence.有的显而易见有的不易发觉Some of it you can see, some of it you cant.这是小件物证的清单This is a list of the small stuff.像松针Like pine needle羽毛还有and.拉里Larry.这就开始了吗Already?这是赞佩里尼家的传统别吵Zamperini family tradition. Hush.吃完火鸡就要过圣诞节Turkeyrs gone, and it*s Christmas time.天啊我们还没消食呢Oh god, we dont even get to

37、 digest first?妈妈Oh, Mom.好了Alright.我们去睡觉吧Let*s go to bed.孩子我很高兴你回家了Im glad you came back home, kiddo.这对你妈而言很重要Means a lot to your mom.对我也是And to me.当然了Yeah, of course.圣诞节你会出玛格丽特和玛莎I mean, you are gonna fly Margaret and Martha home 回家的路费吧for Christmas, right?我又不是虐待狂Im not a sadist.凯瑟琳凯瑟琳Kathleen. Kath

38、leen!你在干吗What are you doing?住手我和你说过这些不能放进洗碗机Stop. I asked you not to put those in the dishwasher.真是的又不是骨瓷Jesus Christ! Theyre not bone china.这是我家这些是我上好的餐碟This is my house, and these are my good plates.好 我给你买♥♥新的不就得了Okay, you know what? Ill just get you some new ones.什么你怎么回事What? What i

39、s going on with you?你这一整天态度都很差You have been awful all day.你明显是筋疲力尽了I mean, youre clearly exhausted,脸色很差you look like crap.我可太谢谢你了Thank you so much.知道吗You know what?我确实压力很大I am stressed,但我们有些人有真正的工作but some of us have actual fucking jobs.你觉得你比我优越得多You know what, you think yourre so much better than m

40、e, 你一有机会就会提醒我这点and you never miss a chance to remind me of it.我所做的一切Everything I do.我所有的努力all my efforts.和你比永远只能排第二will always be second best compared to you.坎迪丝Candace.-别这样-什么情况-0h; come on. - Whafs going on?没事我我搞砸了Nothing. I. I messed up.我们都尽力了Were all just trying our best.感恩节快乐Happy Thanksgiving.

41、克莱Clay.等下Wait.克莱Clay!你开心吗Are you happy?这是我生平最棒的一晚This is the best night of my entire life.我睡不着I couldnt sleep.为什么我挑的床垫太差了吗Why not? Did I pick a terrible mattress?她只是压力太大了She*s just stressed out.我感觉得到你们都希望是在自己家里I could feel you all wishing you were at your house. 不是这样Thats not true.今晚很不错It was lovely

42、.她对我们这样时You know, when shes like that with us, 就能知道她对自己多么严苛its a little window into how she treats herself.凯瑟琳永远对自己不满意Not even Kathleens good enough for Kathleen. 谢谢麦克尔Thanks, Michael.-这是她烤的吗对-Did she bake this? - Yep.天啊这娘们烤的派真好吃God, that bitch bakes a good pie.6♥4♥0 起立6♥4&heart

43、s;0; on your feet.什么What?你要去清扫卫生You got cleaning duty.什么情况-别紧张哥们-Whats going on? - Relax, man.我走了关系我们得谈谈Cashed in a favor. We got to talk.谈什么About what?谈你得振作起来About getting your shit together.你开始崩溃了Youre falling the fuck apart.这不关你事This has nothing to do with you.你一直被关禁闭You keep getting thrown in th

44、e hole, 人生会变得很漫长its going to be a long life.这不是人生This isn*t life.我了解你麦克I know you, Mike.你人不坏但你做了坏事Youre not a bad person, but you did something.凯瑟琳是摔死的不重要了-Kathleen fell. - Doesnt really matter因为你被关进来了because youre here.你得想方法在这要么活要么死And you find a way to live like this or you die.做个选择因为两者不可兼得But mak

45、e a decision because you canrt do both.你想死是吗You want to go?我会给你找个方法Ell find you a way.轻松的法子Something easy.没什么痛苦的死法It doesnt have to hurt.就这样了是吧This is it, isnt it?就是这样了雷This is it, Ray.这就是我以后的人生了This is how it all unfolds.该死的听我说-Fucking hell. - Hey.我知道I know.但你的心态会有所变化Its not going to feel like this

46、 forever.你为什么对我这么好Why are you being so nice to me?你想要什么What do I owe you?你不欠我You dont owe me.我认为我是同性恋I identify as queer.我是同性恋I am queer.2007年17月守着这个秘密好难And its been really hard keeping that a secret.前些日子我发现自己I realized a little while ago有多么寂寞how lonely I was.多么害怕How scared.当我when I.得知我父亲要终身监禁时I found out my father was never getting let out of prison. 一直以来我尤其想告诉你And I wanted to tell you for so long, especially.但我根本没机会说自己的事But there was never any room for my stuff或任何其他人的事or, like, anybody else*s stuff.我的生活经历了起伏You know, after some ups and downs,还有复发relapses.我已经禁酒18天了it*s been 18 days.我这一生An


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