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《高中英语Unit11TheMedia单元测试(含解析)北师大版必修4.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语Unit11TheMedia单元测试(含解析)北师大版必修4.docx(20页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit 11 The Media单元测试(二)时间:120分钟满分:150分第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳 选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅 读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Who lost a French dictionary?A. Mike. B. Bill. C. Tom.2. How will the man probably go to Chicago?A. By car. B. By plan

2、e. C. By bus.3. Why was the man late?A. His alarm clock didn,t work.B. He didn,t hear the alarm.C. He forgot to set the alarm clock.4. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a library.B. In a bookstore.C. In a supermarket.5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. How to look af

3、ter Ken.B. How to spend the vacation.C. How to deal with the womans cat.第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选 项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小 题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What do we know about the womanJ s grandfather?A. He works in a c

4、ompany now.B. He has white hair.C. He wears glasses.7. How old is the womanJ s grandmother?A. 60. B. 65. C. 70.大很吵,更积极活跃,更喜欢出去,与那些好静的宠物相比,他们就不太可能适合生活在封 闭的环境里。本句为原级比较,not as. . as,故可以推出sedentary为静止的,故选D。答案:D30. Being a couch potato and not fond of exotic pets, which should Julia choose?A. Dalmatians.

5、B. Terriers.C. Parrots.D. Bulldogs.解析:推理判断题。根据第四段 Some 第gs, like Dalmatians and Terriers, can be loud and noisy and demand a more active lifestyle and room to be outside 得知 Dalmatians 和Terriers跟Julia的宅女性格不符;而Parrots属于exotic pets,可排除,故选D。答案:D31. Where is the passage most probably coming from?A. A gui

6、debook.B. A fashion magazine.C. A life magazine.D. An entertainment newspaper.解析:文章出处题。本文主要介绍领养宠物的注意事项,应选自于家庭生活方面的杂志, 故选Co答案:CDSkeptics are strange a lot. Some of them refuse to admit the serious threat of human activities to the environment and they are tired of people who disagree with them. Those

7、 people, say skeptics, spread nothing but bad news about the environment. The “eco-guilt” brought on by the discouraging news about our planet gives rise to the popularity of skeptics as people search for more comforting worldview.Perhaps that explains why a new book by Bjorn Lomborg received so muc

8、h publicity. That book, The Skeptical En vi ronmen tai is t, declares that it measures the “real state of the worldv as fine. Of course, another explanation is the deep pockets of some big businesses with special interests. Indeed, Mr Lomborg,s views are similar to those of some industry funded orga

9、nizations, which start huge activities through the media to confuse the public about issues like global warming.So it was strange to see Mr Lomborg,s book go largely unchallenged in the media though his beliefs were contrary to most scientific opinions. One national newspaper in Canada ran a number

10、of articles and reviews full of words of praise, even with the conclusion that uAfter Lomborg, the environmental movement will begin to die down. ”Such one sided views should have immediately been challenged. But only a different review appeared in Nature, a respected science magazine with specific

11、readership. The review remarked that Mr Lomborgs upreference for unexamined materials is incredible .A critical eye is valuable, and the media should present information in such a way that could allow people to make informed decisions. Unfortunately, that is often inaccessible as blocked by the desi

12、re to be shocking or to defend some special interest. People might become halfblind before a world partially exhibited by the media. Thats a shame, because matters concerning the health of the planet are far too important to be treated lightly.本文是一篇议论文,环保怀疑主义者拒绝承认人类行为对环境的严重威胁。Bjorn Lomborg的新书认为现在地球的

13、环境状态良好,自然杂志认为他所使用的材料未经检查, 结果并不可信。新闻媒体应该呈现所有的客观信息让人们做出自己的决定。32. According to the passage, which of the following may be regarded as“skeptics” ?A. People who agree on the popularity of eco-guilt” .B. People who dislike the harmful effect of human activities.C. People who disbelieve the serious situati

14、on of our planet.D. People who spread comforting news to protect our environment.解析:推理判断题。根据第一段第二句Some of them refuse to admit the seriousthreat of human activities to the environment and they are tired of people who disagree with them.可知,一些怀疑主义者拒绝承认人类行为对环境的严重威胁。C项People who disbelieve the serious s

15、ituation of our planet.” 内容与之相符。故 C 项正确。答案:C33. Which of the following can be a reason for the popularity of Lomborg,s books?A. The book challenges views about the fine state of the world.B. Some big businesses intend to protect their own interests.C. The author convinces people to speak comforting

16、worldview.D. Industryfunded media present confusing information.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句uIndeed, Mr Lomborg,s views are similar to those of some industry funded organizations, which start huge activities through the media to confuse the public about issues like global warming. 可知,Lomborg 的书很受欢迎是因为他的观点和很多受

17、到工业资助的组织一致,背后有大的企业在维护他们 的利益,用Lomborg的观点来混淆视听。故B项正确。答案:B34. The author mentioned the review in Nature in order to .A. find fault with Lomborgs bookB. voice a different opinionC. challenge the authority of the mediaD. point out the value of scientific views解析:推理判断题。根据文章第四段Such one-sided views should h

18、ave immediately been challenged. But only a different review appeared in Nature, a respected science magazine with specific readership. The review remarked that Mr Lomborg,s preference for unexamined materials is incredible. ” 可知,Lomborg 的观点本应该被批评,自 然杂志认为Lomborg的观点所使用的材料是未经检查的,他的观点是难以相信的。作者提 出自然杂志就是

19、为了发出不同的观点。故B项正确。答案:B35. What is the authors main purpose in writing the passage?A. Toshow the importance ofpresenting overall informationbythemedia.B. Towarn the public of thedanger of halfblindness withreviews.C. Toblame the media,s lackof responsibility in information.D. Toencourage the skepticsto

20、 have a critical eye.解析:主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段第一句A critical eye is valuable, and the media should present information in such a way that could allow people to make informed decisions.可知,作者通过新闻媒体要有批判性的观点,说明媒体应该客观批判地呈现所 有信息让人们做出决定。故A项正确。答案:A第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。Every

21、person has goals in life. Here are some simple techniques for accomplishing your goals.36Remain devoted to achieving your goals and you can become successful in life. You should be firm. If you are motivated and driven to succeed, then nothing can stop you.State and define (阐明)your goals in a specif

22、ic way.37 For example, if you say to yourself that you want to be successful, it may be quite difficult to get to that “goal because it is undefined. 38 You may say that you aim to graduate with honors, or you plan to become the CEO of your company. By stating exactly what you want to achieve, you c

23、an start planning out the right path that will lead you toward it.Develop milestones (里程碑).The journey to reaching an objective has a beginning and an end. But you can learn more from the experience if you break down your goals into a series of smaller milestones. 9 And it also allows you to stop an

24、d examine your process to see if it needs improving.Adopt a positive mind.In this tough world, the last thing you need in life is to have a negative mind. So, make sure you adopt positive thinking to improve yourself.E. Stay devoted to your goals.F. This will help you have an open mind.G. Unclear go

25、als are never easy to achieve.H. Instead, you should define your goals in life.I. Make a commitment to the most important goals.F After all negativity pulls you down and farther from your goals.J. Using milestones gives you smaller goals to achieve that will maintain your motivation.本文是一篇说明文。每个人都有自己

26、的人生目标。这里有一些简单的技巧来完成你的目 标。36. A解析:此空是小标题,结合下文标题可知应该用短小精悍的祈使句,在A、E两 项中选择。下文提示 “Remain devoted to achieving your goals and you can become successful in life. (保持专注于实现你的目标,你就能在生活中获得成功。)由此可知, A 项 Stay devoted to your goals.(坚持你的目标。)切题。关键词 devoted 和 goals。37. C 解析: 下文提示 “For example, if you say to yoursel

27、f that you want to be successful, it may be quite difficult to get to that goal because it is undefined”(举个例子,如果你对自己说你想要成功,就很难达到那个“目标”,因为它是 没有定义的),承接下文,C项Unclear goals are never easy to achieve.(不明确的目标 从来都不容易实现。)切题。该项中的never easy和下文中的difficult相吻合。38. D 解析: 上文提示 uFor example, if you say to yourself t

28、hat you want to be successful, it may be quite difficult to get to that goal because it is undefined”(举个例子,如果你对自己说你想要成功,就很难达到那个“目标”,因为它是 没有定义的),承接上文,D 项 Instead, you should define your goals in life.(相反, 你应该在生活中定义你的目标。)切题。该项中的Instead表示上下文是转折关系。39. G 解析: 上文提示 “But you can learn more from the experien

29、ce if you break down your goals into a series of smaller milestones. (但是如果你把你的目标分解成 一系列更小的里程碑,你可以从经验中学到更多。,承接上文,G项Using milestones gives you smaller goals to achieve that will maintain your motivation.(使用里程碑可以让 你实现更小的目标,从而保持你的动力。)切题。关键词milestones。40. F 解析:上文提示 “In this tough world, the last thing yo

30、u need in life is to have a negative mind. (在这个艰难的世界里,你生命中最不需要的就是拥有消极的思 想。,承接上文,F 项 After all negativity pulls you down and farther from your goals.(毕 竟消极情绪会把你拉下来,远离你的目标。)中的negativity与上文中的negative相吻合。第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项。I went w

31、ith some colleagues from my office for a dinner in a very popular local restaurant. It was jll business time and the restaurant was crowded. We 42 found a table in a corner for three of us.As soon as we sat down, we heard a crash when a cleaning boy 43 the floorwith all the plates he was carrying. T

32、here was44 and no one was saying or doinganything.In a flash I remembered my 45 many years ago. Once, I 46 in the airport because I had rushed there on my own on an empty stomach. I was picked up and taken care of by two 47 . Now this was my chance to 48 it forward.I ran to the young mans side immed

33、iately, turned him on his back and screamed for someone to 49 a hot drink. Soon people started asking if I was a doctor. I said I was not, but I was _50 at attending the one blacking out (晕厥).The kid soon opened his eyes, 51 what had happened. I 2 him by saying it was OK and I had had a 53 experienc

34、e. He had not eaten anything. I held the 54 drink to his mouth till he finished it and sat with him till he felt OK. By then the 55 had arrived. I asked her to give the kid something to eat. I offered to pay.The manager was kind enough to refuse the 56 and agreed to make sure the kid ate before he w

35、ent home. By the time all this was 57 it was getting late for my colleagues. We hadn,t _58 anything yet, so they decided to go home.I slowly walked home, not hungry any more, feeling 59 for the opportunity I pay forward the60 I had received many years ago.这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者有机会回报以前收到的善意,在机场救了一个晕倒的 小男孩。4

36、1. A.peakB. localC. spareD. regular解析:考查形容词辨析。由下句“the restaurant was crowded. 可知,餐厅里挤满 了人。说明这是用餐高峰(peak)期。peak最高的;local当地的;spare多余的;regular定 期的。结合选项可知,A选项正确。故选A。答案:A42. A.actuallyB. finallyC. eagerlyD. gradually解析:考查副词辨析。由本句 “We &2 found a table in a corner for three of us.”可知,我们终于(finally)在角落里找到了一张

37、桌子。actually实际上;eagerly急切 地;gradually逐步地。结合选项可知,B选项正确。故选B。答案:B43. A. scratchedB. touchedC. hitD. swept解析:考查动词辨析。由上句“we heard a crash”可知,我们听到了一声巨响,端着 盘子打扫卫生的男孩撞到了地板。scratch抓,舌lj; touch接触;hit撞击,击中;sweep打 扫。结合选项可知,C选项正确。故选C。答案:C44. A.silenceB. dangerC. doubtD. tension解析:考查名词辨析。由下句“no one was saying or d

38、oing anything. v可知,没有 人在说或做任何事情,说明非常安静(silence)。danger危险;doubt怀疑;tension紧张, 张力。结合选项可知,A选项正确。故选A。答案:A45. A. adventureB. fortuneC. experienceD. lesson解析:考查名词辨析。由本句“In a flash I remembered my _45 many years ago. 可知,一瞬间我想起了我多年前的经历(experience)。adventure冒险;fortune运气;lesson 教训。结合选项可知,C选项正确。故选C。答案:C46. A. s

39、howed upB. walked aroundC. settled downD. passed out解析:考查动词短语搭配。由本句 “Once, I46 in the airport because I had rushedthere on my own on an empty stomach. v可知,有一次,我在机场昏迷过去(pass out), 因为我空着肚子急急忙忙地到了那里。show up显示;walk around闲逛;settle down定居 下来;pass out昏迷过去。结合选项可知,D选项正确。故选D。答案:D47. A. friendsB. strangersC.

40、colleaguesD. acquaintances解析:考查名词辨析。由本句I was picked up and taken care of by two 47 . ” 可知,我被扶起来并由两个陌生人(stranger)照顾。friend朋友;colleague同事; acquaintance熟人。结合选项可知,B选项正确。故选B。答案:B48. A. payB. lookC. returnD. put解析:考查动词短语搭配。由本句“Now this was my chance to 48 it forward. v 可知,现在这是我偿还(pay)的机会了。look forward向前看;

41、return不与forward搭配; put forward提出。结合选项可知,A选项正确。故选A。答案:A49. A. orderB. buyC. serveD. bring解析:考查动词辨析。由本句“I ran to the young man,s side immediately, turned him on his back and screamed for someone to 49 a hot drink. ” 可矢口, 我立即跑至U 年轻人的身边,把他翻过身来,大声叫某人拿来(bring)一杯热饮。order命令;buy买;serve 服务。结合选项可知,D选项正确。故选D。答案

42、:DB. slowD. skilful50. A.angryC. disappointed解析:考查形容词辨析。由本句 “I said I was not, but I was 50 at attending the one blacking out (晕厥).”可知,我说我不是医生,但是我对照顾昏厥者很熟悉。angry 生气的;slow缓慢的;disappointed失望的;skilful熟练,熟悉的。结合选项可知,D选 项正确。故选D。答案:D51. A.knowingB. wonderingC. ignoringD. arguing解析:考查动词辨析。由本句The kid soon op

43、ened his eyes,皿 what had happened. n可知,孩子很快睁开眼睛,想知道(wondering)发生了什么事。know知道;ignore 忽略;argue争论。结合选项可知,B选项正确。故选B。答案:B52. A. remindedB. comfortedC. urgedD. encouraged解析:考查动词辨析。由下句“by saying it was 0Kv可知,说明作者是在安慰(comfort) 小孩没事。remind提醒;urge力劝;encourage鼓励。结合选项可知,B选项正确。故选B。答案:B53. A. memorableB. personalC

44、. similarD. common解析:考查形容词辨析。由上文第三段“Once, I 46 in the airport because I had rushed there on my own on an empty stomach. 可知,有一次,我在机场昏迷过去,因为 我空着肚子匆匆忙忙地到了那里。说明作者有过类似的(similar)经历。memorable难忘的; personal个人的;common普遍的。结合选项可知,C选项正确。故选C。答案:C54. A. coolB. refreshingC. sweetD. warm解析:考查形容词辨析。由上文第四段“I ran to th

45、e young man,s side immediately, turned him on his back and screamed for someone to 49 a hot drink.“可知是我 立即跑到年轻人的身边,把他翻过身来,大声叫某人拿来一杯热饮。cool凉爽的;refreshing 提神的;sweet甜的。结合选项可知,D选项正确。故选D。答案:D55. A. customerB. managerC. refereeD. doctor解析:考查名词辨析。由下文第六段“The manager was kind enough”可知,经理很 友善,说明经理(manager)来了

46、。customer顾客;referee裁判员;doctor医生。结合选项可 知,B选项正确。故选B。答案:B56. A. paymentB. rewardC. suggestionD. support解析:考查名词辨析。由本句The manager was kind enough to refuse the 56and agreed to make sure the kid ate before he went home. ” 可知,经理很友善地拒绝 付款(payment),并同意在孩子回家之前确保他吃饭。reward报酬;suggestion建议;support 支持。结合选项可知,A选项正

47、确。故选A。答案:A57. A. upC. overB. awayD. behind解析:考查副词辨析。由本句 “By the time all this was 57 it was getting late for my colleagues. v可知,到这一切结束(over)的时候,时间已经很晚了。结合选项可知, C选项正确。故选C。答案:C58. A. preparedB. demandedC. receivedD. ordered解析:考查动词辨析。由本句 “We hadn,t58 anything yet, so they decided togo home.可知,我们还没有点(or

48、der)任何东西,所以他们决定回家。prepare准备;demand需求;receive接收。结合选项可知,D选项正确。故选D。答案:D59. A. readyB. anxiousC. gratefulD. comfortable解析:考查形容词辨析。由本句 I slowly walked home, not hungry any more, feeling 59 for the opportunity I pay forward the 60 I had received many years ago. ” 可知,我慢慢地走回家,不再感到饥饿,我很感激(grateful)能有这个机会回报我多年前收 到的善意。ready准备好的;anxious焦虑的;comfortable舒适的。结合选项可知,C选项 正确。故选C。答案:C60. A. kindnessB. h


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