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《2017-2021年广东中考英语真题分类汇编之阅读理解.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017-2021年广东中考英语真题分类汇编之阅读理解.pdf(77页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2017-2021年广东中考英语真题分类汇编之阅读理解一.阅 读 理 解(共16小题)1.(2021 广东)配对阅读.(1 ).Bella,one of the top A.In many ball games,the most important person is thestudents in her class,always gets up one who carries the ball.Such a person is the leader andearly and hopes to get better grades he makes sure that a job gets do

2、ne.by working hard.B.Birds feed on worms.A bird will go hungry if it cannot(2).Vincent has joined a catch worms.The bird that gets up early is sure to getmountain climbing club.The club some food,so the early bird catches the worm.members will have a climbing trip C.Your feet become hot when you run

3、.But when you arenext week and he will be the leader forced to sit in one place,your heels stay cool.Whenof the team.someone keeps you waiting,you can say he is cooling(3).Aileen is an English your heels.teacher.She always knows whats D.Some people seem to know whats going on behindgoing on in class

4、,even when her them,as if they had eyes in the back of their heads,students are passing notes behind her Eyes in the back of your head describes the ability toback.notice everything happening around you.(4).Sam is a newcomer to a E.You dont know what will happen if you wake up ahigh school.He feels

5、a little nervous sleeping dog in the street,so it would be much smarterin the classroom with a lot of to lei sleeping dogs lie.strangers around him.F.People may get their feet into the water slowly when(5).Victors friends are taking they start to lean swimming.Get your feet wet meansa high-speed tra

6、in to visit him.But trying to do something for the first time.his friends are late.He is now waiting G.Fish live in water.A person who is in a strange orfor them at the station.uncomfortable environment may feel like a fish out ofwater.2.(2021 深圳)Can plants talk?Modem research has found something am

7、azing:they docommunicate with each other.It has been known for some time that plants use chemicals to communicate with eachother.This happens when a plant gets attacked by insects.The plant gives out chemicals fromthe leaves that are being eaten.This is like a warning,or a call for help:”Fm beingatt

8、acked!When another plant gets the chemicals,it starts to give out its own,differentchemicals.Some of these chemicals drive insects away.Others attract the wasps(黄蜂;蜜蜂)!The wasps kill the insects that are eating the plants.Scientists hope to learn more about thisplant warning system,so that we can us

9、e it to grow more crops.More surprisingly,plants also use sound to communicate.People can*t hear these sounds,but plants are making them.Some plants make noises with their roots.Corn and chili plants dothis.Some trees make clicking noises when there is not enough water.Most surprisingly of alh plant

10、s have an amazing system of communication that can linknearly every plant in a forest.Scientists call this system the wood wide web”.The wood wideweb is linked underground by fungi(霉菌).It links the roots of different plants to each other.ltis in some ways similar to the Internet we use.Using the woo

11、d wide web,plants can shareinformation and even food with each other.However,it may lead to bad effects.Plants may useit to steal food from each other,or spread chemicals to attack other plants.Perhaps one dayscientists will learn how to create a“firewall to help prevent these attacks within the woo

12、dwide web.Scientists are learning more every day about the secret ways in which plants talk to eachother.Maybe one day we will know enough about plant communication to be able to utalkwith them ourselves.(1)What will plants do when they are attacked by insects?A.They will kill the insects by themsel

13、ves.B.They will control the wasps to kill the insects.C.They will send out signals to ask for help.D.They will produce chemicals as a warning or a call for help.(2)How are the wood wide web linked by fungi?A.By making noises with their roots.B.B y connecting the roots of different plants to each oth

14、er.C.By sharing food and information with each other.D.By spreading chemicals to each other.(3)What is the writers intention of the last paragraph?A.To give people hope for further studies.B.To praise scientists for their great achievements.C.To call on people to protect the plants on Earth.D.To ins

15、pire people to communicate with plants.(4)What is the structure of the passage?(5)Which is the best title for the passage?A.The Secret Language of PlantsB.The Study about the Plant Warning SystemC.The Plants that Give WarningsD.Why Scientists Do Research about Plants3.(2020广州)Five interesting sports

16、Our most unusual sports from around the worldEvery country has a national sport and some popular sports are now played across the world.However,in most countries,people also play unusual sports,with strange or interestingrules.Here are our top five unusual sports from around the planet.Man Vs.Horse

17、MarathonThis race takes place in a small town in Wales,about 200 miles from London.Its called amarathon(马拉松),but it*s actually 35.4 km,not 42.2 km like a usual marathon.People raceagainst horses across the hills and mountains.It started in 1981,but a human did not win until2004.Camel WrestlingIn Tur

18、key,camel(骆驼)wrestling is a very old sport.The largest camel wrestlingcompetition takes place every year and thousands of people come.In the sport,two camelsfight against each other.Sometimes the camels do not want to fight and they run through thecrowds,which can be dangerous.Dragon Boat RacingEver

19、y year in China,thousands of people watch dragon boat races.A dragon boat is atraditional Chinese boat with a painted dragons head on one end.There can be up to 36 peopleor more racing in each boat in the water.Dragon boat racing is also popular in some otherAsian countries.Caber TossIn this sport,p

20、layers compete to throw a large piece of wood called a caber as far as theycan.There is no rule about the size of the caber,but its usually the size of a small tree.Its anancient Scottish sport.Visitors to the UK can check it out.Chess BoxingA good chess boxer needs to be both strong and smart.Playe

21、rs play a round of chess,followedby a round of boxing.There are eleven rounds in total.Chess boxing was invented in 1992 byan English comic book writer.The sport is more popular in England and Germany.(1)What can we learn about Man vs.Horse Marathon?A.It is an outdoor sport.B.It first appeared 16 ye

22、ars ago.C.No human has ever won the game.D.It follows the rules of a usual marathon.(2)Which of the following is mentioned about Camel Wrestling?A.It should be stopped.B.Its worth seeing.C.Ifs unfair to the animals.D.Its sometimes dangerous to watch.(3)Which picture best describes Caber Toss?A.B.C.D

23、.(4)Which sport is popular in Asia?A.Man vs.Horse Marathon.B.Dragon Boat Racing.C.Caber Toss.D.Chess Boxing.(5)How many sports have animals as players?A.1.B.2.C.3.D.4.4.(2020广州)What will astronauts(宇航员)eat when a space trip takes years?Lots of fresh vegetables,“says Dr.Janet Williams,whose team have

24、 spent the last 10years learning how to grow plants in a space station.And its a good thing that she has alreadystarted her work,because space gardening can be really hard.As usual,astronaut George White looked into the closed plant room.He had plantedDr.Williamss quick-growing seedlings in it,but n

25、one of the stems were showing.He openedthe room to check and found the problem.The stems werent growing upward and the rootswerent growing downward.On Earth,gravity(重 力)helps a planfs stems and roots tofindup andHdownu.However,in the space station,there was almost no gravity.Dr.Williams suggested a

26、solution:give the plants more light,as plants also use sunlightto find their way.And it worked.When the plants had more light,the stems turned up and theroots went down.Now Dr.Williams was free to worry about the next problem:Would her baby plants liveto flower?Can we grow food on a space journey?Ma

27、ny plants died in the space station.Dr.Williams thought she knew why:the spaceplants were hungry for air.Plants live by taking up CO2 from the air.Since a plant uses it up inthe air around,the plant needs moving air to bring more CO2 close to its surface.On Earth,the air is always moving.Gravity pul

28、ls down cold air,and warm air rises.And with these airmovements,plants get enough CO2.Many earlier experiments with plants in space hard used closed rooms.Dr Williams trieda new greenhouse that had a fan to keep the air move.The plants loved it.They flowered andeven produced more seeds.Using Dr.Will

29、iamss method,astronaut George completed the firstseed-to-seed experiment in space,and moved one plant closer to a garden in space.“And this,“says Dr.Williams,is good news for long-term space travel.”(1)Why have Dr.Williams team tried to grow plants in space?A.lb produce fresh air for astronauts.B.To

30、 help astronauts relax themselves.C To provide food for long space journeys.D.To make the space garden more beautiful.(2)How did light help solve the problem mentioned in Paragraph 3?A.It caused the gravity to change.B.It encouraged the plants to grow faster.C.It helped the plants to grow in the rig

31、ht direction.D.It showed the astronauts where to plant vegetables.(3)Why did many plants die in the space station?A.The light was too strong.B.There was too much CO2.C.There was not enough room to grow.D.The air condition was not good enough.(4)The underlined word it in Paragraph 7 refers to.A.the m

32、oving airB.the closed roomC.the space journeyD.the space garden(5)What can we learn about Dr.Williamss team from the passage?A.They mainly live on fresh vegetables.B.They have successfully built a space garden.C.They invented a special fan for their greenhouse.D.They have worked on space gardening f

33、or many years.5.(2020广东)Once there were many thousands of Gourma Desert(沙 漠)elephants in Mali,a country in West Africa.Now.there are fewer than four hundred.Why did the number of the elephants drop so quickly?On the one hand,the elephantsmain lake,their only water source(来 源)dried up.On the other ha

34、nd,the land which theelephants lived on was overused by humans.TD protect the elephants living environment,the Mali Elephant Project(MEP)wasstarted in 2007.MEP met with local people and helped them make rules of using land andwater.As a result,the situation became better and there was more food,fore

35、st and grassland.However.from 2012 to 2016,poaching(偷 猎)and illegal trade in the elephantsincreased rapidly Eighty-three elephants were lost in 2015 alone,and another fifty-oneelephants were killed in 2016.If this situation goes on,all the Gourma elephants will be killedby 2020.said a member of MEP.

36、Luckily,the voice of MEP was heard.More organizations(组 织)have joined togetherto educate the local people that trading elephants is against the law.Elephant poaching hasdropped to a very low level.The local people have learned to live peacefully with theelephants,one of the wildlife treasures in the

37、 world.(1)MEP was started to.A.raise more elephants in MaliB.stop the main lake from drying upC discover water source for elephantsD.protect the elephants living environment(2)What does the word illegal in Paragraph 4 mean in Chinese?A.公平的B.亏损的C.非法的D.合理的(3)Eighty-three elephants were lost A.in 2012B

38、.in2015C.in 2016.D.in 2020(4)We can learn from the last paragraph that.A.the number of organizations has droppedB.there is much less elephant poaching nowC.the local people keep the elephants at homeD.the whole world live peacefully with elephants(5)This passage is mainly about A.the rules of using

39、land and waterB.the education of the local peopleC.the work of Mali Elephant ProjectD.the situation of Gourma Desert elephants6.(2018广东)Theres much to see under the sea,but you need to remember that light behavesdifferently in water than in air.The objects appear closer to you than they exactly are.

40、Youmight find yourself reaching out to touch something and completely missing it.Objects under water will appear larger than they would on the surface,too.Be carefulnot to tell any stories about the big fish that got away.That fish might not be so big after all!Ifs just because sometimes things can

41、seem to be as much as about 33 percent bigger in water!Whats more,in deeper water,colors just dont seem as bright.In fact,it looks as ifsome colors are missing.Remember the color of an object results from the wavelengths(波长)of light that are reflected(反射)from its surface.And light is taken in as it

42、moves downthrough the water.Swimmers wear wet suits to keep warm underwater.Lets take a bright red,yellow,and blue wet suit as an example.These colors are hard to miss on the surface ofwater.Watch carefully the changes in color as you descend in the water.The red part nowlooks almost black because t

43、he red light wavelengths,the longest among these three colors,are missing.As you go down deeper,the same thing will happen to the yellow part and inthe end to the blue part.Even at a place of about 6 to 9 meters underwater,you will lookterrible,like a ghost(鬼怪)!And you have to wait for your return t

44、o the surface to enjoy thebright colors again!(1)You miss the object underwater when you want to touch it b e c a u s eA.your eyesight is quite poorB.you are not quick enoughC.it is not as close as it seemsD.it disappears very quickly(2)The example of the wet suit is used to explain the change of of

45、 an objectunderwater.A.the sizeB.the colorC.the positionD.the weight(3)The underlined word descend0 probably me a n s in Chinese in this passage.A.上升B.漂浮c.屏息D.下潜(4)Which of the fol lowing is true?A.A four-meter-long fish looks three meters long underwater.B.The wavelengths of red light are longer th

46、an those of blue light.C.Much water will be taken in by the swimmer deep in the water.D.You will see a ghost if you go as deep as 6 to 9 meters into the sea.(5)The best title of this passage isA.The Standard of Color UnderwaterB.The Direction of Light UnderwaterC.The Brightness of Color UnderwaterD.

47、The Behavior of Light Underwater7.(2018广州)Many people know that rubbish is a big problem on planet Earth.What manypeople don*t know is that junk(垃 圾)has become a problem in outer space too.According to BBC News,there are more than 22,000 pieces of space junk floatingaround the earth.And these are ju

48、st the things that we can see from the surface of the earth bytelescopes(望远镜).There are also millions of smaller pieces of junk that we cant see.Objects,like bits of old space rockets or satellites,move around the planet at very highspeeds,so fast that even a very small piece can break important sat

49、ellites or become dangerousto astronauts.If the tiniest piece of junk crashed into a spaceship,it could damage the vehicle.To make things worse,when two objects in space crash,they break into many smallerpieces.For example,when a U.S.satellite hit an old Russian rocket in 2009,it broke intomore than

50、 2,000 pieces,increasing the amount of space junk.lb reduce additional space junk,countries have agreed that all new space tools can onlystay in space fbr 25 years at most.Each tool must be built to fall safely into the earthsatmosphere after that time.In the upper pails of the atmosphere,it will bu


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