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《Willow《风云际会(2022)》第一季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Willow《风云际会(2022)》第一季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx(27页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、在我们这儿虚张声势的人只有一种下场We have a sayin about people who make empty threats.拿他的头骨做头盔They make nice hats.风云际会前情提要当每个婴儿百天时就会打上家族烙印By the childs a hundredth day, they get seared with its familys mark.这是我父亲的烙印卡尔之印This is my fathers mark. The mark of Kael.我找到了凯梅里亚胸甲的下落I found the whereabouts of the Kymerian Cui

2、rass.所以我让马德马蒂根去寻宝Thats why I sent Madmartigan in search.恐怕我亲手把他送上了死路Im afraid Ive sent him to his death.当时在诺克玛尔的时候那不是我What happened at Nockmaar, that wasnt me.没人能活着离开斯克林No one gets out of Skellin alive.斯克林-斯克林的恐惧之矿在深山里-Skellin? - Dread Mines of Skellin. In the mountains.说说经过吧What happened to you?两百轮

3、满月之后我妹妹终于回家了After 200 moons, my sister has come home.其实我全心地绝望地深爱着你I am, totally, desperately in love with you.不珂特No, no Kit Kit Kit Kit山精Trolls.风云际会第一季第六集第六章斯克林的囚徒艾尔科Airk.加入我们Join us.拥抱你的力量Embrace your power.不绝对不要Theyve come to liberate them.埃洛拉达南她来了 埃洛拉达南到了吗-Elora Danan is here - Elora Danan has co

4、me要是没有默契就别跟我同时开口说话Terrible at anticipating the second half of my sentences.走走走抓几个好看的戴基尼人回来Go, go, go. Lets bag some fancy Daikini.你是威洛可你不是马德马蒂根-Youre Willow. - And you*re not Madmartigan.不你当然不是No, youre not.是我啊孩子Yes I am, kiddo.我是你父亲我真是想死你了I am your father, and Ive missed the hell out of you.好吧不装了我的

5、确不是All right, fine, Im not.可是你为什么要说谎So, why are you pretending to be?说起来可就话长喽现在可没时间给你讲故事That is a long and delightful story, but not one we have time for now. 那行吧你究竟是谁All right, then. Who are you?我知道他是谁I know who he is.他是阿♥拉♥力口什Hes Allagash.曾在天地之极和你父亲并肩作战Fought alongside Madmartigan at

6、 Land*s End.正是在下-Guilty.我爸爸提起过你My. My dad told me about you.说你是盖拉多恩骑士中唯一比他还无脑的人You were the only knight in Galladoorn that was dumber than he was. 是无畏吧他肯定是夸我勇敢Braver. Tm sure he meant braver.另外我也是唯一知道他下落的人Besides, fm the only one who knows where he is.等等可是Wait, but.可波尔曼说我爸是因为But Boorman told me that

7、 he was betrayed 在寻找凯梅里亚胸甲的路上被自己人背叛而死 and murdered by a member of his crew for the Kymerian Cuirass. 他当然会这么说Of course he did.你的意思是他在撒谎So, youre saying he lied?不不是你父亲确实遭人背叛No, no. Madmartigan was betrayed.我们都是We all were.被波尔曼背叛By Boorman.这太荒谬了绝不可能成功This is ridiculous. This is never gonna work.它妙就妙在非常

8、简单Its genius is its simplicity.赶紧走他们随时会赶来Hurry up, theyll be here soon.我料到了他们不止抓了我们I knew we werent the only ones they were taking, 可是从没想到会有这么多but I had no idea it was this many.为什么他们需要这么多人Why do they need so much?可以提炼出这个They turn it into this.让人更强壮更敏捷Makes em stronger, faster, 就像曾经影响了巴伦廷梅里克还有他的东西li

9、ke the stuff that was leaking out of Ballantine, Merrick, him.太可怕了Evil.要是抓到了埃洛拉达南你知道我们能得到什么吗If we capture Elora Danan, do you realize what this would mean for us? 知道I do.老巫婆会给我们想要的一切The Crone would reward us with whatever we desired.卡什米尔盖拉多恩甚至是提尔阿斯林Cashmere, Galladoorn, Tir Asleen even.是呀我说“知道”Yeah,

10、 cause when I said, HI do,“不是让你把我当白♥痴♥一样解释给我听what I really meant was/Explain it to me like Fm an imbecile.1 好了我们该走了We gotta move, people.我会尽全力救出更多人I have to save as many as I can.我得找到珂特I need to find Kit.我答应过要护送大家去古城I promised Id get them to the Immemorial City.你现在有家人了等一切结束后You have a

11、family now, and when this is all over,你可以选择和她一起生活或者回家youre gonna have to decide whether youre with her, or with us.这么多人怎么救How are you gonna get them all out?要是一切都如我想象的那样顺利Well, if it goes as well as Im hoping it will,就直接从大门出去straight out the front door,我不只是要挫平他们的锐气and Ill be takin* a lot more than t

12、heir pizzazz.很好因为那个我已经实现了Right. Cause I already took that.去找你的朋友们Find your friends, get em out alive.然后把他们救出来这可能是你唯一一次将功赎罪的机会This might be the only chance you ever get to make it right.斯歌♥比娅他们来了快走Scorpia, theyre coming. We need to go.喂嘿Here, hey.把托盘里的那根探针递给我我就能打开笼子Hand me that snout probe on

13、the tray. I can get outta this cage.看来山精们是对的I think the Trolls were right.对而且他们几个肯定正在找我们Yeah, the others are here and theyre trying to find us.一想到埃洛拉没经过我允许就使用那根法杖If I find out Elorafs been using the wand without my permission, 我的肺要气炸了you know Im gonna be so miffed.你父亲还活着Your fathers alive.你帮我逃出这里我就带

14、你去找他You help me outta here, Ill take you to him.快点孩子扔给我Come on, kid. Toss it.耶Yeah好嚼All right.现在就看我的了Now a little la di da.很显然你迷路了Obviously, youre lost.你错了机灵鬼我当然知道往哪儿走Wrong again, smarty pants. I know exactly where Fm going.见鬼Oh, come on.好了Yes Ooh Yeah.不No好像确实有点草率了Might have been a little premature.

15、天呐嘿我要掉下去了Ah Oh, God. Hey Im slipping.我要掉下去了救命啊Im slipping, hurry up.你快点Hurry up.老天啊Jeez.再加把劲儿用力啊Ah Put your back into it. There you go.使劲使劲Lift. Lift.你难道就不能多等一秒钟吗You couldnt have just waited, like, one more second?仔细一想确实应该In retrospect, I should have.-谢谢你救了我-好吧-Thanks for saving my life. - Okay.你确实不

16、像马德马蒂根说的那么没脑子I guess youre not as dumb as Madmartigan said you were.对吧Right?-你是脑残级-嘿-No, you*re dumber. - Hey原来你眼睛没问题Okay, so you have two eyes.-当然没问题-你在搞什么-Of course I do. - What were you thinkin?你差点把她也害死了You could!ve pulled her down with you.不管你能不能听进去You know, for what its worth,马德马蒂根总说你是他见过最勇敢的人M

17、ads always said you were the most courageous man he ever knew, 对他人体贴至极但也太爱操心了with the biggest heart, but you worry too much.是吗Yeah?你刚才是说马德马蒂根这些年一直都在斯克林吗Youre telling us Mads has been in Skellin all these years?实际上不完全是在斯克林Well, not in Skellin exactly.说起来很复杂Its complex.其实这里面有一些暗门和密道There are doors and

18、 passages in these caves连山精们都不知道这个that even the Trolls dont know about.它们通向古代遗址They lead to ancient places.说实话Now, to be honest,马德马蒂根肯定更希望我带你们出去而不是深入虎穴bet Mads would be happier if I led you out instead of deeper in.那你刚才就不应该告诉我们You shouldnt have told us anything我们绝对不会扔下他自己走的because if hes here Im not

19、 leaving without him.没事吧You good?-嗨你们怎么样嘿还好吗-Hi, hows it going? - Hey, how are ya?我很好Im okay.一见到你真好-你怎么样-Hey ya. - How are ya?你没事吧You okay?怎么回事是你引起的吗Is that you? Are you doing that?埃洛拉Elora?放松说真的你会弄死我们的Unclench. Seriously, youre gonna kill us all.我只要一心想着下个喷嚏就不会打喷嚏了When I concentrate on the next, som

20、etimes I dont sneeze at all.我不会再打了了 这没什么可害羞的Im not gonna sneeze. Dont be ashamed.我没有T夬来-1 didnt. - Come on.快点跟我走Hurry up, follow me.快到了吗-Are we close?别担心很快就能见到珂特了Dont worry, youll be with Kit in no time.你迷路了Youre lost.没有我只是在确认方位No, just getting my bearings.你太高了看起来根本不像山精Youre too tall. No one will be

21、lieve youre a Troll.我主要靠精湛的演技I sell it with my performance.不像你们三个一点说服力都没有Unlike you three. Not even remotely convincing.真倒霉This damn day.特里顿层传出消息Got word of a spill on Triton level.需要一个主管下去那边监督清洁组I need a Krom unit supervisor down there to oversee the mop crew.你去我-Get fit. - Me?噢不了No.不过谢谢Thank you t

22、hough.你说什么What did you say?我很想去但他们让我上去fd love to, but theyve got me going up to,帮忙鼓舞士气you know, fire up the troops,毕竟压缩休息时间后大家情绪都很低落cause I guess the spirits have been low since they shortened our breaks.你想违抗我的命令是吗I gave you an order, supe.完全没有我开玩笑的Right. Of course. I was kidding.您带路吧长官Lead the way,

23、 sir.救命Help.他不会有事他这人挺机灵的Hell be fine. Hes quick on his feet.嗨厕所怎么走什么-Hi. Which way is the loo? - What?快点Come on.你不是说没人能逃出来吗I thought you said no one ever escapes.我那时经历了一段艰难时期I was going through a bit of a rough patch,一直在反思整个人都浑浑噩噩的陷入了低谷期懂吗doin some soul-searching, feelin kinda lethargic and stuck, y

24、ou know?可那是八分钟之前的事了That was like eight minutes ago.之前确实发生了很多事Well, kind of a lots happened since then.现在和你们在一起我又好了Im with you guys now. fm back我们会找到马德马蒂根还要逃出这里Well find Madmartigan, we get the heck outta here,最后我会追求我真正的梦想继续写歌♥and finally get back to pursuing my true passion, songwriting.自 &he

25、arts;由 ♥我 自 ♥由 ♥ 了我自 ♥由 ♥ 了 Freedom Im free. Tm free.这家伙疯了This guys insane.我的腿不听使唤Legs not working yet. Ow Oh给我搜Find them无论如何别往下看Whatever you do, dont look down.好知道了Yeah. Yeah, totally.只不过我就是那种人Except, Im one of those people,你越说别看别想我就you tell me not to look or thin

26、k about something, then I.越是忍♥不住去看去想懂吗I have to look and think about it, okay?带他回来我可以弄清楚为什么每次他的选择总是你Brought him back, and I couldve finally understood why every time he chose you 你说得对You were right.我的确不该看I shouldnt have looked.抓住了快点Come on. Come on.哦不No, no, no, wait刚掉下去的是雪林卓雅的法杖吗Did we just

27、lose Cherlindrea*s wand?完蛋了Yikes.威洛会杀了我的Willows gonna kill me.他很可能这么做Yeah, he might actually kill you.别添乱了波尔曼Not helpful, Boorman.这件事还是先别告诉他比较好But maybe just dont mention it straight away.过来Come on.那么So.到饭点儿了吧Is it lunch time yet?你刚才说什么What were you saying?既然你们一起参与了阿堇山大战Just if you guys fought toget

28、her in the Arkreeshian Wars. 是的Yeah.为什么我以前从来就.why werent you around when I was.我的意思是没有见过你I mean, when I was, like, growing?天地之极大战后马德马蒂根就走了Mads deserted after the Battle at Lands End;他都是为了宝物和荣誉ran off to chase fortune and glory.我很久都不能释怀Took a lot to forgive him for that.一怪他言而无信吗对什么-For breaking his o

29、ath? - Yeah, what?不是怪他不带我一起去No, for not inviting me to go with him.好吧Okay我差一点就毁容了Nearly got a mace in the face.都下去Get down there.-对继续好了这边-Right. Move on. - Okay, come on.-那是什么-不清楚-What was that? -1 dont know.总之二十年后当马德马蒂根找到我时Anyhow, I was passed out drunk in a Hazelton.我正醉倒在黑泽尔顿的一家窑子里friendship parlo

30、r when Mads tracked me down after 20 years, 邀请我和他一起开始新的冒险asked me to join with him for one more adventure.去找胸甲To find the Cuirass.没错Yeah.要是知道会在这破鸟笼里关上十年Had rd known Id be spending ten years in a crows cage,我肯定会婉拒的I wouldve politely declined.但是怎么说呢他是我兄弟我爱他But, you know, what can I say? He*s my brothe

31、r, I love him.我也是Me too.他给我惹上过不少麻烦For all the trouble he used to get me in to,可这次我真的需要他I really couldVe used him on this one.这些家伙好像完全不动地方It doesnt look like this goons goin* anywhere.好像是这样Doesnt seem so.你怎么看不知道-What do you think? -1 don*t know.见鬼我最讨厌两样东西一个就是杀人Damn it. Theres two things I hate, and o

32、ne of fem is killing.他会放下武器离开这里吗Do you think Hell put this weapon down and walk away?应该不会但别害怕Probably not, but thats okay我会迅速地解决他然后我们一起去吃老鼠吧Ill deal with him in seconds flat Then well go and eat a rat你脑子没毛病吧No. Definitely not.诡异的声音可怕的空城不了谢谢Spooky voice, scary city. No, thanks.那是什么What was that.真是见鬼T

33、hat is crazy.不要吓我不谢谢你了Not today. No, thank you.好吧All right.去看看吧Here we go.没事吧You okay?我的拐杖没了法杖也是Wish I had my staffs or the wand.能缓解我头疼的草药也没了Some cainroot for this thrumming headache.来吧Come on.凭借你的智慧加上我的机敏Your wits, my sprightliness.我们很快就能逃出去Were gonna be outta here in no time.不好意思Im sorry.每个刚进来的人都会

34、这么以为Thats just what everyone says when they get thrown in here.对吧伙计们Isnt that right, guys?我当年被扔进来时不也说了类似的豪言壮语吗Didnt I almost say exactly those same words when they tossed me in?那你被关进来多久了Well, how long ago was that?哦我想想今天周几星期三吗Well, lets see. Whats today? Wednesday?应该有十年了差不多吧Fd say about ten years, g

35、ive or take.头几年一直尝试逃跑Really tried those first few.What is wrong with you?给你Here.嘿哥们你能不能把武器放下离开这里呢Hey, buddy, any chance youll put your weapon down and walk away?看来不会Didnt think so.嘿伙计们过来吧Hey, guys, come on.还有一样呢Whats the other thing?你讨厌的是橄榄-That you hate. - Olives.是吗Really?我喜欢橄榄I love olives.我们找了足足三

36、年一次次扑空Three years of searching the world,最后到了这里一条隐藏的密道vague clues, dead ends, finally led us here, to a hidden doorway.通往什么地方Doorway to what?威格海姆的坟墓Wiggleheim tomb.传说中的内尔温冒险家说书人飞镖冠军Legendary Nelwyn adventurer, raconteur, darts champion.据说他所有的收藏都跟着一起陪葬了They say hes buried with all the treasures from

37、his adventures,很可能包括凯梅里亚胸甲凯梅里亚胸甲-including, possibly the Kymerian Cuirass. - The Kymerian Cuirass.没见你父亲这么激动过Never seen your father so excited,甚至比那次我们三个一起even more than that time we were with those three.对Yeah.他把波尔曼当儿子看待为他赴汤蹈火He thought of Boorman like a son, woulcfve died for him.结果他背叛我们偷了密钥So when

38、he betrayed us and stole the Lux.你父亲很伤心Broke his heart.来吧Come on.这里怎么了What happened here?被火烧的Fire.你确定没走错吗Do you actually know where were going?我也觉得很不对劲Yeah, rcause this doesnt feel right.没错差不多快到了It is. Were almost there.快到哪儿Almost where?威格海姆的坟墓Wiggleheim*s tomb.好吧在你们两个崩溃之前Okay, before you two comple

39、tely flip out, 如果我带你们去乌鸦笼可能就会困在里面 if Ird taken you to the crows cages, we wouldVe ended up in one. 尽管现在你们不一定相信I know it doesnt seem like it right now, 但我真的是为了救出珂特和威洛but everything Ive done has been for Kit and Willow.目前看来我们唯一能找到他们The only way were gonna ever find them, 救出他们活着离开这里的最佳办法save them, and

40、get them outta this place alive 就是能让我拿到凯梅里亚胸甲is if Tm wearing the Kymerian Cuirass.我服了 又来这套-1 knew it. - Unbelievable.你们找到这扇门之后呢What happened when you found the door?山精们把我们逼入绝境The Trolls had us cornered.你♥爸♥进去了我在外面殿后I fought them off so he could go in.他们只知道传说中的马德马蒂根They were only inter

41、ested in the legendary Madmartigan, 所以当我被抓时我冒充了他so when they caught me, I gave them his name instead of mine 这样他们就会放弃搜寻而他就可以.so theyd stop looking and he could.拯救世界save the world.已经过去十年了Now, that was ten years ago.我不知道门的另一边是什么情况I dont know whats on the other side of that door为什么他再也没有出来但我们会搞清楚的or wha

42、ts keeping him from coming back, but Im gonna find out. 我和你一起去And Im comin* with you.-怎么才能离开这鬼地方-天呐-How do you get outta this place? - Oh, God.我要崩溃了婕德Im spinnin out, J.千万不要No. No.真的Yeah.而且这已经不是第一次了And its not the first time either.这种恐慌感每次都会出现只要我快要This panicky feeling happens whenever I get close to.

43、我本以为我快要领悟到了I really thought I was starting to figure it out.什么What?魔法Magic.对Yeah.糟糕的是我越是想要去控制它就越是But its like, the harder I try to control it, the more I just.就好像越抓不住I feel like its slipping away.然后我就.开始失控And then ImIm spinning.我无法不-1 dont. - No.这不怪你好吗Its not you, okay?好的是这地方-Okay. - Its this place.

44、是Yeah.不是No.我很肯定Definitely.是我It*s me.这都怪你This is your fault.我反对Uh, untrue.我很抱歉Im so sorry.别这样Dont be.你只是太担心珂特Youre worried about Kit.我本可以察觉他在撒谎他这人死不悔改I shouldve known he lied. Itrs all he ever does.我们每个人都有一定的责任Lets all agree that were somewhat culpable for something,但现在能不能先集中精力来找暗门对吧and maybe just tr

45、y and concentrate on finding the secret door, yeah?它应该就在这附近Which should be here somewhere.我记得后面还有一条通道没找过Think theres another tunnel back there that we didnt try.去找找看Ifs worth a shot.等等等一下Wait Just.请等等Please. Wait.我可以的I can do this.我能救出所有人I can save everyone.我可以弥补的I can fix it.弥补什么Fix what?我一生最后悔的过错T

46、he biggest mistake of my life.-如果我当时一波尔曼 If Id just. - Boorman.瞧你现在胖得像一袋子土豆Big sack of potatoes真是太久没见了Ifs been a long time.叛徒Traitor.法杖在哪儿Uh, wheres the wand?听着我也说不准大概是被我弄丢了Look, I may or may not have, well, kind of, like, dropped it.什么What?她是为了救我才会She dropped it to save me.-对就是那样-闭嘴-Yeah, exactly. - Shush, you.我的手杖呢你也给弄丢了吗And the staff? What, you drop that too?没有在格雷顿那儿No. Graydon has that.格雷顿人呢And wheres Graydon?我猜他现在应该是在特里顿层当主管吧Supervising a spill on Triton level, probably.你这丫头惹出大♥麻♥烦了 我知道-You are in serious trouble, young lady. - Yeah, I know.头发头发别抓


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