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《2017-2021年陕西中考英语真题分类汇编之阅读理解.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017-2021年陕西中考英语真题分类汇编之阅读理解.pdf(48页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2017-2021年陕西中考英语真题分类汇编之阅读理解一.阅 读 理 解(共11小题)1.(2021 陕西)Cindy was eight years old and lived with her parents in California.One day,herparents told her that they would leave California in a week and move to Florida because herfather found a new job there.A week later,after they moved to Florida,Cindys

2、mother took her to meet her newteacher.The teacher said,Welcome to our school,Cindy.Let me tell you what we do in oursecond-grade class.We start the day with reading and wring.After that,we do math.Then wego out to have a long rest for outdoor activities.We eat lunch at eleven oclock.Then we havesto

3、ry time.After story time,we have science.Then we go to learning centers.There you canwork on the computer,play a game,or read a book.Next,we have spelling(写字课).Finally,we go to music and art classes for the last hour of the day.Here is a time list of the subjects andschool activities for you.There i

4、s some other infonnation in it.Ill be glad to see you tomorrow,Cindyjrm sure your new classmates will be glad to see you,too.(1)What grade was Cindy in when she moved to Florida with her parents?A.In Grade One.B.In Grade Two.C.In Grade Three.D.In Grade Four.(2)According to the passage,Cindy would at

5、 her new school.A.have math before reading and writingB.do outdoor activities after lunchC.play games in learning centersD.take music and art classes in the morning(3)We can know from the passage that Cindys new teacher was.A.friendlyB.honestC.humorousD.quiet2.(2019陕西)If you walk into a bookstore,yo

6、u might see shelves of books labeled(标注)self-help*.You may not know what these books are about.In fact,more and more people areturning to self-help books for advice these days.You cant imagine that sales of these booksin the UK reached 3,000,000 last year.Self-help books are usually written by psych

7、ologists(心理学家),famous writers orsuccessful businessmen.They teach you how to deal with problems in your life,for example,how to get on well with your classmates or friends,how to plan your time well or how to findhappiness.Paul sweetman,the owner of City Books in the UK.said that social problems mig

8、ht be thereason why more people are reading self-help books.They come into the shop and look forways to deal with these problems in their life,“Paul said.Besides,it seem to be easier foryoung readers to find their mistakes,especially those born after 2000.They want to improvethemselves by reading se

9、lf-help books.Self-help books used to be something people laughed at.Many people didnt takechicken soup stories andnsuccess theory(成功学)books seriously.But now they arerecognized by young people.No matter why there is growing interest in self-help books,its good to know that help isat hand if we need

10、 it.But are these books truly helpful?Read one and find out.(1)From this passage,self-help books are books which.A.tell us interesting jokesB.provide beautiful poemsC.teach us to deal with problemD.talk about animals and plants(2)The underlined wordrecognizedumeans in the passage.A.doubtedB.refusedC

11、.acceptedD.avoided(3)The writer writes this passage mainly to.A.increase peoples happinessB.introduce self-help booksC.help us to plan time wellD.encourage us to write books3.(2021 陕西)Look at the Earth from.space.Why does our planet look so blue?Its blue becausewater covers almost three quarters of

12、the Earths surface.Water is not just an important part ofour planet.lt is an important part of our body,too.More than half of our total body weight iswater.Our body loses water whenever we exercise or.go to the toilet.Thats why we need todrink plenty of water every day.We drink water.We use it to co

13、ok,clean,and carry waste out ofour homes.Farmers use it to grow vegetables and crops like rice and corn;factories use it tomake products.Since the 1950s,the amount(数量)of water people use has increased by three times.Butthe water supply(供应)hasnt.Scientists worry that soon there wont be enough water f

14、or us,as well as for the animals and plants that share our world.What can we do to help?Use waterwisely.Having enough water isnt our only problem.We also need it clean.Right now,ships and factories are putting wastes into seas,rivers and so on.Evenchemicals that farmers use are running into rivers a

15、nd lakes.All this pollution can make thewater dangerous to drink.lt can also harm fish and other water-living lives.We must do something to stop pollution.Its the best way to protect our worlds mostvaluable natural resource(资源).(1)How many important areas of water are mentioned in Paragraph 1?A.One.

16、B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.(2)The underlined sentence We also need it clean1 2 in Paragraph 4 means1A.We also need water to wash thingsB.We also need water that looks cleanC.We also need to keep water cleanD.We also need to discover clean water(3)This passage was written to.A.ask people to value waterB.ad

17、vise people to drink more waterC.introduce the uses of water.describe the situation of water supply4.(2020陕西)BEAUTIFUL VALLEY FARMCome with your whole family for a fun,relaxing day or weekend.Pet and feed theanimals,ride or walk around the farm,and use our game room and swimming pool.Threedelicious

18、meals are served each day.Open weekdays 8A.M.to 8 P.M.and all weekend.Closed Mondays.395 Ribera North Rd.(847)233-6786(1)The text is written mainly to.A.keep a diaryB.send a postcardC.introduce the farmD.remember the address(2)At the farm,people can.A.ride and have a walkB.feed the animals and pick

19、fruitC.relax and go fishingD.cook meals and go swimming(3)Which of the following is true?A.Beautiful Valley Farm is at 395 Ribera South Road.B You can stay at the farm 24 hours a day on weekends.C.You can stay at the farm at 9 in the evening on weekdays.D.To know more about the farm,people can call(

20、874)332-6876.5.(2020陕西)People use languages to communicate.Any language has its ways to expresspeoples minds.One of the ways in common is the use of idioms.An idiom is a group ofwords.It has a special meaning that is different from the usual meaning.For example,underthe weather is an idiom meaning i

21、ll.So when people say Im under the weather,n they aresaying that theyre not feeling well.Another example,in all weathers means in all kinds ofweather.So,There are homeless people sleeping on the streets in all weathers1 tells us thathomeless people sleep on the streets no matter whether it is cold o

22、r hot.Different languages may have different ways to make idioms.For people who arelearning a foreign language,idioms could cause misunderstandings and bring them endlessheadaches.On the other hand,if things are done right,idioms can also be a fun way oflooking into a new culture and understanding h

23、ow the people think and talk.Metaphor(比 口 俞)is often used in idioms.Lets read the following two examples:It makes my blood boil(煮沸)when people litter.T he night was dark and quiet;my blood ran cold when I heard a strange noise outsideat dark night.In neither situation above,our blood can reach the p

24、oint so high or so low intemperature.Yet,with the situations the two sentences created,it is not difficult to work outthe unhappy feelings of really angry in the first example and very afraid in the second.Of course,not all idioms are this easy to understand.When we come to idioms of aforeign langua

25、ge,a good dictionary of idioms is always suggested.(1)This passage tells us something about in the English language.A.grammarB.writingC.readingD.idioms(2)If your brother breaks your computer,you can say to him,”“A.Im under the weatherB.Im there in all weathersC.Youve made my blood boilD.My blood run

26、s cold(3)What is the writers advice when you come to an expression like under the weather?_A.We should look it up in a good idiom dictionary.B.We should try to express our minds with it.C.We should find an interesting way to learn it.D.We should create situations to guess its meaning.6.(2020陕西)New Z

27、ealand offers free school lunches to thousands of kidsWELINGTON,Feb.20(Xinhua)-Thousands of children have begun receivinga free lunch on schooldays under the governments free and healthy school lunch program,”Prime Minister(首 相)Jacinda Ardern said on Thursday.“The program is for 7,000 students at 31

28、 schools right now.The number will extend to21,000 students in 120 schools by the start of 2021,Ardern said while she was serving uplunch at a school in Hawkes Bay.A full stomach makes all the difference to a childs learning,Ardern said.Providing a free and healthy lunch at school is one way to help

29、 New Zealand become thebest place in the world for school children.And people can see that difference right away,”she said.She added that providing these lunches was also a great way for local families tohave jobs.The program is one of 75 plans from New Zealands CYWS(Child and YouthWellbeing Strateg

30、y).It started last year and developed with the money from 10,000 NewZealanders including 6,000 young people,said Education Minister Chris Hipkins.(1 )What kind of writing is it?A.Story.B.News.C.Email.D.Invitation.(2)The underlined word“extend“here means,”A.increaseB.doubleC.remainD.fall(3)From the s

31、econd paragraph,we know that Ardern wa s when she explained theprogram.A.planning for the free lunch programB.giving lunch to the school childrenC.thinking how to provide jobs for local familiesD.collecting money from New Zealanders(4)By A full stomach makes all the difference to a childs learning,“

32、Ardern meant thatitA.learning well mainly depends on eatingB.learning to eat a proper lunch is importantC.eating has nothing to do with learningD.children will learn better if they eat well7.(2019陕西)Goreme is a beautiful town in Turkey.It is best-known for its strange rockshapes and hot air balloon

33、trips during sunrise(日 出).Here are some of the cool things visitorscan do in Goreme.Stay in a cave(山洞)hotelStaying in a cave hotel is a special experience in Goreme.It makes you learn how peoplelived in stone caves hundreds of years ago in this area.Taking a hot air balloon tripOver 20 years ago,peo

34、ple in Goreme began to fly the first hot air balloon in the sky ofthis little town.Now,there are over one hundred balloons flying every day early in themorning as the sun rises.It is the best way to enjoy the amazing beauty of Goreme.Visit the open-air museumThe open-air museum is about 15 minutes w

35、alk away from the center of Goreme.Thisplace is the first stop on anyones journey to Goreme.It is made up of 7 churches(教堂)whichwere dug out of rocks.Among them,the Dark Church is the best protected.Recent studiesshow that all these churches were built between the 10th and 12th centuries.See the mag

36、ical rock shapesThese unusual rock shapes are the most beautiful part in Goreme.They are made by thestrong winds and heavy rains.Their shapes look like different kinds of animals.Every year,tourists around the world come to see the amazing art made by nature.If you want to have a cool journey to Tur

37、key,the magical Goreme can be a better choice.(1)Goreme is most famous for.A.the cave hotelsB.the open-air museumC.the Dark ChurchD.the strange rock shapes(2)The best way to enjoy the beauty of Goreme is.A.flying on a hot air balloonB.staying in a cave hotelC.standing before the rock shapesD.visitin

38、g the open-air museum(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.The cave hotel is made up of 7 churches and several caves.B.This open-air museum is the first stop to visit Goreme.C.People began to fly the first hot air balloon 2 years ago.D.The magical rock shapes are made by human

39、 beings.(4)Where do you think this passage may come from?A.A travel guide.B.A sports report.C.A story book.D.A history magazine.8.(2018陕西)A person has two ears but only one mouth.That means we should listen,notjust speak.The word listen has the same letters as the word silent”.Listening silently is

40、agood quality that we should have.Then why is it important to be a good listener?Listening is really helpful.When someone is sad or angry,he wants to express his poor feelings.At this moment,we need to listen silently first until he gets calm(冷静的).Then we may have a good talkwith him.Maybe it is a g

41、ood way to help him out.Listening is a kind of love.For example,we may think our parents are always talking too much.But in fact,theydo so because they are anxious about our health,study and so on.If we listen patiently,ourparents will feel we care about them.A loving silence is often more powerful(

42、W力量的)thanwords.Listening is polite behavior.Sometimes,we just want others to listen to us but forget to listen to others.Infact.Thats not polite.In order to show our respect(尊重)for others,we had better listento them first.Then we can express our ideas.Listening sounds easy,but its not.Every head is

43、a world.So we should learn to listenwith our ears,eyes and hearts as much as we can,and try to make ourselvesgood listeners from now on.(1)When someone is sad or angry,we s h o u l d first.A.express our poor feelings.B.talk too much with him.C.tell his parents about it.D.listen to him silently.(2)Th

44、e underlined word anxious*here probably means A.worriedB.angryC.satisfiedD.excited(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.We should ask others to listen to us first.B-We had better listen to others first.C.We should let others respect us first.D.We should express our ideas first

45、.9.(2018陕西)Many animals around us are smart.Lets get to know some of them.Dolphins are smarter animals in the sea.Researchers put sea animals to a test.In thetest,the researchers made red marks on the animals bodies and took them in front of amirror.Many sea animals either ran away or fought with th

46、e ones in the mirror.However,when the dolphins saw themselves in the mirror,they tried to clean the red marks off theirbodies.So the researchers believed that the dolphins knew the ones in the mirror were Justthemselves.Bees work hard,and they are smart enough to learn something.Researchers found a

47、groupof bees and taught them to tell which horizontal line(水平线)was higher than the other.Ifthey cold find the higher line,they would get sugar as a prize.After training for a period oftime,the researchers tested the bees.To their surprise,the bees found the higher horizontalline quickly and got suga

48、r.Instead,when the researchers showed them vertical line(垂直线).the bees simply flew away,because they knew there was no way to get sugar.Chimpanzees(黑 猩 猩)are very human-like.They can learn fast andwell.Researchers showed the numbers from one to nine on the screen.Chimpanzees andsome college students

49、 were asked to remember where the numbers were after watching thenumbers,in less than a second.The adult chimpanzees and the college students performedalmost the same,but the young chimpanzees performed much better.It was amazing(1)In the test,the d o l p h i n.A.felt afraid and ran away from the mi

50、rror.B.tried to fight with the ones in the mirror.C.tried to clean the red marks off their bodies.D.didnt find any red marks on their bodies.(2)When the bees saw the vertical lines,t he y.A.flew awayB.found the higher lineC.stayed thereD.found the numbers(3)performed better in remembering where the


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