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《2021-2022学年山西省灵丘县高考英语一模试卷含解析.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021-2022学年山西省灵丘县高考英语一模试卷含解析.docx(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2021-2022高考英语模拟试卷考前须知:1 .答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号和座位号填写在试题卷和答题卡上。用2B铅笔将试卷类型(B) 填涂在答题卡相应位置上。将条形码粘贴在答题卡右上角条形码粘贴处。2 .作答选择题时,选出每题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦 干净后,再选涂其他答案。答案不能答在试题卷上。3 .非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先 划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答无效。4 .考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后

2、,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一局部(共20小题,每题1.5分,总分值30分) Dont put the waste on the ground, young man.Oh, Im sorry. I the dustbin there.A. hadnt seenB. havent seenC. didnft seeD. wasn*t seeingThe guide was enthusiastic and knowledgeable and we spent a lovely evening wandering into places which westraight past otherw

3、ise.A. had walkedB. were walkingC. would have walkedD. must have walked1. Russias cutting off the gas supply raised a major concern to the European Union, a number of memberstates are increasingly dependent on one single supplier.A. whoseB. thatC. where D. which2. Thafs why I help brighten peoples d

4、ays. If you, whos to say that another person will?A. didntB. dontC. werent D. haven3. Our team is world-class and it was no surprise that we won by such a _margin.A. lowB. highC. wide D. narrow4. Its raining hard and we cant go picnicking today.If only the weather fine!A. is B. were C. had been D. w

5、ould beAre you satisfled with his school report?一Not at all. It couldnt have been.A. worse B. so badC. better D. the worst第二节(每题L 5分,总分值15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。27.(15分)语法填空The respected British actor and moviemaker Kenneth Branagh directed Cinderella 1. (star) Lily James as Ella and Cate

6、 Blanchett as her evil stepmother.2, (review) of the movie were mixed. Richard Corliss of Time wrote that “Disney finally got Cinderella right”. While other critics were not as happy with the film.So the artistic success of the film is open to discuss. What is clear, however, is the movies business

7、success. It is 3. success in the theaters but also in retail (零售). And Disney 4 (wide) its usual market for Cinderella products.Products connected to the Disney film aim not only at little girls, but women, too. For example, the famous shoe 5 (design) Jimmy Choo created a version of Cinderella shoes

8、, 62 can be bought for about $ 5,000. At that price, you would not want to lose one at the ball.The company MAC 7.(quick) sold all its products with official links to Cinderella. But lucky buyers were soonselling the products on the online marketplace eBay 8 many times the original price.So, is ther

9、e anything left for the children (consider) , those ones we think of as the 10(tradition) audiencefor the age-old fairy tale? Yes, you can find toys and other childrens products at the American retailer JCPenney. Of course, you can also visit a Disney store.第四局部写作(共两节)第一节短文改错(总分值10分). (10分)假定英语课上老师要

10、求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(A),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(、)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2、只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Last month, I took part in a volunteer activity in a village、 We start off by bus at 9 oclock、 After a three-hour dr

11、ive, we saw the village surrounded by hills、It was very difficulty to drive on the rocky road, so we got on the bus and walked there The villagers standing by road welcomed us warm、Cooked with those vegetable grown by the villagers, the lunch was tasted delicious After lunch, we played games with th

12、e village children Then, we visited an old man live alone on the hillside We sang a few songs, what made him really happy I think when doing volunteer work, you help others and you gain happy in return 第二节书面表达(总分值25分).28 .(25分)南阳某旅行社招聘兼职英语导游。假如你是某中学学生李华,想在周末做兼职,在报纸上看到下面的招聘启事后,决定用英语写一封自荐信,内容包括:1.自我介绍

13、;2.应聘优势;3.提出申请注意:1.词数100左右;.开头结尾已写好,但不计入总词数;2 .可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Sri/Madam,I read your advertisement in the newspaper andYours,Li Hua参考答案第一局部(共20小题,每题L 5分,总分值30分)C C CB CB AC CCBB BDC C CB CB AC CCBB BD1、2、3、4、5、6、7、15、A16、C17、C18、A19、B20、C第二局部阅读理解(总分值40分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项。21、 1、

14、A2、C3、D4、B5、B1、 A2、D3、B22、 1、 AD2、 C585、 A1、B2、D3、C1、 D2、A3、C4、B第三局部 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每题1.5分,总分值30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、 C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项.23、 1、 C2、B3、D4、A5、C 6、A7、D8、C9、B10、A11、D12、B13、C14、A15、D16、B17、D18、A19、C20、B第二节(每题L 5分,总分值15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。27 1. starringReviews2. awide

15、ned3. designerwhich4. quicklyfor5. to considertraditional第四局部写作(共两节)第一节短文改错(总分值10分)28、1 start一started2、difficultydifficult3、onoff4、by后面加上the 5、warm一warmly6、vegetable一vegetables7、去掉was8、liveliving9、what-which10 happy一happiness第二节书面表达(总分值25分)29、Dear Sri/Madam,I read your advertisement in the newspaper

16、 and I would like to apply for the position of tourist guide.I am a boy of 19 and Im studying in a middle school in Nanyang. I can speak English fluently and have no difficulty communicating with foreigners. Im familiar with Nanyang because I was born and grew up in Nanyang. I have visited almost al

17、l the places of interest in Nanyang. Besides, I am easygoing and love making friends. Pm always ready to do whatever I can to help others.I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my qualifications and your needs. Thank you for your time and consideration.Yours,Li Hua8. Wit

18、hin even the weakest of human bodies lies a life that is precious indeedneeds to be respected and honored. A. something that B. one C. one that D. something一 How do you think I can make up with Jack?一 Set aside you disagree and try to find you have in common.A. what; what B. what; where C. where; wh

19、at D. where; whether一 You could always put the decision off a little bit longer.一 If I leave it much longer I might miss my chance.A. Thats reasonable.B. Isnt it a good idea?C. Do you think so? D. I can9t agree more.9. The teachers voice still remained calm she was getting annoyed.A. as long as B. e

20、ven ifC. as if D. now that10. .We didnt find the Blacks during the lecture.No one had told them about a lecture.A. there to beB. there being C. there beD. there wasHe finished writing his first novel last year, and we all think that is his career really took off.A. whereB. whenC. how D. why11. Its s

21、o humid these days!Dont worry! The rain to stop from tomorrow.A. will expect B. expectsC. will be expected D. is expected12. Everyone had a form in his hand, but no one knew which office.A. to send it to B. to sent it C. to be sent to D. to have it sentParents often tell their children that they tak

22、e candy from strangers.A. neednt B. wouldnt C. shouldnt D. darentIt was just at the time the bell rang he finished the last word in his composition.A. when; which B. that; when C. when; that D. that; which一Where are you going to hang the picture?I havent decided yet. I hang it in the dining room.A.

23、mightB. mustC. need D. would13. A teachers job is not to tell the students what to believe or value, but to them to develop a worldview forthemselves.A. urgeB. equipC. persuade D. rank14. The new supermarket announced that the first to purchase goods on the opening day get a big prize.A. mustB. will

24、C. shall D. need第二局部阅读理解(总分值40分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项。15. (6 分) Against the supposition that forest fires in Alaska, Canada and Siberia warm the climate, scientists have discovered that cooling may occur in areas where burnt trees allow more snow to mirror more sunlight into space.This f

25、inding suggests that taking steps to prevent northern forest to limit the release of greenhouse gases may warm the climate in northern regions. Usually large fires destroyed forests in these areas over the past decade. Scientists predict that with climate warming, fires may occur more frequently ove

26、r next several centuries as a result of a longer fire season. Sunlight taken in by the earth tends to cause warming, while heat mirrored back into space tends to cause cooling.This is the first study to analyze all aspects of how northern fires influence climate. Earlier studies by other scientists

27、have suggested that fire in northern regions speed up climate warming because greenhouse gases from burning trees and plants are released into the atmosphere and thus trap heat.Scientists found that right after the fire, large amounts of greenhouse gases entered the atmosphere and caused warming. Oz

28、one (臭氧)levels increased, and ash from the fire fell on far-off sea ice, darkening the surface and causing more radiation from the sun to be taken in. The following spring, however, the land within the area of the fire was brighter than before the fire, because fewer trees covered the ground. Snow o

29、n the ground mirrored more sunlight back into space, leading to cooling.“We need to Hnd out all possible ways to reduce the growth of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?5 Scientists tracked the change in amount of radiation entering and leaving the climate system as a result of the fire, and found a

30、 measurement closely related to the global air temperature. Typically, fire in northern regions occurs in the same area every 80 to 150 years. Scientists, however, found that when fire occurs more frequently, more radiation is lost from the earth and cooling results. Specifically, they determined wh

31、en fire returns 20 years earlier than predicated, 0.5 watts per square meter of area burned are soaked up by the earth from greenhouse gases, but 0.9 watts per square meter will be sent back into space. The net effect is cooling. Watts are used to measure the rate at which energy is gained or lost f

32、rom the earth.1、 According to the new findings, taking steps to prevent northern forest fires may. A. result in a warming climatecause the forest fires to occur more frequentlyB. lead to a longer fire seasonprotect the forests and the environment there2、The following are all the immediate effects af

33、ter a forest fire EXCEPT.A. large amounts of greenhouse gases enter the atmospherethe levels of ozone which is a type of oxygen increaseB. snow on the ground mirrors more sunlight back into spaceashes from the fire fall on the ice surface and take in more radiation from the sun3、 Earlier studies abo

34、ut northern forest fires.A. analyze all aspects of how northern fires influence climateindicate that forest fires will pollute the atmosphereB. suggest that people should take measures to protect the environmentsuggest that the fires will speed up climate warming4、The underlined phrase “soak up” in

35、the last paragraph most probably means.A. releasedB. absorbedC. createdD. distributed5、 From the passage we can draw a conclusion that forest fires in Alaska, Canada and Siberia may.A. warm the climate as the supposition goesallow more snow to reflect more sunlight into space and thus cool the clima

36、teB. destroy large areas of forests and pollute the far-off sea icehelp to gain more energy rather than release more energy22. (8 分) Housekeeping Services - A responsible, professional, experienced housekeeper is needed to take care of all cleaning details of a local business in Angwin. This person

37、will be needed 2 or 3 times per week for about 8 hours per day. Please send an email for additional information and be ready to provide resume and work history. Drivers license and the ability to lift at least 50 pounds are required. Pay will be $20-$25 per hour. To contact them, email .Caregiver Po

38、sition - Looking for a caregiver to help with a 91-year-old woman who lives in Calistoga. She speaks both English and Spanish, but Spanish is her preference. She sleeps quite a bit during the day so there is time to do housework. She cannot be left alone because she is a fall risk. She walks with a

39、walker on her own. Please call 925-785-8500 if interested.Worship Music Leader - First Presbyterian Church (FPC) in Napa is looking for someone who will select songs and use media for church services on Sundays. Applicants must be able to commit 8-10 hours per week for service andmeetings as well as

40、 being available every Sunday from 9:00am to 12:00 pm. The pay is about $18 an hour. Detailed job information will be posted on the Payroll Offices window. If interested, send your cover letter and resume to David Stoker at .Catering Company - Oak Avenue is a most successful catering company in St.

41、Helena searching for enthusiastic people to join their talented team of chefs and service professionals. Hours are flexible and positions are available for ambitious chefs, bakers, service helpers, and captains. Please send a brief cover letter and resume to or call 707-963-9278 for more information

42、.1 To work as a housekeeper, one needs to.A. be able to driveB. be a local in AngwinC. work about 8 hours per weekD. be able to speak two languages2、 Why does the 91-year-old woman need to be accompanied?A. She cannot walk by herself.B.She has a poor memory.C.She has difficulty in sleeping.D.She is

43、likely to fall down.3、Which is the contact number or email address for those who want to become great bakers?A.925-785-8500B.707-963-9278C.D.recruitingangwingmaiLco23(8 分)For kids and a fair share of adults, a San Diego vacation means theme parks and other attractions. Before heading to a park, chec

44、k online; many parks have seasonal or holiday hours.San Diego Wild Animal ParkIn the summer, a lion exhibit will open and allow guests to walk through the animals9 habitat Only glass will be between man and beasts. The Wild Animal Parks new Dino Mountain, featuring 20 lifelike dinosaurs, will run th

45、rough Sept. 6.Details: general admission tickets are $26.50 for adults and children aged 12 and older. $19.50 for children aged 3-11, free for children 2 and younger. A discounted ticket for $23.85 is available to seniors 60 and older, .San Diego ZooThe zoo has a new panda, Mei Sheng. Theres not muc

46、h in the way of new attractions, but Nighttime Zoo, a program popular with families, starts June 26.Details: General admission is $21 for adults, $14 for children aged 3-11, free for children 2 and younger, legoland. comSea world San DiegoA 6-minute ride called Journey to Atlantis, which is to open

47、in late May, tells the legend of the mythical island nation. People who step onto the rides eight-passenger Greek fishing boats will experience simulated earthquakes, etc. After that, riders can visit a new exhibit of dolphins, which have not been on display at the park since 2008.Details: General a

48、dmission is $46.95 for adults, $37.95 for children aged 3-9, free for children 2 and younger. .Old Town Trolley ToursVisiting relatives or friends in San Diego? They can get a hometown pass and ride for free with you paid admission. One gift per paid adult guest.Details: The main ticket booth is in Old Town. Hours are 9 am to 5 p.m., daily $25. . 1 Which of the following websites offers a discount to the old?A. . B. .C. . D. .2、How much will the admissio


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