The Mandalorian《曼达洛人》第三季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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1、制♥造&hearts渚协议规定我不能被捕获IG-11: Manufacturers protocol dictates I cannot be captured. 我必须自毁I must be destroyed.(前情提要)内瓦罗星很不错Nevarro is a very fine planet.现在败类跟恶棍已被扫除And now that the scum and villainy have been washed away, 这里又变得体面了 ifs very respectable again.你没遮住脸,你不是曼达洛人You do not cover your fac

2、e. You are not Mandalorian. 你是护卫之子You are a Child of the Watch.道只有一种,曼达洛之道There is only one way. The Way of the Mandalore. 丁贾林,你可曾脱下头盔Din Djarin, have you ever removed your helmet? 我有过I have.那你不再是曼达洛人Then, you are a Mandalorian no more.我要如何赎罪How can I atone?根据信条According to Creed, 救赎之路只在 one may onl

3、y be redeemed in the Living Waters 曼达洛矿井下的活水中 beneath the mines of Mandalore.但矿井全被毁了But the mines have all been destroyed.我辈之道This is the Way.以吾名及列祖之名发誓I swear on my name and the names of the ancestors.以吾名及列祖之名发誓I swear on my name and the names of the ancestors. 我将行于曼达诺之道That I shall walk the Way of

4、 the Mandlor.There.接上他的动力了Hes hooked up to power.看能不能唤醒他Lets see if we can wake him up.你成功了There you go.保证人协会协议豁免第16款ubparagraph sixteen-teen-teen of the Bondsman Guild protocol waiver.立刻交出上述Immediately produce said.赏金目标是我的,物件必须消灭The bounty is mine. Asset to be terminated.消灭物件,消灭物件Terminate asset. T

5、erminate asset.格里夫Greef!消灭物件IG-11: Terminate asset.老曼,开枪打它消灭-Mando, shoot it! Shoot it! - Terminate.你的脑袋真管用Now thats using your head.他大概恢复到原始程式I think he defaulted to his old programming.还用你说You think?这事你无法独力完成Thats too big a job for you to do by yourself.幸好内瓦罗招来了边境星域顶尖的机器人工匠Fortunately, Nevarro has

6、 attracted the best droidsmiths of the Outer Rim.他们三两下就能让IG恢复Theyll have IG back to his old self in no time.他们真搞得定Are you sure they*re up for it?我恐怕打不过肢体完好的暴走IGI dont think I can handle him with all his limbs if things go scud.你何不亲自问他们Why dont you ask em for yourself?谁Who?安泽人The Anzellans.有什么事What d

7、o you want?没办法修,不行,坏掉No. Cant fix. No. No, no. The broken.好的Uh. Okay.我听不懂,你会说赫特语吗The broken. It broke. I dont understand. Do you speak Huttese? 老曼,他说没办法修Mando, he said he cant fix it.不行,我就要这部,他是我朋友Thats no good, I need this one. This one is my friend.不再是朋友,记忆体电路坏掉It not friend anymore. Memory circui

8、t broken.他说记忆体电路坏了He says the memory circuit is shot.完蛋No more.那装一组新的Well, put in a new one.-不行-没办法-No, no, no, no. - Not work.新的没做了,很难找没错-Dont make new one. Very hard to find. - No.他说组件不再生产,很难找He said they dont make em anymore. Theyre very hard to find.我知道买♥♥新机器人-1 got it. - Buy new d

9、roid.这个噗嘟了This one poodoo.他要你买♥♥新机器人He says you should get a new one.少了记忆体电路还能修吗Can you fix it without the memory circuit?可以,但是IG不思考Yes, but IG no think.那我找零件给你呢What if I find you the part?那就没问题,我们修Okay, now. Then no problem. We fix.他说你有新零件,他就能修If you can get a new part, he says he can

10、 fix it.-不行,不行,放下-古古,不行-No! No! No! No! No! No, down, down! - No, Grogu.-他不是宠物-别挤压,不能挤-He*s not a pet. - No squeezie. Not squeeze.不能挤Not squeeze.坏宝宝Bad baby!他是坏宝宝-抱歉,他还小-Oh, hes a bad baby. - Sorry about that. Hes young.对,坏宝宝Yeah, bad baby.古古,不行No, Grogu.感谢莅临内瓦罗,请务必Thank you for visiting Nevarro, pl

11、ease make sure.希望你早点回来We hope to see you soon.看好IG-11,等我带零件回来Keep IG-11 safe until I get back with that part.连安泽人都找不到别人恐怕更难If the Anzellans cant find it, I dont know who can.一路顺风Safe travels.身为曼达洛人不光是习武而已Being a Mandalorian not just learning about how to fight, 也要懂得怎么在银河中飞航you also have to know how

12、to navigate the galaxy, 因为你不会知道下一站要去哪because you never know where you might be headed next.这是超太空飞航图This here is your hyperspace map.观察燃料表来确定航行距离You determine your range by looking at your fuel gauge.而这个是敌方接近警示器And this. is your enemy proximity warning indicator.孩子,坐稳,有海盗Hang on, kid, we got pirates.

13、别动,曼达洛人Avast, Mandalorian.别想偷溜You cant just sneak away我的四名兄弟被你无情射杀after cuttin1 down four of my brothers in cold blood.我们是海盗王戈里安夏德的手下你要向他解释Were Pirate King Gorian Shards men, now youll answer to him.戈里安夏德光做劫持和勒赎就够了Gorian Shard should stick to hijacking and ransoming.追上去After him!还有三架Three more.谁看到曼达

14、洛人了Has anyone got eyes on the Mandalorian?还没看到Not yet.船长,曼达洛人交给你了Bringing the Mandalorian to you, Captain.真要命Dank farrik.对方锁定我们了They have a target lock on us.停在原地,曼达洛人Stop where you are, Mandalorian.你没有胜算Youre outgunned.我们无冤无仇,戈里安夏德I have no quarrel with you, Gorian Shard.说得真好听,但你刚毁了我四架战机What a kind

15、 sentiment from a man who just destroyed four of my fighters.交出飞船,我就饶你一命Surrender your ship and I will spare your life.孩子Kid.千万别信海盗Never trust a pirate.这里是卡勒瓦拉This is Kalevala.曼达洛星系的另一座星球Ifs another planet in the Mandalorian system. 而那是一座曼达洛城♥堡♥And that is a Mandalorian castle.布卡坦Bo-Ka

16、tan.我是丁贾林It is Din Djarin.我来加入你们I am here to join you.没组织让你加入了Theres nothing left to join.你收复曼达洛星的计划呢What of your plans to retake Mandalore?我回来时,手上没黑剑,部下就散了When I returned without the Darksaber, my forces melted away. 那夺取的舰队呢Where is the stolen fleet?在银河中到处跑,当佣兵Making their way through the galaxy as

17、 mercenaries.黑剑还在你手上Do you still have the saber?是的I do.那你能领导他们Then you lead them.亮出那把剑,他们会效忠于你Wave that thing around and theyll do whatever you say. 你放弃了收复曼达洛星的念头So you gave up your designs to retake Mandalore?你们那派早在大肃清前就放弃曼达洛星Your cult gave up on Mandalore long before the Purge.当时你在哪里Where were you

18、 then?护卫之子及之前的所有派系The Children of the Watch and all the factions that came before 使我们的人♥民♥分♥裂♥且四散 fractured and shattered our people. 回去吧Go home.什么都不剩了Theres nothing left.我要去曼达洛星I am going to Mandalore泡在活水中,好让我的罪过获得宽恕so that I may bathe in the Living Waters and be forgive

19、n for my transgressions. 你真傻You are a fool.曼达洛星矿井无神奇之处Theres nothing magic about the mines of Mandalore.先人从中开采贝斯卡矿石其余全属迷信They supplied beskar ore to our ancestors and the rest is superstition.曼达洛星遭到摧残掠夺与污染That planet has been ravaged, plundered, and poisoned.你说过诅咒是骗人的You said that the curse was a li

20、e.别动摇了Make up your mind.如果你想去矿井,尽管去吧If you want to go to the mines; be my guest.位在桑达里市的市政中心下方Theyre beneath the civic center in the city of Sundari.谢谢Thank you.到时我会知道星球是否真被污染And I will find out if the planet is really poisoned.再会,丁贾林Goodbye, Din Djarin.我将行于曼达诺之道That I shall walk the Way of the Mandr

21、alor.H且将信条内文永远铭记在心And the words of the Creed shall be forever forged in my heart.且将信条内文永远铭记在心And the words of the Creed shall be forever forged in my heart. 我辈之道This is the Way.我辈之道This is the Way.我辈之道This is the Way.从这一刻起,我永远不脱下头盔From this moment on, I shall never remove my helmet.从这一刻起,我永远不From th

22、is moment on shall never.快走,快走Go! Go! Go!走啊Go!孩子们进洞穴Young ones, to the cave!退后,退后Get back. Get back!我来帮你I got you!I got you!找掩护Take cover!掩护他们Cover them!升空To the sky!走Go全员出手All hands, go!趴下Get down!曼达洛人第三季第一季第十七章:叛教之人你曾脱下头盔You have removed your helmet.更糟的是,你是出于自愿What*s worse, you did so of your own

23、free will.你不再是曼达洛人You are no longer Mandalorian.信条教导我们赎罪The Creed teaches us of redemption.赎罪不再可行,因为我们的家园已毁Redemption is no longer possible since the destruction of our homeworld.如果曼达洛星矿井仍存在呢But what if the mines of Mandalore still exist?大肃清毁灭了一切All was destroyed in the Purge.这刻字不是曼达洛文吗Is this inscr

24、iption not Mandalorian?你从哪里得来的Where did you come upon this?夹哇人Jawas.他们向一名旅人交易得来They came upon it by trade from a traveler那旅人声称到过曼达洛星地表who claimed to have visited the surface of Mandalore.这件遗物只能证明Then this relic only proves融合射线将曼达洛星地表全化为结晶了that Mandalore entire surface has been crystalized by fusion

25、rays.但旅人能拾得这物品那里可能没被污染But a traveler was able to retrieve this, so perhaps, it is not poisoned.如果我去一趟,并向你证明If I visit the planet and I can bring you proof我浸泡过曼达洛星矿井下的活水that I have bathed in the Living Waters beneath the mines of Mandalore,根据信条,流放之令将可解除我也能获得救赎then by Creed, the decree of exile will b

26、e lifted and I would be redeemed.我辈之道This is the Way.至U时我们再见Then I will see you again.欢迎来到内瓦罗星Welcome to Nevarro,独♥立♥贸易重镇和边境星域超通道港 independent trade anchor and Outer Rim Hyperlane port. 请说明来访的目的Please state the purpose of your visit.来见一位老友Here to meet an old friend.你好Greetings.欢迎来到内瓦罗港

27、,边境星域之珠Welcome to the port of Nevarro, gem of the Outer Rim.我们崇高的上太守欢迎你Our esteemed High Magistrate welcomes you祝你在本地诸事顺心and hopes that your stay will be a prosperous one.邀请你参观我们的商家与市场We invite you to visit our shops and markets,享用当地美食,游览黑熔岩谷奇景enjoy local delicacies, marvel at the black lava canyons

28、, 或是浸泡地热温泉or soak in the geothermal springs.这里变了很多A lot has changed around here.还记得你的老友吗Do you remember your old friend?老曼Mando!听说你回来了,我本来还不信I heard you were back, but I didnt believe it.卡加太守Magistrate Karga.你该叫我卡加上太守Thats High Magistrate Karga to you.来Come.聊聊彼此的近况Lets catch up on old times.见到你真好,欢迎

29、回来Its so good to see you. Welcome back.这里像变了个地方Doesnt even look like the same place.是啊,我们做了很多改善I know, weve done a lot with it.民众在这方面出了不少力,看看这个The citizens have been so instrumental in making this all work, and look at this.我们是海迪亚路正式的贸易支线We are an official trade spur of the Hydian Way.恭喜Congratulati

30、ons.我们城里有一股兴建热潮Weve got a construction boom going on in the city.矿工在星系边缘的小行星带开采The belters are mining the asteroid fields at the edge of the system.内瓦罗有很多钱等着人赚Theres a lot of money to be made on Nevarro.看得出来I can see.我可以在温泉旁边安排一块好地给你I can set you up with a prime tract right over by the hot springs.你

31、跟小家伙可以住下来You and the little one, you can settle down,不必再碰爆能枪you can hang up your blaster.过上富足的日子Live off the fat of the land.古古Grogu.你说什么Come again?他叫做古古His name is Grogu.你说了算Oh. If you say so.来,给你看样东西Come, I wanna show you something.如同我说的Now, as I was saying,平原旁边有一块很棒的空地theres a beautiful parcel av

32、ailable right down here by the flats.感谢你的提议,但我有一些事要处理I appreciate the offer, but I have some matters to look after.我不懂Oh, Im confused.我以为你完成任务了I thought you had completed your mission,但你却还带着这小家伙到处跑but youre still running around here with the same little critter.有点复杂Its complicated.我完成了任务I completed

33、my quest.他又回来找我He returned to me.我曾脱下头盔,成了叛教之人I removed my helmet, and now Im an apostate.那你更应该跟我们在此定居Which is all the more reason for you to stay here with us.你的同胞当你是叛教之人Where you are from, you may be an apostate,但在这里,你可以当地主but here, youd be landed gentry.太守Magistrate.是上太守High Magistrate.抱歉,上太守你真不会

34、挑时机-Yes, High Magistrate. Apologies. - Your timing couldnt be any worse.但有外客想见你But its just that, theres someone here to see you.那不急是海盗-It can wait. - But its pirates!海盗在中庭Pirates in the courtyard.别挡路,不然拆了你的电路Get out of my way or fll split your circuits.我的星辰啊Oh, my stars.闪开,机器人,不认得我们吗Stand aside, dr

35、oid, dont you know who we are?别这样,菲殷Come on, Vane.够了吧Thatll be enough of that.格里夫卡加,我的老友Greef Karga, my old friend.你果然不会羞辱我们I knew you wouldnt insult us.一来,一起喝一杯与寸-Come, join us for a drink. - Yeah.一起回我的办公室继续聊Lets continue this conversation back at my office.这里是学校This, this is a school.难怪她不让我进去Well,

36、 that explains why she wouldnt let me inside.我都忘了是我老大给的钱让你盖这座大厅I forgot, it was your cut of my bosss treasure that built this saloon.海盗王戈里安夏德的大名在这区很响亮Pirate King Gorian Shards name is familiar to all in this sector.来,到我的办公室喝一杯Come, join me for a drink back at my office.敬你们的船长Well toast to your capta

37、in.我们要在这里喝We drink here.这里变成学校了That is a school now.我说这里仍是酒吧I say its still a bar.给我们酒Now, bring us a drink.有什么麻烦吗太守Is there a problem here, Magistrate?有什么麻烦吗你说呢Is there a problem here? What do you think?给我酒就没麻烦Not if you serve me a drink.在我的学校不准Not in my school.你们听见没You hear that, boys?他的学校His scho

38、ol.你曾在这屋里付钱要我们杀人作乱You paid us for murder and mayhem inside these doors.听起来你变软弱了Sounds like you went soft.你这么想吗You think so?不妨试试Try me.告诉戈里安夏德船长内瓦罗对海盗不再友好Tell Captain Gorian Shard that Nevarro is no longer friendly to pirates. 你们走吧Now get outta here.菲殷,马上离开Get out of here, Vane. Now.确定要放他走Sure you wa

39、nna let him go?让他去传达Hefll let it be known内瓦罗变体面了,别想在此放肆that Nevarro is respectable now and not to be trifled with.派服务机器人来清理Have the service droids scrub up out there.我这就去Yes, sir, right away.老曼,坦白说我需要执法官I gotta level with you, Mando. I need a marshal.杜恩执法官呢What about Marshal Dune?移送吉迪恩星区长后她被特种部队招募Af

40、ter she brought in Moff Gideon, she was recruited by Special Forces. 吉迪恩后来呢And what came of Gideon?他被送到新共和国战争法庭Ugh. He was sent off to a New Republic War Tribunal.你意下如何So. What do you say?想穿上制♥服♥1领份好薪水吗You ready to put on the stripes and collect a healthy stipend?你会是个好执法官Youd make a ve

41、ry fine lawman.为何不请新共和国派人来Why not request one from the New Republic?我们绝不屈服于另一个遥远的官僚政♥权♥The last thing we intend is to bow down to yet another far-off bureaucracy. 在我的看管下No. Under my watch,内瓦罗星将成为真正独♥立♥的贸易重镇Nevarro will become the first truly independent trade anchor开本区之先i

42、n this entire sector.我不能当你的执法官I cant serve as your marshal.我有急事要办I have something pressing to attend to.抱歉Apologies.我不晓得你是来办事的I didnt know you were here on business.需要什么帮助What can we provide?我要他重生I need him back.IG-11在熔岩河自爆了IG-11 was destroyed on the lava river.这只是雕像This is just a statue.这些不是他的零件吗Th

43、ese are his parts, are they not?算是他的残骸I mean, whats left of em.他自毁后,能捡回一件零件都算好运We were lucky to recover any of his parts after he self-destructed.我要可靠的机器人帮我探索曼达洛星I need a droid I can trust to help me explore Mandalore, 他是不二人选and hes that droid.老曼,这里机器人很多,我帮你找Mando, weve got plenty of droids around here, well find you one.包在我身上I guarantee it.让我试试看Let me give it a shot.好了


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