Solar Opposites《外星也难民》第三季第十集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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1、泰瑞如果不是你花那么久时间挑抗胃酸咀嚼片-Terry, if you didnt waste so much time picking out which Turns to bring我们已经到塔可贝尔了wed be at Taco Bell by now.你明明知道他们活出无限优♥惠♥一年只有一次You know damn well the Live Mas -er deal only comes once a year!因为抗胃酸咀嚼片要搭配山露汽水的口味啊-Different flavor Turns pair with different Mountain

2、Dews.天呐你有时间看看主厨的餐桌吧Geez, watch Chefs Table sometime.我只希望不要去的时候那些好吃的酱包都没有了-1 just hope we dont miss out on all the good hot sauce packet quips.我发誓如果我再拿到写着”今日在明日毕的塔马利酱-1 swear if I get Here today, gone tamale again,我真的会质疑塔可贝尔家文案的工作态度Ill have to lose faith in the dedication of the T -Bell copywriters.格

3、伦的车好像在路边已经停了好几个星期了-Looks like Glen left his car on the curb for one too many Mondays.他得明白清路车掌握着统治这条街的铁扫帚-Hes gotta learn the street sweepers rule this domain with an iron broom. 是啊不过也许他没有挪车是因为-Yeah, or maybe he hasn*t moved his car你们俩把他射进了太空呢because you two shot him into space!就因为水晶骷髅伏特加子弹的事情You kno

4、w, *cause of that whole thing with the crystal skull vodka bullet?什么什么子弹我不记得了-What? What bullet? I dont remember that.你们怎么能不记得把一个人打进太空里呢-How do you not remember shooting a guy into space?这可不算小事Thats kind of a big deal.不不算我整天把东西打进太空里-No; it*s not, I shoot stuff into space all the time.你巴不得自己能把东西打进太.Y

5、ou wish you shut stuff into spa -闭嘴不然我现在就把你打进太空里就会解锁更多的能力the more powers itll unlock.纯粹必须要变得纯粹-Purity, right, gotta be pure.我跟你说了这个白♥痴♥不够格-1 told you this little idiot was out of his league.放了他吧他永远成不了银河警♥察♥的Cut him loose. Hell never be a Silver.你为什么要这么做-Why are you doing

6、this?你不用住在蜡烛里的-You dont have to live in a candle.我们可以帮你回到上层We can help you get back to the upper levels.杰西那天给了我们一台气泡水机太棒了Jesse gave us a SodaStream the other day, it*s awesome.气泡水机太愚蠢了-SodaStreams are stupid.做出来的苏打味道很奇怪The soda tastes weird,二氧化碳还会腐蚀你的牙齿and the carbon dioxide fucks up your teeth.而且我最

7、讨厌的是那些人Besides, its the people I hate.我们对你做过什么吗-What did we ever do to you?我为了你们的战争牺牲了一切为了什么呢-1 sacrificed everything for your war, and for what?为了得到蒂姆更多的谎言吗More lies from Tim?为了得到更多被你掩盖的谋杀吗Murders covered up by you?你伪造了自己的死亡Faking your death?我没有伪造我是啊-1 didn*t fake it! I was - Ahh!少费口舌了这不会阻止我-Save y

8、our breath, it wont stop me from cleansing彻底清洗上层的the upper levels for good.我下来寻找茉莉的遗骸I came down here looking for Mollys remains,但我却找到了你们都懒得清理的积水but instead I found the standing water you all never bothered to clean up.你们知道一瓶盖死水里可以养一百只蚊子卵吗Did you know a hundred mosquito eggs fit in a single bottle c

9、ap of standing water.有了这些我就可以建立我的昆虫军队With this, I was able to build an insect army,我要从呜呜洞中放出它们one I will unleash through the Boo Hoo Hole重建墙国的平衡to bring balance back to the Wall至少杀掉上层一半的男人女人by killing at least half of every man and woman up there.所以基本上来说你就是在抄袭灭霸咯-So basically youre ripping off Thano

10、s.不因为在终局之战里灭霸是用-Nah -uh, because in Endgame, Thanos is using the infinity stones无限宝石打了个响指把大家变成灰的to snap everyone into dust.而我是用一支超酷的昆虫军队I have a cool insect army.胡说你就是在抄袭灭霸-Bullshit. You are totally ripping off Thanos!好吧我就是抄袭灭霸-Fine. I am ripping off Thanos!我要抄袭灭霸重建墙国的平衡I am ripping off Thanos and b

11、alancing the Wall!听着没有人第一天就能做好的你对自己太严格了-Look, no one gets it on their first day. Youre being too hard on yourself. 没必要好吗Dont Okay?只有失败者才会努力花时间做好Only losers spend time trying to get good at stuff那些他们不擅长做的事they arent perfect at immediately.告诉我来自地球的格伦你想要什么-Tell me, Glen of Earth. What do you want?想回家在人

12、类马桶上拉屎-To get back home, to take a shit in a human toilet,玩彩票刮刮乐看点色情片play some lottery scratchers, watch some porn.银甲可不是件什么招手就来的出租车-The SilverSuit isnt a frunking taxi.穿上它你就代表了正义By wearing it, you become justice.现在你想要什么Now, what do you want?我不知道呃-告诉我-1 dont know, uh - Tell me!我想让我的邻居为伤害我的车付出代价-1 wan

13、t my neighbors to pay for what they did to my car!那可不是什么普通车It wasnt just any car,那可是速度与激&hearts情♥系列的强尼陈限♥量♥版 it was a Johnny Tran limited edition from The Fast and Furious collection. 我甚至还有张纪念牌照I even got the vanity plate!我不在乎那些那辆车为什么这么特殊-1 dont care about all that. Why is the c

14、ar special to you?因为我没有个性行了吧-Because I have no personality, alright!对你来说我可能是一个很酷很神秘的外星人To you I seem like a cool, mysterious alien 但在家里我毫无性格可言but back home, I dont have any personality, 所以我以车为炫耀的资本so I peacock with cars.如果车上有任何划痕If theres any ding or scratch in them, 人们就会更容易发现我是一个失败者it makes it easi

15、er for people to see that Fm a fucking loser.这很纯粹-Thats pure.放空你的脑海只想这件事Clear your mind and focus only on that.只想着我是一个有恋车癖的失败者吗-Focus on being a loser with a car fetish?是的再来一点它的帮助-Yes. With a little help from this.盐但这不是你们负责收缴的东西吗-Salt? But isn*t that the drug you guys are in charge of busting?你要怎么办呢

16、逮捕我吗-Whatrre you gonna do, arrest me?它可以让你放松促进你和银子联结的过程This will get you to relax. Helps with the silver bonding process. 要多久才能-How longs it take to - 哦耶用你的记忆干翻我的脑子-Aw yeah, frunk my brain with your memories, 你这小姨♥子 ♥you freaky little bitch.我的天你好厉害你好棒Oh my god, you are so good at whate

17、ver that is.现在舔我的屁♥股♥-Now eat my alien ass.天呐-Holy shit!格洛加克斯快看起作用了-Glorgax, look! It worked!快看我是个银河警♥察♥了哇哦Yall see that shit! Tm a SilverCop now! Woo!哇都快赶超第二好的银河警了-Mans more silver than second place!波波-Pobo!好吧随便吧当一名银河警♥察♥可不止于此-Yeah, well, whatever. Theres a

18、 lot more to it than that.胡扯在我看来他已经掌握诀窍了-1 dont know, seems like hes got the hang of it to me.嘿要我说我们把他带上去突袭吧Hey, I tell you what. Lets bring him along to the raid.你在开玩笑吗果冻时间-Are you kidding me? - Jelly time!不不行不行波波-No, goddammit. No, Pobo!好吧我们总得跳几次火坑-Well, we all gotta get thrown into the fire somet

19、ime.早跳晚跳都得跳Why not now?好吧别让这个菜鸟靠近我就行-Fine. Just keep his rookie shit the fuck away from me.今天我就要像灭霸一样清洗墙国-Today, I Thanos the Wall!你就笑吧垃圾蜡烛-Laugh it up, Yankee Candle.只是你的计划里有一个间题Theres just one problem with your plan.拜托我创造了一条短♥信♥收费10美分-Please, I invented charging 10 cents for text mes

20、sages,我觉得我很清楚如何制定计划I think I know how to plan a plan.瞄得挺准啊你这个蠢货-Nice aim, you dumb bitch!你只是翻开了呜呜洞All you did was open the Boo Hoo Hole,我本来也要这么做的which I was about to do anyway!是啊这正是我希望的-Yeah, well, thats what I was hoping.因为你知道呜呜洞里都是什么吗Because you know what the Boo Hoo Hole is full of?哭泣声吗我不知道-Cr -c

21、rying? I dont know.都是蜘蛛贱♥人♥Spiders, bitch!已经暗示了好几集了This shit got foreshadowed days ago!不-No!好了听着我们的目标是卓格色雷斯-Alright, now listen up! Our target is Trog Thracian.他是整个系统里最大的盐贩子Hes the biggest salt dealer in this system.专向小孩和婴儿兜售Peddles exclusively to little kids and babies.就是这个家伙创造了特拉弗斯润滑

22、-This is the frunker who invented Traversian Lotion.就是通过在他们的鸡鸡上摩擦酸Thats where you torture someone by rubbing acid on their dick 一直到它融化来折磨某人-面条until it melts off.-Noodles.文特雷斯和我从后面进入-Ventrez and I will be entering from the rear.格洛加克斯波波走左翼Glorgax, Pobo: left flank.克罗莫斯走右方Cromus, Glen: take the right.我

23、跟你说了让这小混♥蛋♥离我远点-1 told you to keep this little frunk away from me. 抱歉克罗米我们需要团队最棒的人来带菜鸟-Sorry, Cromey. We need our best with the rookie. 教教他吧Show him the ropes.如果你知道轻重就在还能离开的时候快走吧-If you know whats best for you, yourll leave while you still can. 用用你那我一直听说的人类直觉吧Use that human intuition I

24、ve heard so much about.随你怎么说兄弟你看见我飞行了我他妈纯粹得很-Whatever, bro. You saw me flying, Im pure as hell.我可以的呃I got this.-Ugh.好了大家冲冲冲-Alright, people! Go! Go! Go!啊-Aah!如果不学习一些以色列格斗术-You dont run a multi -national communications company 可是经营不了 一家跨国通讯公♥司♥的without learning some Krav Maga along the

25、way!雪儿快逃-Cherie, get outta here!我一辈子都在担忧信♥号♥♥覆盖率-1 lived my whole life worried about coverage,结果现在我要被灯油覆盖死了and now its whats killing me.这以后我们就做无聊的人吧-After this, letfs be boring.阿弥陀佛我赞成-Amen to that.听着格伦我知道你想做什么-Look, Glen, I know what youfre trying to do, 但你真的得赶紧离开这里了but you rea

26、lly need to get the fuck out of here. 哟别跟我啰嗦克罗莫斯你对我有什么意见吗-Yo, get off my back, Cromus. Whats your problem with me?你觉得自己在玩什么超级英雄游戏Youre playing a pathetic superhero fantasy,但这是现实生活 but this is real life.人是会受伤的People get hurt.随便啦兄弟我明白了你就是团队中的拉斐尔-Whatever, dude. I get it, youre the Raphael of the group

27、.很酷但人很粗鲁下周这时候我们就会是好朋友了Cool but rude. By this time next week, were going to be best friends. 这就是个空仓库盐品去哪了This is just an empty warehouse. Where are the drugs?独日你的消息有误-LoneSun, your informant burned us!也许罪犯跑路了呢-Maybe the perps are making a getaway.也许我们可以解决这些邪恶的事情Maybe we can tone down whatever siniste

28、r thing this is.不我们要抓的告密者就在这里-No, the Osmernian frunk rat were after is right here.哦他是那种穿着透视装的铁血战士吗-Oh! Is he like the Predator with the see -through suit or something? 把嘴闭上人类-Shut the frunk up, human.嘿放开他我一直和他在一起-Hey! Leave the kid alone. Tve been with him this whole time.他什么都没做他不是告密者He didn*t do a

29、nything. He*s not a rat.哦我知道因为你是-0h; I know. You are.我不行我不行我控制不了-1 cant, I cant Im not in control!哇怎么回事你在做什么啊兄弟Whoa, what the fuck! What are you doing, man?我不是我做的不是我做的I, I didnt do that! I didnt do that!金警♥察♥金警♥察♥-GoldCop! GoldCop!贩盐集团给你好处了是吧-Salt cartel mustve tipped you

30、 off, huh?不是你的傲慢-No, it was your arrogance.你们觉得就因为你们在元素周期表上的位置更高-You people think just because youre higher up on the periodic table就可以工作懈怠吗you can be sloppy!你们这是在干什么呀-Guys, what is going on here!他是克罗莫斯是我们的一员啊Its Cromus. Hes one of us!以金河的秩序规定你们都被捕了-By order of the Gold, you are hereby under arrest.

31、你们所做所为都会.Anything you silver -do or silver -say will be - 恶心的金河警♥察♥-Frunking GoldCops make me sick.格伦我跟你说了赶紧离开-Glen! I told you to get out.停你们在做什么我还以为你们是好人-Stop it! What are you doing? I thought we were the good guys?你不理解警♥察♥是干什么的吗-What part of cops dont you understand?该死

32、要有纯粹的念头-Shit. Gotta think pure thoughts.想不到吧那些什么纯粹都是我为了把你骗回来编的-Guess what? I made that purity shit up to get you back in the game. 银甲不依靠纯粹性发挥作用-SilverSuits dont run on purity.而是需要数年的训练你这白♥痴i♥It takes years of practice, you frunking idiot.但.我的人类直觉-But. my human intuition.我把你从监狱里抓出来就是当替罪

33、羊的-1 grabbed you out of that cell because youre a backwater rube.如果你真的有本领你早就会预见这些了If you had any ounce of real instinct, you wouldve seen that coming a mile away. 等其他的金河警♥察♥发现你们做的事-When the other Golds find out what you did, 他们不会放过你们的they will hunt you down like a mawg.当然我们也会忙着帮他们追查-Oh

34、, for sure, except well be too busy helping them track down那个杀了你的下流人类the dirty human who killed you.不-No.不要求你们不要这样-Please, please dont do this.谢谢你把你的DNA和银甲联结了-Thanks for letting the SilverSuit bond with your DNA.这样把谋杀嫁祸在你头上就更简单了It makes it a lot easier to frame you for murder.去你们的去死吧-Fuck you. Fuck

35、you all -哦天呐天呐-Oh god. Oh god!也许是我疯了但这好性感-1 might be crazy, but that was mighty hot.哦没有什么比一场完美的嫁祸能更让我欲♥火♥焚身的-Ugh, nothing gets me wetter than a good framing.嗯果冻时间Mmm. - Jelly time?是的波波果冻时间到了-Yes, Pobo, jelly time.我忘记了什么哦对了-What am I forgetting? Oh yeah!为了逮捕这个从证据柜里偷走银甲To apprehend the b

36、astard that stole the SilverSuit还杀死了 一名金河警♥察♥的混♥蛋 ♥out of the evidence locker and killed a GoldCop.求你别这样-Please, please dont do this.我求你了我只是一个可悲的有车的人Im begging you. fm just a pathetic car guy!给我把嘴闭上死得有尊严点-Just shut the frunk up and die with some dignity.不要-No!大呐是蚊后-Oh god

37、, the queen mosquito!哈尔克-Halk!雪儿快离开这里-Cherie, get out of here!容许我照顾好小佩斯里-Promise me youll take care of little Pezlie.你也是-So will you.我生不了孩子-1 can*t have a child of my own,所以我只要知道你会照顾好你的孩子就够了so knowing youll take care ofyours will make this easier. 哈尔克别说了-Halk, shut up.我们从此不再探险了好吗No more adventures,

38、okay?你说得对不再探险了-Youre right. No more adventures.告诉诺瓦我爱她我很抱歉Tell Nova I love her, and Im sorry.不-Noooo!有人吗救命Somebody help!求求了Please!有人吗大家都去哪了Hello? Where is everyone?怎么回事What the hell?我的天呐杰西你没事吧-Oh my Jesse, are you okay?发生什么了-What is going on here?是杰西送给我们的奇迹孩子的洗礼仪式-Its the baptism for the miracle chi

39、ld gifted to us by Jesse. 领结教教♥徒♥们欢迎新时代的到来-Welcome, Bowinians, to the birth of a new age!我们亲爱的杰西赐予了我们最甜蜜的糖果Our sweet Jesse has gifted us the sweetest candy of all.佩斯里那是我的孩子-Pezlie! Thats my baby!把我的女儿还给我贱♥人♥-Shut the fuck up or Ill shoot you into space right now!我又没有要求加入这

40、项任务YUMYULACK: I didnt ask to be on this mission!你们俩都停下来-Both of you stop it!我们要像一家人一样去吃塔克贝尔Were going to Taco Bell as a family.这本来应该是这周最开心一天而你们毁了它This is supposed to be the happiest day of the week, and you are ruining it. 所以你们觉得格伦在太空上还好吗-Still, do you think Glen is okay up there in space?他不是在太空上”Th

41、eres no up there.地球在太空里狗狗在太空里Earth is in space, dogs are in space,我们在太空里格伦也在太空里were in space, Glen is in space.不要那么小题太做Dont make a whole thing out of it.好了我不想再听见人提起格伦了Yeah, and thats the last I ever want to hear about Glen.嘿嘿谁来放我出去这太操蛋了-Hey! Hey! Someone let me out of here! This is bullshit!我和我年迈酗酒的

42、妈妈看过很多集法律与秩序Ive watched enough Law and Order with my senile, alcoholic mom 我知道我现在有权打个电♥话♥to know I get a phone call.别这样求你们了我是人类我不属于这里Come on, please! Tm a human! I dont belong here.哇哦不敢相信你是智人是吗-Well, TH be damned. Youre a homo sapien, aint you?是的我是你把我放出来吧-Yes! Oh, thank god, I am! You

43、gotta get me out of here.哇哦这里有个活的人类-Woo -boy! We got a real live human being.我不敢相信你竟然会说英语-1 can*t believe you speak English!英语不是我的银甲可以翻译你们人类的语言Give me back my daughter, you bitch!雪儿是对的这个孩子是她的女儿-Cherie is right! This baby is her daughter.她是我们所有人的女儿Shes all our daughters.这个孩子是墙国的孩子This childs mother i

44、s the Wall!墙国之子墙国之子墙国之子Walls Baby! Walls Baby! Walls Baby!不我说的是实话你们去问萨沙修女-No! Tm telling the truth! Just ask Sister Sasha.萨沙修女昨晚心胜病突发去世了-Sister Sasha died of a heart attack just last night.是你干的你这个疯子-You did this! Youre a fucking psycho.杰西赐予我们这个神圣的孩子-By gifting us this sacred child, 将带着墙国走向未来的伟大&hear

45、ts;荣♥誉 Jesse has bestowed upon the Church the great honor 授予了教会of leading the Wall into the future!受洗开始Let the baptism commence!住手那是我的孩子佩斯里-Stop! Thats my baby! Pezlie!妈妈来了Mommys coming!呃你们这群混♥蛋♥呃放开我Ugh, you fuckers! Ugh, let me go!我他妈来救你了Im fucking coming for you!不不不No, no, no.

46、啊糟了-Aw shit.有人听到枪声报♥警♥ 了Someone must have called in the gunshots.不重要黎明时的大气就足以致死了-Ah, dont matter. Atmosphere turns deadly at dawn. 没有银甲他肯定会死的Without a SilverSuit, hes frunked.我好想我的车1 miss my car.快下车Hurry! Get out of there!啊啊哦不不不不Ah! Ah! Oh noooo!我去泰瑞Sick, Terry.天呐买♥♥点成人纸尿

47、裤吧Jesus! Get some Depends, why dontcha?好恶心吐了Gross! Yuck!该死的泰瑞你明知道Dammit, Terry! You know what happens吃那么多卷饼会变成这样你还吃if you eat more than your weight in Taco Bell.我控制不了我太喜欢那个奶酪脆皮饼了1 cant help it! I love that cheesy crunch! Oh.停下你的咕噜腹泻要把车里软装都毁了Stop it! Youre ruining the upholstery with your goobler diarrhea!对不起对不Lo siento! Lo sient -哦Ohhh!他今天一晚上都得这样了Hes going to be doing that all night.是啊-Oh yeah.-English? No, my SilverSuit translates your human tongue.等下那为什么我能听懂你呢-Wait, then why can I understand you?为什么你有那些人类的东西帽子还有吉他And wh


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