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《2021-2022学年山西省忻州高考英语二模试卷含解析.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021-2022学年山西省忻州高考英语二模试卷含解析.docx(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2021-2022高考英语模拟试卷请考生注意:1 .请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答 案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2 .答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的考前须知,按规定答题。第一局部(共20小题,每题L 5分,总分值30分)Speaking a foreign language allows you to time in a negotiation, for you can act like you have notunderstood to come up with your answer.A. sav

2、e B. afford C. buy D. spendI hope that we will be able to make it through the tough times and back to the business of working togetherour common goals.A. on behalf of B. in honor of C. on top of D. in search ofndividual players, we have a great team but the problem is that they dont play football to

3、gether well at all.A. On top of B. By means ofC. In terms of D. In case of4. 一What do you think of your preparations for the final exams?Not so good. Actually I feel like for Ive made little progress in Maths.A. Daniel in the lion9s denB. Achilles5 heelC. a good Samaritan D. a sacred cow5. Yesterday

4、 is history, tomorrow is a mystery, only today is a gift, and that is we call it present.A. how B. whenC. why D. where一 Hey! Everyone in the office was at the dinner party in honor of Mr. Charles except you. What happened?一 I after Mike, my colleague. He was badly ill.A. have looked B. was looking C

5、. would look D. had lookedThe possibility that Frank was lying through my mind.A. swallowed B. masked C. flashedMr. Zhang gave all textbooks to all the pupils, except who had already taken them.A. theseB. onesC. thoseD. the others6. He has made little preparation for the interview, so the chance of

6、him succeeding in it is A. slim B. fantasticC. obvious D. gentle7. When I got to his house, I found that the walls.A. are being painted B. are paintingC. were being painted D. were painting3、A. thirsty B. lazy C. tired D. hungry4、A. slowly B. unexpectedly C. steadily D. hurriedly5、A. announced B. sh

7、ook C. replied D. doubted6、A. reward B. kindness C. hand D. value7、A. physically B. mentally C. normally D. properly8、 A. up B. for C. on D. in9、A. rich B. famous C. observant D. vivid10、A. fixed B. consulted C. filled D. concentrated11、A. rose B. raised C. got D. left12、A. Worn B. Having C. putting

8、 D. Dressed13、 A. recognized B. knew C. spared D. regained14、A. desired B. declared C. determined D. declined15、 A. special B. ordinary C. normal D. noA. decision B. preparation C. struggle D. debate16、 A. ordered B. requested C. confused D. compressedA. negative B. uncertain C. positive D. obvious1

9、7、 A. presentation B. preference C. attention D. arrangement20、A. praised B. pretended C. pressed D. prayed第二节(每题1.5分,总分值15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。27. (15 分)China reached a milestone in space exploration on January 3, 2019. Chang,e-4 L_ (successful) landed on the far side of the moons surf

10、ace.This is the first time in history 2 any country has performed a soft landing on the back of the moon. It is also a huge win for Chinese scientists who have been planning out this work for 3. (year).Shortly after the lander,s arrival, it sent back a photo of the Yutu rover (月球车)4_ (roll) slowly a

11、cross the moons dusty surface. As 5. (expect), the lander will conduct a number of challenging tasks. It will observe the low-gravity environment and explore there is water or other resources. Later, soil samples (collect) and returned to the earth. Scientists believe that the back of the moon is 8.

12、 (ancient) than the front, so the soil age is valuable for studying the early history of the moon.Since the far side of the moon is quiet and free 9. electromagnetic interference (干扰)from the earth, its a perfect place to research the space environment. Everything 10 (appear) to be working smoothly,

13、 and we can expect plenty of moon news out of China in the near future.第四局部写作(共两节)第一节短文改错(总分值10分)(10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下短文。短文中共有10处错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(八),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第H处起)不计分。I lik

14、e riding my bike.Though it is not very new,but it is my best friend.I And very convenient to go anywhere with a bike.Riding gives me not only exercises but also pleasure.I use my bike most in summer when the weather is warm and dry.lt can be very unpleasant in winter that it is cold and wind is blow

15、ing heavily.lt can also be very dangerously.Of course I will be very careful in my bike.In fact,accidents are not the only problem.One day I went to school and come back to find the front wheel was missed.Worse still,it was the long walk to the repairers shop. 第二节书面表达(总分值25分)(25分)为增进中美学生友谊并加深对彼此文化的理

16、解,你校将与美国高中举办中美学生交流活动,现面向全校 学生招募活动志愿者。假如你是李华,对此活动很感兴趣,请根据以下要点写一封自荐信。要点:1.活动的主题;2.自我介绍;要求:1 .词数:100左右;2,可合理增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考答案第一局部(共20小题,每题1.5分,总分值30分)1、C2、A3、C4、B5、C6、B7、C8、C9、A10、C11、D12、B13、B14、D15、C16、B17、B18、B19、A20、C第二局部阅读理解(总分值40分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项。21、 1、 DB2、 CA22、 1、 A2、D3、C4、D23

17、、 531、 A1、C24、 1、 B2、A 3、B4、C1、 A2、B3、C4、D第三局部语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每题L 5分,总分值30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、 C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项.26、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、H、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、第二节(每题1.5分,总分值15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。27、successfully2.that3.years4.rollingexpected5. whetherwill be collected6. m

18、ore ancientfrom7. appears第四局部写作(共两节)第一节 短文改错(总分值10分)28、L去掉 but2 .find后加上it.exercises-exercise3 .most-mostly.that-when/because4 .dangerously-dangerousnon8. come-camemissedmissing9. the long一a long第二节书面表达(总分值25分)29 Dear Sir or Madam,Im Li Hua, a middle school student from China. I read the an noun cem

19、ent that you have posted on the Internet and I am interested in it, thus Id like to take part in it.The activity aims to strengthen the friendship between Chinese and Ameri can students as well a s enhance the understanding of mutual culture, which is unquestionably not only entertaining but also in

20、structive. Fm confident that Pm qualified for this position. On the one hand, I have a good command of English and have won several prizes in English contests. On the other hand, being an enthusiastic and outgoing person, I firmly believe that I can promote a better communication between us.Should t

21、his application meet with your favorable consideration, I will do my utmost to my justify the confidence you response in me.Your Sincerely,Li Hua10. The argument remains extremely heated it is necessary to frequently update teaching material.A. that B. which C. if D. whetherThe disabled guy was atte

22、nded throughout his school day by a nurse to guard him.A. to appointB. appointedC. appointing D. having appointed11. Office furniture like chairs and sofas should be_attractive as well as comfortable.A. manuallyB. visuallyC. physically D. securely12. In fact, most of us would the consequences of stu

23、pid decisions taken byothers.A. handle B. solve C. follow D. sufferThe Chinese people are hopeful for 2019 will bring for their families and the country.A. howB. whichC. whatD. that13. The two pens are the same, but the red one cost that one.A. as much twice asB. twice as much asC. much as twice as

24、D. as twice much as14. Large quantities of time for practising guided writings.A. was neededB. are neededC. needsD. is needed Have you heard that they are working around the clock to compete for the prize?-Dont worry. We are ready to _the challenge.A. build upB. take upC. stick to D. lead to15. It c

25、ame as a great to the parents that their son finally came back safe and sound.A. reliefB. senseC. relaxion D. favor16. I certainly expect to be elected best student of the year. If s really!A. a good Samaritan B. a wet blanketC. a feather in my cap D. a piece of cake第二局部阅读理解(总分值40分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、

26、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项。17. (6 分)Not only does the use of plastic water bottles hurt your wallet, it also increases pollution and wastesenergy and water. Only 23% of all plastic in America ends up in a recycling bin, meaning over $ 1 billion worth of plastic is treated as rubbish a year. Recently, Skipping

27、 Rocks Lab has invented a kind of water bottle called Ooho.It is a convenient, clear water bottle that can either be drunken or eaten. To drink it, you can either peel off the membrane(薄膜)or tear a hole in the membrane with your teeth to pour the water into your mouth. To eat it, you simply put the

28、whole bottle in your mouth. One problem the scientists have run into is how to ship large amounts of Ooho bubbles(水泡)without arriving with a very wet truck. However, they have attempted to package units of individual bubbles together inside a larger and thicker membrane. It is targeting large outdoo

29、r events, such as marathons, music festivals, and sporting events, where tons of plastic bottles are used, and frequently left behind as litter. And too much plastic is sure to do harm to the environment, which could account for their purpose of such a new invention.The team has been working for the

30、 past two years to develop the technology and materials needed to produce Ooho; they have recently applied a patent for their new advancements. The price for an individual bubble or a unit of bubbles has not been set yet, but they cost about two cents to create a unit, which is cheaper than plastic

31、bottles. It has appeared at events in London, San Francisco, Boston, at conferences, festivals, and so on.Ooho is catching many peoples attention and has raised over $ 1 million and gained 1,000 investors in only three days. It is mostly being sold at events at the moment to keep the consumers inter

32、est while the production machine is getting up and running. It is quickly making a rise,so keep an eye out this year for these bottles of the future. In How is most plastic dealt with in America?A. Its sold. B. Its recycled. C. Ifs buried. D. Ifs wasted. 2、Why did the team invent Ooho? A. To make a

33、profit for a company. B. To protect the environtnent. C. To make people eat as they drink. D. To reduce the cost of plastic bottle. 3、What can we infer about Ooho from the text?A. It is easy and safe to ship it in large amounts. B. It has become popular since it began to be sold. C. It might be sold

34、 at a lower price than plastic bottles. D. It cost the team a lot of money to develop the technology. 4、What does the author really want to say in the last paragraph?A. Ooho is to be a success in the future.B. Ooho is being supported by smart people.C. Ooho is taking the place of plastic bottles now

35、.D. Ooho is being produced to attract more investors.18. (8 分)Journey to Mecca: In the Footsteps of Ibn BattutaIbn Battuta is considered one of the worlds greatest travellers. During the 14th century, he travelled about 75, 000 miles in search of knowledge and for the love of travel. To share the le

36、arning and research so highly valued by Islamic (伊斯兰教的)culture, the ruler of Morocco, Abu Inan Faris, wanted Ibn Battutas worldwide travels recorded and published when he returned home to Morocco after almost 30 years. Ibn Juzayy, a Moroccan Court Secretary, was appointed to write down Ibn Battutas

37、experiences. His travel journal, The Rihla, documents this extraordinary achievement. It gives us a first-hand account of life in the 14th-century Muslim world. The original book, handwritten in Arabic, can be viewed today at the National Library in Paris.The early 14th century was a favorable age f

38、or a Muslim traveller. It was nearing the end of the Golden Age of Islam, one of the great explosions of scientific and cultural achievements in world history. Caravans and sea lanes created transportation and communication networks that spread across continents, including Europe, Africa and Asia. T

39、owns and cities were regularly visited by merchants, traders, doctors, artists, craftsmen, scholars and pilgrims (朝圣者) carrying goods and ideas. All of these promoted the exchange of goods and ideas on a scale not seen previously in world history. As an educated man with professional legal skills, I

40、bn Battuta enjoyed kindness, companionship and offers of employment throughout the Islamic world.Journey to Mecca describes the 5, 000-mile journey Ibn Battuta made in 1325 and 1326 from his hometown Tangier, Morocco, to reach Mecca, in what is now the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to make the pilgrimage

41、. During this dangerous and awesome 18-month pilgrimage, he met many hindrances as he was attacked by robbers, troubled by thirst, and forced to go back to his route due to war along the Red Sea. Joining the legendary Damascus Caravan with thousands of pilgrims leaving for Mecca, he completed the fi

42、nal section of what would be his first of six journeys to Mecca.The goal of the film, Journey to Mecca, was to tell the remarkable story of Ibn Battuta and to promote a better understanding of Islam in the West, said the producers.1、 We can conclude that Abu Inan Faris probably thought Ibn Battutas

43、travel experiencespreciousB. questionableC. mysteriousD. ridiculous2、What can we learn about Ibn Battuta from the text?A. He wrote the travel journal, The Rihla by himself.A. He travelled all the way with the legendary Damascus Caravan during his first journey.C. He was a very successful businessman

44、.D. He had to overcome varieties of difficulties while traveling.3、The underlined word “hindrances” in Paragraph 3 can best be replaced by “A. tricksB. friendsC. barriersD. opportunities4、In which section of a newspaper can we possibly find this passage?A. HistoryB. TravelC. EconomyD. Entertainment2

45、3. (8 分)Op -iI* 3叫父 liable for Ji, mon a yearV (00 34) 91 549 85 23,Q NO说:subslearnhotenglishxom 守 hotenglishgroup-Paseo de Extremadura. i 21, Oficina 1A, 28011 | Madrid, Spain RwwJeQmhotenglish,8E 不SUSCRIPCIONES DESDE ESPADAhere to buy!C Opddn i: Hot English para EstudiaMes.12 revrstis Hot Elfish 4

46、 audio MPjs . i U)ro Engfcsii Udoded para exdMs (100pigigs.4Pre-Itermedijte/intermedia? Upperi依erecn; Advanced): efi Indica el nW que desea (mde iltbro en d preoc):SUBSCRIPTIONS FROM EUROPE/REST OF THE WORLD (ROW)Option 1: Hot English for Students.Includes: 12 Hot English magazines + audio MP3S+1Eng

47、lish Unlocked Book.(100 pages, 4 levels:Pre-Intermediate; Intermediate; Upper Intermediate;Advanced) Europe 92.70 Row 108.90Indicate the English Unlocked level you require (one book included in price)Option 3: Standard.Includes: 12 magazines + audio MP3S = Europe 79.70/Row 95.40Option 2: Hot English

48、 for TeachersIncludes: 12 Hot English magazines + audio MP3S + 1Teachers English Unlocked Book.(110 pages, 4 levels: Pre-Intermediate; Intermediate; Upper Intermediate; Advanced): Europe 92.70/ROW 108.90Indicate the English Unlocked level you require (one book included in price)Option 4: Web SchoolVideos, readings, listenings, online exercises 4 levels.Indicate the level you require: Pre-Intermediate;Intermediate; Upper Intermediate; Advanced. Cod


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