City on a Hill《山巅之城》第三季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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1、(Jenny Rohr无法和性侵过她的)(父亲对质,因为他拒绝见她)(她因此仍旧情绪麻痹)Joseph Congemi住在这里吗Does Joseph Congemi live here?他对你无话可说Hes got nothing to say to you.(前波 士顿警 ♥察♥Tony Suferin)(被联邦政♥府♥指控)(杀害 Anton Campbell)(面临不可假释的终身监禁你已无路可走,AntonYou got nowhere to run, Anton!不 该死No.发生了什么事.happened?他转身扑向我,Chr

2、isHe.wheeled on me, Chris.他转身扑向我He wheeled on me!(中枪幸存后又流产的)(Siobhan Quays 离开了)(她的高级律师事务所(转去美国公民自♥由♥联盟做律师)(Decourcy Ward 继续待在)(职涯炼狱里,决心爬出)(Guy Dan逼他跳进的洞里)你需要我做你的黑人代表You need me to be your token Black boy.我想你做你的工作I want you to do your.job.我出于礼貌才问你Im asking to be polite.(Jackie Rohr辞去联调局

3、的工作(以免被联邦检控官)(Karen Shimizu 驱赶)去你的.you.你要就给你吧考虑到目前的情况Given the circumstances.目前的情况是有点令人尴尬Yes, the circumstances are a little off-putting.我甚至不知道为何I dont even know why他们会考虑找我做你的工作Im under consideration for your job.你登上芝加哥的头条You made headlines in Chicago,把那个滥用竞选资金的州议员putting that state senator away关进牢里

4、for misuse of campaign funds.你打了一场高调又成功的诉讼You built a big, splashy, successful case,我指望你俩继续拿出这种表现and that is what I expect from the 2 of you.他认为他的透明令人欣慰He thinks his transparency is comforting.我只知道我需要向你学习All I know is I will need to lean on you萨福克郡地检办公室的运作方式to learn how Suffolk County works.我很乐意帮忙Ha

5、ppy to help.欢迎来到波士顿Welcome to Boston.开始竞赛吧Let the games begin.真不错Thats nice.对,小时候我爸爸也常带我来这里Yeah, my dad used to take me here too when I was little.Suferin 先生Mr Suferin,你的前拍档Wallace警官your former partner, Officer Wallace,将指证你违背Caysen警佐的命令will testify that you disobeyed Sergeant Caysen!s orders 闯进Anton

6、 Campbell被围捕的房♥子 by going into the house where Anton Campbell was cornered.那时Wallace就在我后面Wallace was right behind me when I.我还没说完Im not finished.他也会指证Campbell并没有转身He will also testify that Campbell was not turning around.相反你在其他人和他谈判时处决他Instead, you executed him while others were negotiating w

7、ith him. 那个黑人混♥蛋♥在开枪That Black bastard was firing.每个警♥察♥监识科学不会说谎Every cop out front. -Forensics do not lie.他头部侧面中枪He was shot in the side of the head.他当时并没有面对你He wasnt facing you.那就是为什么你被指控And thats why you*re being charged违反联邦刑法美国法典under Title 18 U.S.C. Section 242第18编第2

8、42条of the Federal Criminal Code.可能会被判终身监禁A possible life sentence.Shimizu女士,我推测你来这里Miss Shimizu, I assume youre here是为节省政♥府♥的时间和金钱to save the government time and money.你有什么提议Whats your offer?庭前会议PTC,我们建议15年刑期,而非终身监禁and we recommend 15 years, not life.去你的他是在履行职责.that! -He was performing

9、 his duty.他的行为有正当理由His actions were justified.没有陪审团会那样给警♥察♥定罪的No jury would ever convict a cop of that.他自己的拍档His own partner都说Campbell先生的死是暗♥杀♥called Mr Campbelfs death an assassination.Suferin警官的外套上Officer Suferins jacket有一堆种族仇恨的投诉has over a dozen complaints of racial an

10、imus他也因此受到纪律惩处for which he was disciplined.我没有种族歧视Im not a racist.15年有期徒刑,Suferin先生Life or 15, Mr Suferin.接受条件吧Take the offer.如果是男孩If its a boy,我想取名 Russ Wallace JrIm thinking Russ Wallace Jr.可以吗But is that okay?我不知道I mean, I donft know.Russ,宝宝还没出生Russ, the baby*s not here yet.你何必纠结这些事Youre getting

11、all tangled up for no reason.再过两周就要生了We*re a couple weeks away.我不确定我做好准备了没有Im just not sure that Im ready.我是说I mean.该死,那可是个宝宝holy s*t,每个准爸爸都会有同样的感觉Every dad-to-be feels the same.然后那天到来Then the day comes,你抱着宝贝儿子或宝贝女儿youre holding your baby boy or girl in your arms,在那珍贵的一刻and in that precious

12、moment,你意识到16年后那孩子会说you realize in 16 years that kids gonna be saying,“去你的,爸爸”, Dad.谢谢你的明智建议,警佐Thanks for the sage advice, Sarge.上Go.Ronnie WeskumRonnie Weskum!波 士顿警♥察♥This is the Boston Police.你被包围了We have you surrounded.举起双手下车Step out of the vehicle with your hands up背对着我们走过来and

13、 walk backwards to my voice.Ronnie,下车Ronnie! Step out of the vehicle!双手高举,背对我们走过来Show me both your hands, then walk backwards to my voice.别闹事,RonnieDont.around, Ronnie.双手高举Show me both your hands.枪Gun! Gun!疑犯倒下倒下,疑犯倒下Suspect down. -Down! Suspect down!他倒下了疑犯倒下Hes down! -Suspect down.好,放轻松靠过去靠过去All ri

14、ght, easy, easy. Move in. -Moving in.有警官倒下Officer down. Officer down.Russ.Russ. Russ.坚持住Stay here, man. Stay here.该死 爸爸,用杯垫Dad. Coaster.老天爷,你越来越像你妈妈了Jesus Christ, youre more like your mother every day.你还没走Youre hovering.对,我有话要跟你说Yeah, I got to talk to you about something.你要多少钱How much you need?这开场白太

15、差了I mean, that*s a pretty s*tty conversation starter.拜托,你怎么会觉得Come on, what makes you think我一开口就是要跟你拿钱Im always gonna ask you for money?你去应门吧Get that, will you?你好,我是 Sinclair DrydenHi there. Im Sinclair Dryden.有什么事吗你♥爸♥爸在家吗Can I help you? -Is your father home?我去看看Let me check.爸爸 好Dad?

16、-Yeah, yeah.请他进来,BennySend him right in, Benny.谢谢Thank you.JackieJackie.见到你真好SinclairIts good to see you. -Sinclair.肤色还是像成人片演员一样好看Still tan as a porn star.坐到这边来吧好Lets sit in here. -Yeah.不知道你有没有收到我的讯息I dont know if you got my message.我打给你,但没有回音I called you. I didnt hear back.我监听过太多人了Yeah, Ive done to

17、o many wiretaps我不信任电♥话♥to trust using a phone, huh?老天Oh, boy.背部不好吗Oh. Bad back, huh?对,家族聚会时踢足球Yeah, playing football at a family gathering.自那之后只要天气改变就会背痛Ever since, any change of the weather makes my back ache.五年前还不会痛吧Well, it wasnt aching. what was it, 5 years ago?当你痛扁那个联邦检控官时When you

18、 punched that U.S. attorney.揍他还算便宜他了He deserved more of a beating.他的秘书开始尖叫His secretary started screaming.你是波士顿联调局You were the best SAC最优秀的特别探员主管the Boston Bureau ever had.只可惜那个娘娘腔下巴骨折Its a shame that that pansys broken jaw害你丢了工作cost you your job.我是自作孽,像个男人一样I fell on my own sword, like a man should

19、.听说你也是You*ve done the same, or so I hear.但你站起来了You landed on your feet.就像我在讯息里说的Well, like I said in my message, you know,我在接谄询工作Im doing some consulting.这里一点,那里一点You know, a little of this, little of that.以前波士顿联调局归我管时Back when I was running the Boston Bureau, 我让你想怎么做就怎么做I let you pick your own musi

20、c, dance your own dance.不过问,我能倚赖你No questions asked. I could depend on you.现在还是可以You still can.这就是为什么我想雇你Thats why I want to hire you.我想这对我俩可能是双赢局面Look, I think this could be a perfect situation for both of us.我在职涯里树立了不少敌人I made a lot of enemies in the course of my career.最近开始发生一些事And lately, things

21、 have started to happen.轮胎被割破、太太被骚扰Tires slashed, my wife gets harassed.前几天晚上A couple of nights ago, 一辆车跟着我女儿Victoriaa car follows my daughter Victoria开上我们家车道onto our driveway,停在她后面,在那里等了一段时间parks right behind her and stays there a while.把她吓死了Scared her to death.你有装监视器吗You have surveillance cameras?

22、有,但在事发当时Yes, but theres a gap in the tape录影带上少了一段画面at the time of the incident.Jackie,我知道Look, Jackie, I know youve been slinging hooch 你在第21条宪法修正案酒吧卖♥♥酒 at the 21st Amendment.太浪费你的才能了,Jackie Rohr But thats a waste of Jackie Rohr. 你需要一份工作You need a job, 我需要一个专业人士and I need somebody who

23、 knows his s*t.担任你的保安主管?As your head of security?我担心的不是自己Oh, Im not worried about myself.但我担心我不在时But I am afraid for Letitia and my daughterLetitia和我女儿会不会出事when Im not around.每周两千元现金2,000 bucks a week, cash.比你在联调局时Thats almost 50,000 dollars多了近五万美元more than you were making working for Uncle, 而且这样你就没

24、空和你老婆聊天了and no, you do not have time to talk to your wife. 好了Yeah, all right.明早10时在我家见面吧Ill see you at my house at 10 am tomorrow morning. 维侬山街对吧?灯塔山Mount Vernon Street, huh? Beacon Hill.总能得到自己想要的Must be nice感觉一定很棒to always get what you came for.预支给你的An advance.不用送我了PH show myself out.宝贝女儿Bendrops.你

25、要多少钱How much you need?Russ刚刚死了Russ just died.Carol,我很遗憾Carol, Tm so sorry.不No.是 Blair ChavezIt was Blair Chavez,芝加哥来的助理地方检控官some hotshot A.D.A. out of Chicago.Guy Dan雇她是为了Guy Dan hired her to.为了扰乱我的思绪To.with my head.那就很简单了Well; then, thats simple.别让她扰乱你的思绪Don*t let her.with your head.听着Look.我想成为萨福克郡

26、地检I want to be Suffolk County D.A.那样就有机会做出Then Id get the chance to actually make the changes那些需要做的改变that need to be made.你好Hello?DecourcyDecourcy, hey.你好,Louie,什么事Hey, Louie. What*s up; man?听着So, listen,我接到电♥话♥时正在外面巡逻I was out on patrol when I got a call.爸爸在房♥子前面倒下Pop collapsed

27、 in front of the house.等等,什么?他还好吗Wait, what? Is he okay?似乎还好He seems to be.急救员无法判断他有什么问题The paramedics cant figure out whats wrong with him. 医生怎么说Well, what did the doctors say?那个倔强的老头不愿去看医生That stubborn old fool wont go see a doctor.他说他没事He says hes fine.他在楼上睡觉Hes upstairs sleeping.我会尽快回布鲁克林Fil be

28、in Brooklyn as soon as I can.好,再见了All right, Til see you.已经几个月没听到你吹口哨了I havent heard you whistle in months.“人每天都重新活一遍”Man starts over again every day/“尽管他知道的一切”in spite of all he knows/“违背他知道的一切against all he knows.1你确定你想去灯塔山工作吗You sure you want to work in Beacon Hill?昨天你还说我是游手好闲的无赖Yesterday you sai

29、d I was a lazy s*t-bum.拿我和你的堕落父亲相比You compared me to your degenerate father还像炒蛋一样打我and you beat my balls like scrambled eggs.没错,只要确保Dryden家的安全So, yeah, 2 grand a week cash每周就能赚两千元现金?to make sure that Drydens doors are locked?那是正确的决定Thats the right decision.我了解你,JackieI know you, Jackie.一定不只是为了钱You c

30、an have it.你得记住You have to remember, 波士顿是个错误Boston is a mistake.五月花号♥从来就不该The Mayflower was never supposed靠上普利茅斯的岸to land on Plymouth.Rock.他们本来要去维珍尼亚州They were heading to Virginia结果迷路了and got lost.波士顿会存在Boston only exists是因为某人方向感太差because of someones s*tty sense of direction.讨人厌的浪子又回到The prod

31、igal pain in the a* returns他多次犯罪的现场to the scene of his many crimes.讨人厌的醉鬼则依旧自怨自艾And the prodigal drunk remains steadfast in his self-loathing. 你要喝什么What are you drinking?你要请客吗我负责倒酒You buying? -Im pouring.轩尼诗,对吧Hennessy, right?等等Wait.你在这里工作?You work here?老天,伟大的你堕落成这样Oh, my, how far the mighty have fa

32、llen.不Nah.考虑到我这一年来承受多少Given the s*t I went throughShimizu 那贱♥人♥招来的事 with that bitch Shimizu this past year,Nah, theres more to this than just the money. 你喜欢再次有做警♥察♥的感觉 You like feeling like a cop again.错了Wrong.我一点也不想念那种生活I dont miss that life a singlebit.很好Good for you.你已

33、经撒了今天第一个谎You got your first lie of the day out of the way. Hernando被打到了Hernandos been hit.有根棍子插♥进&hearts他的脑袋Hes got a.rod through his.head.快找人帮忙Get help.叫救护车Call an ambulance.这是22号♥工地,这里发生了意外This is site 22. Weve had an accident.我们需要救护车We need an ambulance.你好吗How you doing?该死* Suferin警

34、官拒绝了我的条件Officer Suferin refused my offer.你根本不该和他谈条件的Never should have put one on the table. 那个混♥蛋♥该被终身监禁 That bastard deserves life in prison,不得假释no chance at parole.抱歉让你们久等了Sorry keeping you guys waiting.你该先打来的You shouldve called.是的,我该先打来的Yeah, I shouldve.我该做的事可多了I shouldVe done a lot

35、 of.things.我有一堆事要在明天Look, I have tons of things to do回布鲁克林前处理完before I head to Brooklyn tomorrow.Chris, Wallace警官是否曾说过Chris, did Officer Wallace ever contradict his statementSuferin 没有谋杀 Anton Campbellabout Suferin murdering Anton Campbell?没有,他No. He.首先,他对于是否该开口犹豫不决At first, he was hesitant to say a

36、nything,但后来他想通了but he came around.Russ知道他必须做对的事Russ knew he had to do what was right.现在他死了And now hes dead.显然是被另一个警♥察♥杀死的Apparently, shot by another cop.弹道分♥析♥报告今早出来了Ballistics report came in this morning.你看过了吗Did you read it?看来是你的一个手下杀广WallaceLooks like one of your guys

37、killed Wallace.这不是住♥宅♥失火It*s not a house fire.我们仍有他的宣誓证词We still have his sworn statement.对,但活着的证人胜过一张纸No, but a living witness is better than a piece of paper.这是什么What*s this?要不是祝福就是诅咒Either a blessing or a curse.你听说靠近南街的大挖掘工地You heard about that accident发生的那宗意外了吗that happened at the

38、Big Dig site near South Street?起重机失控之类的吗Oh, the crane gave way or something?比那个更血淋淋What happened was a little more graphic.这位是 Hernando MendozaMeet Hernando Mendoza.老天爷Oh. Sweet Jesus.那很可能救了他一命Thats probably who saved him.Mendoza活下来了 ?Mendoza survived this?他在医院里Hes in the hospital.医生不确定他能恢复到什么程度Doct

39、ors arent sure how much hell recover, if at all.家属想提出起诉The family wants to sue, 但没有律师事务所愿意替他辩护but no law firm in the city will represent him because.因为这是Tip ONeill的宝贝Because this is Tip ONeilFs love child.谁敢搞大挖掘Anyone who.with the Big Dig谁就完蛋is gonna get crushed.你愿意挑战大人物吗You up for taking on Goliath

40、?我去拿武器Ill get my slingshot.你好吗How are you?Jackie RohrJackie RohrSinclair Dryden 要我来的for Sinclair Dryden?谢谢 Dryden太太马上就来Thanks. -Mrs Dryden will be right with you.好Okay.在这里等吗 是的,麻烦What, in here? -Yes, please.有点太夸张了,对吧Little much, right?仿佛赢了“瞧瞧我们”Kind of wins the *look at us/我们是皇室成员吧奖Arent we.royaltyr

41、 award.幸会,Dryden太太Nice to meet you, Mrs Dryden.Jackie Rohr,照片没有本人美Jackie Rohr. Doesnt do you justice.我知道,我变胖了I know. Tve put on a little weight.不我不是那个意思Oh, no.that*s not what I meant.我 JackieI was. -Jackie, 我们就直呼名字吧 lets be on a first-name basis.我是Letitia 好Im Letitia. -Okay.来吧,我带你参观房♥子Come on

42、. Til show you the house. 房♥子?House?在我的故乡Where I come from, 这个房♥间就能容纳一栋房♥子了 you could fit a house in this room.你会打桌球?Oh, you play pool?会,但不是你想的那样Yes, but not like you think.我在新闻上看过你You know, Ive seen you on the news.你抓到查尔斯顿的装甲车窃贼You arrested those armored car thieves in Charlest

43、own, 歼灭伯里的贩毒集团shut down that drug ring in Roxbury.你是超级英雄吗Are you some kind of superhero?外套底下有斗篷吗You got a cape under that jacket?早安,Dryden太太Good morning, Mrs Dryden.Dominique,你好,这是Rohr先生Dominique, hi. This is Mr Rohr.Rohr先生Mr Rohr,Dominique是Sinclair女儿的同学Dominique is a classmate of Sinclairs daughter

44、.幸会Nice to meet you.Dryden太太,我Mrs Dryden, I.我周日晚上有来这里吗Was I here on Sunday night?你和我们一起吃了晚餐,是的You had dinner with us, yes.我记得晚餐的事I remember dinner.但我有在这里过夜吗Did I sleep here?Dominique,你早上在哪里醒来Dominique, where did you wake up in the morning?在我家,但是At my apartment, but there are,有些片段我想不起来gaps that I cant recall.你喝了很多酒Well, you had a lot of wine后来在梳化上睡着了and you dozed on the couch.我们请司机送你回家的We had our driver take you home.Dom,我说了我们要在楼上念书Dom, I told you that we were gonna study upstairs.Jackie,这是我继女VictoriaJackie, meet my stepdaughter Victoria.你好,我是Jackie RohrHey. Jackie Rohr.现在家里的保安由


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