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《2021-2022学年山西省太原市迎泽区高考英语二模试卷含解析.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021-2022学年山西省太原市迎泽区高考英语二模试卷含解析.docx(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2021-2022高考英语模拟试卷考生须知:1 .全卷分选择题和非选择题两局部,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色 字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2 .请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3.保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。第一局部(共20小题,每题L 5分,总分值30分)I tell you with certainty that he wont be able to finish it before the deadline.A. willB. mustC. canD. may-

2、It took me eight years to build up my business, and it almost killed me.-Well, you know what they say. A. There is no smoke without fire B. No pains, no gainsC. All roads lead to Rome D. Practice makes perfectfar in the contest, we are so disappointed.A. Not gettingB. Not to getC. Not having got D.

3、Not got1. Thank God I passed the interview yesterday. I was sweating heavily.一Me too. I when I was sitting outside waiting.A. looked down my noseB. let my hair downC. had butterflies in my stomach D. chanced my arm2. As is known, only hard leads to happiness.A. work B. worksC. worked D working3. He

4、was greatly shocked at Donald Trumps taking office. Never did he expect that the voters be sounreasonable.A. shouldB. couldC. wouldD. might4. Excuse me, could you tell me the time, please?-Sorry, I don have a watch with me.A. Thanks a lot.B. What a pity.C. Pm sorry to hear that D. Thanks all the sam

5、eThe worlds attention Chinas Belt and Road Initiative, as it has great influence on the worlds economy.A. is to fix onB. was fixed on2、A. wall B. church C. hole D. table3、 A. boss B. company C. train D. bus4、A. warm B. ready C. cool D. calm5、A. damage B. story C. fact D. truth6、 A. work B. believe C

6、. listen D. understand7、A. carefully B. attentively C. finally D. especially8、A. join B. write C. bring D. leave9、 A. amuse B. comfort C. please D. help10n A. cried B. accepted C. refused D. continued11、 A. puzz led B. delighted C. determined D. disappionted12、A. sad B. shocked C. hopeful D. excited

7、13、A. later B. earlier C. warmer D. colderA. woman B. manager C. husband D. family15n A. weeks B. countries C. Christmases D. centuries第二节(每题1.5分,总分值15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。27. (15 分)Global warming is one of the most serious L (problem) facing humans and greenhouse gases are the main cau

8、se of it. People use energy to drive cars, make homes 2. (comfort) and transport food. Finding solutions to the problem of greenhouse gases is not only a political subject 3. an individual one as well.Look for ways 4. (reduce) energy at home. Turn off electrical appliances(家用 电器)5 you are not using.

9、Eat locally. A lot of energy 6. (use) to transport food over long distances, 7, burns much fuel. Much of the same food may be 8, (grow) on local farms. Shop at your local farmers9 market.Make your house 9 eco-friendly one. Put a sweater on to keep warm rather than turn the heating on.Reduce and recy

10、cle. Be careful 10. the products you buy. Whenever you go shopping, please choose items that come with small packaging and that are reusable.Be energy-conscious of transportation. Walk, ride a bike or take a bus instead of driving.第四局部写作(共两节)第一节短文改错(总分值10分)(10 分)It is good to see that today more peo

11、ple have realized the importance exercising and are playing sports regular But the problem is that there are not enough sports facilities to meet the public growing demand、 I love playing basketball and often play with my friends on weekends Therefore, it is difficult to rent a basketball field and

12、impossible to find a free one、 It seems that all courts in the city were always full Weather permitted, we can play in outdoors But on rainy days or in winter we have to turn to indoor courts There are not much in my city, and the charge is expensive The government should build more public sports fa

13、cilities, so easier accesses will encourage more people to participate in sports 第二节书面表达(总分值25分)28. (25分)假如你是李华,你的美国笔友David即将来中国旅游。这是他第一次来中国旅行,不知道要做些什么准备,因此写信向你求助。请你根据以下要点给他写一封信:1.表示欢迎; 2.建议准备事项;3.表示祝愿。注意:1.词数80词左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear David,Yours,Li Hua参考答案第一局部(共20小题,每题L 5分,总分值30分)1、C2、B3、C4、C5、D6

14、、A7、D8、D9、A10、B11、A12、B13、A14、A15、A16、C17、C18、C19、regularA. productionB. language C. popular D. minute2. weight A. height3. weight A. height4. special5. perfect20、AA. musicalA. electB. ceiling C. foreign D. neighbourB. ocean C. medicine D. biscuitB. prevent C. effect D. problem第二局部阅读理解(总分值40分)阅读以下短文

15、,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项。21、 1、 A2、D3、C1、 D2、A3、C4、B1、 D2、C3、A22、 1、 B2、D3、A1、 D2、D3、C4、A第三局部 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每题L 5分,总分值30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、 C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项.23、 1、 BC2、 DA3、 AC4、 DA5、 BCH、AD12、 BD13、 C第二节(每题1.5分,总分值15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。27、1. problemscomfortable2. butto

16、reduce3. that/whichis used4. whichgrown5. anwith/about第四局部写作(共两节)第一节 短文改错(总分值10分)28、【小题1】importance后加of【小题 2】regularly一regular【小题 3】public-publics【小题 4】ThereforeHowever【小题5】wereare【力、题 6】permittedpermitting【小题7】in去掉【小题8】much一many【小题 9】expensivehigh【小题 10 accesses-access第二节书面表达(总分值25分)29、Dear David,I

17、m delighted to learn you are coming to China. Its my pleasure to give you some advice on how to prepare your journey.First, I suggest you learn some Chinese words and expressions for daily communication9 which will bring you convenience when travelling. Second, it will be wonderful if you can do som

18、e research to have a better understanding of Chinese culture and customs. Finally, planning ahead by booking a sightseeing tour is a great way to make your trip more enjoyable.I hope my suggestions will be helpful to you. May you have an unforgettable experience in China.Yours, Li HuaC. has fixed on

19、 D. is being fixed onGood evening. Huangshan Hotel.Good evening.?A. Do you still have a room for tonight B. What would you like, pleaseC. Is there anything I can do for you D. Who is that speaking, please9. What do you think of your preparations for the final exams?Not so good. Actually I feel like

20、for Fve made little progress in Maths.A. Daniel in the lions denB. Achilles9 heelC. a good Samaritan D. a sacred cow10. Im Chinese and I do feel Chinese language is most beautiful language .A. /, the, a B. a, the C. a, the/ D. a, /, aI a flu when I was on a spring outing with my classmate.A. caught

21、upB. picked upC. took up D. brought up11. -I feel caught between experience and jobs after graduation.Its really-without experience you cant get a job and without a job you can get experience.A. a catch-22 B. a Herculean taskC. a sacred cow D. a Mickey Mouse course12. I have been working for more th

22、an 30 years! Im going to retire next month.Really? You dont look a day 40!A. overB. byC. withD. for13. Look! Mary is crazily looking for something again!, she can find her keys.A. Typically B. Occasionally C. Accordingly D. ParticularlyThey are smiling. There much trouble solving the problem.A. coul

23、dnt beB. mustnt beC. cant have been D. mustnt have been14. with all sorts of affairs, the manager had little time to have a good sleep.A. OccupyingB. Being occupiedC Occupied D. Having occupied15. We should organize useful activities, which will the relationship of the students.A. appointB. employC.

24、 promote D. commit16. 语音知识(共5小题;每题1分,总分值5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线局部与所给单词的划线局部读音相同的 选项。并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。20. The survey shows that speed at least 30 percent of road traffic and deaths.A. contributes toresults fromB. lies inrelies on第二局部阅读理解(总分值40分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项。21. (6 分)Hear the Wind Blow

25、by Mary Downing HahnOn a cold, snowy night, 13-year-old Haswell Magruder makes an important decision. A wounded Confederate soldier appears at the familys farm, and Haswell convinces his mother to take the man in. Unfortunately, this sets off a horrific chain of events that leaves their house burned

26、 to the ground and their farm in ruins. With no home left, Haswell sets out in search of his older brother, a Confederate soldier.Ghosts of Greenglass House by Kate MilfordThirteen-year-old Milo is, once again, spending the winter holidays stuck in a house full of guests who are not what they seem.

27、There are fresh dues to uncover as friends old and new join in his search for a mysterious map. The exciting ending to the beloved book is sure to thrill both fans and newcomers.Marge in Charge by Isla FisherJemima and Jake Button dont know what to make of their new babysitter, Marge. When she first

28、 arrives, shes dressed like a grandma and looks very serious. But as soon as Mommy and Dad are gone, Marge lets down her hair and the adventures begin. Jemima and Jake arent supposed to shoot apple juice out of water guns, or throw impromptu (BP 兴的)concerts during music classbut with Marge here, eve

29、rything gone messy!Max Tilt: Fire the Depths by Peter LerangisWhen 13 year old Max Tilt finds his great-great-grandfather Jules Vernes unfinished, unpublished manuscript (手 稿),The Lost Treasures, he doesnt realize that hes found the answers to all his problems. He realizes that the book holds the ke

30、y to something incredibly valuable. A treasure that can save his house - and maybe his entire family.1、Why did a Confederate soldier enter the familys farm?A. He was injured.B. He wanted to search for a mysterious map.C. He desired to destroy the farm.D. He was familiar with HaswelFs brother.2、What

31、might happen after Mom and Dad leave?A. Marge becomes more cruel.B. Marge dresses herself like a grandma.C. Jemima and Jake will make apple juice.D. Jemima and Jake start doing something crazy.3、What can be learned from the last paragraph?A. Max Tilt is fond of reading fictions.B. Max Tilfs family h

32、as been wealthy.C. The unHnished book matters a lot to Maxs family.D. Max Tilt has been hunting for some lost treasures.22. (8 分)Every day, Americans throw away 500 million plastic straws, enough to circle the Earth twice. They are almost never recycled, and simply contribute to the great problem of

33、 plastic pollution; eight million tons of plastic is dumped into the oceans every year.Plastic straws are now the target of a growing movement to reduce their use. Possibly the first of such campaigns, Be Straw Free was started in 2011 by Milo Cress, who was only nine years old at the lime.“I notice

34、d that whenever I ordered a drink at a restaurant, it would usually come with a straw in it, and I don51 usually need a straw, he said. This seemed like a huge waste. Straws are made of oil, a precious and finite resource. Is making single - use plastic straws, which will be used for a matter of min

35、utes before being tossed away, really what we want to do with this resource?”Cress started asking restaurants in Burlington, Vermont, where he lived at the time, to stop providing straws automatically to customer and make them optional instead. Many agreed and his request made ripples (涟漪) nationwid

36、e. The restaurants that make the switch report a reduction in the number of straws they use between 50 and 80%.The anti - straw sentiment has crossed borders into the UK, where straws have been included in a government plan to ban ail plastic waste by 2042.Last year large pub chain Wetherspoons anno

37、unced that it would replace plastic straws with paper alternatives across 900 outlets. After the announcement, many smaller chains and pubs across the country followed suit. According to Wetherspoons CEO John Hutson, the move will save 70 million plastic straws a year and the reaction from patrons h

38、as been “very positive”.Offering alternatives or making plastic straws optional, rather than banning them completely, is a common trait among these campaigns. uThere are many other viable alternatives to single - use plastic drinking straws that are less harmful to the environment, wildlife and huma

39、ns,“ said Jackie Nunez, founder of The Last Plastic Straw.1、What can we learn from Paragraph 1?A. Plastic straws are too costly to produce.B. All plastic straws are dumped into the sea.C. Plastic straws are too small to be recycled.D Plastic straws cause great pollution.2、What did Milo Cress ask his

40、 local restaurants to do?A. To make plastic straws optional.B. To stop the use of plastic straws.C. To charge the use of plastic straws.D. To reject the request for plastic straws.3、What is the Wetherspoons9 effort to reduce the use of plastic straws?A. To ban the use of plastic straws.B. To close s

41、ome of its outlets.C To offer customers alternatives.D. To seek the governmenfs support.4、What is the Wetherspoons customers9 attitude towards the move?A. Uncaring. B. Favorable.C. Ambiguous. D. Disapproving.23. (8 分)Chinese Language and Culture Summer Camp in ChinaShanghai is the city which will pr

42、esent you how modernization meets tradition, and how western culture dances with eastern civilization. So it offers a best place for you to participate in Chinese language and culture summer camp.Interactive Chinese LessonsOur Chinese courses focus on developing speaking, listening, reading and writ

43、ing skills in a well-balanced way, while each has its own focus. The teaching materials we use, offering 12 levels of classes, are written specially for our program. For beginners, speaking and listening abilities will be stressed while for advanced level students, the course will develop in depth t

44、heir skills on Chinese characters recognition, long paragraph reading and writing, as well as fluent conversation.Small Size ClassesOur students come from all over the world, mostly between 11 and 17 years old, having different Chinese levels. They will accept level assessment (评估)on the first day o

45、f camp, and be placed into different groups according to their language fluency. In a small-class setting each student can receive individual attention from teachers and achieve beststudying result.Traditional Culture CoursesWe provide various culture courses to help students to develop interest in

46、traditional Chinese culture, which will benefit their language learning. The culture courses include: Calligraphy, Traditional brush painting, Chinese Kong-fu, Tai-chi, Paper-cutting.Day CampDay camp is designed for participants who have a host family in Shanghai. Day camp runs from Monday to Sunday

47、 between 8:30 and 17:00.Day camp package includes:Chinese classes in the morningsLunchCulture courses, field trip and sports activities in the afternoonsOthers: Textbooks, studying materials, camp life souvenirDay camp package NOT includes:AccommodationDaily pick up and drop offBreakfast, dinnerFiel

48、d trip is optional.1、What is one of the summer camps features?A. Its teaching materials are regular and common textbooks.B. Every participant in the camp has to Hnish 12 levels of classes.C. Beginners attend the class stressing characters recognition.D. Students are placed in groups that meet their language fluency.2、 The summer camps traditional culture courses dont includeA. Traditional brush painting B. Chin


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