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《2017-2021年广东中考英语真题分类汇编之书面表达(含答案).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017-2021年广东中考英语真题分类汇编之书面表达(含答案).pdf(28页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2017-2021年广东中考英语真题分类汇编之书面表达一.书 面 表 达(共12小题)1.(2021广州)今天,跳绳世界冠军李华给大家上了一节云体育课。请写一则英文日记,记录这特别的一课。日记需包括以下要点:1.授课者:李华,14岁,红星中学学生;2.上课内容:跳绳讲解和示范等;3.你的收获和感受。注意:1.参考词汇:跳 绳(rope skipping)、冠 军(champion);2.词数:80词 左 右(日记的开头已给出,不计入词数);3.不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。Monday,May 31 stDear Diary,Today,we had a special on

2、line PE lesson_.2.(2021 深圳)深圳是一座科技之城、创新之城,为培养学生对科技的兴趣,你的学校上周举办了科技节。假定你是你校英语报的小记者,请你编写一篇新闻报道,介绍这次活动。要点:1.活动目的;2.活动项目:模型制作比赛 3.活动亮点:学生发明的服务于校园的机器人(外表,功能)4.学生感受。提示词:1 .科技节 science festival 2.实验 experimentShenzhen is well-known as a city of technology and innovation.Last week,3.(2021 广东)校园广播节目是同学们获取校园资讯

3、的途径之一,假设你是李明你所在学校的英语广播节目,拟开设听众来信专栏,请你给该专栏投稿内容包括:(1)你喜欢该节目的哪一位主持人,请就其工作谈两点原因;(2)你对英语节目的两点建议;(3)你对节目的祝愿。参考词汇:h o st男主持,hostess女主持作文要求:(1)不能照抄原文,不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和考生的真实姓名。(2)语句连贯,字 数 8 0 个左右,作文的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数也不必抄写在答题卡上。Dear editors,Im a big fan of the English programs of our school radio stations.Yours

4、,Li Ming4.(2020广东)为了鼓励人们积极向他人传递关爱,某青少年英文网站The Link of Love(爱的链接)专栏开展征文活动.请你给该专栏投稿.内容包括:(1)你想向谁表达你的关爱?为什么?(2)你打算做些什么来表达你的关爱?作文要求:(1)不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和考生的真实姓名.(2)语句连贯,词 数 8 0 个左右.作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数,也不必抄写在答题卡上.We are growing up in love and care from people around.It is important to love and careforo

5、thers.5.(2020深圳)深圳市正在争创全国文明城市、假定你是鹏城中学学生会主席,希望同学们为 创文做出自己的贡献.请你按照所提示的要点,代表学生会写一篇倡议书.环境保护垃圾分类;绿色出行公益慈善志愿服务;人际交往诚信友善;要求:1.词数80左 右(开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数);2.要点齐全,可适当发挥;3.条理清晰,语句通顺,意义连贯,书写规范;4.文中不得出现真实姓名和校名.参考词汇:分 类 sort out 志愿者volunteer 贡 献 contributionDear friends,As we know,Shenzhen is working hard to win

6、the title of Chinas National CivilizedCity.All in all,Shenzhen is our home.Its time to take action.The Student UnionJuly 20,20206.(2020广州)今天的英语课上,班级进行了题为“我送过的一份珍贵礼物 的主题分享.请你写一篇英语短文,汇报你们四人小组的分享内容,需包括以下要点.FromBobKateLilyYouToparentsgood friendforeign teacher(请补充)What耍、A-soupl.L z Lphoto albuni鬣paper c

7、utting(请补充)Whythanks and lovefriendshipculture(请补充)注意:1.词数:80词 左 右(短文的开头已给出,不计入词数);2.不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分.In todays English class,we had a discussion on A valuable gift I gave.Here is whatwe shared in our group.7.(2019广州)广州某电台英文频道将开设Welcome to Guangzhou栏目,目前面向全市中学生征集 微广州”英文介绍.请你写一篇英语短文,向栏目投稿.短文需包

8、括下图所有提示内容.广州注意:1.词数:80词 左 右(短文的开头与结尾已给出,不计入词数);2.不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分.Anyone coming to Guangzhou is sure to have a goodtime_Guangzhou is waiting for you.8.(2019广东)根据要求完成短文写作,请将作文写在答题卡指定的位置上.假如你是李华,英国某中学与你所在的学校是姐妹学校.该校校长读到以上这篇短文后,对广东文化产生兴趣,准备组织学生来你的校进行关于广东传统文化的研学交流.请你写一篇发言稿,在欢迎晚会上向他们介绍研学活动的相关安排.内容

9、包括:1 .推荐晚会上的两种广东传统食物.2.介绍两项广东传统文化活动的安排.(包括活动的时间、地点和内容)参考活动:欣赏粤剧(Cantonese opera),体验功夫(kungfu),参加广东历史讲座等作文要求:1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名.2.语句连贯,词 数 8 0 个左右.作文的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数,也不必抄写在答题卡上.Good evening,everyone.I am Li Hua,chairman of the Students Union.I am very pleasedto welcome you to theparty.

10、_I hope youll enjoy your stay here!9.(2019深圳)假设你是李华,你的英国朋友Tony对“中国红”一词很感兴趣,想了解”中国红”在中国人日常生活中的体现,请你根据以下表格信息写一封回信帮助他了解.地位最受欢迎的颜色之一代表幸福,可以带来好运使用场所婚礼,春节等表达方式剪纸,中国结,红包,灯笼提示词:婚礼 wedding,中国结 Chinese K n o t,红包 red packet,代表 stand forDear Tony,It*s great to receive your letter.Im writing to tell you somethi

11、ng about Chinesered.I truly hope my letter will help you understand better about Chinese red.Yours,Li Hua10.(2018深圳)英国某中学邀请我校代表团于7 月中旬去访问,假如你是代表团中的一员,请在欢迎会上致感谢词.要点:1.感谢他们的邀请和接待;2.希望在文化习俗,创新与发明方面有交流;3.重点介绍-一 个传统节日;4.邀请他们来深圳.提示词:习 俗 cu sto m 创新innovation接待reception要求:1.80个词左右.开头已给出,不计入总词数内;2.必须包括以上全部要

12、点,可以适当发挥;3.文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;标点正确,书面整洁.4.条理清楚,语句通顺,意义连贯,书写规范.Ladies and Gentlemen:Its a great honor for me to speak here,.11.(2018广东)根据要求完成短文写作,请将作文写在答题卡指定的位置上.假设你是上文 共享小图”海报中的Bryan L im,经过三个月的运营之后,请你写封电子邮件给Todd B o l,谈谈你对“共享小图”的感受.内容包括:1.简单介绍你的身份,并说明写信意图;2.这种图书馆的好处(两点);3.共享小图 存在的问题及其原因,并询问建议.作文要求:1.不能照

13、抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名.2.语句连贯,词 数 8 0 个左右.作文的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数,也不必抄写在答题卡上.Dear Todd,I hope this email finds you well.I am looking forward to your reply.Best regards,Bryan Lim12.(2018广州)你是英语校报编辑李华.校报收到初一新生B en的来信,他提出了所面临的两个问题.请你根据以下提示写一封回信,说明Ben的问题,提出你的建议并陈述理由.Bens problemsYour advice and reasons

14、朋友少,感觉孤单1.参加学校社团(club)-结识更多朋友2.?(请你补充)英语单词难记1 .多阅读英语故事、新闻一在运用中学单词2.?(请你补充)Dear Ben,I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble getting used to life in middle school.In yourletter you said that.Good luck with everything!Li Hua注意:(1)回信应包括所有要点;(2)词数80左右(信的开头和结尾己给出,不计入词数);(3)不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分.2

15、017-2021年广东中考英语真题分类汇编之书面表达参考答案与试题解析一.书 面 表 达(共 12小题)1.(2021 广州)今天,跳绳世界冠军李华给大家上了一节云体育课。请写一则英文日记,记录这特别的一课。日记需包括以下要点:1.授课者:李华,14岁,红星中学学生;2.上课内容:跳绳讲解和示范等;3.你的收获和感受。注意:1.参考词汇:跳 绳(rope skipping)冠 军(champion);2.词数:80词 左 右(日记的开头已给出,不计入词数);3.不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。Monday,May 31stDear Diary,Today,we had a sp

16、ecial online PE lesson.【考点】提纲作文.【分析】【高分句型一】I learned that the best way to do something best is by practicing it a lot.我明白 了,要想把事情做得最好,最好的办法就是多练习。宾语从句【高分句型二】What an interesting lesson we had!我们上了多么有趣的一课!感叹句【解答】Monday,May 31stDear Diary,Today,we had a special online PE lesson.The teacher was the world

17、 champion of ropeskipping named Li Hua.He is 14 years old,and he is also the student of Hongxing MiddleSchool.(要点 1)In the class,he explained the way of rope skipping and showed us how to doit well.We were interested in the sports.He answered some questions and told his experience tou s.(要点 2)I lear

18、ned that the best way to do something best is by practicing it a l o t.【高分句型一Practice makes perfect.What an interesting lesson we had!【高分句型二】(要点 3)【点评】这是一篇提纲作文,题目要求围绕提示内容写作,命题既有限制又给予学生发挥的空间。在写作中要综合运用所学知识,适当运用连词、副词等进行过渡。2.(2021 深圳)深圳是一座科技之城、创新之城,为培养学生对科技的兴趣,你的学校上周举办了科技节。假定你是你校英语报的小记者,请你编写一篇新闻报道,介绍这次活

19、动。要点:1.活动目的;2.活动项目:模型制作比赛 3.活动亮点:学生发明的服务于校园的机器人(外表,功能)4.学生感受。提示词:1 .科技节 science festival 2.实验 experimentShenzhen is well-known as a city of technology and innovation.Last week,【考点】提纲作文.【分析】【高分句型一】Last week,our school held a science festival,which aims to develop students*interest inscience and techn

20、ology and broaden their horizons.上周,我们学校举办了一个科学节,旨在培养学生对科学技术的兴趣,开阔他们的视野。定语从句【高分句型二】Many of their robots,which were the highlight of the festival,drew peoples attention.他们的许多机器人引起了人们的注意,这些机器人是节日的亮点。定语从句【角 毕 答】Shenzhen is well-known as a city of technology and innovation.Last week,ourschool held a sci

21、ence festival,which aims to develop students*interest in science andtechnology and broaden their horizons.高分句型一】(目的)At the festival,some students took an active part in the model-making competition.Many oftheir robots,which were the highlight of the festival,drew peoples attention.【高分句型二】These robot

22、s were in the shape of lovely animals,such as rabbits,monkeys and dogs.Theywere doing some simple tasks like sweeping the floor and throwing away rubbish.Besides,some other students carried out science experiments.(项 目)The students present at the festivalwere all surprised at the exhibits and gave t

23、hem a big around of applause.(亮点)Our school hopes that more and more students can learn science and technology better to serveour country.【点评】这是一篇提纲作文,题目要求围绕提示内容写作,命题既有限制又给予学生发挥的空间。在写作中要综合运用所学知识,适当运用连词、副词等进行过渡。3.(2021 广东)校园广播节目是同学们获取校园资讯的途径之一,假设你是李明你所在学校的英语广播节目,拟开设听众来信专栏,请你给该专栏投稿内容包括:(1)你喜欢该节目的哪一位主持

24、人,请就其工作谈两点原因;(2)你对英语节目的两点建议;(3)你对节目的祝愿。参考词汇:h o st男主持,hostess女主持作文要求:(1)不能照抄原文,不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和考生的真实姓名。(2)语句连贯,字 数 8 0 个左右,作文的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数也不必抄写在答题卡上Dear editors,Im a big fan of the English programs of our school radio stations.Yours,Li Ming【考点】提纲作文.【分析】【高分句型一】Lets enjoy the music better.让我们更好地欣赏

25、音乐。祈使句【高分句型二】I hope it will get better and better.我希望它会越来越好。宾语从句【解答】Dear editors,Im a big fan of the English programs of our school radio stations.I like Bob,the host ofmusic programs.(喜欢谁)His experience is very rich.He also knows the story behind themusic very well.He often tells us some related st

26、ories and plays music.Lets enjoy the musicb etter.(原因)【高分句型一】I hope the English program will be more rich in content,howto broadcast some news and so on.At the same time.I also hope that it will play longer.(建议)I hope it will get better and better.【高分句型二】(希望)Yours,Li Ming【点评】这是一篇提纲作文,题目要求围绕提示内容写作,命题

27、既有限制又给予学生发挥的空间。在写作中要综合运用所学知识,适当运用连词、副词等进行过渡。4.(2020广东)为了鼓励人们积极向他人传递关爱,某青少年英文网站The Link of Love”(爱的链接)专栏开展征文活动.请你给该专栏投稿.内容包括:(I)你想向谁表达你的关爱?为什么?(2)你打算做些什么来表达你的关爱?作文要求:(1)不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和考生的真实姓名.(2)语句连贯,词 数 8 0 个左右.作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数,也不必抄写在答题卡上.We are growing up in love and care from people around

28、.It is important to love and careforothers.【考点】提纲作文.【分析】【高分句型一】It will make her very happy.这会让她非常高兴.make+n./pron.+a d j.使得某人怎么样.【高分句型二】Third,I will do the housework that day so that she can have a good rest.第三,那天我会做家务,以便她能好好休息.s。that以便,目的是;引导目的状语从句.【解答】We are growing up in love and care from people

29、around.It is important to love andcare for others.I love my mum.She gave me life,and taught me a lo t.(向妈妈表达关爱及理由)Next Sunday will be Mothers Day.In order to show my love for my mum,I decide to dosomething for her.First,I will book a singing room for my mother.I know she likessinging and dancing.Sec

30、ond,I will buy a beautiful gift for her.It will make her veryhappy.高分句型一】Third,I will do the housework that day so that she can have a goodre st.【高分句型二】(表达关爱的做法)I really hope she will have a good time on that day!(希望)【点评】首先认真审题,看清题目中的要求和要点;然后根据提示内容,列出写作要点及每个要点中可能要用到的表达;然后紧扣要点,动笔写作,在写作过程中,要注意句与句、段与段之

31、间的过渡,必要时可适当运用表示转折、因果、并列、比较等关系的连词,使文章过渡平稳,自然流畅;同时注意语句要通顺,词汇书写无误,不要出现语法错误.最后要细心复核检查,确保正确无误.5.(2020深圳)深圳市正在争创全国文明城市、假定你是鹏城中学学生会主席,希望同学们为“创文做出自己的贡献.请你按照所提示的要点,代表学生会写一篇倡议书.环境保护垃圾分类;绿色出行公益慈善志愿服务;人际交往诚信友善;要求:1.词数80左 右(开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数);2.要点齐全,可适当发挥;3.条理清晰,语句通顺,意义连贯,书写规范;4.文中不得出现真实姓名和校名.参考词汇:分 类 sort out 志愿

32、者volunteer 贡 献 contributionDear friends,As we know,Shenzhen is working hard to win the title of Chinas National CivilizedCity.All in alb Shenzhen is our home.Its time to take action.The Student UnionJuly 20,2020【考点】图表作文.【分析】高分句型一:Whats more,to make Shenzhen a loving city,we are also supposed to help

33、 those in needby doing some voluntary work or raising donations.更重要的是,为了让深圳成为一个充满爱心的城市,我们也应该通过做一些志愿工作或募捐来帮助那些需要帮助的人.besupposed to do sth表示应该做某事.高分句型二:Its time to take action.是时候采取行动了.Its time to d o 表示该做某事了.【解答】Dear friends,As we know,Shenzhen is working hard to win the title of Chinas National Civi

34、lizedC ity.(引出话题)Its well known that Shenzhen is striving fbr one of the ten civilized cities in China,andnow it is a good opportunity for us to make our own contributions.(彳昌议缘由)Firstly,more changes in our daily life,such as sorting out the rubbish and travelling ina greener way,can be made to prot

35、ect the city environment.Whats more,to make Shenzhena loving city,we are also supposed to help those in need by doing some voluntary work orraising donations.高分句型 Last but not least,get along with others in an honest andfriendly way.Wed better avoid talking about others privacy if we want to show ou

36、rrespect.(具体介绍如何做)I strongly believe that we will make Shenzhen a more civilized and beautiful city with ourjoint efforts.(展望)All in alh Shenzhen is our home.Its time to take action.高分句型二】(号召)The Student UnionJuly 20,2020【点评】能够根据提示进行书面表达,能够围绕主题准确使用一定的语法、词汇、短语和句型等,清楚连贯地表达自己的思想,进而完成写作任务.6.(2020广州)今天的英

37、语课上,班级进行了题为“我送过的一份珍贵礼物”的主题分享.请你写一篇英语短文,汇报你们四人小组的分享内容,需包括以下要点.FromBobKateLilyYouToparentsgood friendforeign teacher(请补充)What耍、A-soupj一2 photo album0paper cutting(请补充)Whythanks and lovefriendshipculture(请补充)注意:1.词数:80词 左 右(短文的开头已给出,不计入词数);2.不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分.In todays English class,we had a disc

38、ussion on A valuable gift I gave.Here is whatwe shared in our group.【考点】图表作文.【分析】【高分句型一】In addition,Lily sent her foreign teacher a piece of paper cutting which can fully representChinese culture.另外,莉莉送给她的外一张剪纸,完全可以代表中国文化.本句使用了定语从句which canfully represent Chinese culture.For me,what I gave to my gra

39、ndpa was a smart phone.对我来说,我给爷爷的是一部智能手机.本句使用了主语从句what I gave to my grandpa.【解答】In todays English class,we had a discussion on A valuable gift I gave.Here iswhat we shared in our group.A valuable gift given by Bob was a bowl of soup to hisparents.(鲍勃送给父母一碗汤)In his opinion,he considered it as a good

40、gift to express histhanks and love to t h e m.(鱼包勃的理由)Kate gave a photo album to one of her good friendsbecause she wanted to cherish every moment with her,hoping that their friendship could lastforever.(凯特送给好朋友一本相册及理由)In addition,Lily sent her foreign teacher apiece of paper cutting which can fully

41、 represent Chinese culture.高分句型一】(莉莉送给外籍老师一张剪纸及理由)For me,what I gave to my grandpa was a smart phone.高分句型二】We dont live together and my grandpa was so busy that we cant meet each otheroften.However,we can have video chats by smart phone.(我送给爷爷奶奶一部手机及理由)【点评】首先认真审题,看清题目中的要求和要点;然后根据提示内容,列出写作要点及每个要点中可能要

42、用到的表达;然后紧扣要点,动笔写作,在写作过程中,要注意句与句、段与段之间的过渡,必要时可适当运用表示转折、因果、并列、比较等关系的连词,使文章过渡平稳,自然流畅;同时注意语句要通顺,词汇书写无误,不要出现语法错误.最后要细心复核检查,确保正确无误.7.(2019广州)广州某电台英文频道将开设Welcome to Guangzhou栏目,目前面向全市中学生征集“微广州”英文介绍.请你写一篇英语短文,向栏目投稿.短文需包括下图所有提示内容.广州 窗注意:1.词数:80词 左 右(短文的开头与结尾已给出,不计入词数);2.不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分.Anyone coming

43、to Guangzhou is sure to have a goodtime_Guangzhou is waiting for you.【考点】图表作文.【分析】【高分句型一】If you are interested in delicious food,the most famous street in Guangzhou is the BeijingR oad.如果你对美食感兴趣,广州最有名的街道是北京路.这是if引导的条件状语从句,如果【高分句型二】There are lots of famous places of interest such as the Canton Tower

44、and the BaiyunM ountain.有许多著名的名胜古迹,如广州塔和白云山.这是there b e 句型,表示某地有某物.【解答】Anyone coming to Guangzhou is sure to have a good time.Guangzhou lies in thesouth of China.It is the capital of Guangdong.It has a history of more than two thousandyears.Its warm,rainy,and sunny and has a long sum m er.(位置,历史,天气)

45、It is famous for the beautiful flowers and delicious food.So it is called Flower City.If you areinterested in delicious food,the most famous street in Guangzhou is the Beijing Road【高分句型 二 1(特色)There are lots of famous places of interest such as the Canton Tower and the Baiyun Mountain【高分句型一 Baiyun M

46、ountain attracts many visitors every day.The Yuexiu Park is one ofthe most famous parks in Guangzhou.It is cheerful to visit this park.Also,you will be excitedto visit the Pearl River at n ig h t.(著名景点)This is the best place to go if you want to visitsome shop and department stores.You can also enjo

47、y Guangzhous traditional food there.Inthe evening,you can go singing in some KTV shops.It is wonderful to sing withfriends.Whats more,Guangzhou has something fbr everyone,welcome to visitGuangzhou.(一个好去处及理由)Guangzhou is waiting for you.【点评】能够根据提示进行书面表达,能够围绕主题准确使用一定的语法、词汇、短语和句型等,清楚连贯地表达自己的思想,进而完成写作任务

48、.8.(2019广东)根据要求完成短文写作,请将作文写在答题卡指定的位置上.假如你是李华,英国某中学与你所在的学校是姐妹学校.该校校长读到以上这篇短文后,对广东文化产生兴趣,准备组织学生来你的校进行关于广东传统文化的研学交流,请你写一篇发言稿,在欢迎晚会上向他们介绍研学活动的相关安排.内容包括:I.推荐晚会上的两种广东传统食物.2.介绍两项广东传统文化活动的安排.(包括活动的时间、地点和内容)参考活动:欣赏粤剧(Cantoneseopera),体验功夫(kungfu),参加广东历史讲座等作文要求:1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名.2.语句连贯,词 数 8 0 个

49、左右.作文的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数,也不必抄写在答题卡上.Good evening,everyone.I am Li Hua,chairman of the Students Union.I am very pleasedto welcome you to theparty._I hope youll enjoy your stay here!【考点】提纲作文.【分析】高分句型一:I believe you will be attracted by its beauty.我相信你会被它的美丽所吸引.will be attracted 一般将来时的被动语态,将会被吸引高分句型二:Fro

50、m the activities,I think you will have a better understanding of the culture of Guangdong.从活动中,我想你会更好地了解广东的文化.have a better understanding o f 更好的了解【解答】Good evening,everyone.I am Li Hua,chairman of the Students Union.I am verypleased to welcome you to the party.Weve prepared some traditional food for


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