2022初中教案外研版初二(上)英语第17讲:Module 9词汇篇(解析版).docx

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1、Module 9 词汇篇_熟练掌握本模块基础的单词,短语,句子。1. The population of China is about 1.37billion.The population of sp is. 表示sp有多少人。此外用sp has a population of也可以表示sp有多少人。形容人口(population)的多少用big/ large 或 small 当population 作主语时,谓语动词用单数询问某地有多少人口有两种表达方法:1Whats the population of 2. How large is the population of 注意:询问某地有多少

2、人口时不用how many 和 how much hundredthousandmillionbillion等前有数字,用单数形式 three hundredl hundredthousandmillionbillion等后有of,用复数形式 thousands of2. noise (n.) 噪音 noisy(adj.) 吵闹的 make noise 发出噪音 voice 指嗓音(人说话或唱歌) sound 指一切声音3. prepare 准备 prepare for 为做准备 prepare to do sth 准备去做某事. Eg:They are preparing for the N

3、ew Year. We prepare to go fishing next weekend.4. report 报告;报道 make a report 做报告 reporter 记者,通讯员 notes 名词复数形式 “笔记 随笔” make notes 记笔记5. such as for example 例如,比如too much+不可数名词 much too+adj. 太too many+可数名词 Eg: I like fruit, such as apples, bananas. I have too much homework to do today. That dress is m

4、uch too long for me. There are too many people in the shop on Sunday. 6. increase by+倍数百分数 增加了 to+具体增长后的数字 增加到 Eg:The number of teachers increased by twice. The population of the town increased to 50000.7. be born in+年份地点 I was born in 1985.of+家庭 He was born of a rich family.8. one fifth 五分之一 分数的表达法

5、:分子在前,用基数词;分母在后,用序数词。当分子大于1时,分母需要用复数 如:two thirds9. hang on a minute. 稍等10. quiet (adj.) 安静的;宁静的 quietly(adv.) 安静地quite ( adv.)相当,十分 Eg:Please keep quiet, my father is sleeping now. She is quite beautiful in that red coat.11. close to=next to 靠近,挨着 Eg:His house is close to a supermarket.12. move to

6、移到 Eg:More and more people move to the big cities these years.13. It be +adj. to do sth one of + 可数名词复数 之一(谓语动词用单数)14. local 当地的 close down 关闭 Eg:The local government should do something to solve the water pollution. This shop closed down last year.15. It takes sb st to do sth sb spend(s) stsm on st

7、h (in) doing sth sth cost(s) sb sm sb pay sth for sm 16. public services 公共服务 a public telephone 公用电话 in public 在公共场合 the public 公众17. in fact 事实上 all over the world 全世界18. face danger 面对危险 face to face 面对面地 make a face 做鬼脸 as a result 结果是;因此19.die from 由于而死(死于外因,如事故等)die of 因而死(死于内因,如疾病等) Eg:He die

8、d from an accident. A lot of people died of cancers20.leave 离开(某地) leave for+目的地 前往(目的地) 启程去某地Ill leave for Shanghai next week. leave 还有“忘了带,留下”之意 I left my book at home .21.辨析: job 与 work job (cn) 指具体的职业或零工 work(un)指人们日常生活和工作中从事的体力或脑力劳动1.She is a quiet girl,so she doesnt like too_people or too_nois

9、e.A.many;manyB.much;muchC.many;muchD.much;many2.Business is too bad.They will have to_soon.A.pick upB.close toC.pay forD.close down3. The _ of traffic made me awake all night.A. shoutB. noiseC. soundD. voice4. Mr. Hu with his friends has planted _ trees on the mountains in the last twenty years.A. b

10、illions ofB. billionsC. billionD. billion of5. _is really hard _ them to climb such a high mountain.A. This; toB. It; toC. This; forD. It; for解析:1.本题考查形容词辨析。many修饰可数名词,much修饰不可数名词。people“人;人们”表示复数意义,用many来修饰;noise是不可数名词,用much修饰。故选C。2本题考查固定短语。pick up“捡起”;close to“在附近”;pay for“支付”;close down“关闭”。句意:生意

11、太坏了,他们将不得不歇业。故选D。3考查名词辨析。shout呼喊; 喊叫声; noise表示“噪音、喧闹”; sound泛指任何声音; voice用于人时指说话、歌唱或发笑的声音。根据句意“交通的喧闹声让我整夜睡不着”, 故应选B。24考查数词的用法。确切数量常用数词+hundred/thousand/million/ billion+名词的复数形式;不确切数量常用hundreds/thousands/millions/billions + of+名词的复数。故选A。55考查固定句式。Its +形容词+for/of + sb. + to do sth. 为固定句式, 意思是: 对某人来说做某事

12、是的。故选D。基础演练 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词.1. I dont like to take a walk in the street because there is too much n _.2. You should learn to make n _ in class. It will help you to learn well.3. Our country has done something to stop population i _.4. Tony wants to write a r _ about the writer. 45. The shortage(缺乏)of

13、 water in that area is a big p _. 6.My parents live in a_(公寓)in the city.7. A big city like Qingdao needs a better bus_(服务). 68. Be q _ please. Theyre having a meeting. 【 :21 】9. It is polite not to speak loudly in p_. 21 *10. The street is very clean. There is no r _ anywhere. 21 :21 答案: 1. noise2.

14、 notes3. increase4. report 5. problem 6. flat7. service8. quiet9. public10. rubbish巩固提高 完成句子1. 你需要有公共服务的公寓吗?Do you need a flat_ _ _ ?2.外面嘈杂声很大,以致他们不能听到校长的话.There was _ _ _ outside that they couldnt hear the headmaster .3. 我们需要更多的人来保护环境。We need more people_ _the environment. 21 014. 我们搬到了一所有2 000名学生的

15、学校。We_ _ a school_ 2, 000 students. 45. 全世界人民渴望和平。The people _ _ _ _ long for peace.6. 事实上我们还有很多东西要学。_ _, we have a lot more to learn.7.写这部小说你用了多长时间?How long does_ _ you to write this novel? 【 : 】8. 这些短语很重要, 请把它们写在笔记本上。The expressions are very important, please_ _ _ on your notebook.9.噪音污染对我们的听力是有害的

16、。_ _is bad for our hearing.10. 三年前政府就关停了这家造纸厂。The government_ _ this paper factory three years ago.答案: 1. with public services2. so much noise3. to protect 4. moved to; with5. all over the world 6. In fact7. it take 8. write them down 9.Noise pollution10. closed down一、单项选择. 1. We should prepare some

17、 food _ the picnic.A. toB. forC. inD. with2. There used to be lots of birds here. Now most of them die _ the polluted water.Thats terrible. We must do something for that.A. of drinkingB. from drinkC. from drinkingD. of drink3. I dont like _ people and _ traffic in the big city. 4. A. too much; too m

18、anyB. many too; too muchC. too many; too muchD. too many; much too4. These are New Year resolutions. Can you_?A. write down itB. write it downC. write them downD. write down them5. Wow! What a _ park! You can hardly hear the traffic!Yes, and no one is shouting.quietB. busyC. crowdedD. noisy6. It too

19、k the actor ten years _ the prize.A. winB. to winC. wonD. winning7. _?There is a serious accident.A. What is happenedB. Where is happeningC. What happenedD. What is happening8. The company doesnt run well; the boss will_. A. closeB. close it downC. close down itD. shut it up9.Can you finish the work

20、 in an hour?_.A.Good ideaB.Thats all rightC.No problemD.I dont believe it10._the population of China by the year 2060?A.How many will beB.How much will beC.What will beD.What will答案:BCCCA BDBCC二、完型填空. It seems that the cities in the future will have to change. Because the worlds population 1 , there

21、 will be 2 people in the cities tomorrow.It may be 3 for any family to live in a house with land around it. There 4 enough space for them. 5 to solve this problem may be the skyscraper city(摩天城). The highest building in the world today is in Dubai. Its about 509 metres high. The skyscraper cities in

22、 the future will be many times 6 . In a skyscraper city about 250, 000 people will live. Nearly a million people can 7 in four of these great buildings. Each skyscraper city will have four towns in it and each town will have ten villages. They will live, work and 8 their free time in them. They wont

23、 need to leave the city 9 they want to. They will be able to move about in the city by transport controlled 10 computers. Lets imagine how the life will be then! 1. A. has grownB. is growingC. are growingD. have grown2. A. manyB. much C. moreD. larger3. A. impossibleB. possibleC. importantD. necessa

24、ry4. A. arentB. wont beC. wont haveD. havent5. A. A wayB. A roadC. An answerD. An idea6. A. lowerB. shorterC. tallerD. higher7. A. liveB. studyC. workD. be8. A. spendB. costC. payD. take9. A. untilB. whenC. whileD. unless10. A. byB. atC. withD. in答案:15. BCABA610. DAADA_一补全对话。从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话。A. Do you

25、 know what the worlds population today is?B. Im reading a book about the worlds population.C. Its too terrible.D. It was no more than 2 billion.E. I think we must do something to control the population. A: What are you doing?B: 1A: Great! Can you tell me something about the book? B: Certainly! It sa

26、ys 1, 000 years ago, the worlds population was very small. 2A: Really?B: Yes, but during the last three or four hundred years, the worlds population has grown very quickly. Today, it is growing faster than ever before. 3A: Sorry, I dont know.B: Its more than 6 billion.A: Its so large. 4B: Yes. If we

27、 dont control the population, there will not be enough space even to stand in on the earth in 600 years. 21A: 5_2. _3. _4. _5. _答案: 15. BDAEC二、阅读理解。 (A) China Youth says that more and more girl students have entered colleges to study in the recent few years. As we know, once the number of boys was l

28、arger than that of girls and boys did much better than girls in our country for a long time. Now, things have changed a lot.In recent years, the proportion of girl students is growing fast. In 1998, about39.7% of college students were girls. In 2000, it was 41.07% and in 2001, the percentage was 42.

29、14%.There are several reasons for this.Firstly, there is little difference between boys and girls in their intelligence(智力). Thats to say, girls are as clever as boys. And boys have more interests than girls, so they may not always do well in their study.Secondly, girls are more careful than boys. T

30、hey work harder at school and they do better in all exams.Another reason is that with the development of society, people pay more and more attention to girls education.1. China Youth says that more and more_.A. boys are cleverer than girlsB. boys cant go to schoolC. girls have entered collegesD. gir

31、ls begin to study at school2. 42.14% refers to(指)the percentage of_.A. girls at school in 1998B. girls in colleges in 2001C. boys at school in 2001D. boys in colleges in 19983. The writer gave us _ reasons to explain the question. A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five4. What does the underlined word “proport

32、ion” mean in Chinese?A. 身高B. 比例C. 特性D. 速度5. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?A. Boys may not do well in their study as girls because they dont like studying.B. Boys are much cleverer than girls because theyre interested in many things.C. Girls intelligence is the same as boys.D. Girls study

33、harder, but they couldnt get higher marks than boys.答案:CBBBC ( B ) Most new people were born in developing countries. These countries are found in much of Africa,South America and some parts of Asia. In the developed countries of Europe and North America,the population is growing very slowly. This i

34、s because women in these countries have,on average(平均),only one or two children. In the developing countries,many women have five or more children. In 1950,around_(百分之二十五)of the worlds population lived in the developed countries. By 2050,these countries will be home to only around one tenth of the w

35、orlds population.In the developing countries,more than one billion people are still living below the poverty(贫困)line.These people do not have enough food to eat and they live in poor housing. Children get little time at school and people suffer(遭受痛苦)from many kinds of diseases.At the beginning of th

36、e 21st century,the worlds population was around six billion.The U.N. has said that the worlds population will level off(平稳下降)at 12.5 billion by the year 2100. Other groups think the worlds population will continue to grow,reaching 14 billion before it becomes stable(稳定的),or even falls.阅读短文,完成下列任务。1.

37、In what areas of the world can developing countries be found?_2.将处的汉语翻译成英语。_3.将句翻译成汉语。_4.写出句的同义句。At the beginning of the 21st century,the world_ _ _ _about six billion.5.There will be twelve and a half billion people on the earth in 2100,wont there?_ 答案: 1.In much of Africa,South America and some pa

38、rts of Asia.2.twenty-five percent3.在发展中国家,超过10亿的人仍然生活在贫困线以下。4.had a population of5.Yes,there will. (2015年外研社版八年级上期末测试题)(C)任务型阅读When your feelings are bad, what can you do? Let me tell you a good way of solving this problem. If it is sunny outside, go out and stay in the sun for half an hour, and you

39、 will be better soon.Scientists believe that weather affects(影响)peoples feelings. When the sun is shining, people often feel(A)_,but when it is cloudy, people often feel bad.Also, you should pay more attention(注意)to your health in different weather.For example, in hot summer, you should have more sl

40、eep. You can get up late in the cool morning. When the temperature is over 32,you should stop having sports.根据所给材料,完成下列任务。任务一:()1.Whats the meaning of the underlined word“ solving” in Chinese?A.避免B.预防C.解决D.改善任务二:来源:Z#xx#k.Com2.文中(A)处所缺的单词是:_任务三:判断正误(T/F)。()3.When its cloudy, your feelings may be bad.()4.In hot summer, we should increase(增加)sleeping time.任务四:5.将文中画线句子翻译成汉语。_。答案:1.C 2. Good 3. T 4. T 5.当气温超过32 , 你应该停止运动。


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