Sex and the City《欲望都市(1998)》第三季第七集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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1、欲望城市(性♥爰♥专家凯莉布雷萧并且勇于发问)“戏剧皇后”事情发生在两天前It happened two days ago.艾登和我已经交往了大约三个礼拜Aidan and I had been seeing each other for about three weeks, when. 怎么了?做噩梦了?What is it? A bad dream?我不确定Im not sure.怎么回事?Whats wrong? 我不知道I dont know.事实上我真的不知道And the truth was, I really didnt.隔天我寻找未付的帐单The n

2、ext day, I searched for unpaid bills, 没回的电♥话♥没交的稿子 unanswered calls, unmet deadlines. 但我连洗牙的约诊都没错过But I hadnt so much as missed a teeth cleaning.我的生活似乎井然有序My life appeared to be in order.但隔天晚上非常规律地But the next night, like clockwork.我发现自己陷入了存在危机I realized I was in the throes of an exist

3、ential crisis.连当季的杜嘉班纳凉鞋One that not even the sight of this seasons 都无法将我解救出来Dolce and Gabbana strappy sandals could lift me out of.你想留下来过夜吗?Do you wanna spend the night?我去倒杯水Im gonna get us some water.放轻松我去倒Oh, relax, Ill get it. 那一刻我明白了And then I realized it.Sure, I know what you mean.没有男友时我们会抱怨等到

4、有了却依然满腹牢骚We whine when we dont have a boyfriend and we whine when we do.你记得大人物隔离我和他母亲Do you remember how Big used to keep me away仿佛我是个麻风病人from his mother like I was some kind of leper?我记得让我当时多生气?-I remember. -And how pissed it used to make me?我记得I remember.现在艾登将他父母放在银盘上对我双手奉上Well, now Aidans offerin

5、g up both his parents on a silver platter, 我不确定是否想和他们见面and Im not sure I wanna meet them.也许太快了Maybe it*s too soon.我从来没见过史蒂夫的母亲Ive never met Steves mother,我可是一点都不急and believe me, Im in no rush.讽刺的是艾登的举动恰好是我希望大人物做的事The irony is Aidans acting exactly the way I wished Big would have behaved, 而我的反应就跟大人物一

6、样and Im behaving just like Big.也许你不相信这是来真的Maybe you dont believe its for real除非某个人玩欲擒故纵的游戏-unless somebodys playing hard to get. -Hmm.当事情变得太容易我们就会产生怀疑When things come too easy, we*re suspect.难道一定要很复杂我们才相信是真的吗?Do they have to get complicated before we believe theyre for real?我们从小就相信真爱必定历经波折Were raise

7、d to believe that the course of true love never runs smoothly.第二幕一定会出现障碍There always has to be obstacles in act two然后才能在第三幕之后过上幸福快乐的生活before you can live happily ever after in act three.但万一没有障碍怎么办?But what happens when the obstacles arent there?那是否意味着少了些什么?Does that mean theres something missing?感情是

8、否需要变得戏剧化才会成功?Do we need drama to make a relationship work?几天后我仍然没收到丹尼斯对于安排约会的只字片语A few days later, still hearing no word from Dennis about her date, 夏洛特打电♥话♥到他办公室Charlotte made a call to his office.夏洛特约克Charlotte York.他可以打到家里或画廊He can reach me at home or at work.我希望他立刻就能打来这非常重要And its

9、very important that he call me immediately,因为我有星期六歌♥剧的票because I have tickets to the opera on Saturday, and well,算了叫他打给我就是了谢谢-never mind, just have him call me. Thank you.他没有回电Her call unanswered,夏洛特坚持追踪到底Charlotte followed up, persistently.可以请你转告丹尼斯夏洛特约克来电吗?Well, can you tell Dennis that Cha

10、rlotte York called?对他知道是什么事Yes, yes, hell know what it*s regarding.这关系到我未来的丈夫菲尔It*s regarding my future husband, Phil!好吗?谢谢你Okay? Thank you.你好这是丹尼斯芬奇的办公室Hi, youfve reached the office of Dennis Fincher.我不是离开了办公室就是不在座位上Im either out of the office or away from my desk.请在听到提示声后留言Please leave a message a

11、t the sound of the tone.显然你有某些充分的理由Well, obviously, you have some good reason企图阻止我和菲尔见面for trying to keep Phil and I apart.我想像不到是什么I cant imagine what it is,但我告诉你这是菲尔的损失而不是我but I will tell you that this is Phils loss and not mine!还有这通电♥话♥也不必回了And dont bother returning this call, either

12、.当夏洛特处于精神崩溃的边缘And while Charlotte was a woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown.我毫无忧虑的感情生活快把我逼疯了my anxiety-free relationship was driving me crazy.不好意思抱歉-Hey. -Excuse me, sorry.失陪一下Excuse me.-抱歉让你等这么久没关系-Sorry Im taking so long. -That*s alright, I just.我不能陪你吃晚餐了Im gonna have to pass on dinner, I ju

13、st.时间太晚了我得回去赶稿It*s getting so late, and Ive got a deadline.好没问题Okay, no problem.我父母明天晚上到My parents get in tomorrow night,他们想在这里过夜so, theyre probably gonna wanna crash.后天你和我们一起吃早餐But I thought youd meet us for breakfast the next day at Florent.我一直在想和你父母见面的事Hmmm, well, Ive been thinking about this, yo

14、u know, meeting your parents, 我不知道这是不是个好主意and I was just wondering if its a good idea.他们会喜欢你的Oh, come on, theyre gonna love you.不我不担心这个No, Im not worried about that.长辈一向认为我很可爱I mean, parents have always been my thing. They think Im adorable.问题是什么?What*s the problem?万一他们很喜欢我然后Well, what if they love

15、me and, then,如果我们分手你便得一直跟他们解释if we break up, youre always gonna have to explain to them 那位可爱的女孩怎么了what happened to the adorable girl?你要跟我分手吗?Are you breaking up with me?不是No, no.只是在我的观念里Its just. Where I come from,和父母见面是一件大事meeting the parents, oh, so big.你改天再和他们见面吧Youll meet them some other time.好O

16、kay.那么这个周末我们不会见面了So, then I guess we wont be seeing each other this weekend.我会想你的Ill miss you.也许这是好事Well, see, maybe thats good.也许我们应该少见面一点Maybe we should see each other less.这样就能多想念对方一些And then we can miss each other more.你总是随传随到It*s just, youre so available to me.而我也总是随传随到And Im so available to yo

17、u.也许我们都太Maybe were both just too, you know.随传随到了Available.凯莉这没什么大不了我有自己的生活Carrie, its no big deal. I have a life.只是挪出空间给你I was just making room for you in it.你总是说中我心意See, you always say the right things!-再见一再见-Goodbye. -Bye.我疯了我正在破坏自己所拥有过最完美的感情This is nuts. Im sabotaging the best relationship Ive ev

18、er had.相信我让男人等你比你等男人好多了Trust me, it*s much better to have a man cooling his heels waiting for you, than the other way around.我想是吧I guess.再说如果你没空Besides, if you hadnt been available tonight,我就得一个人来I would be here all alone.当个没有男伴的可悲怪胎Just some pathetic dateless freak.很高兴能陪你来Im so glad it worked out f

19、or you.你打电♥话♥给谁?Who are you calling?我不会就这么算了I am not taking this laying down.这是艾美和丹尼斯的家Hi, youve reached Amy and Dennis.请在哗一声后留话Leave it at the beep.现在我人在歌♥剧院Well, here I am, at the opera,本来我打算跟菲尔一起来的which I planned on going to with Phil, 就是我猜你认为我配不上他的那个人who, I guess, youve deci

20、ded Im not good enough for!夏洛特?我是丹尼斯Hey, Charlotte, hi, hey, its Dennis!真的很抱歉我刚出差回来Im so sorry, I just got back from a business trip我的秘书已经转告我你所有的留言and my secretary gave me all your messages.我不知道你这么想见菲尔-Oh. -I had no idea you wanted to meet Phil so badly.他听起来是不错的人Well, he sounded nice.这没什么大不了Its not

21、a big deal.不如明天晚上见面?Well, why dont I set something up,七点半?你知道中区的路迪酒吧吗?tomorrow evening, 7:30. You know Rudys, midtown?我好喜欢那地方I love that place.菲尔会在那里等你Well; uh, Phil will meet you there.我保证I guarantee it.我好傻I am so silly.全是我自己胡思乱想I created all of that drama in my head for nothing.我们要看哪部戏? “阿伊达”-What

22、 are we seeing again? -Aida.看来我要开始另一趟狂野旅程了Well, I guess Im in for another wild ride.我们两个都是Ed say we both are.如果我吃一颗会怎么样?What would happen if I tried one of these?我想那对女人没有作用I don*t think theyve established that it works for women.试试也无妨对吗医生?Theres no harm in trying. Is there, doctor?干杯Bottoms up.20分钟后

23、莎曼珊正式成为第一个Twenty minutes later, Samantha officially became the first woman 登上月球的女人to land on the moon.歌♥剧很浪漫吧?Isnrt the opera romantic?跟男人来看会更浪漫Even more so with a man.我确实很想带菲尔来Well, I did expect to be taking Phil.你为一个素未谋面的男人Ifs quite a lovely evening you had planned安排了这么一个美好的夜晚for a man youv

24、e never even met.他听起来真的不错Well, he sounded really nice.给你Here.谢谢Thanks.亲爰的我不太舒服You know what, honey? Im not feeling so well.我要回家了 要我跟你一起走吗?-Fm gonna go home, alright? -Do you want me to come with you?不你留下来欣赏No, no, no, Im fine, stay, enjoy.没关系我再打给你-But. -Shh, shh, its alright, Ill call you later.我马上回

25、来PH be right back.我知道这无礼且过分戏剧化I knew it was rude, and a tad overdramatic.但我觉得刚才好像目睹了 歌♥剧魅影But I felt like Id just seen The Phantom of the Opera.没错丢下夏洛特是有点歇斯底里Yes, ditching Charlotte was slightly hysterical,但坐在大人物和娜塔莎对面but the idea of sitting across from Big and Natasha看完“阿伊达”第二幕实在太令人伤感through

26、 the second act of Aida was too emotional to bear.这次我知道是什么事不对劲了This time I knew what was wrong.看见大人物的惊吓不只让我的胃翻搅The shock of seeing Big again not only made my stomach flip, 还让我的脾脏直接跳进喉咙it sent my spleen leaping right into my throat.喂?Hello?是我真的很抱歉Hey, its me. Tm really sorry.怎么了?What*s wrong?今晚我在歌&he

27、arts;剧院看到大人物Ugh. I saw Big tonight, at the opera.所以你才丢下夏洛特Oh, thats why you ditched Charlotte.她告诉你了她很生气吗?She told you? Is she pissed?我想她会一辈子远离女人I think shes swearing off women forever.你没事吧?Are you okay?我很好Yeah, Im great, actually.我发现随传随到的男人Im realizing that maybe there is something或许有他的好处to this ava

28、ilable man thing.是蛮好的Yeah, its kinda nice.只要记得将白色衣物分开洗Just remember to separate your whites.现在我知道我想跟一个想和我厮守的男人在一起Now I know I wanna be with a man who wants to be with me.我这一生的感情已经够戏剧性了You know, Ive had enough relationship drama for one lifetime.这些话你应该告诉艾登吧?Dont you think you should be telling this t

29、o Aidan?米兰达现在半夜三点Miranda, it*s 3:00 a.m.我会等到比较文明的时间再说Ill wait until a more civilized hour.隔天早上我等到一个适当时间The next morning, I waited until a decent hour才打去艾登店里to call Aidan at the store告诉他我有多想他and tell him how much I missed him.家具公♥司 ♥Furniture company.我是凯莉请找艾登Hi, its Carrie calling for A

30、idan.他现在不在店里是吗?-Hes not here right now. -Oh, hes not?转告他我有打来Um. Well, just tell him I called?我会的Fil give him the message.-谢谢-再见-Alright, thanks. -Bye!到了晚上我还是没接到他电♥话♥When I hadnt heard from him by that evening, 我开始有点紧张了I began to get butterflies in my stomach.我不在家可是皮特在Hey, Im not in, bu

31、t Pete is.嗨我是凯莉还记得我吗?Hey, its Carrie. Remember me?那个你想介绍给你父母认识的女孩The girl you wanted to introduce to your parents?我只是打电♥话♥来说声嗨Uh, anyway, Im just calling to say, hey/ 嗨Hey.我有一种犯下天大错误的可怕感觉I was getting a dreaded feeling that I had played this all wrong. 突然间要失去艾登的想法Suddenly, the idea of

32、losing Aidan让我喘不过气来left me short of breath.同时米兰达努力在任何靠近史蒂夫短裤的地方Meanwhile, Miranda was trying not to breathe都不要呼吸anywhere near Steves shorts.你干嘛?What are you doing?我想你可能需要帮忙洗衣服I thought you might need some help with the wash. 但唯有第三幕的意外转折But theres nothing like a twist in the third act才能为最平淡的剧情增添趣味to

33、spice up even the most banal scenario.当米兰达和史蒂夫在熟悉中发现新活力And while Miranda and Steve found new life in the familiar,夏洛特正在陌生的环境中摸索Charlotte was blindly feeling her way through the unfamiliar.请问你是菲尔吗?Excuse me, are you Phil?抱歉Sorry.你是菲尔吗?Are you Phil?可能是I could be.嗨-你好-Hi. -Well, hello.你是来作陪的吗?Are you h

34、ere to chaperone?算是吧Yeah, sort of.怎么了你不放心我跟菲尔独处?Whats wrong? You couldn*t trust me alone with Phil?夏洛特菲尔不会来了Actually, Charlotte, Phifs not coming.我没打给他我不希望你们见面-What? -I never called Phil, I didnt want you to meet him,若是你喜欢他我就头痛了cause youd really like him and that could create a problem for me.你在说什么?

35、What are you talking about?我想我爱上你了夏洛特I think Im in love with you, Charlotte.你不能爱上我You cant be in love with me,你和我朋友结婚了youre married to my friend.我们之间一直不是很顺利Yeah, things havent been going so great with us lately,自从那晚我见到你and ever since I saw you that night at dinner,我便无法停止想你I couldnt stop thinking abo

36、ut you.-少胡说八道了 -不要走-This is nuts! -No, no, come on, don*t leave, don*t leave!你不让你的单身友人和我见面问题出在这是我生平第一次What was wrong was, for the first time in my life,我处在毫无困扰的感情中I was in a relationship where absolutely nothing was wrong.一帆风顺I mean, its just smooth sailing,只有平静的海和蔚蓝的地平线nothing but calm seas and blu

37、e horizon你们明白我的意思吗?as far as the eye can see. Do you understand what Im saying?当然明白万里无云Absolutely, theres not a cloud in sight.我们崇拜对方We adore each other,相处愉快我们很契合we have fun together, we mesh.这是问题吗?And this is a problem?不只是感觉很奇怪No, its just, just. it feels odd.我习惯经过一番辛苦You know, Fm used to t

38、he, uh, you know, the hunt这次却不费吹灰之力and this is effortless,简直快把我逼疯了its just, its freaking me out!我完全了解I totally understand.你的胃没有翻搅的感觉Youre not getting the stomach flip.这只是害怕失去他的恐惧Which is really just a fear of losing the guy.或许我不习惯Maybe Im just not used to being with someone坦率毫不保留的男人who doesn*t do th

39、e ever seductive withholding dance.不过跟一个缺乏惊喜的男人在一起也有好处-Mmm. -But, you know, there is an upside to being with a guy with no surprises. 史蒂夫完全可以预测I mean, Steve is completely predictable,这就是我喜欢他的地方You kept all of your great single friends away from me 好让你可以对你太太不忠?just so you could cheat on your wife!你应该

40、对自己感到羞愧You should be ashamed of yourself!你就像个火花塞我爱死了Youre such a spark plug. I love that about you!我对发动有妇之夫的车没兴趣Im not interested in starting some married mans car!等一下别走Wait, no, no, wait! -No, no, no!拜托我爰你Wait, dont leave, please, I love you!夏洛特拜托我爱你Charlotte, please, please, I love you!等等Wait!计程车T

41、axi! Taxi!搞什么?What the hell?你没事吧?Are you alright?你还好吗?Hey, are you alright?是的应该没事Oh, um, yeah, yeah, I think so.-让我帮你谢谢-Here, let me help you. -Thanks.我叫崔Im Trey.我是夏洛特Charlotte.就这样以一种最戏剧性的方式And thats how, in the most dramatic fashion,夏洛特和她新的男主角相遇了Charlotte met her new leading man.该吞一颗蓝色小药丸了Well, tim

42、e to pop one of those baby blues.这次我们自然进行吧Hey, lets go au nature! this time.不我真的很想吃一颗No, I really, really want one.你不认为不靠它也很好吗?Dont you think were good without it?我不认为No, I do not.留到特别的日子再用吧Con, lets save it for those special times.把药丸给我该死的No, give me my pills, goddamnit!马克意识到他为这段关系Mark realized tha

43、t maybe he had introduced 注入了 太多激&heartsHW♥a bit too much intensity into their relationship.他替莎曼珊开了处方He wrote Samantha a prescription她答应永远不再打电♥话♥给他and she promised never to call him again.你没有留言You have no messages.两天没有艾登的消息后After two days of not hearing from Aidan, 我发现只有戏剧性的举动才能

44、挽救局势I realized only a dramatic gesture could salvage things.你们一定Youre gonna.你好吗?-Hi. How are you? -Hey, how are you?你们一定会喜欢这里Youre gonna like this place.怎么回事?Whats. whats going on?之前你叫我来我不确定是否做得到I know you asked me to be here and I wasnt sure if I could. 老实说和父母见面真的很Honestly, you know, I mean, meetin

45、g the parents1 is so.后来我明白我想和他们见面But then I realized, no, I wanna meet the parents, 但我不知道你是否仍有此意but I didnt know if you still wanted me to meet the parents, 我一直打给你而你都没回电because Ive been calling you and you havent called me back, 所以我就想干脆直接过来so, then I thought, you know what?我要走了因为谈感情意味着冒险Im just gonna go, because being in an actual relationship means taking a risk, you know, just, 来个180度大转变 a leap of faith,无论一个人过去对感情失望多少次no matter how many times one might have been disappointed in the past.所以我对自己说我要现身So,


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