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《2017-2021年广东中考英语真题分类汇编之其他阅读题型(含答案).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017-2021年广东中考英语真题分类汇编之其他阅读题型(含答案).pdf(39页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2017-2021年广东中考英语真题分类汇编之其他阅读题型一.阅 读 理 解(共12小题)1.(2020广东)In the COVID-19 pandemic(新冠肺炎疫情).people across the worldare paying more attention to the health and happiness of each other.Some are trying to sendmessages of love and care in different ways.In China,an international communication program was st

2、arted to send support to othercountries.It has collected eighty-five letters written by students in Beijing to young peoplein pandemic-stricken(疫情重仓ll下的)countries.They are full of love and care.Theseletters were made into a collection of short videos calledA Letter to Friends11.They wereshown in the

3、 form of sand painting.It is reported that many hospitals abroad refuse all visitors to patients in order to stop thespread of COVID-19.Patients feel lonely and worried,so some hospitals have created*Online Wish Wall for the public.People are welcome to post their messages there to expresstheir love

4、 and care.So far,the hospitals have received a great deal of encouragement fromthe public.The messages have helped the patients to cheer up without their loved ones bytheir side.The COVID-19 pandemic may make life difficult for people,but love and care willmake life better.(1)What messages are some

5、people trying to send?(2)Who wrote the eighty-five letters?(3)How were the letters shown?(4)Where can people post their messages to the patients?(5)What influence have the messages produced on the patients?Cfct 7 Qc(t2.(2021 广 东)Many of us reach news every day is probably because we*d like to know w

6、hafshappening in the world.Today we can get news from TV or the Internet,but how did ancientpeople get news?At the very beginning,information spread by word of mouth.People living in tribes(部落),got news from neighbors or travelers.Ancient Romans changed the way people knewabout their communities.The

7、y posted a list of daily happenings at public squares in thecities.Ancient Chinese people did it in another way.The government had news sheets sent toofficials in the whole country so people could know what was going on in the capital.The fifteenth century saw big progress in printing technology in

8、the west.The progressbrought a sudden rise of news business.Printers sold whatever people loved to read.In thesixteenth century,the first real newspaper appeared.People started to form the habit of readingnewspapers.They liked to share their opinions on newspapers.The invention of telegraph(电报)machi

9、nes led to another big step in hi story.News stories were sent to the papers in minutesinstead of weeks.Now we get news in seconds from all over the world.We can become some kind ofreporters by posting online what happens around us.(1)From whom did people living in tribes get news?(2)Where did ancie

10、nt Romans post a list of daily happenings?(3)What brought a sudden rise of news business in the 15th century?(4)When did the first real newspapers appear?(5)How can we become some kind of reporters now?3.(2021 深圳)Future AstronautDo you want to be anastronaut in the future?Ifyou do,our club is your b

11、estchoice!Here you can explorethe universe and the unknownmystery behind it!Cooking LessonAre you good at cooking?Doyou enjoy delicious food?Learn to cook in Room 401every Tuesday.Come here formore information if you areinterested in it.English CornerAre you an English lover?Come and join our Englis

12、hcorner.It*s a good place for youto practice spoken English andshare experience in learningA Music Video ShowDo you like music?You canhave a great time in our musicclub.Well make a musicBasketball ClubDo you like playingbasketball?Welcome to joinus!Well invite Yi Jianlian toBeijing Opera LessonDo yo

13、u want to learn BeijingOpera?Join us at ShenzhenGrand Theater!Well havevideo show together!play a basketball match with teachershere to shareus.professional skills.(Beijing Opera根据商品介绍,为五个人选出合适他们的物品,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(1)Justin is crazy about playing basketball and he is a huge fan of Yi Jianlian.(2)A

14、lice likes Indian food and Chinese food.She wants to learn to cook wonderful dishes._(3)Jenny is fond of singing and dancing.She wants to play a role in a music video.(4)Henry is interested in learning Beijing Opera.He wants to learn from teachers.(5)Daniel shows great interest in space and hopes he

15、 will visit another planet one day.4.(2021 广州)Few people knew about online food delivery(外 卖)apps ten years ago,buttoday,many would find it hard to live without them.For better or for worse,online fooddelivery services have changed the way we eat.(1)These services no doubt have many advantages.They

16、provide jobs for millions of peopleand help restaurants find more customers.Since the apps are very easy to use,they also do goodto customers:we can now have meals delivered at any time of day.This is especially importantfor people who might not have time to cook.Not only do these apps save time,the

17、y alsoprovide us with plenty of restaurants to choose from.(2)They can buy meals and foodsmore easily with these apps.(3)First,they make it even easier to order unhealthy food.Food safety is anotherproblem:it can be hard to know where the food comes from.As delivery men need to send theorders as qui

18、ckly as possible,some pay little attention to traffic rules.(4)Whats more,delivery services are creating too much packaging waste,and this will be harmful to theenvironment.There are many advantages of online food delivery services,but we need to make surethat we make the right choices in the long r

19、un.We should do our best to avoid waste.We alsoneed to make sure what we eat is healthy.Next time you are thinking about ordering in,askyourself whether you really need to.(5)A.They are useful for old people as well.B.They are also having a huge influence on our society.C.However,we must not forget

20、the disadvantages of these services.D.Most of the time,its better to buy what you need and cook by yourself.E.In recent years,a number of people have been hurt or even killed because of this.5.(2021深圳)从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯。A.Take a back view photo.B.Not every photo needs to have you sta

21、nd.C.This is a fantastic way to increase your beauty.D.But what if the photos are not as pretty as you expected?E.But how do you choose and share your photographs properly?F.For example,you can look into the sky and let the camera catch your side face.If you have planned a trip during summer holiday

22、,certainly you will want to share somephotos on WeChat.(1)Dont worry!Here are some tips you can follow to takewonderful photos.Turn back and smile.While on the road,the moment you turn back with a smile is the most impressive.Justwalk away from the camera and do a turn-back for the most natural effe

23、ct.You can alsopretend to hear your name called,turn back,and run your fingers through long hair.(2)_Look away from the camera.There are many ways for you to avoid looking at the camera.(3)Looking down intothe distance or looking out of the window is a good option.If there is nothing to see,you cana

24、lso choose to close your eyes and enjoy this moment of quietness.(4)Are you a little shy when facing the camera?Taking a back view photo is a good choice,which can leave room for imagination and bring a different feeling as well.Take a seat.(5)If there are good places to sit down,please do it!You ca

25、n pose in a variety ofpositions with your arms and legs.Taking the perfect photo takes time and practice.If you follow these simple tricks above,your photos will start coming out beautifullyiDo not hesitate to go out with your friends andtake more photos.6.(2020广州)StorytellingStorytelling has caught

26、 the human imagination for thousands of years.People everywherehave told stories to amuse,to teach,to remember,and just to pass the time.People startedtelling stories long before writing was invented.(1)But people all over the world stilltell one another stories out loud.A person who can tell a good

27、 story nearly always findslisteners.Before people developed writing,storytelling was the most important way to pass alonginformation.Anything a culture wanted to protect-its beliefs,its history,and its traditions-had to be told out loud.Each generation would tell the cultures stories to the next.(2)

28、Knowledge passed on in this method is called the spoken tradition.Even cultures that knowhow to write still pass along some information in this way.(3)In other cultures only special storytellers were trusted to do this importantjob.A cultures best storytellers had good memories.They could also make

29、the stories veryinteresting,so people would listen and remember them.Sometimes people would sing thestories or tell them in the form of poems.(4)However,stories told aloud change over time as different people tell them.A storytellermight change a story in order to make it better.Or a teller may simp

30、ly not remember all thedetails of a story,Unlike written stories,the spoken tradition is not created by any oneperson.(5)Sometimes the stories are collected and written down long after they havebeen created.A.In this way the stories were passed along.B.In some cultures everyone would pass along the

31、stories.C.Songs and poems can both make stories easier to remember.D.Instead,a whole culture helps shape the changing stories throughout history.E.Today stories are also written down in books and acted out in movies,TV shows,andplays.7.(2019广州)Smoke alarms(报警器)House fires cause many deaths each year

32、 and a large number of these fires areunfortunately set by children.(1)Kids must understand that theyd better not play withfire.You should keep matches and lighters out of their reach.(2)The main job of such an alarm is to protect you while youre asleep.Youshould have a smoke alarm outside each bedr

33、oom and on each floor of your home.You oughtto have two plans for getting out of your house if there is a fire and practise these plans in thedark with your family.A smoke alarm warns you of the danger.(3)Take action immediately.Whenyou come to a closed door,check it with the back of your hand.If it

34、 feels hot,there maybe smoke or fire behind the door,so take care.Once you are out of your house,call the firedepartment from a neighbors house.If a family member or a pet is caught inside,youshouldnt go back in.Firemen know how to perform rescues safely(4)Change the batteries at least once a year.Y

35、ou should use the test button eachmonth to see if the alarm and batteries are still working.A smoke alarm lasts about tenyears.You ought to change it even if it seems to be working.About two out of three fire deaths happen in homes with no working smoke alarms.(5)A.Most of these deaths can be avoide

36、d.B But when you hear it,you dont have much time.C.A smoke alarm is only good if its working properly.D.So,its important to teach them that fire is a tool,not a toy.E.A smoke alarm greatly reduces your chances of being hurt in a fire.8.(2018广 州)Most of us think the telephone was invented by Alexande

37、r Graham Bell.(1)In fact,an Italian named Antonio Meucci was officially recognised(认定)as the inventor a fewyears ago.Who is Meucci and why wasnt he known for his invention at the time?Antonio Meucci was bom in Italy in 1808.He studied engineering and drawing.Duringhis studies,Meucci started to exper

38、iment with electricity.(2)When two places wereconnected with wire,people in those places could hear each other talk.In 1850,Meucci and his wife,Ester,moved to New York.Meucci was worried about hiswife,because she had become very ill.(3)To solve this problem,he connected metalcables between his home

39、and his workshop.This way,they could talk to each otherconveniently.Meucci invited a group of people to see his new invention.They listened in amazement asthe voice of a singer was heard through the wires.(4)Even worse,Meucci never applied for a patent(专利)on hisinvention.Meanwhile,Alexander Graham B

40、ell was working on the same idea and in 1876 thepatent for the telephone was given to him.In 2002,more than a century after Meuccis death,his work was finally recognised by thegovernment.(5)A.He discovered that sound could travel through metal cables.B.However,he wasnt the first person to think of t

41、he idea.C.Unfortunately,only a few people attended this talk.D.He will now be known all over the world as the telephones inventor.E.He needed to keep in touch with her at all times.9.(2017广州)In the middle of my home country there are very large places.They are hot anddry land called deserts.(46)Fami

42、lies live a long way from other people.Sometimesthey are the only people forthousands of kilometres.(47)About 65 years ago these people found that using strong radios was a possible way forfamilies livingfar away to communicate with each other.They decided they could use the radios forschool.In this

43、 way,children could talk to each other like at school.(48)The children each spent about 30 minutes a day on the radio.They talked to their teacherabout theirwork and difficulties.The teacher designed some exercises and tasks based on what theylearned and posted them to the children.After finishing t

44、heir work,the children sent it back totheir teacher to mark.(49)He tried to visit each child twice each year.This wassometimes difficult.The journey wasvery long and could be dangerous.In addition,the school held camps once a year.The childrencouldall meet each other and shared their learning experi

45、ence.(50)The government provides families with computers so that the children canuse the Internet to talk to their teachers and classmates by e-mail now.The teachers enjoytheir work very much because they get to know the children and their families very well.It isan interesting way to learn,dont you

46、think?A.The teacher also travelled around the country.B.All over the deserts are farms and small towns.C.This was how the firstSchool of the AirHstarted.D.This families*children cannot go to school like you.E.With the development of technology,computers are becoming popular.10.(2021 广东)配对阅读.(1).Bell

47、a,one of the topstudents in her class,always gets upearly and hopes to get better gradesby working hard.(2).Vincent has joined amountain climbing club.The clubmembers will have a climbing tripnext week and he will be the leaderof the team.(3)_.Aileen is an Englishteacher.She always knows whafsgoing

48、on in class,even when herstudents are passing notes behind herback.(4).Sam is a newcomer toa high school.He feels a littlenervous in the classroom with a lotof strangers around him.(5)_.Victors friends aretaking a high-speed train to visithim.But his friends are late.He isnow waiting for them at the

49、 station.A.In many ball games,the most important person is theone who cames the ball.Such a person is the leader andhe makes sure that a job gets done.B.Birds feed on worms.A bird will go hungry if itcannot catch worms.The bird that gets up early is sureto get some food,so the early bird catches Ihe

50、 worm.C.Your feet become hot when you run.But when youare forced to sit in one place,your heels stay cool.Whensomeone keeps you waiting,you can say he is coolingyour heels.D.Some people seem to know whats going on behindthem,as if they had eyes in the back of their heads.“Eyes in Ihe back of your he


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