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《Warrior《战士》第三季第三集完整中英文对照剧本.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Warrior《战士》第三季第三集完整中英文对照剧本.docx(31页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、现场表演该死的洋人区Fucking pond.对啊很棒吧I know. Isnft it great?我开始觉得他有点怪怪的Im beginning to think this ones a little touched.现在才发觉You just noticed?大伙儿别闹了要办正事Guys, quit fucking around. This is serious.别担心钱很逼真Dont worry. The chop looks good.你们只要帅气地站着由我来交涉Just stand there, look pretty. Til do the talking.在自家地下室很逼真It

2、 looked good in our basement.但拿来骗笑脸杰克是另外一回事But ripping off Happy Jack is a different fucking story.如果出了乱子我唯你是问If this deal goes sideways, Tm fucking blaming you.出了乱子也不用问了If this goes sideways, it wont matter.希望你们不是来要求赊账I hope you Chinamen didnt come to us for credit.因为上次帮你们代管货物害我后来处境狼狈Because you pu

3、t me in a very difficult position the last time you asked me to hold onto your shit.之前周转出了些问题We had a minor cash flow issue.非常感激你一直帮我们保管And we very much appreciate you holding on to our product for us-他才不屑你们感激He aint interested in your appreciation.钱带了吗You got our money?把钱给他Give him the chop.这些够付上一批

4、和下一批的钱This covers our last order and our next one,多的当作给你们的赔偿贵行金援本市诸多重大建设呢Your firm finances some of the largest construction projects in the city.看来你做了研究Youve done your research.而且你的英语说得真完美May I say your English is flawless?你的英语也不算太差Well, yours isnt too bad either.你没说她很风趣You did not tell me she was

5、funny.她确实很风趣Shes funny.干杯Cheers.伊丽莎潘道顿似乎有个新宠It looks like Eliza Pendleton has a new project.容我失陪Gentlemen.你认识她You know her?中国女人我不认识The Chinese girl? No.但伊丽莎总爱表现得很前卫开放But Elizas always been determined to seem just this side of the avant-garde. 亚契小姐对吧Miss Archer, wasnt it?真惊喜你还记得Im flattered you remem

6、bered.想必你弄丢我的名片了吧Since I imagine you misplaced my card,或是没来找我有其他原因呢or is there some other reason you havent called on me?我以为你那天只是聊表礼貌I thought you were simply being polite.等你更认识我就会发现礼貌不是我的作风When you get to know me, youll realize Im rarely, if ever, polite.真想看你快点打败那个自大狂I can*t wait to watch you knock

7、 that smug bastard on his ass.那我们的目标一致That makes two of us.不觉得演人♥民♥公仆这套很无趣吗I mean, the whole man of the people1 routine is getting stale, dont you think? 我今天已经受了够多文艺熏陶了Well, I think Ive had about all the culture I can stand for one day. 巴克利先生奉劝你快来找我I recommend you call on me soon, Mr.

8、Buckley, 不然我就认为你不喜欢我or else I might decide you dont like me, 那么我会变得很可怕and then Ill become intolerable.你能证明吗And you can prove this?信封里的金额应该就是最佳证明Given the amount of money in that envelope, it shouldnt matter. 但的确有两个人能作证But yes. Werve got two witnesses who can put 塞尔的姻亲去过华人鸦♥片♥馆 Thayers

9、brother-in-law in a Chinese opium den 而且就在上周 as recently as last week.刊登出来的话将是一大丑闻A real scandal, if it were to come out. 若能问证人几个问题报道会更精彩The story will play better if I can bring them in, ask a few questions. 不用说也知道他们希望匿名For obvious reasons, these men wish to remain anonymous. 然而为求精确报道However, in th

10、e interest of due diligence, 东西都在里面 everything is there.对话日期和时间Quotes, dates, and times. 我还想了一个标题I was thinking for the headline, 塞尔选情蒙上烟霾“Thayer Campaign, Up In Smoke. 不过你才是专业的Youre the professional. 晚安史崔兰先生Evening, Mr. Strickland. 不好意思我认识你吗Im sorry, do I know you?我叫狄伦李瑞想找你说几句话Names Dylan Leary. I

11、need a quick word.李瑞Leary.劳工阶级的拥护者Champion of the workingman.听说你在市议会引起不小骚动I hear youve been causing quite a stir down at City Council.我是代表皮尔斯先生来的Im here on behalf of Leonard Pierce.连市议会也找你当打手吗So now the City Council has got you breaking legs for them, is that it?我相信你是危险人物李瑞先生I dont doubt youre a dan

12、gerous man, Mr. Leary.但既然皮尔斯都特地请你来威胁我了But if Pierce went to all the trouble to pay you to threaten me, I would at least think 至少他应该说过我从不落单吧he told you I never travel alone.他肯定是忘了It must have slipped his mind.真糟糕Thats too bad.不管怎样我希望你已清楚Either way, I hope its becoming clear to you,我不是你能够威胁的人Im not th

13、e man you threaten, Mr. Leary.我是你该谈合作的人Im the man with whom you make a deal.上车吧Come on.我们聊聊Let*s have a chat.原来这就是流氓的休闲活动So this is what gangsters do for fun?除了殴打老人以外You know, when theyre not beating up old men.其实我的兴趣很广Well, actually, I have many interests.有时候也会打年轻人Sometimes I beat up young men.真不错O

14、h, how sweet.我印好了钞票早上就会干Im done printing. The bills will be dry in the morning.太好了我送你回家Great. Til walk you home.谢谢不过我想拿了报酬就走Uh, thank you. Actually, I think Ill just take my payment and go.那么Well,我必须先搜你的身I need to pat you down first.勇骏下的令Young Juns orders.他们比较信不过人They have trust issues.手举起来Arms up.我

15、要Just, um-好了没问题Okay, all good.一给你一谢了-There you go. - Thanks.晚安Have a good night.祝你跟木头玩得愉快罗You have fun playing with your wood.你当过骑兵You were in the cavalry?隶属谢里登的波多马克军团Served under Sheridan in the Army of the Potomac.战斗菲尔谢里登Fightin1 Phil Sheridan?他可是传奇人物The mans a fucking legend.他想必会同意He certainly th

16、ought so.弟兄们私下都叫他小菲尔We used to call him Little Phil behind his back.他很矮不用弯腰就能帮脚踝抓痒He was so short, he could scratch his own ankles without stooping over. 你从军过吗Did you serve?第8 8步兵团88th Infantry,在爱尔兰旅之下Irish brigade.爰尔兰无惧之子The Fearless Sons of Erin.你们让叛军吃足苦头You gave those Rebels hell.可惜也损失一些弟兄They se

17、nt a few of us there too.我儿子路易于水手溪之役阵亡My boy, Louis, fell at the Battle of Sailors1 Creek.他母亲生下他后就死了I lost his mother in childbirth, and.那时我还以为人生不会有更痛苦的事了at the time, I remember thinking Id suffered the worst pain life has to offer. 没想到我错了Turns out I was wrong.在战场的每一天Every day of the war,我都祈祷能回家见儿子I

18、 prayed to make it home to my boys.我成功了And I did.却看着天花带走他们So the pox could take em.若上帝存在本也的幽默感真病态If there is a God, he has a sick sense of humor.上帝就是个王八蛋Hes a fucking prick is what he is.你我皆清楚在这个国家立足的代价You and I know the price this country demands.我们付出十倍之多才享有建立家业的自♥由♥Weve paid it tenfo

19、ld for the freedom to build something of our own.皮尔斯那群人永远无法体会Men like Pierce and his cronies will never understand that.他们含金汤匙出生从未牺牲什么They were born into wealth. Theyve sacrificed nothing.我每一分钱都是自己赚的I earned every dime I ever made.从我的角度看来你没多大差别From where Im sitting, you dont look so different.表面上也许是

20、On the surface, maybe.但我跟他们的想法不同But I dont think the way they do. 他们视你为暴徒They see you as a thug, 是替他们干脏活的人 someone to do their dirty work. 但我眼中的你不同I see something else. 是什么And whats that?一股政♥治♥强权A political powerhouse.爱尔兰裔的代言人The voice of the Irish.但说话没人听又有何用But what good is that voice

21、 if nobody listens?弄伤人只为让零星的爱尔兰人有工作You twist some arms, you get five Irish hired here, ten there.一也喂饱其家人一对但改变不了什么-And their families eat. - Yes, but nothing has changed.你的格局太小Youre thinking too small.当前的问题是系统性的The problem you face is systemic.深嵌在国家的经济中Its built into the economics of the country.假如想改

22、变If you want to change that,你需要真正有力的政♥治♥资本you need the kind of political capital that comes with real power.否则最终就会被淘汰Otherwise, youll end up a washed-up gangster空有崇高目标却无法走出困局with nothing but your noble intentions to show for your troubles.世道乱成一团These are fucked-up times.条子入侵我们地盘The bul

23、ls are in our bowl.龙志堂趾高气昂The Long Zii are puffing up their chests.去他们的Fuck the Long Zii!我不否认现阶段确实难熬Its been tough. I won*t deny it.但我们可是和威堂But were the motherfucking Hop Wei!没错And派再多的旧金山警♥察♥也无法阻止我们做生意there arent enough cops in San Francisco to stop us from running our business.我们重启烟膏事

24、业了Were back in the molasses game stronger而且更加强大than ever.所以不醉不归吧So get drunk.尽情享乐Get sticky.因为明天Because tomorrow,我们又会是唐人街最强悍的堂口we get back to being the baddest fucking tong in Chinatown!你们老大好像很开心Your boss seems happy.是啊Yeah.但你不开心But youre not.印钱是暂时的解方不是永久之道Printing was supposed to be a solution, not

25、 the solution.我们应该用那些钱招募更多斗士We should be using the chop to buy more soldiers, not不是买♥♥酒买♥♥♥春♥not booze and whores.那动作最好快点Then you better hurry.为什么Why?要是斗士被收买♥♥光了有钱也没用Cash wont matter if there arent any soldiers left to buy.美玲又吸收了一个堂口Mai Ling ju

26、st absorbed another tong.大家还在争蝇头小利时她如何搞合并的How is she making moves when were out here fighting for scraps?如何不重要How doesnt matter.重点是美玲正在逐渐壮大What matters is that Mai Ling is building an army.她不会再直接冲着我们来She wont come directly at us again.现在道上情势如此紧张Not with this much heat in the streets.感觉她不太担心道上情势是吧Doe

27、snt seem like she*s all that bothered by the heat. Does it?要不是你穿订制西服我还真以为这儿是养鸡场You know, if it weren*t for the tailored suits, Id almost believe this whole poultry setup. 前警员李伊Former Officer Lee.我以为你是巴巴利海岸的问题了I thought you were Barbary Coast problem now.这里没啥放违♥禁♥品♥的空间阿钞Not a lot

28、 of room in here for contraband, Chao.唐人街警队让阿钞生意差Chinatown squad make business bad for Chao.我要重新开始一很好Turn over new leaf. Good.那你不介意我问几个问题吧Then you wonrt mind if I ask you a few questions.真可惜我一度觉得你变讨喜了Too bad. I almost like you for a second.我正在调查伪钞案Im looking into a counterfeiting operation.有人在印美钞可能就

29、在唐人街Somebody printing American greenbacks, possibly here in Chinatown.我哪知道印钱的事What I know about printing money?我有原伪钞集团的证人I have a witness, part of the original counterfeiting crew, 他说有个中国人到码头卖♥♥武器给他同伙says a Chinese man sold weapons to his partners没多久他们就被洗劫down at the docks shortly befo

30、re they were robbed.你觉得是阿钞And you think this Chao?鉴于对你的了解不来问你就是笨蛋Given what I know about you, Td be foolish not to ask.你横竖都是笨蛋Youre foolish either way.听好我不是警♥察♥ 了Look, Im not a cop anymore.我替政♥府♥工作做风有所不同I work for the government. I can do things differently.怎么个不同Different

31、 how?给我有用线索你就有奖金You give me something useful, you get paid.而且我保证你不会坐牢And I make sure you stay out of jail.新警徽新规矩New badge, new rules.很像告密的旧规矩Sound like old rule for snitch.我只要你替我指引方向Im just asking you to point me in the right direction.出口在那边Exit that way.也该来了我在你们地盘闲晃了有二十分钟吧Took you guys long enough.

32、 I*ve been wandering around your territory for, like, 20 minutes. 我们知道刚才只是不想管Yeah, we knew. We just didnt care.所以你是爱说笑的那个Right, so youre the funny one.谁是聪明的那个Which one of yous the smart one?都不是了解None of you. Got it.住手Enough.你好老姐Hey, sis.我手下可能还介意前几天的事I think my men are still itchy about the other day

33、.你说因你在我们地盘开店差点引发战争的事Oh, you mean when you almost started a war by setting up shop in our backyard?那是无心之过It was an honest mistake.和威的地盘日渐缩小Hop Wei territory is shrinking by the day.难以认清界线了Hard to know who owns what anymore.对大家都不好过除了你以外Yeah, tough times all around for everyone but you.你想说什么Your point?

34、这里没有警♥察♥没有大扫荡Well, there are no bulls here. No shutdowns or raids,其他人在受苦你却像唐人街皇后出巡and youre parading around like the queen of Chinatown while everyone else suffers. 阿山世界很大机会到处都是Its a big world, Ah Sahm. Opportunities everywhere.天哪Oh, my God.你知道Do you have any idea-你知道你的语气多自大吗do you hav

35、e any idea how arrogant you sound?而你的语气像是输不起And you sound like a sore loser.听着我不知道你是跟谁说好Listen, I dont know who you made a deal with,但你迟早会自食恶果but its only a matter of time before it blows up in your face,等那天到来and when it does,你可是没空担心和威堂Hop Wei will be the least of your worries.我早就不担心和威堂了The Hop Wei

36、are the least of my worries.勇骏接♥班♥后他替我省了很多麻烦plus a little extra for your trouble.阿钞你来做什么What are you doing here, Chao?现在跟着和威做事吗Youre running with the Hop Wei now?这是我的投资I make investment.投资啊Investments?看来时局比我想的还糟Things must be worse than I thought.一阵子周转不来而已Like I said, a minor cash flow

37、 issue.之前警方查得紧The cops are squeezing us.但现在没问题了We have it all worked out now.数目没错Theyre straight.看来果真没问题了I guess you do.拿货给他们吧Give these men their product.战士第三季第三集道格拉斯Douglas.又见面了Youre back.工作好像永远做不完The work is never done, it seems.是酒有问题吗Was there a problem with your wine?没想到你这么快又来拜访I wasnt expectin

38、g to see you again so soon.酒没问题可说是最好的一批No, not at all. It might be your best vintage yet.我只是来看你是否重新考虑过了I just came by to see if youd reconsidered my offer.我以为我的态度很清楚了Ever since Young Jun took over, hes been doing my work for me.我只要耐心等待就好All I have to do is wait.阿山Ah Sahm.你不必跟他一起沉沦You dont have to go

39、 down with him.我说真的I mean that.别担心Dont worry.不会的I wont.那个人跟你先生是朋友吗This man, he was friends with your husband?道格拉斯应该没朋友吧I dont think Douglas Strickland has friends.但本市正在发展时他说服佛瑞德投资其营造业But he convinced Fred to invest in his construction business just as the city was taking off. 因此一起赚了不少钱And they made

40、a fortune together.现在他想要你的土地And now he want your land.其实他以前还想要我You know, he used to want me too.他大概不曾释怀被我拒绝吧I dont think he ever got over the rejection.至少他品味很好At least he have good taste.他能买♥♥这里吗He can do this?别担心Don*t worry.道格拉斯就爱虚张声势Douglas likes to puff out his chest,但他清楚我的律师很难搞but

41、he knows my lawyers can tie him up for years.他会找替代路线的Hell find another route for his railroad.我不会让女孩们遇上事情的Hey, I wont let anything happen to our girls.如果他还是想追求你呢And what if he still want you?没想到你是会吃醋的人I didn*t take you for the jealous type.不是吃醋但你们就是郎才女貌Not jealous. You two make very handsome couple.

42、别乱说了Oh, shut up.感觉他的小孩会很可爱He look like he make good baby.拿回去给家里好吗Take this back to your family, okay?拿回去给家里拿好Here you go. Take it back to your family. Here you go.别一下子花光Dont spend it all at once.谢谢All right,拿回去给妈妈好吗take this back to your mommy, okay?怎么回事Whats going on?帮助之前受禁令影响的一些店Just helping out a

43、 few places that got hit by the ordinances.-谢谢一越快帮他们重新站起越好Thank you. I figure the sooner theyre back up and running, the better. 瞧我得到什么Check out what he gave me, guys.一个烟斗Its a pipe!你何时抽烟斗了Since when do you smoke a pipe, Hong?现在开始抽罗Since right fucking now, I guess.怎么了Whats up?没事我以为要谨慎行事Nothing. I ju

44、st thought we were being careful.我们是啊We are.计划是添购战力和烟膏不是让街上充满假♥钞♥Muscle and molasses. Thats what we agreed on. Not flooding the street with fake chop. 好你不希望我打老人Okay, so you dont want me roughing up old men,也不希望我给街坊钱and you dont want me giving them money either.看来我一点也不懂事吧一我没那个意思I guess

45、I dont know what the fuck Im doing, do I? Thats not what Im saying. 是吗Oh, really?因为你的口气就像在斥责Cause it sounded like you were calling me out.别这样有话好好说Hey, guys, come on. Take it easy.我出来摆阔是有原因的Im not out here swinging my dick for no reason, man.我在洗钱Im washing the money.商家用我给的钱进货Businesses buy inventory with the chop that I give them.客人来买♥♥东西真钞流回我们的口袋Customers buy their shit, and real money flows back into our pockets.顺便赚得儿个傻蛋的信任更好And if a few fucking onions think Im Gods gift, even better.懂了吗Get me?可恶Fuck, man.我知道你想帮忙I know youre t


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