Solar Opposites《外星也难民》第三季第二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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1、你怎么了What happened to you?我去参加了 Funyuns 一款新品酒精气泡水的焦点小组I was in a focus group for a new Funyuns, hard seltzer.正在严重宿醉中还一直咳盐出来I have a hangover, and I keep coughing up salt.所以拜托各位都把嘴闭上Please, everyone, shut the fuck up.科尔沃科尔沃科尔沃!Korvo, Korvo, Korvo!出去吧那是性别揭晓大炮吗Get out of here. -Were those gender-reveal

2、cannons?对我用它来昭示全新科尔沃的诞生科尔沃人生第二幕科尔沃二Yes. They were to reveal an all-new Korvo. Korvos second act! 2 Fast 2 Korvo. 不用再执着于任务和维修飞船之后我想做什么就做什么Im not focusing on the mission or fixing the ship, I can do what I want. 你还庙记着这事呐?我们的剧情不是按时间连载的Youre still hung up on that? Were not serialized.就比方墙上那个大怪脸钟我们从没设定它的

3、时间Like that big, weird face on the wall. Weve never set that up.跟我的新袍子说去吧Tell that to my new robe.真时髦!-求你了你能不能等Oh, fashion! -Please, just could you hold off我的头疼消失以后再进行你的重大改变?on any big character changes until my headache goes away?没问题那我就坐在这儿思考维修飞船的事吧Sure, Til just sit here and think about ship repai

4、rs.多谢以前的科尔沃才会这么说Thank you. -Is what the old Korvo wouldVe said.新科尔沃要为试镜练习踏步舞了New Korvo has to practice for a stomp audition.舒服这就好了大大地排泄一通是最快摆脱宿醉的方法Oh, shit! There we go. Nothing gets rid of a hangover like a big old dump.什洛浦星曾是个完美的乌托邦直到被小行星撞上Planet Shlorp was a perfect utopia until the asteroid hit.

5、一百个成人和他们的复♥制♥人One hundred adults and their replicants分到了一只噗噗逃往了太空were issued a Pupa and escaped into the space,在杳无人迹的世界寻找新的家园平时这里不是这样的有声音It wasnt always like this. -Shh. I hear voices.这里还有别人我们得走了 不行我们都已经进到这里了Someone else is here. We should go. -No way. Weve come too far.雪莉别这样! 它绝对是十大最正

6、确专辑之一Cherie. Dont! the top ten best albums.我没说要剔除甲壳虫乐队的哪一张专辑Im not saying we remove any Beatles album.不等等我们把肯德里克拉玛忘了No, wait, wait. We forgot about Kendrick Lamar.别用那种口气跟我说话我是这里的老大Whoa, whoa. You cant talk to me like that. Tm the boss around here.如果我说小鬼当家的故事And if I say Home Alone takes place i

7、n the same和街头俏妞发生在同一个世界它们就是同一个世界cinematic universe as Curly Sue, thats what its got to be.他在搞什么我不清楚What the fuck is he doing? I dont know.你们不能这样你们是我的人.all like this. Youre my fucking boys.那些人已经死了You know, those guys are dead.雪莉真的是你吗Cherie. Cherie, is it really you?你没想到会再见到我这个坏女人吧Bet you didnt think

8、youd ever see this bad bitch again.我经常见到你I see you all the time.我们每周都会一起做填字谜We have a standing date to do the crossword.第十行那不勒斯人记得吗Neapolitan, ten across, remember?你还跟我说你打算开始慢跑You told me you were gonna get into jogging.你在说什么杀了你我很抱歉What are you talking about? -Tm sorry I killed you,但现在我们是鬼魂朋友了but he

9、y, now we*re ghost friends,就像伊森和我的墙内人对吧朋友们just like Ethan and my Walldermen. Right, guys?好了说话文雅点Hey. Okay; enough sailor talk.有女士在场呢Theres a lady present.他觉得我是鬼魂Uh, he thinks Im a ghost.那是什么-你怎么也变成鬼了What is that even. -Why are you a ghost?真不错我甚至都不用杀你了你让我的谎话更可信了Whoa. Thats cool. I didnt even have to

10、kill you. You backed up my lie.蟋蟀那事还记得吧The cricket thing; remember?我再也不想听你那些弥天大谎了Im not here to listen to your shit anymore.你看看他他好像已经病重了 -见鬼牙彻底掉光了Look at him. I think hes really sick. -Man. Running out of teeth.好渴啊我要去喝杯水So thirsty. Gotta have a drink.等等.蒂姆你还记得什么Wait a minute. -Tim, what do you remem

11、ber?我是怎么死的一天啊又来了How did I die? -Oh, boy, here we go again.你真的很喜欢逼我一遍遍重述啊She really loves to make me say it.是我背叛了你我用牙签捅死了你I betrayed you. Stabbed you through with a toothpick cane因为我想一统墙世界自那之后我就一直在后悔because I wanted to rule the Wall, and Ive regretted it ever since.每个夜晚Every single night.我都噩梦连连常年噩梦不断

12、Nightmares. Tm constantly having nightmares.他到底怎么了What the hell happened to him?我好像知道了你看是汉堡王的杯子导致的?I think I know. Look. -The Burger King glass?是老古董了 1983年生产我小时候有一整套Vintage, 1983. Had the whole set when I was a kid.现在已经停产了 -那又怎样玻璃杯不会让人生病的They dont sell them anymore. -So? Glass can*t make you sick.有问

13、题的不是玻璃是图案那东西含铅是中国制♥造♥的 Not the glass. The paint. Its lead, made in China.触碰就会中毒厂家召回了这批产品因为有孩子因它生病They had to recall them cause they made kids sick.正常大小的孩子都会生病何况蒂姆只有一颗半软糖高Real sized kids. Tims only a jelly bean and a half tall.他至少已经用这东西喝了 一年的水了Hes been drinking out of it for at least a

14、year.把他坏事做尽的小脑瓜毒傻了他一周之内就会病死Cooked his backstabbing little brain. He*ll be dead in a week.太好了那我们快出去吧他已经快把自己作死了Perfect. Lets get out of here. He did our job for us.我们还是得绑♥架♥他-为什么我们的目的已经到达了We still have to kidnap him. -What? This is what we wanted.不我想要的是正义No, I want justice.雪莉别这样已经可以坐收渔翁之

15、利就别再冒险了Cherie. Come on, take a win when youre handed one.我要他清醒地见证我们揭露他阴谋的那一刻I want him fully cognizant when we expose his ass,不然没人会相信我们把毛豆荚给我or no one will believe us. Give me the edamame pod.我自己把他偷运出去你要救他的命我不能帮你Fil smuggle him out. -Tm not helping you save him.我们做这一切就是为了铲除他浩克别逼我动手The whole point wa

16、s to take him out. -Halk, dont make me do this.如果我们不揭露那些谎言就会不停地重蹈覆辙If we dont expose the lies, this will keep happening.皮思丽需要生活在基于真♥相♥的墙内而不是建立在他或你谎言上的世界Pezlie needs to live in a wall based on truth, not on his lies and not on yours.你说得对Youre right.恭喜你长出了一颗良心Congratulations on growing a

17、 conscience.嘿朋友们看我做的迷你露露商店特里!Hey, guys, check out this tiny Lulu. Terry!嘿老科你看好了也可以录下来Hey, K-dog. Check this out. And feel free to video it回家学着做嘟嘟火车来了混♥蛋♥们so you can do it at home. Choo Choo, motha fuckers.这小伙真酷-帅呆了Damn, this guys cool. -Holy shit.不别信他他讨厌模型火车No. No. He hates model train

18、s.不会吧特里正跟我们讲他模型小镇的主意呢Really? Cause Terry was just pitching us his model town idea.你知道糖果世界吧想象一下用柠檬糖做的山You know, Candyland? Picture mountains of Lemonheads和用香烟糖做的火车轨道and train tracks of candy cigarettes.这太蠢了而且一点也不现实Thats stupid, and its not realistic.和圣诞节做的姜饼屋一样没有任何技术含量Its as basic as a Christmas ging

19、erbread house.我们在邀请特里进入模型火车的世界Weve been encouraging Terry to get into model trains.人越多就越快乐对吧-人越多就越讨厌The more the merrier. -The more the shittier.一起玩嘛科尔沃能上杂♥志♥封面的爱好多酷啊Oh, come on, Korvo. Nothing gets me going like a hobby with a magazine.让我想来-你敢说蒙太奇试试Makes me want to. -Don segue into a

20、montage.一段蒙太奇A montage.嘟嘟补鞋店-杂货店-雪茄店嘟嘟模型火车发烧友火车王者你在干什么What do you think yourre doing?特警判官来巨城一号♥度假了Judge Dredd*s on vacation from Mega-City One.这是我送你的一个小礼物Just a little gift from me to you.反乌托邦的执法人员和我小镇的风格根本不搭调Dystopian law enforcement officers dont fit in with my motif.那我加进去的白母鸡食品店呢What about

21、 the White Hen Pantry I added?711便利店太时髦了这是专为芝加哥小镇配备的Its a regional Chicago option for when 7-11 is too classy.把你的破东西拿走我的小镇也时髦得很Would you get that out of here? My town is too bougie for it.他家的卡夫食品单卖♥♥也很实惠从不打包出♥售♥Theyve got great deals on individual Kraft singles, not packa

22、ged for retail.但这不会影响白母鸡的销♥售♥额你懂我的意思吧Thats not gonna stop Hen. Know what Im saying?我不懂你的意思特里我讨厌你你把一切都毁了I dont know what youre saying. I hate you. Youre ruining everything.可我们正玩得开心呢我没在玩这是我的生活But were just having fun. -It*s not fun. Its my life.贾克斯超级胶水他以为他能夺走我模型火车的爱好?我要让他让所有人尝尝我的厉害Thinks

23、 he can take trains from me? Fil show him. Fil show them all.火车王者宝贝是你吗Babe, that you?这是什么情况Uh, what the hell?杂货店雪茄店酒馆科尔沃你把房♥子搬到别处了 ?Korvo; did you move the house?没有我创造了一种模型火车射线No. I invented a model train ray.它能造出火车小镇和铁轨只不过尺寸要大一些It makes trains, towns and rails, all at slightly larger than sc

24、ales.理发店老科这个模型真是太惊艳了K, this model is spectacular.小心9点15分的火车要来了Look out, here comes the 9:15.搞什么这么大的模型火车它要跑到哪里去The fuck! Its huge. Where does it even go?这是按照真实火车用六比五的比例造出来的Its exactly 1.2:1 scale of an actual train.它会横跨整片大♥陆♥And it goes across the whole continent!圣约翰神明教堂什么鬼听说一辆破坏力极强的巨型火

25、车What the hell? Someone told me the huge destructive train从外星人家里窜出来了我本来是不信的was coming from the alien house. But I didnt want to believe it.我们接到了来自全国各地的报♥警♥电♥话♥Were getting calls from all over the country.你不能随心所欲地到处架铁轨You cant just put rails wherever you want.去你的火车最棒Fuck y

26、ou. Trains for life.他让我们别无选择看来我们必须了结他He gave us no choice. Were gonna have to kill him.好了伙计们把执法记录仪都关了Okay, boys, turn those body cams off.糟了科尔沃Oh no, Korvo.一物降一物混♥蛋♥ 你这是犯规Train check. -That*s breaking the rules.你不能开真火车来我这是在救你蠢货No real trains allowed. -Im trying to save you, you stupid

27、man.滚开吧Save this.这场战争里你是赢不了的特里我的火车能自己造轨道Youll never win this, Terry. My train makes its own rails.留神撞上山Watch out for the mountain.你把我的塑料山撞坏了混♥蛋♥那个很贵的You just broke my plastic mountain. Asshole, that was expensive.你能把我怎么着What are you gonna do about it?我要玩“东京漂移”那招Im going to Tokyo drift.

28、要命别撞我Crap, crap, crap. Dont hit me.车厢别离不!No!刹车像真实谎言里面那样抓住我的手Grab my hand like they did in True Lies.你为什么不说像绝岭雄风那样你明知道我喜欢那部电影Why wouldnt you say like in Cliffhanger? I love that movie.但我不喜欢约翰利思戈演反派?饶了我吧But I dont. John Lithgow as the villain, no, thank you.火车的爱好可以到此为止了不如你开始写博客Thats the end of trains.

29、 How about you start a blog或是用基♥督♥来填补你毫无信念的浅薄生活怎么样or find room for Christ in your faithless shallow life?如果我化身成我的爱好你就没法夺走它了You cant take away my hobby if I am the hobby.别激动科尔沃那东西是用来造塑料图书馆的Easy there, Korvo. That ray makes plastic libraries.如今我要用它把自己变成神And now it will make me a God.我的妈呀

30、Holy shit.1929年的CCR超大三缸流线型火车A 1929 CCR double XL triple steam liner.加速别折腾了从我身上下来我当火车当得很开心Stop that. Get off me. Im happy as a train.我真棒简直就是伊森亨特本人Hell yes. Ethan Hunt over here.和碟中谍一样刺♥激♥等等我能跳得更好Mission Possible, baby. Wait, I can do it better.见鬼这回还不如上次我得再试一次时间不多了Crap. That was worse. I

31、 got to try again. Dont have much time.你看是我们看IMAX 3D版高蒂传的票根Hey. A stub from when we saw Gotti in IMAX 3D.还记得屈伏塔的假发好像要从屏幕里弹出来的样子吗Remember how Travoltas wig popped right out of the screen? 那电影真是烂透了噗噗把它吃了 ?Aw, that movie sucked butts. Pupa ate that, huh?看来它不太挑食I guess hes not picky.抱歉我之前态度那么恶劣我只是Sorry

32、if I was being a bi-atch earlier. I just.亚宇雷Yumyulack. Yumyulack.不是一头一头一头野猪!No. Its, its, its a. -A Javelina!我们得尽快从噗噗嘴里出去We gotta get to the mouth.野猪咬住我了!Javelina!这个咬痕好眼熟I recognize this bite pattern.这是特里牙齿保持器的形状Thats the shape of Terry*s retainer.野猪一定是把它戴在嘴里了The Javelina must be wearing it.它为什么要戴这个

33、野猪是出了名的不注重口腔卫生啊But why? Javelinas are famous for showing dental hygiene.它一定是压力太大了经常磨牙Aw, he must be stressed out and grinding his teeth.住在噗噗身体里压力当然大了I mean, who wouldnt be when they live inside the Pupa?好了特里是时候拯救世界了保持专注然后Okay, Terry. Time to be the hero. Just stay focused and.什么鬼What the fuck?挂了极地特快

34、里汤姆汉克斯的角色照但一张我的都没有?A frame fucking photo of Polar Express, Tom Hanks, but none of me?你真是够了特里别分心是时候让火车停下了God damn it. Stay on point. Its time to stop this train.是贴纸?不这些按钮都是贴纸Stickers. No, no. Theyre all stickers.完蛋了 -说到底我还是个模型蠢货!My God. -Tm still a model, you dumbass!赶紧从我身体里出来You better get out of me

35、 now.我要像银线号♥大血案里那样一头撞进联合车站结束这一切Im gonna crash into Union Station, just like in Silver Streak.但那样你会死的我也不能幸免But youll die, and I will, too.还有联合车站里那些连锁快餐店唐恩都乐店And all the chains at Union Station, the Dunkin1 Donuts嘉瑞珠宝店and the Jared*s Jewelry Store.但没了爱好我是谁呢But if I don*t have my hobby, what am

36、I?没了模型火车我和死了有什么两样Without trains, I might as well be dead.科尔沃定义你的不是你做的事而是你的所爱Korvo, you arent what you do. Youre who you love.那就是我但你有你自己的一大堆爱好And thats me. -But you have all your own hobbies.我想和你提供这些爱好不然你以为我为什么I wanted to share them with you. Why do you think I started要玩模型火车我是为了和你一起玩training in the f

37、irst place? So we could do it together.真的吗一起玩?Really? Together? We can be like Stan and Barb from down the block你是说我们可以像街角一起开了那家手工蜡烛公♥司♥的斯坦和芭布一样?that started that homemade candle company?没错但我们不会像他们一样走投无路因为我们没有债务问题Yes, but not as desperate and lame as them because we dont have their deb

38、t problems.谢谢你特里听你说这些就够了Thank you, Terry. Thats all I needed to hear.我不当火车了I will stop being a train.太好了All right.等等你怎么不减速Wait. Why arent you slowing down?我是一辆超长火车我需要十分钟才能完全停下来Im a long ass train. It takes ten minutes to come to a stop.而且我的刹车有点生锈了我还有点脱水And my brakes are a little rusty and Im dehydra

39、ted.好吧但你的速度一点都没减慢啊All right. Itrs just doesnt seem any slower.你自己拖着一长串车厢减速试试You try slowing down with this big of a caboose.火车真是太笨拙了Trains are so dorky. Cool things stop fast, like motorcycles.酷玩意刹车都很快的比方摩托车下次你变成摩托车吧那该多酷啊Maybe become a motorcycle next time. Think about that.你觉得救我的命很无聊是吗Is saving my

40、life boring to you?你想让我学银线号♥大血案那样吗You want me to steal Silver Streak?不想-我猜也是No. -Thats what I thought.蠢火车我对它的热情消失了 .喂Stupid trains. Tm over it. -Hey.给我讲个笑话吧Tell me a joke.嘿你要背着它去哪儿Hey! Where are you going with that?毛豆荚的队在那边排Youre supposed to be in that edamame line over there.毛豆荚排队处修女我们把他带来了但

41、Sister, we have him, but.他看起来像是中了某种快餐玩具杯上的铅毒He looks like he has lead poisoning from some kind of fast food novelty glass. 她真厉害-我可以把他治好Shes good. -I can nurse him to health.各位是红色代码的情况Everyone. Itrs a code red.红色代码你听到了吗皮思丽我们做到了You hear that, Pezlie? We did it.从今以后这会变成一面真♥相♥之墙From now on

42、, this will be a wall of truth.我们去找人帮帮你小可爱Lets get you some help, little fella.牙周病医院这头野猪需要戴护牙器它磨牙的问题很严重看到了吗This Javelina needs a mouth guard. Hes been grinding his teeth, see?老兄我们已经知道了不然我们为什么带它来找你Dude, why would we be here if we didnrt already know that?去吧野猪回到野猪生活的地方Go on, Javelina. Go where the Jav

43、elinas go.在树林里自♥由♥自在地做野猪想做的事Be free out in the woods, doing Javelina things.六个月后记得过来复查我们会发短♥信♥提醒你的Well text you a reminder for your six month checkup.你看一旦我们齐心协力就没有干不好的事See, when we work together, we can do anything.抱歉之前在噗噗里我那么对你我也很抱歉Sorry, I was a dick back in the Pupa. -

44、Im sorry, too.但经过这件事我俩都收获了一副保持器But, hey, we both got retainers out of it.下次我们就知道抢在特里之前躲进房♥子底下了And next time well crawl under the house before Terry does.你们把噗噗清理得不错他看起来心情好多了Good job cleaning out the Pupes. He*s in a better mood.他吞了一只野猪进去什么Mm. He had a Javelina in him, -What?噗噗身体里住了只野猪它还戴着你的护齿套

45、searching for new homes on uninhabited worlds.我们坠毁在地球上困在了一个已经人口过密的星球We crashed on Earth, stranding us on an already overpopulated planet.就是这样一直都是我在说话Ive been talking this whole time.抱着噗噗的人是我我叫科尔沃Im the one holding the Pupa. My names Korvo.这是我的演出我刚刚摔掉了噗噗This is my show. I just dropped the Pupa.你看见我了吗

46、?真不可思议Do you see me? This is ridiculous.我讨厌地球这是个糟糕的家园I hate Earth. Its a horrible home.人们都很愚蠢又无知我不理解头发的存在People are stupid and confusing. I dont understand hair.人类总是在梳头发抹发乳恭维彼此的发型头发没劲透了Humans are always combing and creaming and fawning over their hair. Hair sucks.饱满平滑的头盖骨点缀着蓝色的点点才是最完美的脑袋A nice, smoo

47、th dome with blue dots on it is the ideal head.噗噗你看起来惹不拉几的怎么了Damn, you look thicc, Pupa. Whats the deal?他到处捡地上的东西吃把自己吃难受了He gets backed up with stuff he eats off the ground.特里本该帮他洗胃的但他很讨厌这项工作Terrys supposed to clean him, but he hates doing it.别被他听到是时候清理噗噗了否那么他又要藏进房♥子底下Dont let him hear its time or herll hide under the house.交给我们吧我最喜欢清理东西了We could do it. Decluttering stuff is a passion of mine.比方陶器和变♥态♥Like pottery or Korean hentai.那好就交给你们了顺便找找特里的牙齿保持器在不在里面Great. It*s all yours. See if Terryfs retainer is in there.他的牙看上去就像贾斯汀自己画的His teeth lo


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