Solar Opposites《外星也难民》第三季第七集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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1、我在我的袖子上添了些东西Just got some work done on my sleeve.你们看是迪吉奥诺披萨的部落符号♥Check it out. Its a tribal symbol for DiGiorno.真酷这东西可没法外送到家Its so cool that its not delivery.学生们请注意按照每月惯例Attention, students, as we do every month,我们该宣布这个月“最正确情侣的得主了its time to announce the winner of best couple.他们就是安妮和亚宇雷!Give

2、it up for Annie and Yumyulack!早就猜到了 !-我说什么来着Fuck, yeah, bro! -Fuckin1 told you, son.你们几个倒霉蛋快把钱拿来!All yall bitches need to pay up right now!这是怎么回事我有事要告诉你Whats goin on here? -Theres something I have to tell you.宝贝你可以告诉我任何事只要是在两千到五千的赫兹频率内Bae, you could tell me anything within 2000-5000 Hertz frequency

3、range,否那么在我听来就是噪音otherwise its static.宝贝学校里所有人打了个赌认为既然我这么性感Bae, everyone at school decided to place a bet that Im so hot,无论我和谁在一起都能获得“最正确情侣奖I could win Best Couple with anyone.哪怕是你这样棉签形状坑坑洼洼长得像皮克斯动画角色的丑八怪Even a Q-tip shaped, rough trough, Pixar-looking motherfucker like you.但我没有想到我真的爱上你了Oh. But ther

4、es one thing I didnt bet on. Actually falling in love with you.我真是不敢相信I cant freaking believe this.你生气也没关系我可以理解Its okay if youre mad. I get it.我没生气我才知道高中的事可以拿来打赌这太棒了Im not mad. I didnt know you could bet on high school stuff! Thats awesome!我要拿任何东西打赌了!Im gonna gamble on everything!我觉得这不是你该学的I dont th

5、ink thats the lesson you should be-是时候在这破学校里展开茉莉牌局了 !but that is the sweetest Beyblade Ive ever seen. Yumyulack wins!哇亚宇雷这只限♥量♥疯狂陀螺真是太棒了Wow, Yumyulack! That is one rare Beyblade.那些赌你肯定都赢了吧You mustve cleaned up on all those bets.当然了因为他比任何人都了解学校里的八卦Of course, he did. Because he knows sch

6、ool drama better than anyone.你怎么如此懂青少年的心How do you know so much about the teenage heart?别说出去但你们知道和我一起玩的那个比我丑的外星人杰茜吧Dont tell anyone, but you know that uglier alien I hang out with, Jesse?她是个极其迷恋别人生活的小废物Shes a loser whos obsessed with other peoples lives.我从她嘴里骗出了那些信息我聪明吧I tricked her into giving me i

7、ntel. Smart, right?见鬼她正站在我身后对不对Shit. Shes standing right behind me, isnt she?见鬼她就在这扇帘子后对不对Oh, shit. She*s behind the curtain, isnt she?见鬼我不小心拨通了她的电♥话♥对不对Shit. I accidentally buttdialed her, didnt I?不哥们她正踩着快乐云悬停在你头上No, man. Shers hovering above you in a Lakitu cloud.哇我还想带着快乐云过来和你一起玩呢Wow

8、, here I am in the Lakitu cloud I wanted to share with you!而现在做梦去吧我再也不要和你一起玩了But now? No way, Jose! No more hanging out with this sucker.见鬼如果早知道会被你撞见我绝不会在背后说你坏话的Damn! I never woulcfve bagged on you if I knew Id get caught.这次你再怎么甜言蜜语也没用了Sweet talk like that isnt gonna work this time.别追过来Dont follow m

9、e.杰西别把那朵快乐云浪费在难过上拜托让我趁机利用你一下吧!Jesse! Dont waste that whole Lakitu cloud on being sour. Come on! Let me use you! 怎么了小姑娘What is wrong, baby girl?是不是终于有人发现你虽然来自外星Did someone finally notice you have a Minnesota accent却有一口明尼苏达口音了?even though youre from outer space?我以为亚宇雷和我兴趣相投没想到他只是想利用我I thought Yumyulac

10、k and I were bonding, but he was just using me.别哭亚宇雷就是个混♥蛋♥Hey, dont cry. Yumyulack a piece of shit.我们都讨厌他We all hate his ass so much.但他说得对我对学校里的其他学生那么感兴趣But he was right! I only pay attention to other kids at school是因为我自己没有淫乱的性生活because I dont have a crazy sexcapade of my own.我冰冷的金属内胆

11、里有各种各样淫乱的场景你想试试吗I got all sorts of sexcapades in my cold metal innards. You want one?谢了爱莎但我是高中生你不会懂我们喜欢什么的Thanks, Aisha, but this is high school. I dont think you understand what we like.来个韩国流行天团“防水少年团怎么样How about Korean pop sensations BTK?等等你是指防弹少年团吗Wait, did you mean BTS?我可请不起防弹少年团别做梦了I cant affor

12、d BTS. Get the fuck out of here.如果是防弹少年团就好了I mean, Id rather it be BTS.你到底想不想和韩国男团欲♥仙♥欲♥死♥七分钟?Do you wanna do seven minutes in heaven with a South Korean boy band or not? 让我们尴尬起来吧Lets get awkward.它现在不怎么摇晃了势头不错Its hardly drifting at all. Were looking good.我打算在你脊椎上针灸一下帮你保持清

13、醒Im gonna put acupuncture needles in your spine to keep you alert.很好来扎吧-见了鬼了Bonus. Hit me. -Goddamnit.喂你们必须马上离开我的私人领地Hey! Youre gonna need to get off my property right now否那么我要你们好看我说真的!or shit is gonna get real real, real fast!我们会走的格伦等子弹掉下来我们马上就走We will, Glenn, as soon as our bullet comes down.是啊别激动

14、格伦我们的行动关乎一颗收藏级子弹Yeah, chill out, Glenn. Were on collectible bullet business here!我不许任何人践踏我的尊严这一切到底为止!Nobody disrespects the Glenn. This ends now!准备迎接格伦的正义还击吧!Prepare for Glenn justice!喂离开我的地盘走开!Hey, get off my property! Hey, hey!别闹了我正要尿尿Cut it out! Im trying to peep.格伦你够了你柔弱的巴掌是没法撼动我的针的你心里清楚Glenn, q

15、uit it! Your feeble slapping won*t move the needle and you know it.你分得清哪颗是哪颗吗特里Which bullet is it, Terry?是那颗吗你是不是分不清了That one? You wanna know?想得美Nice try.你那些廉价子弹从远处是看不到的你个混♥蛋♥Those bullets are way too cheap to be seen from a distance, you asshole.瞧好了傻蛋们Bite your tongue with this, simps

16、.这身酷毙了的行头是我用自己打赌赢的钱买♥♥的Your boy paid for this sick swag with bets I won by myself.我在哪这是怎么回事Yo, where am I? Whats going on?学校出版社总部应该说是剩余的那局部Scholastic headquarters. Well, whats left of it anyway.我的眼睛!My eyes!学校图书义卖♥♥产业因为你这种混♥蛋♥正处在崩溃边缘The school book fair indu

17、stry is dying because of fucks like you.我做什么了我甚至很少看书What did I do? I can hardly even read.学生们把他们所有钱花在高中赌局上后When students spend all their money on high school bets,就不会在书上花钱了they donrt spend money on books.学生愿意怎么花钱是他们自己的事Kids can do whatever they want with their money.这不归学校管-是吗Scholastic doesnt own th

18、em. -Really?把他带出来!Bring him out!见见安迪辛克莱尔他为流浪汉举办了一场募款活动Meet Andy Sinclair, he started a fundraiser for the homeless.他所有同学都把零花钱捐给了流浪汉All his classmates donated their allowances而不是学校出版社to that instead of Scholastic.沃尔多兄弟那些给老鼠一块饼干的书Waldos, how many copies of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie花了我们多少钱did that c

19、ost us?给你一周的时间把我的钱还给我You have one more week to get me my money否那么就一根钉两根钉你死定了or it*s one fish, two fish, dead fish, you fish.如你们所见这就是通往自♥由♥的路没人能继续把你们蒙在鼓里 There it is. The path to freedom. Nobody can keep it from you anymore.但这条路很危险But its dangerous.感谢雪莉为我们展示了这个光耀之洞Praise be unto Cherie

20、for showing us this glory hole.因此她应该成为我们的新领袖!She should be our new leader!不我拒绝不要再搞领袖那套了 但我们需要你No! No. I refuse. No more leaders. -But we need you.放我出去我需要新鲜的空气我想吃墨西哥辣肉卷!Let me out of here! I need to breathe fresh air and eat Chipotle!我说了这条路很危险I told you it was dangerous.在你们离开前请先听我说完Look, before you d

21、ecide to leave, just hear me out.我们需要的是从墙内各层选出代表组成政♥府♥What we need is a government of people elected by each level of the Wall.不是用中世纪纸板模型做的那种政♥府♥One you dont build with mid-century modern cardboard houses,也不是用能量棒种子做的花♥园♥or gardens made from kind bar seeds.我们

22、要建一个由人♥民♥爰We build it with people, with love,还有他妈的真♥相♥组成的政♥府♥and with the motherfucking truth.杰茜你在哪儿Jesse, where are you?你看起来容光焕发Youre all that.我和防水少年团翻云覆雨了七分钟I did seven minutes in heaven with BTK.然后我们又颠鸾倒凤了整整十四分钟And then I did it again for a full 14.我再也不是过

23、度关注别人生活的废物了I am a loser who cares about other peoples stories no more!杰茜你不能这样对我! 你自求多福吧混球Jesse; you cant do this to me! -Sucks to suck, suckface!谁让你自讨苦吃来着一对不起我做了那些事Eat this kitty with a spoon. -Fm sorry about everything.你说得对我之所以开始打赌都是因为我对安妮的事很受伤You were right, I got into betting because I was hurt a

24、bout Annie.我从来都不是她的宝贝I was never her bae.我不想沦为一个愚蠢的笑柄所以我想掩饰自己的情绪I was embarrassed to be a stupid joke and I was covering it up.但我做得太过火了现在学校出版社盯上我了But I took it too far and now Scholastic is on my ass.我得开设几个有史以来最大的赌局否那么那些沃尔多兄弟I gotta place the biggest bet the school has ever seen or a couple of Waldo

25、s 一定会把我折磨得痛不欲生are gonna make sure I have a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.我现在已经不在乎那些事了亚宇雷Im too evolved to care about that stuff, Yumyulack.之前我是真的想和你一起乘着快乐云飞来飞去I really did wanna fly around in that Lakitu cloud with you, 如今我却再也没这个机会了and now I never will.你是认真的吗.当然了那朵云哪都能去You really did? -O

26、f course. That cloud can go anywhere.虽然现在不太懂高中学生的生活了I may not know what kids do in high school anymore,但我知道谁懂一切尽在电影中!-真的吗but I know who does. The movies! -Really?那些电影不都是不懂生活又老又富的白人拍的吗Arent they made by out-of-touch, rich, old White guys?不那些电影再真实不过了Nah, theyre super accurate.你就是最棒的!Youre the best!永远伴

27、我左右!Around!没什么能让你垂头丧气Nothings gonna ever keep you down你就是最棒的!Youre the best!永远伴我左右!Around!没什么能让你垂头丧气Nothings gonna ever keep you down你就是最棒的!Youre the best!永远伴我左右!Around!没什么能让你Nothings gonna ever.我早该把这些80年代的青少年电影看个遍的I shouldve watched 80s teen movies a long time ago.现在我了解学校的生态了也知道怎么赢下那笔钱了Now I know e

28、verything about school, and how Im gonna get that money. 唯一的难点在于去哪儿找一个少年狼人来Only tricky part is, where to find a teen wolf.包在我身上Ive got you covered.哥们你真的愿意出50美元Brah, you really bet 50 to one赌这些事都会在今晚的比赛上发生吗that all these things are gonna happen at the game tonight?没错因为我相信奇迹Yeah, I did. Because I beli

29、eve in miracles.我相信这个世界上有魔法I believe theres magic in this world and that-天啊他真是个蠢蛋!-我们陪你赌了Holy shit, what an idiot! -Werll take that bet.我也参加!Me, me, me, me, me, me, me!噗噗你别跟着下注这是个骗局No, Pupa, dont bet on this. Its a scam.天啊科尔沃它要掉下来了 !Oh, my God, Korvo! Its coming back down!我们的子弹要回到爸爸们的怀里了Our bullet i

30、s coming home to papa and papa.我拿来了一个铺着防弹背心的桶I lined a bucket with a bulletproof vest.想得真周到怪不得你是我们的领导呢Yeah, my man. Thinking like thats why youre team leader.越来越近了马上就Its getting closer. Its-太棒了 !Fuck, yeah!不我找不到它了!No! I lost it! I lost it!见鬼你为什么要那么做混♥蛋♥ !Fuck! Why did you do that? You

31、asshole!因为这里是美国贱♥人♥ !我想做什么就做什么Because America, bitch! I do what I want.你们真是一群蠢外星人既然住在这儿就要尊重我的车Yall are just dumb aliens and you need to respect cars if youre gonna live here. 车文化高于一切吃屎去吧!Car culture rules! Eat my ass!我找到了在他脚里-太好了终于把子弹找回来了There it is. Its in his foot. -Yes! We got the b

32、ullet back.格伦粉碎的脚骨为它做了缓冲Glenns shattered foot bone cushioned it.救命我被枪击了是外星人干的救命啊!Help, Tve been shot! Aliens shot me! Help!你真的认为坦白一切是最好的解决方法吗You really think that was the best plan, to just give it all up?我也不确定但我没法在做领袖的同时隐瞒皮思丽的存在I dont know, but I can*t hide Pezlie while also being the leader.这样的秘密是

33、没法永远埋藏的很多人都会闯进那个洞里的Secrets like that never last. -You know, people will go out that hole.他们会受伤的对他们会受伤They could get hurt. -Yeah, they will.但这就是你要为自♥由♥付出的一局部代价But thats part of the price you pay for freedom.从今往后一切都将不同Nothing will be the same anymore.没错人们会从洞口出去试着找方法重新变大Yes, people will g

34、o and try to find a way to get big again.我甚至不知道他们能不能活着逃到旁院I dont know if theyll make it out of the sideyard.但我们是墙人没什么能把我们打倒But we are Wallians, resilience is what we do.而选择留下的人会建立一个更美好的世界Those who choose to stay are going to build a better world.仅靠一个人没法拯救我们No one person is going to save us.我们要靠彼此拯救W

35、ere going to save each other.这里收拾得真干净They really cleaned it up.你说了不做领袖怎么还是来了Well, after all that talk about not leading, here you are.这不怪我是大家选择了我Blame it on level 12. People wrote me in.欢迎大家请入座吧Welcome. Please, take your seats.对我们所有人来说这都是一个激动人心的历史性时刻What an exciting and historic moment for us all.为了

36、今天能坐在这里我们损失了无数鲜活的生命So many lives were lost on our journey to get this far.我们永远不会忘记那些灵魂Souls well never forget.在这里的生活虽然艰苦但和大家一起Life here can be hard, but with you,从头开始建立了这个稳定的政♥府♥后a stable government for the first time ever, 墙内世界的人们终于可以安居乐业了the people of the Wall can finally live in pea

37、ce.Whoa! That alien is pretty in pink! And I just came to America in my pants! 那个外星人穿粉衣服真漂亮!我在裤子里已经高♥潮♥了 ! 杰茜我今天很有可能会被大家喜爱的童书角色杀死Jesse, if I get killed today by a beloved childrens book character, 所以我必须告诉你我在奥斯汀还有一个不为人知的家庭I need you to know that I have a secret family in Austin.你得找到他们跟他

38、们说我爱他们还有我其实是个外星人You gotta track them down, tell them I love them, and also that Im an alien. 派瑞老师在和迪伦热吻!Mrs. Perry is kissing Dylan!这不在我们的计划之中你瞧好吧Thats not part of the plan. -Wait for it.我不是学生而是为了写“我想操的老师揭露文的卧底记者Im not a student. Tm an undercover journalist writing an expose on TILFs.你抄袭我们的动作!You st

39、ole our routine!你一点也不尊重我们与众不同的舞蹈风格!You don*t respect our unconventional dancing style!计划都成功了现在我们只需赢下比赛就成了Its working! All we have to do is win the big game.不要毒奶Dont jinx it.两只少年狼人!Two teen wolves!不怎么会发生这种事!No, no, no, no, no! This cant be happening!我死定了 -糟了I am fucked. -Shit.我们得赶紧溜!We gotta jet!天啊谁能

40、想到两支球队各有一只少年狼人呢Holy shit. Who wouldve predicted that both teams would have a teen wolf? 所以你为什么要和这个小脏怪物多赌一把So, why the fuck would you make a side bet with this little shit stain that that would happen? Hes taking all our money!赌这一切不会发生?我们的钱都被他赢走了 !去你的克拉克! 一去你的吧马克!Fuck you, Clark! -No, fuck you, Mark!

41、你把我们汉堡兄弟“汉堡”死了You hamburgered the goddamn Hamburgers!给我收回这句话!Take that back!我们跑快点说不定能跳进河里漂到墨西哥去!If we hurry, we can jump in the river and float to Mexico!虽然这要花上好几个月但在跑步的时候Ifll take a couple of months, but its hard to run and plan真的很难做计划at the same time.我的82000美元63美分呢Wheres my $82,000.63?我有63美分和一个I h

42、ave the 63 cents and a great idea抄袭大红狗克里佛的限制级灵感可以免费送给你for an X-rated Clifford the Big Red Dog parody you can have for free, 但我得保存电视剧改编权as long as I retain the TV rights.这是一把神奇的公车刀This is the magic knife bus.是时候让它到你的胸口来一趟富有教育意义的冒险之旅了Time for it to take an educational adventure into the wonders of you

43、r chest! 噗噗驾到Pupas in the house.噗噗把那些钱给我一点快Pupa, you gotta spare me some of that cash, quick.疯狂陀螺Beyblade.什么绝对不行那个疯狂陀螺的价值远超What? No way. That Beyblade is worth way more than.拜托你就给他吧!For crying out loud, just give him the top!那是有着冰蓝暴风转片的竞技级陀螺!Its a battle top with a frost-powered cyclone ridge!别再跟我科普

44、了赶紧给他!Stop mansplaing and just fucking do it!下次别再招惹儿童出版集团了Next time, think twice before you fuck with a childrens publishing cartel, 小混球you little shitrag.间接开枪打中一个人类的脚Whats the statute of limitations on being indirectly involved诉讼时效是多久in the shooting of a mans foot?必应上说是七年但脸书上还在讨论拜登输了选举Bing says sev

45、en years, but Facebook is still saying Biden lost the election.好吧我们只需要把格伦在某个地方藏个七年Okay. All we have to do is hide Glenn away somewhere for seven years我们就没事了 -快给我叫救护车!and werll be in the clear. -Call an ambulance already!但我们要把他在哪藏上七年But where can we hide someone for seven years还没人能听见他呼救的惨叫呢without an

46、yone hearing him scream for help?我们可以Its time to get all Mollys Game up in this bitch!什洛浦星曾是个完美的乌托邦Planet Shlorp was a perfect直到被小行星撞上utopia until the asteroid hit.一百个成人和他们的复♥制♥人分到了一只噗噗One hundred adults and their replicants were issued a Pupa逃往了太空and escaped into the space, 在杳无人迹的世界寻找

47、新的家园searching for new homes on uninhabited worlds.我们坠毁在地球上困在了一个已经人口过密的星球We crashed on Earth, stranding us on an already overpopulated planet. 情况就是这样说话的人是我Thats right, Fve been talking this whole time.也就是抱着噗噗的那个我叫科尔沃Im the one holding the Pupa. My names Korvo.这是关于我的动画我刚把噗噗摔下去了你看见我了吗This is. This is my show. I just dropped the Pupa. Do you see me?真是让人无语我讨厌地球这是个糟糕的家园This is ridiculous. I hate Earth. Its a horrible home.人类愚蠢至极他们一提到火星就激动得要命People are stupid and confusing. They get so excited about going to Mars. 你们去过火星吗


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