Sex and the City《欲望都市(1998)》第三季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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1、欲望城市(性♥爰♥专家凯莉布雷萧并且勇于发问)“热情如火纽约市住着一百万名迷人条件很好的单身汉New York City. home to one million exciting, eligible, single men.以及四名冷得发抖有点神经质的单身女子and four cold, and slightly cranky, single women.真好Well, this is good.我们正远渡重洋去认识男人Were actually crossing water to meet men.提醒你我不是去斯塔滕岛认识男人的Reminder, Im not

2、 going to Staten Island to meet men.我是去对他们品头论足I am going to judge them.当一个小有名气的人的好处-Once of the perks of being a minor New York celebrity. -A little help, a little help. 便是获邀参加大事.is that you get invited to major events.譬如纽约市消防局年度月历人物选拔like the Fire Department of New Yorks Annual Calendar Competition

3、.去看一些消防员脱掉上衣This is an awfully long way to go这一趟路途还真遥远to watch some firemen take their shirts off.我特地搭渡轮去看Honey, Tm on the fucking ferry.最好不只看到大胸肌I better see more than just pecs.我快冻僵了Ooh! Tm freezing!我只是不懂I just. I dont understand比赛为什么不能在曼哈顿的酒吧举♥行♥why they couldnt just hold the compet

4、ition in a bar in Manhattan.我的意思是上东城也有消防员I mean, they have firemen on the Upper East Side too, you know?没错亲爱的Yes, I know, they do, sweetie.他们只扑灭高级住♥宅♥区的火灾And they only put out the really top-notch fires.If she falls over I will never stop laughing.我不确定是冰茶I wasnt quite sure if it was th

5、e iced teas还是斯塔滕岛的社交圈压垮了骆驼的背or the Staten Island dating pool that broke the camefs back, 但夏洛特兴奋不已but something set Charlotte on fire.在上城的陆地上And uptown on dry land.莎曼珊和七月先生的火苗正燃烧Samantha and Mr. July had their own fire going.你好雄伟强壮Youre so big and strong!我相信正式的消防局术语是“四声警报器”I believe the official fire

6、 department term is ua four alarmer.H 隔天吃早餐时米兰达和我想吃水煮蛋The next morning at breakfast, Miranda and I wanted poached eggs, 莎曼珊想跟我们分享细节Samantha wanted to give us the juicy details, 而夏洛特则头痛得要爆♥炸♥ 了 and Charlotte wanted to keep her head from exploding all over her Burberry raincoat. 我告诉你们And

7、 Im telling you,没有男人让我那么湿润过I dont think a guys ever gotten me that wet.-把盐传过来-牛奶-Pass the salt. -Milk?让我跟你们说说他的命根子Ladies, let me tell you about his cock.你小声一点好吗?Will you be quiet?邻桌有小孩子The people at the next table have a child.那是他们的选择Well, that*s their choice.宿醉小姐说得对Little Miss Hangovers right. Can

8、we, uh.命根子的话题可以等到鸡尾酒时间再说吗?lighten up on the cock talk till cocktail time?好吧我只是想让你们知道那个消防队员Fine. I just wanted to let you know that my fireman集我所有的幻想于一身was every bit the fantasy I had in mind.纽约最棒的男人New Yorks finest.应该是警♥察♥才对无所谓-Thafs cops. -Whatever.我觉得只为满足幻想便和一个男人上♥床♥是不对

9、的I think its wrong to sleep with a man just to fulfill A certain fantasy.拜托我们上♥床♥的男人都满足幻想Please, all the men we sleep with fulfill a certain fantasy.或是噩梦你幻想中的男人要有豪华公♥寓♥-Or nightmare. -You fantasize a man with a Park Avenue apartment 和傲人资历and a nice big stock portfolio.对我来

10、说是有大老二的消防队员For me, its a fireman with a nice big hose.消防队员为什么这么可爱?-And why are firemen always so fucking cute? -Mmm!即使当他们不那么可爱时他们还是很可爱Even when theyre not that cute, theyre still cute.第一他们有体重限制Well, first theres a weight limit.第二他们有英雄形象And second, its the hero thing.看到他在消防车上You know, you see them up

11、 on that truck.那消防车真性感Mmm! That truck is hot.赶着去抢救受困的人Hurrying off to save someone trapped on a burning ledge or something.他们的眼神流露出“我是个好人”的讯息Plus theyve got that Tm a good guy look in their eyes.这是因为女人想要被拯救Its because women really just want to be rescued.三十多岁的独♥立♥单身女子There it was, the

12、sentence independent, single women in their 30s永远不该这么想更别提大声说出来are never supposed to think, let alone say out loud.这是事实Im sorry, but its true.我从15岁开始约会Fve been dating since I was 15.我已经筋疲力尽他在哪里?Im exhausted, where is he?谁?白马王子?Who, the white knight?那只在童话中才有That only happens in fairy tales.我的头发好痛My ha

13、ir hurts.夏洛特你有没有想过或许我们就是白马王子Charlotte, honey, did you ever think that maybe were the white knights我们必须自救?and were the ones that have to save ourselves?这种想法真令人沮丧That is so depressing.是吗?Is it?当天稍晚我思考着童话的事情Later that day, I got to thinking about fairy tales.万一白马王子永远不出现怎么办?What if Prince Charming had n

14、ever showed up?白雪公主会一辈子睡在玻璃棺材里吗?Would Snow White have slept in that glass coffin forever?或者最后她会醒来吐出毒苹果Or would she have eventually woken up, spit out the apple,找到一份工作购买♥♥保健服务gotten a job, a health care package,并靠当地精♥子&hearts银行生个小孩?and a baby from her local neighborhood sperm ban

15、k?我忍♥不住想I couldnt help but wonder,是否每个自信工作卖♥♥力的单身女子的内心inside every confident, driven single woman,都有一个敏感脆弱的公主等着被拯救?is there a delicate, fragile princess just waiting to be saved?夏洛特说对了吗?Was Charlotte right?女人是否只想被拯救?Do women just want to be rescued?你星期六做完镭射手术后And after your lase

16、r surgery on Saturday,需要找另一半或朋友送你回家you*! need a significant other or a friend在这里签名to help get you home. Sign here.对某些女人而言拯救的想法是救生艇While for some women, the idea of rescue was a life raft, 对米兰达则是侮辱for Miranda, it was an insult.我不需要任何人帮忙我一个人没问题I really dont need anybody to help me, Ill be fine.你将被注射镇静

17、剂而且视力会有点模糊No, youll be sedated and your vision will be blurred.你需要一个人带你回家上♥床♥休息You will need someone to get you home and up to bed. 然后吃两颗安♥眠♥药♥Then you take two sleeping pills.睡12个小时醒来后你就能看得很清楚了Sleep for 12 hours, wake up, and youll be able to see perfectly.我真不敢相信I

18、 cant believe Im gonna wake up生平第一次不必戴眼镜或隐形眼镜and be able to see clearly without glasses or contacts我醒来后就能看得很清楚for the first time in my life.相信吧Believe it.医生把眼球割开然后把它往上翻And then they slit your eyeball open and flip up the top.好恶心Oh, man, gross.史蒂夫就这样往上翻我的眼睛Steve, it just flips right up, flip, my eye!

19、好别说了Okay, okay, stop.小小的镭射刀一划This little blade cuts it.像葡萄的顶端Just. Like the top of a grape.听起来很恐怖That sounds pretty bad.你要我去握着你的手吗?You want me to come down and hold your hand?我没事我不需要别人握着我的手Im fine, I do not need anyone to hold my hand.我不是说你需要别人Jeez, Tm not saying you need anyone,我只是想在那里陪你Id just lik

20、e to be there.协助你之类的To help you, whatever.你回家时会需要帮忙Youre gonna need help getting home.是的我会找凯莉Um, yeah, Im gonna ask Carrie.我都主动提出了你何必再问凯莉?Why do you have to ask Carrie when Im offering right now?因为凯莉是我的朋友Because, you know, Carries my friend.好那我算什么?Oh, okay, and what am I?我们还没有建立起那种关系Well, we havent

21、exactly established that yet.你要上来吗?Are you coming up?我们还没有建立起那种关系Eh. We haven*t exactly established that yet.我们在这里做什么?What are we doing here?我是说I mean, are we.史蒂夫Steve.他们翻开眼球后这些喷嘴After they flip the eye up, then these jets.在东城一个对夏洛特比较有利的酒吧And over on the East Side, at a more Charlotte-friendly bar,

22、冰茶公主开始追寻她的白马王子the Iced Tea Princess began her quest for a white knight.我的天他好帅Oh my God, so cute.对吧?Cute, right?非常帅Very cute.别忘了我可是专家And lets not forget, Tm a professional.我一定要认识他I have to meet him.我要怎么认识他?How am I gonna meet him?亲爰的我们才来这里十分钟慢慢来Sweetie, we got here ten minutes ago, pace yourself.美人儿我

23、是小杰Hey, beautiful. Im JJ.请你甜美的嘴唇喝杯酒好吗?Can I buy those sweet lips a drink?很抱歉我们刚好要走Im sorry, we were just leaving.夏洛特对约会风水说深信不疑Charlotte was a firm believer in the laws of dating feng shui.改变位置改变运气Change location, change luck.为什么总是那种家伙找上门?是因为我吗?Why is it always a guy like that, is it me?不跟你无关No, swee

24、tie, its not you.人人都会碰到像小杰那种人Into every life, a little J.J. must fall.我只想要一个温柔体贴英俊风趣的好男人I just want a nice, sweet, handsome, funny,不会说甜美的嘴唇之类的话great guy who doesnrt say things like, Sweet lips.那样的要求太过分吗?Is that too much to ask?你没有离开你只是换了位置You didnt leave, youre just over here now.让我请你喝一杯酒Cmon, let m

25、e buy you a drink.我没有兴趣Im really not interested.一杯就好连这位金发妞我也请One drink, Til even buy biondie here one.一小杯酒One little drinky.不好意思她没兴趣Excuse me, she said shers not interested.我在跟你说话吗Am I talkin1 to you?不No.一来吧你没听进去-Come on-Youre not listening. The lady said.去你的Hey, fuck you.对不起Im sorry about that.你有伤到

26、手吗?Did you hurt your hand?没有No.他叫做亚瑟His name was Arthur.他是个温柔体贴英俊的投资银行家He was a nice, sweet, handsome, funny, great investment banker 住在麦迪逊大道和第五街之间who lived between Madison and 5th.或许真的有白马王子So, maybe there really were white knights.夏洛特遇见她的王子隔天The day after Charlotte met her knight, 我刷爆广信♥用 &h

27、earts;卡♥I met my credit card limit.既然没有对象With no man in sight,我决定解救我的脚踝脱离无聊生活I decided to rescue my ankles from a life of boredom买♥♥下许多双名牌高跟鞋by purchasing too many pairs of Jimmy Choo shoes.你好我叫比尔凯利Hello. My name*s Bill Kelley我想成为你的市审计官and I want to be your city comptroller.你不是认

28、真的Youre not seriously here.我保证是认真的Oh yes, maam, I assure you, I am.我带了一些投票表格And I brought along some voter registration forms.擅自填上你的名字I took the liberty of filling out your name.职业栏我写万人迷Under occupation I put heartbreaker.真的你看I really did, look.你像是个穿着上好西装的耶♥和&hearts哗♥见证人Youre like a Je

29、hovahs Witness with a good suit.你在这里多久了?So how long you been sitting here?你的电♥话♥号♥码没有登记Your numbers not listed.没错你买♥♥什么?-Exactly. -What you buy?鞋子让我瞧瞧-Shoes. -Let me see.坐下来拿给我看Cmon, sit down and show me.老天你真是God, you are.我知道I know.我才不要把鞋拿给你看Im not showing you a sh

30、oe.真性感Ooh, sexy.我需要你帮忙Hey, I need a favor.是吗?Oh, you do?这是为了纽约市Actually, its for The city of New York.我真的是一个好人See, I really am one of the good guys.我在所有选区都获得支持And right now Im carrying all the boroughs, 但斯塔滕岛还要加油but I still need help in Staten Island.-要来一根吗?-不我星期四抽过了-You want one? -No, I had one Thu

31、rsday.事情是这样的So, here*s the thing.星期天晚上我得问到那里I gotta go back out there出席卡普里饭店的一场派对to do a schmooze at the Capri Restaurant on Sunday night我希望你跟我一起去and I want you to go with me.为什么?And why is that?因为那里的意大利菜很棒Cause they have great Italian.而且我郑重声明And also, for the record.我无法停止想你I cant stop thinking abou

32、t you.我七点来接你So ril pick you up at 7:00.-不行现在先别回答-Um, no-Dont answer now.-已经回答了 -考虑一下-I just did. -Think about it.我七点会开车过来我在车上等你PH drive by at 7:00, Ill wait down in the car.你想来就来You come down, you come.不来也无所谓没有压力穿你心爱的鞋You dont, no pressure, wear the shoes.收下这些Oh, keep these.看一下Pass them out.那个周六因为专栏

33、快要截稿That Saturday, when I was unable to take Miranda to her laser surgery 我无法陪米兰达去开刀due to a looming column deadline,而她也没打给史蒂夫she didnt call Steve.她决定一切靠自己She decided to take things into her own hands.当你有计程车钱Who needs a man to hold your hand和写紧急电♥话♥的黑笔谁还需要when you have cab fare and a b

34、ig black marker一个男人握着你的手?to write down emergency numbers.当米兰达在动手术时And while Miranda was under the knife,夏洛特正和她的白马王子一起喝第一杯白酒Charlotte was having her first glass of white wine with her white knight.我表演过好几次速成布丁秀来疏解压力So I did the Hasty Pudding show a couple times just to blow off steam.我朋友汤姆说哈佛大学My frie

35、nd Tom says that Harvard is still是最好斗的地方the most massively aggressive place hes ever seen.他是个商人And he*s a trader.不是汤姆肯尼迪吧?Not Tom Kennedy.正是你认识汤姆?Oh my God, yes! Do you know Tom?他是个好人还有他太太Great guy. And how about his wife?那是一桩我理想中的完美婚姻Now thats my idea of the perfect marriage.我完全同意Totally.夏洛特想像他们会是一

36、对多么甜蜜美满幸福的夫妻Charlotte nodded, thinking, uWhat a nice, sweet, Handsome, funny, great couple they made. 不好意思你撞到她的椅子了Excuse me, you just bumped into her chair.有点挤A little crowded.没错但你撞到她的椅子Yes, its crowded, but you bumped her chair, spilled her wine.你应该说声对不起You should say youre sorry.曼哈顿看起来变得好小Look at

37、how small it looks.谁想得到那么小的岛Who woulcfve thought an island that tiny竟然装得下我们所有前男友would be big enough to hold all our old boyfriends? 保罗隆塞洛他是处♥女♥座喜欢烹饪 Paul Roncello. Hes a Virgo. He loves to cook. 据说他能做出很棒的煽烤管面Says he can whip up a great baked ziti.属于275号♥消防队133云梯Hes from Engine 2

38、75, Ladder 133.来自皇后区Way, way out in Queens!? Sittin* here eatin1 my heart out, waitin* ? Waitin1 for some lover to call ?他性感吗?Is he hot?可以得六分Hes a six.总分是多少?On a scale of how many? Lookin* for some hot stuff ?他叫做比尔凯利His name was Bill Kelley.是一位离了婚的政♥治♥人物He was a divorced politician准备竞选

39、市审计官campaigning for New York City Comptroller.也是象征性的男性裁判and the token male judge.看台上的消防员Watch the firemen!我对警♥察♥比较感兴趣Im more into cops.比利麦克劳德他是位舞者而且已婚Billy McCloud, hes a Cancer and married!抱歉了女士们Sorry, ladies!他太太玛莉亚说他人很好His wife Maria, she says hes a good guy,没关系Ifs okay.不行No, its not

40、 okay.不可以这样对待一个小姐Thats no way to treat a lady.放轻松现在是早午餐时间Lighten up, its brunch.夏洛特突然发现Charlotte suddenly realized 他不是来拯救女人的英雄 that her date wasnt a man who came to a womans rescue. 而是个喜欢惹事的男人He was a man who liked to start fights.-抱歉先生你想来一拳吗?-Excuse me, sir. -You want a piece of me?就这样And just like

41、 that, 夏洛特的白马王子变成了一个噩梦 Charlottes white knight changed into a white nightmare. 霍布斯小姐你朋友来了Miss Hobbes, Your friend is here.凯莉? Carrie? 其实不是是我 Actually no, its me. 凯莉认为你可能需要帮助Carrie thought you might need a little help, is that okay? 我吃了镇定剂一切都很顺利Im on Valium, everythings okay.来把手给我Here, give me your h

42、and.我很好Im good.只要别让我撞到门框Just don*t let me hit the door frame 还有永远别提起这副护目镜 and never mention these goggles. 一趟计程车加两颗安♥眠♥药♥后 One cab ride and two potent sleeping pills later, 史蒂夫扶米兰达上♥床♥Steve put Miranda to bed.好了把脚伸过来Alright, okay, no, give me your leg.不我说的是这只脚No. Y

43、eah, this leg. No, I want this leg. Give me.够了不要帮我Stop! No, no rescue.好吧Alright, fine, okay.把棉被盖上睡美人Alright, put your feet under here, sleeping beauty.隔天早上感觉像睡了一百年后The next morning, after what felt like shed slept for a hundred years, 米兰达醒了Miranda awoke.她有生以来第一次看得很清楚And for the first time in her lif

44、e, saw things clearly.当晚七月先生邀请莎曼珊That night, Mr. July invited Samantha to come down去消防队找他因为他星期天要值班and hang with him while he worked the Sunday shift.有人吗?Hello!人都到哪儿去了 ?Where is everyone?在满是日历插画上The idea of spending time in a firehouse性感消防员的消防站度过春宵filled with a veritable calendar year of hot firemen是

45、莎曼珊的幻想而这一刻已经到来was a fantasy, Samantha felt, whose time had most definitely come.各位Boys.这不是莎曼珊脑海里的消防站幻想This was not the firehouse fantasy Samantha had in mind.莎曼珊-Hey, Samantha.我在煮一锅辣味牛肉来坐下I just put a pot of chili on, cmon, cmon, sit down.快起来让个位子给莎曼珊Crmon, brother, get up, make room for Sam.我马上回来PH be right back.莎曼珊的拯救幻想Samanthars rescue fantasy突然成了自己需要被拯救离开was suddenly something she needed to be rescued from.是我请留言Ifs me, leave a message.我还在楼下的车子里Hey.rm still down here in the car.我再等十秒然后就要一个人走了Alright, Ill wait ten more s


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