City on a Hill《山巅之城》第三季第七集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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1、(尽管不全然信任Jackie)(Decourcy Ward 仍接下)(指控Jackie雇主)(Sinclair Dryden 的案件)你在联调局的朋友Your guy in the FBI, did he ever find Bette Williams? 有找到 Bette Williams 吗还没Not yet, no.Irina Zhevakin是我们最后一个Then Irina Zhevakin is our last chance斗垮Dryden的机会 to bring Dryden to heel. Sinclair有威胁你吗 Did Sinclair threaten you?

2、没有,有个警♥察♥威胁我No, a policeman threatened me.哪个警 ♥察 ♥Which policeman?(Chris Caysen在太太放弃婚姻后(他离开波士顿打击青年犯罪小组)(加入地检办公室担任调查员)你的专业I could use your skills to investigate Sinclair Dryden. 能协助调查Sinclair DrydenDryden ?他怎么了 Dryden? For what?对女大生下药并强♥奸♥她们 Drugging and rapi

3、ng college women.(Jackie Rohr中枪后急着想出院)只擦过股动脉and only nicked the femoral vein.坏消息是你需要动手术Bad news, gonna need surgery.Sinclair Dryden有可能知道Is there any way that Sinclair Dryden would know 你在暗中调查他吗 that youre secretly investigating him?不可能那是Angiulo兄弟干的No.That was the Angiulo Brothers.他们设计我我的老天爷,RohrChri

4、st on a crutch, Rohr.你差点害我心脏病发作You nearly gave me a heart attack.除了非法闯入,你还想被指控You want to be charged for the murder of a federal officer 谋杀联邦官员吗on top of breaking and entering?不关车门实在挺蠢的Well, it*s kind of a pawn move leaving your car door open.再说,见到精神导师不开心吗Besides, youre not happy to see your mentor?

5、你不是我的精神导师You are not my mentor.你是我的折磨者You are my tormentor.而且你活着离开那家医院了And you got out of the hospital alive.对,准备好去打猎了Yep. Ready to go hunting.猎杀朝你开枪的那帮小丑For the clowns who shot you.对Yep.我猜你指望我协助你?And Im guessing you expect me to aid and assist.在我看来Well, the way I see things.你欠我一次人情you owe me one.我欠

6、你一次人情?I owe you one?或是我欠你一次人情,何必计较呢Or I owe you one. Why quibble?重点是我这里的猛料The point is, I got something juicy here能让你的名字以超大字体见报that*s gonna put your name in billboard-size capital letters.你的名字会更大With your name even larger.拜托,我还没给你指错过方向吧Come on, have I steered you wrong yet?“还没”就是让我最担心的The yet is wha

7、t worries me.很公平Fair enough.你先开车吧Will you put this boat in drive?我带你去,你到时再决定I can show you, you can decide for yourself.路上找间冬甩店Lets find a Dunkin1 on the way.拜托,真的吗Come on, really?你从没读过莫尔格街凶杀案?You never read The Murders in the Rue Morgue?没有Nope.史上第一本伟大的现代侦探小说The first great modern detective story.你能

8、从爰伦坡的作品里学点东西You could learn a thing or 2 from Edgar Allan Poe.我要补充Who, I might add,他是在波士顿南查尔斯街出生的was born right here in Boston over on Charles Street South. 这里靠边停Pull over here.兽医诊所?A veterinary clinic?你什么时候变得这么爱挖苦人When did you become so sarcastic?入乡随俗When in Rome.试着学学我的优点,好吗Well, try taking after m

9、y good qualities, okay?因为你很不擅长扮演混♥蛋♥Because you stink at being a s*thead.说到入乡随俗,这就是意大利人Speaking of Rome, this is the clinic 需要街头医生时会光顾的诊所where the Italians come when they need a street doctor.这年头的黑♥手♥党♥需要紧急医疗时The Mafia, such as the Mafia is these days,they got no b

10、etter sense than to seek emergency medical treatment 只知道找兽医 from a hack who deworms kittens.该死的几内亚人.guineas.无意冒犯No offense.意大利和伊朗相距2000英里Italy is 2,000 miles from Iran.我也说过好几次And, as Ive said repeatedly, 我是在桑莫维出生的I was born in Somerville.我猜Well, Im guessing朝我开枪的贱♥人&hearts僦是被送来这 that this is w

11、here the jizz stain who shot me was taken. 好,我去看看Okay. Til go and check things out.不我去吧No.rn go.那你找我来做什么Then what I doing here?你是我的啦啦队You*re my cheering section.Rohr ?该死Rohr?.我以为联调局把你赶走了I thought the Bureau had bounced you out.可以说我起死HI生了Back from the dead, you might say, 不像这只贵宾狗 unlike this p

12、ooch.这一周你有治过一位This past week, did you treat a patient, 有枪伤的人类伤患吗a human patient, for a gunshot wound?根据医学道德,我不能Well, medical ethics will not allow me to.少跟我来那套,你这人♥渣♥Dont give me that s*t, you.fleabag.协助罪犯是犯法的Aiding and abetting a criminal is criminal.如果我告诉你If I tell you,下一个躺在手术台上Im th

13、e next person laying on that table, 奄奄一息的人就是我了gasping and breathing his last.如果你保持沉默And if you stay silent, you go to jail你会因为无牌行医去坐牢for practicing medicine without a license.这家伙对你做了什么Whatd this guy do to you?他朝我开枪He shot me.然后我朝他开枪before I shot him.别闹了,给我名字Now stop.around. Give me a name.是哪个Angiulo

14、兄弟雇杀手杀我Who did the Angiulo Brothers hire to assassinate me? 我完全不知道什么暗♥杀♥的事Look, I dont know anything about any assassinations.好,我可能帮某人包扎了绷带Okay, I may have bandaged up somebody.名字,给我名字A name. Give me!一个叫Danny Calvi的无赖A thug named Danny Calvi.要帮忙吗Need a hand?不用,处理好了No, all done.你

15、是谁? DiarmuidWho are you, Diarmuid?你知道我是谁You know who I am.是的,就某方面而言I do, yeah, on one level,我喜欢这一点which I love.但其他部分我不知道But not the rest of you.好吧,我想想All right. Let me see.我在一个叫瀑布的地方出生I was born in whats called The Falls.那就像天主教的贝尔法斯特Its the Catholic area of Belfast.我爸爸是牛奶商人My dad was a milkman.我妈妈是家

16、庭主妇My mum was a housewife.我有六个哥哥Ive got 6 brothers.我是家里最年轻、最有型的Im the youngest and the best looking.我刚刚发现我有个同父异母的哥哥I just found out I have a half-brother.我妈妈一直瞒着我Yeah. My mother kept the secret from me.她说我最好别去见那家伙She says Im better off not even meeting the guy.怎么会有人那么做I mean, why would anyone do tha

17、t?做什么Do what?拆散一个家Keep a family apart.有时保持一点距离对大家最好Sometimes a wee bit of distance is for the best.如果你觉得你家是唯一有秘密的And if you think your family are the only one that has secrets, 我能跟你说些I could tell you tales让你落泪的贝尔法斯特故事of Belfast thatd make you weep.但秘密跟谎言一样糟But secrets are no better than lies.你想见他,对吧

18、You want to meet him, dont you?你失去联♥系♥的亲人This lost kin of yours.对我想看我们是否相似Yeah.I want to see if theres a family resemblance.也许他跟我一样喜欢唱歌♥You know, maybe he likes to sing like I do.你知道吗?或者也许他You know? Or, you know, maybe he.过着很棒的人生is doing something really cool with his life.也许他住在

19、纽约或巴黎Maybe hes living in New York or Paris或某个充满异国情调的地方or some exotic place.但你要怎么找到他But how would you find him?Sue Stanton 给了我Sue Stanton gave me一个私♥家♥侦♥探♥的电♥话♥the number of a private investigator.如果我能帮上什么忙Well, if theres anything I can do.可以There is.跟我一起去Com

20、e with me.好Okay.DecourcyDecourcy.有些人在他们的办公室里You know, some people, in their office,会挂林肯或约翰甘迺迪的照片put a photo up of Lincoln or JFK.Wade BoggsWade Boggs.某个他们仰慕、想效仿的人You know, someone they admire, want to emulate.你挂了自己You have you.是我太太送的礼物A gift from my wife.是Ruth把肖像画挂在那里Ruth put the portrait there.你也结婚

21、了Youre married.我要争辩吗Was I going to argue?坐吧Lets sit.我知道你在调查Sinclair DrydenI understand youre investigating Sinclair Dryden.没错Thats correct.你打算跟我说这件事吗Did you intend to tell me about this?是的,等我查得更深入时Yeah, when I was further along.假设你查得够深入了Lets say youre far enough along.我想听原因I want to hear the why.他对女

22、性下药,然后强♥奸♥对方He drugs, then rapes women.那是很令人不安的指控Thats a disturbing accusation.Sinclair的名声一直都很好Up to now, Sinclairs reputation has been stellar.可谓正义的化身Justice personified.他侵犯女性说不通,你有哪些证据Doesnt make sense, him abusing women.Whats your evidence look like? 其中一个女子同意出庭作证One of the women has

23、 agreed to testify.我们希望说服更多受害者这么做Were hoping to convince a few more to do the same.“我们” ?We?Chris Caysen、Jackie Rohr 和我Chris Caysen, Jackie Rohr and I.Rohr?Rohr?老天,被蛇咬了那么多次都不怕?Jesus, what is this, thrice bit, never shy?Jackie很清楚Dryden的犯案方式Jackie has an intimate knowledge of how Dryden operates.把Jack

24、ie Rohr纳入调查Introducing Jackie Rohr into this equation,根本相当于thats the equivalent of swapping拿政♥治♥烫手山芋换手榴弹a political hot potato for a hand grenade.有时候战场决定了武器Well, sometimes the battlefield determines the weapon.好吧Fine.我就让你全权处理,Decourcyril give you a full coil of rope on this, Decourcy.你

25、想怎么处理由你作主What you do with that rope is up to you.谢了,RoccoThanks, Rocco.放轻松,你这秃头几内亚混♥蛋♥Hey, take it easy, you guinea, bald bastard.回头见See you later.记得我吗Hey, remember me?该死i 就是这家伙,枪法有够差劲This is the guy, the s*tty shotDaniel Calvi,你被捕TDaniel Calvi, you are under arrest.你会需要用橡胶滚轴清理Youre go

26、nna need a squeegee.到了Well, here we are.Jenny,我在想Jenny, Tve been thinking.找到你同父异母的哥哥是你的旅途Finding your half-brother, thats your quest.你不需要我陪You really dont need me hanging around.你能自己办到You have the strength to do this on your own.是的Yeah, I do.对,你也知道你能Yeah, you do.And you know that you do.(升降机故障)进来Com

27、e in.你好Hi.我稍早打给你I called earlier.Rohr太太,当然Mrs Rohr, of course.你以为会看到辛康纳利You were expecting Sean Connery.不是No.我不确定会看到什么I wasnt sure what to expect.请坐Please.这么想吧Think on this.当你想查明不愉快的事情时When you want to find out unpleasant things,你需要找个不怕you need to go to somebody who aint afraid挖到粪堆底部的人,你懂吗to dig dow

28、n to the bottom of the dung heap, you know?把手指戳到粪堆里Stick their fingers deep into the muck.这是这一行的本质Its the nature of the business.不必假装不是Theres no pretending otherwise.所以你叫我别以貌取人?So, donrt judge a book by its cover?不是Oh, no.恰恰相反,Rohr太太No, quite the opposite, Mrs Rohr.你自问这张脸Ask yourself if this is the

29、face能否替你执行那份卧底任务of someone who can uncover what you need uncovered.好,那我们开始吧All right. Let*s do it.你提到一个下落不明的兄弟You mentioned a wayward sibling.把一切都告诉我吧Tell me everything.我怕我没什么可说的Well, Im afraid I dont really have that much.我连他叫什么名字都不知道Helt I dont even know his first name.好All right.谢谢你,ODowd先生Thank

30、you, Mr ODowd.我是WardWard.我刚刚和 Owen ODowd 通过电♥话♥Just got off the phone with Owen ODowd,你在职业安全卫生署的新朋友your new friend at OSHA.我朋友Owen怎么样Hows my guy Owen doing?你对他说了什么What*d you say to him?我真想知道吗Or do I even want to know?你和我照规矩做事时Oh, everybody fights dirty其他人都耍阴的while you and I follow the

31、Marquess of Queensberry Rules. 他们总爱跟我们说They set me up.你怎能如此笃定How could you be so sure?(Siobhan Quays(寻找心理医生的协助)(以面对创伤后的压力)(同时替大挖掘工程的重伤工人)(Hernando Mendoza 谈判)Hernando是个好人Hernando is a good man.我们在出事前一天抱怨环境不安全We complained the day before that the conditions werent safe.有人告诉我们问题会解决We were told the pro

32、blem would be taken care of.我们被无视了We were ignored.(Jenny Rohr发现她父亲)(Joe Congemi有前一段婚姻)(并且生了一个儿子)(是Jenny同父异母的哥哥)你不知道的Theres plenty about Joe Congemi you arent aware of.Joe Congemi的事可多了(在她意识到Letitia Dryden)(威胁到她的婚姻后)(Jenny和Doyle神父的关系)(变得更亲密了)Dryden太太,这是我太太JenniferMrs Dryden, this is my wife Jennifer.我

33、的人生里有很多事都出了差错So many things have gone wrong in my life,我I.我不觉得我值得被爱I dont really think Im worth loving.你错了You*re wrong.Jenny?Jenny?昨晚你说7点半要叫醒你Last night you said to wake you up at 7:30.They love coming at us with that1“这里是波士顿这种鬼话This is Boston bulls*t.我只是拿这套对付他I gave the man Boston.谢谢你,无论你怎么对付ODowd的

34、Well, thank you for whatever you threw at ODowd.现在他准备好牺牲力咸工业了Now hes ready to throw Needham under the nearest bus.太棒了Excellent.宝贝,我得挂了Babe, I got to go.快回家Hurry home.我想了几个好好答谢你的方式Ive been thinking of ways to reward you properly.好,我会尽快回去Yeah, Fil be there as soon as I can.怎么了?薛西弗斯Whats wrong, Sisyphu

35、s?我儿子Aiden被逮捕了My son Aiden got arrested.酒醉、防害治安、用假证件Drunk, disorderly, fake ID.青少年犯罪大全The gamut of teenage crime.踹了一个人,把他打晕了Kicked a guy, knocked him out.那家伙做了什么Whatd the guy do?Aiden不愿说Aiden wont say.也许他只是在发泄过多的精力Maybe he was just burning off testosterone.有时候他自以为是成龙Sometimes he thinks hes Jackie Ch

36、an.我们不都是吗Dont we all?联调局不喜欢混♥蛋&hearts潮探员开枪The FBI doesnt like s*tbirds shooting up their fellow agents, 无论是不是现任探员 current or otherwise.你能怎么样Eat me, will you?我爸和Aniuglo兄弟在蹲苦牢My papas s*tting in a prison cell with the Angiulo Brothers 都是Rohr害的because of Rohr.他是有七层皮的人♥渣♥Hes a 7-lay

37、er douchebag.尽管那也许是事实As true as that may be,你和你♥爸♥很快就能温馨重逢了you and Papa will have a touching reunion soon, 接下来20年都能团圆 for the next 20 years.让自己的生活轻松点吧Make life easier on yourself.谁雇你行凶的Who hired you to do the hit?我的律师在哪里他塞车Wheres my lawyer? -Stuck in traffic.在Cohen那个犹太佬抵达以前I aint sayin

38、g one word till我一个字也不会说Cohen gets his Jew a* in here.Jackie,你出去Jackie, get out of this room.不要,我才不管Nah.that.这个混♥蛋♥不是朝你开枪This jerk-off didnt shoot at you.给我说Start talking.不,我有我的处事原则No. I got a code to follow.去死吧,缄默法则那套早过时了Oh.that outdated omerta bulls*t.意大利人主宰这座城市100年The Italians ruled

39、the roost in this town for 100 years.但你没你老爸那么厉害But you, you dont have the stundeens your old man has.你只是个小混混Youre nothing but a punk.装出强悍的样子,但你只是个混混You act tough, but youre a.punk.我一招就能把你打垮I took you down in one.move.你进沃波第一天Your first day at Walpole,会被鸡♥奸♥五次,还是在你老爸眼前youre gonna t

40、he a* 5 times with Daddy watching.告诉我,是谁雇你的Now, tell me, who the.hired you?是Mikey向他开枪,不是我,真的Mikey dealt with him, not me. Honest.Mikey della Porta,假释出狱Mikey della Porta. On parole.我们针对绿眼Mikey发布全面通缉We have an APB out on Mikey Green Eyes.如果你不开口,他会开口If you wonrt talk, he will.否则他就得在牢里度过余生Or he goes bac

41、k inside permanently.这年头每个人碰到Everyone snitches these days有组织犯罪控制法都得告密to a little tune called RICO.我只知道他的客户是个传道土All I know is, the client, hes a preacher或神父or a priest.之类的Something of that ilk.想像上帝子民伤害另一个人类Imagine a man of God bringing harm on another human being.你相信伪善吗他叫什么名字You believe the hypocrisy

42、? -Whats his name?他有个爱尔兰名字Hes got a mick name.什么?像Danny吗What, like Danny?不是,非常爱尔兰的名字No, like a real mick name,像Digmund或Donal什么的like Digmund or Donal or something.Diarmuid Doyle 刃K个贱♥人♥Diarmuid Prick.Doyle.若你请不起律师Cannot afford an attorney,我们会指派一位给你one will be appointed to you.明白吗?神父 明白Y

43、ou got it, Father? -I do.你知道你犯的第一个错是什么吗You know what your first mistake was,神父Father?向Danny Calvi那种蠢几内亚人Buying guns for the IRA帮爱尔兰共和军买♥♥枪from a dumb guinea like Danny Calvi.你真可悲,RohrYoure a sad man, Rohr.你真是太可悲了Youre a sad, pathetic man.你这混♥蛋 ♥You.你好,亲爰的Oh, hi, honey.你这是

44、在做什么What in the name of Christ are you doing?我只是个观察Oh, Im just a private citizen observing警♥察♥深入罪犯巢穴的平民the long arm of the law extend itself into the recesses of the criminal underworld. 鬼话连篇Total bulls*t.不,这一切都是你安排的No, you arranged for all this to happen.我没逮捕Doyle,是联调局逮捕的I didnt arres

45、t Doyle. The FBI did.你如此期待我回去的那个联调局The same FBI that you were so anxious for me to rejoin, 你知道他们为什么逮捕他吗and do you know why they arrested him?因为他雇了一个杀手杀我Because he hired a.hit man to kill me.骗子,你这该死的大骗子Liar. Oh, you are such a.liar.我恨你,我恨死你了I hate you. I.hate you!亲爱的你把场面闹得很难堪Honey.youre making a scene.附近有小孩,别说脏话Theres children around, with the swearing.


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