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《1923《1923(2022)》第一季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《1923《1923(2022)》第一季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx(20页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、这是我儿子的衣服应该合身我们得给你起个男孩的名字就叫汉克二世如何白人就爱搞这套他们对自己的名字爱不释手要把它传给儿子儿子再把名字传给孙子用不了多久他们的名字就会变成数字三世四世毫无意义叫你乔如何随便那就叫乔r你儿子现在在哪儿Where is your son now?去赶别的羊群了Bringing in the other flock.他很快会回来Hell be back soon.然后你派他去找我父亲Then send him for my father?他需要先吃晚饭Then feed him supper.唾一觉Then he sleeps.然后派他去找你父亲Then send him

2、for your father.得把你从学校带来的东西都烧掉我觉得这个不该烧我曾蹲过他们的监狱他们每天会为我们念诵一段经♥文♥直到把整本圣经念完我在那里待了很久久到听了两遍圣经他们的神生气时会把城市变为盐柱会生灵涂炭水漫山谷我担心如果烧了这本书我们也会变成盐那就埋了吧Maybe we bury them.埋得深一点Well, if you think the thievingrs bad here, go east.去那种连城镇都没有的地方Go where theres no cities at all一直走到谢里丹腹地and a straight shot to

3、Sheridan.我们那边都是小牧场No big ranches my way.丢十头牛算是伤亡惨重If we lose ten head, we feel it.丢20头我们可以宣告破产了We lose twenty and were out of business.另外我了解这种生活Plus, I know the life.我在战时当过警♥察♥当时牲畜业人丁兴旺Was a copper during the war, when the stockyards was booming.芝加哥警局半个城市都是醉鬼Half the city drunk,想通过偷窃和打

4、架把另一半的财富据为己有trying to beat and steal from the other half.你为什么辞职Whyrd you quit?那种气味The smell.1500万头牛和300万人Fifteen million cattle and three million people挤在同一个地方all belching and pissing and screaming and fighting.吃喝拉撒打嗝放屁吵架斗殴crammed together in the same place.抱歉女士但实在没有更好听的形容了My apologies, maam, but th

5、eres no gentle way to describe it.我从未见过地狱但比不上芝加哥糟I dont know what hell is but it ainrt worse than Chicago.我现在更想远离城市Now I try to limit the time my feet spend on concrete.感谢你的关注我们会讨论Well, thank you for your interest, we*ll discuss-现在签字职位就是你的Sign there you received it.每月工资二百二十元Pays two-hundred and twen

6、ty a month.比芝加哥高Better than Chicago.不过我们这里更危险A little more risk here.这也不好说I dont know about that.我们明早八点有新人培训We have an orientation at 8:00 A.M. tomorrow, 你会收到执法守则youll receive your book of penal codes, 你要是没有枪会给你发一把and a firearm if you dont have one.我武器充足谢谢Im plenty armed, thank you.女士认识您很高兴Maam, its

7、 been a pleasure.感谢给我机会Thank you for the opportunity.现在多少人了How many is that?3个Three.雅各布说至少要招20个Jacob said we need at least twenty.能招到但需要些时间Well get there. Its just gonna take some time.我们没有时间了We don*t have any time.卡拉我们最不缺的就是时间Cara, time is the one thing we have in abundance.那是你不缺You have it in abun

8、dance.而我的家人已经所剩无几My family, however, has run out.我需要给你看个东西威尔I need to show you something, Will.那是什么Alex: What is that?一群小鱼Schools of little fish聚集在船的阴凉之下collecting in the shade beneath the boat.那是什么Whats that?大一点的鱼Bigger fish.应该是金枪鱼吧Tuna, I think.我们会有危险吗Alex: Are we in danger?比五分钟前更危险吗More danger th

9、an we were five minutes ago, I mean?总之我不会这时候去游泳I wouldnt go swimming.你可以这样想Think about it like this.经过r 6个小时In the last six hours这艘船已经融入成海洋的一部分this ocean has adapted to this boat being here.为她提供营养Taking advantage of it.人类自以为很聪明People think theyre so smart.却没那么聪明People ain*t that smart.你可能是我知道我是You m

10、ight be. I know I am.我从错误中吸取教训I learn from my mistakes,但仍犯下很多错but I still make plenty.比如陷入现在的境地Like our current situation.你是说这是你最后一次坐拖船吗Are you saying this was likely your last tugboat ride?不管我们结局如何No matter how this shakes out,这都是我最后一次坐拖船this was my last tugboat ride.我拒绝被恐惧支配I refuse to be scared.我

11、拒绝这感觉Refuse it.我拒绝自怨自艾I will not feel sorry for myself.如果我们注定要死那我就吸下最后一 口气If death is our fate I will draw my last breath把你深吻我对天发誓and kiss you with it. I swear to God.我们不会死It aint our fate.你得再找个理由吻我了Youre gonna need another reason to kiss me.哦你终丁让我笑了Aw. This makes me smile.你若是知道我在等什么就笑不出来了You wouldn

12、t be smiling if you knew what I was waiting for. 我才不管你在等什么I don*t care what you*re waiting for只要你还能站在这里就行so long as youre standing there doing it.所以你在等什么What are you waiting for?看到那座山了吗山麓三分之二处See that mountain? About two-thirds of the way up?看到了吗-看到了那是什么See that? - Yes. What is that?他们在开路They*re cut

13、ting a road.开在山麓吗Up the side of a mountain?一条无处可通的路A road to nowhere, then?肯定会通往某处Jake: A road to somewhere.你精心照顾我至康复Guess you re gonna be holding nursing me back to health今后肯定要用这事来要挟我了pretty high over my head, huh?这么说吧Put it this way.发电机是必须要买♥♥的了There is no more debate about a generat

14、or外加一台洗衣机Or a clothes-washing machine.你这护士真不便宜Pretty expensive nurse.还有一个条件听之前最好抓牢拐杖哈And you might want to lean on your cane for this one.别说了 -一辆汽午Dont say it. - Motor car.天啊Oh my God. Jesus.看来我是没办法Suppose theres no way I could kind of轻松过渡到现代社会了just ease into this modern age?当然有你可以选择先买♥&heart

15、s;哪个Yes, of course. Ill let you choose which one we get first.您可真大度Thats mighty generous of you.你今天帮找到人了吗Jake: You find any more men today?没有预期中那么多Fewer than Id hoped.要是雇不到的人我就养一群兵Well, what we cant hire, 1*11 raise in a posse.一切战斗必须让畜牧官去打You leave all the fighting to the agents.我不想再担心受怕了Im not goin

16、g through that again.我又不是故意要中枪的Its not my intention to get shot.那我想故意当寡妇吗Nor is it my intention to become a widow.所以你脑子里的那些惩恶扬善So, all those thoughts of justice in your head.先放一放They stay there.他们在牧场的主要水源上游Jake: Theyre blasting a mine炸山开矿right above this ranchs main water supply.占有了北边的土地They own the

17、 property to the north now.南边也是他们的And to the south.对中间地带形成包夹To squeeze what*s in the middle.而中间地带正是我们And whats in the middle is us.惩恶扬善都是奢侈了Justice would be a luxury.我们能活下去就不错了My concern is survival.我知道I know.所以我才这样做That*s why I did it怎样做Did what?别生气Dont be mad.我这么做是为了你I did it for you.天啊雅各布你可是执法官员F

18、or God sakes, Jacob, youre a damned law man.你知道这事影响多恶劣吗You know how bad this looks?我刚已经说过了Its just like I said.那些人都是目击者可以作证And theres a dozen witnesses say the same.但没有任何证据But no proof anywhere.你 ♥他♥妈♥想看证据You want some fucking proof?那他妈就看看啊Fil show you some fucking proof!更多证据都在我

19、们的祖坟里躺着And theres more proof buried in our graveyard here 还有更多证据被运回东部埋在那边and even more proof shipped back east and buried there.克莱顿的人他们的尸体在哪儿Wheres all the bodies of all the Creighton men?烂在怀俄明边境上了Rotting on the Wyoming border.你为一个死人杀了不少人啊Well, you sure got a lot done for a dead man.换做是你你会怎么做What wo

20、uld you have done different?我会告诉治安官I would have told the sheriff.这样就能躲开银行的虎视眈眈Jake: You think you couldrve kept the bank away, 和蒙大拿偷牛贼的骚扰吗along with every thief from Laramie to Whitefish?我知道银行的德行I understand what the bank wouldve done.也知道你要是死了偷牛贼会怎样And I know what the thieves wouldVe done if youd di

21、ed. 但你没死But you didnt.你还在伺机而动And you still sat on this.我知道你什么打算我不会允许Now, I know what youre up to, and I won*t allow it.怀俄明已经爆发了牧场战争Wyoming*s already had a range war, 蒙大拿不能重蹈覆辙Montana aint having another.我明早就逮捕他Ill arrest him in the morning同时所有人包括你In the meantime, everybody, and that means you, 要给副警长

22、录口供gives a statement to the deputies.是我很生气Damn right, Im mad.雅各布Jacob.雅各布Cara: Jacob.你哪来的胆子拂袖而去Cara: How dare you give your back to me? 我为你付出了那么多After all Tve given to you.你寻求的不是正义Its not even justice.是更小气的东西Its more petty than that.你要寻求复仇Ifs vengeance you seek.就算他明早被捕也无济于事Never mind hell be arreste

23、d in the morning.你更想亲手杀了他Youd rather put the bullet in him yourself. 然后你进监狱农场一样会落入他人之手Then its you in prison and the ranch is lost all the same. 你以为属你自己最痛苦吗You think its you who*s suffered the most?你一半时间都晕着你又从何而知How would you know, you were asleep half the time.我为你洗澡一口一 口喂你吃饭While I bathed you and s

24、poon fed you like an infant, 为你把屎把尿I wiped your ass like an infant.在没有上苍回应的心碎中挖下亲人的坟墓While I shoveled graves between unanswered prayers. 你根本不知道什么是痛苦You dont know what it is to suffer.艾玛知道她一路痛苦进了我挖的坟墓Emma did. She suffered her way into the hole I dug her. 伊丽莎白知道 Elizabeth knows it.她父亲长眠地下家人不在身边困在这所Fa

25、ther in the ground, family gone, stuck in this house 地牢一样房♥子里 like a dungeon.你能想象那女孩扛过了多少痛苦Can you fathom the strength it took for that girl 才重展笑颜吗 to smile again?如果真要复仇If there is a line forming for vengeance,你也要排队伍的最后一位you are at the back of it.可我们已经抛弃了复仇的念头But weve abandoned any desire of

26、vengeance.连杰克都放下了都是为了你Even Jack, for you.我很好奇你是否愿意牺牲掉自己的自尊I wonder if your pride can withstand the sacrifice对我们将心比心of showing us the same courtesy.妈的Son of a bitch.过来Boy, come here.我什么都听不到I dont hear anything.应该能听到宝宝的声音才对Supposed to hear em moving around.这还早要六个月以后了Not yet. Itll be six months or more

27、.你看着根本不像怀孕啊You dont look pregnant.很快就会的相信我I will be in time, trust me.我会胖得像奶牛脸肿的像海狸Ill be milk-cow fat with cheeks like a beaver.可我听不见也摸不着它Well, if I canrt hear it, and I cant feel it你几个月都没孕态又怎么知道你怀孕了and you wont show for months, how do you know?论造人男人有的是经验Men sure know how to make babies但论常识男人就不行了bu

28、t boy is that where the knowledge stops.我的例假没来I missed my monthly visitor头晕还想吐and then I was dizzy and then I was nauseous.你需要更多的证据么Do you need more proof?还有更多吗Well, is there more proof?有但我只能说到这Well, there is, but thats all Tm going to share.那是过去Thats the past.这是未来This is the future.再等一年我们就能重新造人了杰克W

29、ere a year away from making another, Jack.我觉得现在可以Well, I was thinking this is a pretty good先练练手opportunity to practice.练练手Practice? - Mm-hmm我们就是因为练手才怀上这个的Practice is how we got into this.但一年很长不练我会忘的Well, a years a long time. Til forget everything.我是说I mean.你可以这么想反正现在也不会怀上Look at it like this: you ca

30、nt get more pregnant.我居然被你说动心了I cant believe thats the line that sells me.因为你听懂了其中的逻辑呗Cause you see the logic in it.要么就是欲♥火♥焚身无法♥正♥常思考了 Or youre just so overcome with desire you cant think straight.看来我碰到你的敏感点了I touched a nerve with that one.你也只能碰到这儿了Thats about to be all

31、youre touching.是吗Yeah?开着窗户屋里冷的要命Awful cold outside to have that window open.那个房♥间不冷Not in that room.一次造不出来两个Cant make two at once.Bury them deep.埋在溪边的松软的土中By the creek where the ground is soft.看不出来是新挖的Hole wont look fresh then. - Mm是啊Yeah.你是伊萨克切,雨水吗Issaxche Rainwater?是我That is me.你孙女是泰娜,雨水You

32、r granddaughter is Teonna Rainwater,在美国印第安人学校念书enrolled at the U. S. school for Native Americans?有事吗Yes?我特来凭令逮捕她I have a warrant for her arrest.请让开Please step aside你说她被杀了You say she is murdered?我说她杀了人I say she did the murders.她杀了两名学校老师让开She killed two teachers at the school. Now step aside.我孙女你胡说八道M

33、y granddaughter? You make no sense.你们凭什么进来你们在干什么Why-why are you here? What are you doing?我看后面有个谷仓去搜帐篷也搜搜I saw a barn out back. Check it. Check the teepee.窝藏逃犯是重罪Harboring a fugitive is a felony.什么叫逃犯What is a fugitive?滚出我的家Get out of my house now!这里没发现她的踪迹Aint no sign of her in the.看起来两人都挺喜欢这运动Well,

34、 it seems they are embracing the sport of it.我们都听到了We can hear ya!你救了我的命You saved my life.我知道I know it.你不说我也知道I did not need to be told.我不是复仇Its not vengeance.是为了维持生计Its preservation.你去过纽约去过波士顿You*ve been to New York, youve been to Boston.现在闭上眼睛想象那里如果没有城市Now close your eyes and imagine those places

35、会是什么样子if the cities werent there.拜托闭上Come on, do it.白沙滩蔓延至White sands stretching to a forest of山核桃和榆树林hickory and elm.那些树比现在矗立在那里的建筑物还要高taller than the buildings that stand there now.草原上到处都是野牛Meadows filled with bison驼鹿和熊and moose and bear,数以百万计的鞋鱼游向东河产卵and millions of salmon swimming up the east ri

36、ver 多到你都可以踩着它们走过去to spawn, so thick, you could walk across them.现在想想现在有什么Now think about what*s there now:一个13英里长的水泥岛a thirteen-mile island of cement污浊的河水在它下面流淌with rivers of sewage running underneath it一直流入鞋鱼不敢游泳的海湾until they dump into the bay where salmon dont dare to swim.这就是他们要对这个地方做的事Thats what

37、 they11! do to this place:在河流上筑坝dam the rivers.淹没山谷flood the valleys.砍倒每颗树建造城市cut every tree that stands to build cities.这个天堂就会变成另一个水泥沙漠This paradise becomes another concrete desert.我不会因为他们对我Im not going to kill him for what they done to me,对约翰做过的事or what they done to John,或者他们还在对你做的事杀了他or what they

38、re still doing to you.我要杀了他们Im going to kill them.因为建造城市的人because the men who build cities总是先派班纳这样的人来always send men like Banner first.我这么做是为了我永远见不到的后代I do it for the child of a child I will never meet.我这样做是为了这片土地I do it for the land.我这么做是为了你I do it for you.这样当你在白杨树下长眠时So that when youre laid to res

39、t under the aspens.没有人来砍倒它们在你身上建造一座城市no one cuts them down and builds a city over you.我知道你受了多少苦I know how much youve suffered.我为此感谢你And I thank you for it.现在轮到他们受苦了Its their turn now.现在轮到他们了God damn it, its their turn now.斯宾塞斯宾塞Spencer. Spencer.斯宾塞斯宾塞Spencer. Spencer.你看到了吗Alex: Do you see that?那是海岸吗

40、Is that the shore?是一艘船Its a ship.快看看我See me.快点看到我啊快Come on, see me! Come on!快点看到我啊快Come on, see me! Come on!快看看我See me!快看看我See me!他们看见我们了吗They see us?看见我们了吗看见我们了吗They see us? They see us?快啊快Come on. Come on.来了Sailor: Here we go.耶稣玛丽亚和约瑟啊Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.我真想带你俩去赌场rd like to take you two to a c

41、asino.好了我们到了All right, here we are.滑到我这边来Just slide over here to me.谢谢Thank you.你女人真漂亮兄弟Thats a shiny penny that you have there, mate.你该庆幸我没有在你还站在船身上的时候Youre lucky I dont whip this skiff around直接把小船开走with you still standing on the hull.别忘了我是怎么拦下你们的船的Dont forget how I flagged down the ship.开玩笑的兄弟来吧Te

42、asing ya, mate. Come on, then.趁这艘拖船被海水吞噬之前Before the sea eats the rest of this tug.好了来吧All right, there you go.能给我一杯吗Could I have one of those?我想没有必要指出来Captain: I suppose its unnecessary to point out你们还活着就是撞大运了how lucky you are to be alive.你们俩似乎都很明白这一点You both seem keenly aware.根据你船的情况判断我怀疑你没能I doub

43、t you were able to retrieve the Captains log, 找回船长的日志based on the condition of your vessel.船长日志是我最不关心的事情Captains log was the last thing on my mind.嗯我想也是Yes, I suppose it would have been.我们的停靠港是马赛Our port of call is Marseilles.你的目的地是哪里What was your destination?那拖船本来是要去苏伊土Tug was headed to Suez.除此之外我就

44、不知道了Beyond that, I dont know.我们的最终目的地是美国Our final destination is the United States.跑挺远Quite the journey.你可以订从马赛出发的船票You could book passage from Marseilles.去美国的什么地方Where in the United States?蒙大拿Montana.恐怕我不知道那是哪儿Afraid I dont know it.在山区里Its in the mountains.在那个国家的中部In the middle of the country.等你们到达

45、港口你的旅程才刚刚开始Your journey is only beginning when you get to port.可以这么说You could say that.我推荐加尔维斯顿港fd recommend the Port of Galveston或者海湾的亚瑟港or Port Arthur in the Gulf.埃利斯岛瘟病很多Ellis Island is a cesspool of disease.我听说移♥民♥要几个月才能入境I hear it takes months for an immigrant to gain entry. 我希望你能

46、帮帮我I was hoping that you could help me with that.我跟美国移♥民♥一点关系都没有先生I have no dealings with American immigration, sir. 你是这艘船的船长You are the captain of this ship.没错I am.这里是国际水域These are international waters.没错They are.让我们结婚Marry us.通过婚姻获得公民身份是非法的先生Marriage to gain citizenship is illegal, s

47、ir.这样做有好处Ifs a benefit.我不是因为那个才结婚Thats not why Im doing it.不No.不我不觉得No, I wouldnrt think so.我很荣幸rd be honored.我来准备仪仗队Ill prepare the color guard.我想现在就开始如果可以的话Fd like to do it now. If you could.我们这里不能大操大办We cant make much of a ceremony here,但是至少能做点什么but we can make something.就我们现在的生活方式来说Putting things off a day isn*t proving conducive最好一点都不要耽搁to our current lifestyle.


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