City on a Hill《山巅之城》第三季第三集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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1、(Jenny Rohr 突然)(和疏远及侵犯过她的爸爸见面(她被自己的暴♥力♥反应吓到)(她没把这件事告诉JackieJenniferJennifer,看到这个老地方真是太棒了it is great to see the old place.贱♥人 ♥Jenny.Son of a bitch! -Jenny.滚出去Get out!(Jackie 找到 Sinclair Dryden)(失踪的女儿Victoria(并怀疑她朋友Dominique的死)(和他的雇主有关我是来找线索证明我父亲I came looking for clues to

2、 prove 在Dominique过世当晚来找过她 that my father was with Dominique the night she died. 你找到什么了吗You find anything?一支1963年拉菲堡红酒空瓶An empty bottle of 1963 Lafite Rothschild.Dominique 根本不可能买♥♥得起 Dominique couldVe never afforded that.(Siobhan Quays为在大挖掘工地)(受重伤的Hernando Mendoza争取)(同时要面对自己的创伤与失去)Herna

3、ndo Mendoza 替你们Hernando Mendoza was injured进行大挖掘工程时受伤了working on the Big Dig for you.我想我们谈完了I think were done.不准碰我Dont you.touch me.不准碰我Dont youdare.(Chris Caysen 被警♥察♥同事孤立) (他相信Rick Dunleavy警官那该死的案件That goddamn case.你确定你准备好了吗You sure youre ready for this?为什么会没准备好Why wouldnt I be ready

4、 for this?Whitaker是个废渣Well, Whitakers a boondoggle.听说你♥爸♥爸过世了And I heard you lost your dad.五年前You know, 5 years ago,我在Rosie过世隔天回来工作I came back to work the day after my Rosie died.天大的错误Big mistake.我们都需要了解自己的哀恸We all need to know our grief.我没事Im A-okay.那祝你处理这宗烂案好运了Well, good luck shoveli

5、ng this s*t.事实上You know, truth is我在一审时没能让他被定罪I didnt get a conviction on the first trial是因为案件有很多不清楚的地方because the case is a little fuzzy around the edges.同时,Curtis Whitaker在监狱里Meanwhile, Curtis Whitaker has been sitting in a cell 蹲了一年多for over a year.你希望我为此内疚吗You want me to feel bad about that?对,那会是

6、个不错的改变Yeah, be a nice.change.是的,我再次来电Yes, Tm calling again是想追问大挖掘工作日志的情况to follow up on the status of the Big Dig work logs.我用传票调阅的那些The ones I subpoenaed.Hernando Mendoza受伤的南街工地The South Street location where Hernando Mendoza was injured. 等等,能把我转给你的上司吗Wait. Could you connect me to your supervisor?S

7、iobhanSiobhan?你最好对我格外贴心You better be extra sweet to me.Mendoza 案?The Mendoza case?力咸工业周围的石墙简直无法穿透The stone wall around Needham Industries is impenetrable.我接了 Curtis Whitaker 的二审Yeah, well, Im handling Curtis Whitakers second trial,所以我期望一样的待遇so I expect the same.Guy Dan想要有罪判决Guy Dan, hes out there gu

8、nning for a conviction.把我和Blair当成Treating me and Blair like,美国角斗士,所以like were just jousting on American Gladiators/ so.Whitaker的律师是谁Whos Whitakers lawyer?我不知道,某个公设辩护人吧I don*t know. Some public defender.也许我该参与Maybe I should get involved.我开始觉得You know, Tm starting to think你只是喜欢在法庭上看到我that you just lik

9、e seeing me in the courtroom.你总是穿最好看的西装出庭Well, it is where you wear your best suits.谢谢Thanks.喂Hello.我就是Speaking.Lulu怎么了What about Lulu?发生了什么事What happened?我明白I understand.我会的Will do.我高中的朋友Lulu HarrisMy high school friend Lulu Harris.篮球队的朋友,对吧Yeah, from your. the basketball team, right?她死了Shes dead.在

10、南卡罗莱纳州发生车祸Car accident down in South Carolina.她把我列为近亲,这很奇怪She listed me as her next of kin, which is bizarre. 我知道她父母在不久前过世I know her parents died a little while ago她没什么家人,但and she doesnt have much family, but.我们已经15年没说过话了we havent spoken in 15 years.你们闹翻了吗Did you guys have a falling out?没有,我们只是No, w

11、e just.渐行渐远drifted.Letitia 女士Lady Letitia.我只是来提醒你,这位BraddockJust a friendly reminder that Braddock here在我明天前往纽约市时will be saving you from the bad guys 会负责保护你不被坏人侵扰while Im in New York City tomorrow.任凭吩咐,Dryden女士,都交给我Whatever you need, Miss Dryden, Im your man.明晚你就会忘了 Rohr的存在By end of day, you1! forge

12、t old Rohr exists.我不太确定Well, I dont know about that.尽管我可能很讨厌I mean, as annoying as I may be, 但我一钻进你的脑袋就很难抹掉了 once Im in your head, Tm pretty hard to get out. 谢谢你,GregThank you, Greg.她是在请你离开She wants you to leave.谈桥上恋情的那本小说That novel about the love affair on the bridge. 等我看完,欢迎你借去看Youre welcome to bo

13、rrow the book when Im done. 不用了Nah, Ill pass.你不喜欢浪漫小说吗Not the romantic type?浪漫是说话无趣的人Romance is a crutch used by people 所使用的拐杖that dont have anything interesting to say. 也许是透过说话逃避感受的人Or is talking a crutch used by people 所使用的拐杖?who want to avoid their feelings?不,说话最棒了No, talking is the best,尤其是当你不太倾

14、听的时候especially when youre not so big on listening. 你为什么要去纽约So; why are you headed to New York? 我女儿Benedetta是纽约大学新生My daughter Benedetta, shes a freshman at NYU. 你要开那辆抢眼的车去吗Are you taking your spiffy BMW?空间不够Not enough room.我太太帮她买♥♥ 了很多新衣服My wife bought her a whole new wardrobe,还有寝具和厨房&

15、hearts;用品plus bedding and enough kitchen supplies多到可以塞满生蛀餐厅to stock the Union Oyster House,所以我的女儿会坐1985年的小货车so my little girl will be making her grand entrance 华丽登上曼克顿舞台into Manhattan in a 1985 minivan.我想会见你的家人rd like to meet your family.你太太和我一定有很多共通点Im sure your wife and I have a lot in common.快回去吧

16、Hurry back.Dryden家有什么有趣的事吗Anything interesting going on at the Drydens,?我问你工作的事I ask about your job,你一副要逃走的表情you look like you need a getaway car.你为什么问So why you asking?只是想聊天Im making conversation.JenJen.如果你想指控我什么,就直接说吧If you want to accuse me of something, accuse me.天啊,你在说什么?指控?God, what are you ta

17、lking about, accusing?天啊,Dryden要你做什么了God, whats Dryden got you doing?在泰尼安沙滩埋尸吗What, burying bodies at Tenean Beach?“马戏生活的故事极度堕落”Tales of circus life are highly demoralizing.,你知道,Jackie,就这么一次You know, Jackie, just once,我希望你能直接回答我rd like you to give me a straight.answer,而不是引用instead of pulling outBarl

18、ett语录上的话the goddamn book of Bartlett*s quotations.不如这样说Hows this?别多管闲事Mind your这五小时的车程会很有趣This is gonna be a fun 5 hours.无效审判显然证实了The mistrial clearly proved控方没有足够的证据that the prosecution didnrt have sufficient evidence 说服陪审团to convince a jury.搜遍牙买♥♥加平原的每个角落 Search every s

19、quare inch of Jamaica Plain.找不到任何证据There*s nothing tying me 证明Andrews警官的死和我有关 to the death of Officer Andrews. 没有枪、没有过节No gun, no history.除了几个说谎警♥察♥的证供Nothing but the testimonies of a couple lying cops. 还有一个目击证人And a witness.他在第一次指认时没认出CurtisThat witness, in the first lineup, couldnt i

20、dentify Curtis. 第二次指认时突然就认出来了Then, in the second lineup, suddenly could.翻翻档案吧Read the case file.那个人一直改变说法The man kept changing his story.一开始说我有一把枪First, he said that I had a gun, 后来又说我抢r Andrews的枪 then he said I grabbed Andrews* gun. 无论如何,当晚我离那个街角很远In any case, I wasnt anywhere near that corner on t

21、hat night. 我看过档案和审判纪录了I read the file, and the trial transcript.你没有不在场证明You have no alibi.我和太太吵架Me and the wife had a disagreement.我去了散步冷静,那也犯法吗I went for a walk to cool off. Is that a crime?你多常需要冷静Do you often need to cool off?另一个检控官跟整个法庭的人说That other prosecutor stood up and told a room full of peo

22、ple 我为了一个街头奖杯杀死一个警♥察♥I killed a cop for a street trophy.我才不做那种事,Ward先生I dont do that kind of Mr Ward.你要说我会吗You gonna say that I do?听着Look,我不会靠理论立案I wont build a case around a theory.但你怎样都要立案But youre gonna build a case though.我有老婆和一个宝宝Man, I got a wife and a baby.我只抱过儿子两次,就被关进来了Ive onl

23、y held my boy twice, locked up in here.他需要爸爸He needs his dad.告诉我,你为何没盘问那个证人So tell me, why didnt you cross-examine the witness?那个指认你当事人的平民The sole civilian who IDed your client?他在没有通知的情况下出现I mean, he appeared without notice.我请求延期审判My motions for a continuance和排除他证词的动议都被驳回and to preclude his testimon

24、y was denied.我担心I was concerned在没准备的情况下盘问会有反效果that cross-examination without preparation could backfire.根据你对那两位And from your investigation拘捕疑犯的警官做的调查into the 2 officers who made the arrest,Plunkett警官和Knoche警官Officers Plunkett and Knoche,有什么我该追查的事吗is there anything there I should follow up on?在第一次审判时

25、Look, at the first trial,我把有限的精神都放在证明Curtismy limited energies were focused on proving Curtis是没有犯案动机的正直市民上was an upstanding citizen without a motive.所以你没有调查那儿位警官So, theres no investigation into the officers.三个品格证人?那就是你的辩护?3 character witnesses? Thats your defense?那就是你的辩护?Thats your defense?那些警&heart

26、s;察♥是腐 ♥败♥的Those cops are dirty.谁说的街头传言Says who? -The streets.拜托你到处问问吧Please, man, ask around.我要去检视证据Im going to examine the evidence.我来就是为了这件事Thats what Im here to do.你的小孩很可爱You have a beautiful kid.你刚刚为何问那么多问题What*s with the interrogation?你想一个无辜男子认为You want an innocent man to

27、think我凭一张银包大小的照片Im the reason hes stuck in this hole就害他被困在这破地方吗with nothing but a wallet-sized photo?说实话吗?若我要审理这宗案件Honestly? If I try this case,我不希望因为律师无能而被逆转I dont want the thing reversed on ineffective assistance of counsel.在我接这案件的一年来You know, in the year since Ive been handed this case,我还被指派了 184

28、件重罪案Ive been handed 184 felony cases,但我连一个律师助理都没有and I dont even have one.paralegal.我还记得这男人的名字就很厉害了Im lucky I remember the mans name.开车过来的路上,我一直想着LuluDriving here, I kept thinking of Lulu以及你们以前多么形影不离and how inseparable you were.你还好吗You doing all right?我的当事人Hernando Mendoza住院My client Hernando Mendoz

29、a is lying in a hospital我却在这里and here I am,想着死者,而活人却在受罪obsessing over the dead while the living suffer.我了解,Lulu的死令人震惊Well, I understand. Lulu*s death was a shock.我并不感到震惊Im not shocked.我在猜她会选什么花或哪条裙Im trying to guess what flowers or what dress,或选哪种木头做她的棺材what type of wood she wouldve chosen for her c

30、asket.她想土葬还是火化What.Did she want to be buried or cremated?或是发射到太空?我不知道Or shot into space? I have no idea因为我不再知道她生前是怎样的人because I dont know who she is. was.anymore.Lulu爰过你Lulu loved you.她不会希望你有压力的She wouldnt have wanted you to stress.你不知道You dont know that.你只是说一般人会说的话You*re just saying the things that

31、 people say.Siobhan,我是来帮忙的Siobhan, Tm here to help.分配工作给我,好吗Put me to work. Okay?我也处理过几场葬礼Fve buried a few people in my time.我已经安排Ive already arranged for the.把遗体运到波士顿body to be flown up to Boston.好,很好Okay, good.我会请Cole殡仪馆去洛根机场Ill have Coles Funeral Home at Logan, 接棺木pick up the casket.她该和父母一起埋葬,对吧S

32、he should be buried with her parents, right?他们在森林小丘长眠They*re at Forest Hills.好,那个我也能处理Right, Til take care of that too.你回去工作吧You get back to work.我们才来10分钟Weve been here 10 minutes你就把这里弄得乌烟瘴气了and already youre stinking up the place.把烟熄掉,帮点忙吧Put that out, you know, make yourself useful.什么?帮忙付帐单还不够吗Wha

33、t? Footing the bill aint enough?天啊,你最近心情很差(蓄意杀害Russ Wallace警官)DunleavyDunleavy.别想逍遥法外Youre not getting away with this.去死吧,人♥渣♥.you, cocksucker.(Decourcy Ward因爸爸的死崩溃)(带着复杂的心情回到波士顿你得醒来了You need to wake up.你不可能让波士顿再也无罪无恶Youre not gonna absolve Boston of its sin and vice.你最初之所以想这么做And the

34、only reason you aspire to只有一个原因in the first place因为它让你不必思考自己的事is because it distracts you from yourself.早Morning.Guy Dan想找我们俩谈Guy Dan wants to speak with us both.你知道为什么吗You know why?我才刚到I just got here.告诉你,我们该庆幸Im telling you, were lucky working for a guy替Sinclair Dryden这种人做事like Sinclair Dryden.他是波

35、士顿联调局特别探员主管时When he was the SAC of the Boston Bureau,尽管他家这么富有despite coming from all,但从未跟我摆过架子he never once pulled any of that la-di-da s*t with me.就是他批准我窃听He was the one that gave me the go-ahead to bugAngiulo七兄弟在北区的总部the 7 Angiulo brothers in the North End headquarters.Jesus, youre in a

36、 mood these days.你有什么事没告诉我吗Something youre not telling me?妈、爸Mom, Dad?我想简单介绍儿个人给你们认识Theres a couple of people I wanted you to meet really quick.Rohr先生、太太Mr and Mrs Rohr,这是我爸妈Barbara和Gus Aquinomy parents Barbara and Gus Aquino.你们好,我是JennyHL.Im Jenny.很高兴认识你们Good to meet you, hi.他是JackieHi, and this is

37、 Jackie.Faust说你是联邦探员Faust says youre an FBI agent.退休了Retired.你一定有很多精彩的故事可说Bet you have a bunch of great stories to tell.我去缴停车费Im gonna feed the parking meter.失陪了Pardon me.你们开来的路上还好吗So, how was your drive down?抱歉一声不响就跑来Sorry to drop in unannounced.没问题,请坐Its no problem. Have a seat.要喝啤酒吗?汤力水?Get you a

38、 beer? Tonic?不用了,谢谢No, thank you.以免你只是客气In case you were being polite.怎么了 ? DeeWhats going on, Dee?好,听着All right, so, look.你记得Duke Andrews吧You.remember Duke Andrews, yeah?去年在牙买♥♥加平原被射杀的警♥察♥ ?The cop who was shot in JP last year?我们有参加他的葬礼Well, we went to his funeral.Andrew

39、s的命案被怪在Andrews* murder was pinned 叫Curtis Whitaker的人身上 on a man named Curtis Whitaker.没有证据Theres no evidence,只有两个警♥察♥指认他是凶手just 2 blue fingers pointed back at him, right?Gary Plunkett 和 Randy KnocheNow, the cops, Gary Plunkett, Randy Knoche, 我听说他们很腐♥败♥I hear they*re dirty

40、.我希望你能帮我调查他们Now, I was.hoping youd look into them for me.你想我监视其他警♥察♥You want me to spy on other cops.可能还要出庭指证他们?Possibly testify against them?这不是小忙,我知道Its no small favor, I know.才刚埋葬太诚实的Russ WallaceWe just buried Russ Wallace for being too honest.Chris几天后And Chris is a few days away就要出

41、庭指证Tony Suferinfrom testifying against Tony Suferin杀害 Anton Campbellfor killing Anton Campbell.听着,很多日子Look, plenty of days, 你和我都忍♥受这座城市的腐♥败♥you and I both put up with the corruption in this town无论是为了自保,还是筋疲力尽either out of self-preservation or exhaustion,但一定有几个早晨but theres got to

42、 be some mornings你醒来时会对自己说够了”you just wake up and say Enough.1若你这种人都不愿说真♥相♥,谁会呢If a guy like you wont tell the truth, who will?我I.我不能靠揭穿其他警♥察♥升职I cant make a career busting other cops.已经有够多人想要我的命了I mean, theres already enough guys who want me dead. 我会另外想办法的PH find another

43、 way.全搬完了Thats everything.我帮你拿不用了,不过谢谢Let me carry that for you. -No, but thanks.我给你的防狼喷雾呢Wheres the Mace I gave you?在我房♥间里In my room.那是你犯的第一个错Well, that was your first mistake.爸,拜托你别破坏今天Dad, please dont spoil today.破坏?Spoil?我去读大学时You know, when I went off to college, 走出那栋冷冰冰的房♥子I walk

44、ed out of a cold house一无所有,只有肩上的背囊with nothing but a backpack on my shoulder.我那个混♥蛋♥爸爸不知在哪里My s*thead father was who-knows-where而我妈在梳化上不省人事and my ma was passed out on the.couch我不想等我爸回家and I didnt want to wait for him to get home, 因为去他的cause him, 我也不想叫醒我妈and I didnt want to wake her up,

45、 因为去她的ause.her.我就那么走了So off I went.你猜结果如何And guess what?我不会跟你说再见Im not gonna tell you goodbye我也不会跟你说你有多棒and Im not gonna tell you how incredible you are 或者你是让我飞翔的那阵风or that youre the wind beneath my.wings. 你想听那些鬼话就You want to hear that kind of just. 去楼上找你妈吧 go up there and find your,爸I love you, Dad.要免费安全套吗Free condom?好,谢谢Yes, thank you.我很抱歉,Rohr先生Im really sorry, Mr Rohr, 但不管我怎么回答都不对 but theres really no right answer there.


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