Ms. Marvel《惊奇少女(2022)》第一季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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1、这很酷啊这是外婆的吗This is so cool. Is this Nanis?这就是垃圾That is junk.前情提要-那是什么-我的个人风格配饰-What is that? - My personal self-expression.我简直不敢相信布鲁诺我真的有了超能力I cant believe it, Bruno, I actually have powers.我从来没见过这样的力量Ive never seen powers like that.然后那个有超能力的人想杀了你And then the enhanced individual tried to kill you?她没有

2、要杀我她其实救了我She didnt try to kill me. She saved my life.搜查每一座寺庙社区中心还有清♥真♥寺Search every temple, community center, and mosque.那个手镯帮助你翻开了诺尔That bangle helps you unlock the Noor.所以你想要这个手镯吗So you want my bangle?难道你不想回家吗Dont you want to go home?我当然想回去了Of course I do.但是为了平安起见我把手镯藏起来了But I hid th

3、e bangle for safe keeping.我会不择手段找到它的Ill find it if its the last thing I do.纳杰玛不要Najma, no!没用的It wont work!“汝之所寻亦将寻汝”What you seek is seeking you.我们没时间了把萨那送上火车We dont have much time. Get Sana on the train.保护好手镯And protect that bangle.我画不出来星星外婆但是我会画圆圈可以吗I cant do stars, Nani, but I can do circles, oka

4、y?Hes right. Please go. If you say youre not with us, they wont hurt you.-他们已经把我的公♥寓♥炸了-他们闯进清&hearts滇♥寺两次-Well, they already blew up my apartment. -They invaded the mosque. Twice.他们还想骗我把你们供出去They tried to trick me into giving you up.-你在这干什么-剧场的灯光很好-What are you doing here? - The

5、 theater has good lighting.我在那里拍短视频Its where I film my TikToks.你救了我的命我还欠你一个人情呢And I owe you for saving my life.好吧Okay.我们要和你们一起Were with you.佐伊应该也一样And I guess so is Zoe.那么计划是什么So whats the plan?计划是这样的This is the plan.既然损害控制局已经来了我们肯定躲不开他们Since DODC is already here, we obviously cant outrun them,在卡姆兰平

6、安之前我们要尽可能地干扰他们和拖延时间明白了吗so we distract and stall as long as possible until Kamrans safe. Got it?学校不好意思Yeah, yeah, excuse me. Hey.你们确定有权限这么做吗You sure you have authorization for any of this? I mean.听着不错你们逃跑的时候我们来拖住他们Sounds good. Well keep them busy while you run out the back.你怎么会在这你是怎么进来的-What are you

7、doing here? -How did you get in here?厕所的窗户啊我可也是从这毕业的Bathroom window. I went to school here, too.-妈妈让我来帮你-超级英雄可不需要保姆-Mom sent me to watch out for you. -Superheroes dont need chaperones.-你自己去和她说-各位没时间了-Take it up with her. -Guys, clocks ticking.好吧别给我们添乱就行Fine. Just dont ruin anything.阿米尔和佐伊你们去拿东西Aamir

8、 and Zoe, you grab supplies.卫衣-拿上骨骼标本布鲁诺和我负责准备武器Bruno and I are on mad scientist duty.然后我们要拿上学校里所有的灭火器After that, we grab every single fire extinguisher in the school.佐伊你是垒球队的对吗Zoe, youre on the softball team, right?你和纳基亚尽可能多拿些球来You and Nakia grab as many balls as you can.有问题吗Any questions?所以我们要用垒球来

9、阻止损害控制局So, were gonna stop Damage Control with softballs?不我们要用垒球来拖住损害控制局No. Were going to stall Damage Control with softballs.计划的关键就是佐伊And the real plan is Zoe.我们正在包围这些超能力者Hey, we are closing in on the enhanced individuals as we speak.对他们居然是在一所高中动手Yes. And theyre doing it in front of a high school.有

10、一种东西叫负面新闻我可不想惹上麻烦怎么回事Theres such a thing as bad press, and I dont like it. What is this?超能力者不止一个人是两个人It is not just one enhanced individual, it is two, 他们一边逃窜一边搞破坏and they are leaving a trail of destruction all through Jersey City.给我三分钟的时间我向你保证Just give me three minutes and I promise you.-长官可以行动了吗等着

11、-Maam, are we a go? - Hold.不行哪怕只要十秒也不行好吗Dont. I dont care if you need another 10 seconds, okay?我不会同意的Youre not gonna get it.马上撤退迪弗听见了吗Evacuate now, Deever. You hear me?明白Understood.我们已经就位可以开始了吗Were in position. Do we have a green light?呼叫所有增援马上Call in all additional units. Now.你的意思是你知道卡玛拉有超能力但是你什么都没

12、说So you mean to tell me you knew Kamala had powers and you didnt say anything? 这可不像你的作风啊Cause its not like you.卡玛拉在复仇者展会救了我的命You know, Kamala saved my life at AvengerCon.我觉得卡玛拉做好准备的时候她自己会公布的Kamala should be able to tell the world when shes ready.我在巴基斯坦的时候出事了Something happened in Pakistan.卡姆兰的妈妈她和家族的

13、其他人跟着我去了卡拉奇Kamrans mom, she and the rest of the Clandestines followed me to Karachi, 他们要用妖灵的世界毁掉我们的世界and pretty hell-bent on steamrolling over our world with the Djinn realm. 然后呢-Okay. And? -I stopped them.纳杰玛死了Najma didnt make it.看来你不是表弟卡姆兰Not cousin Kamran, huh?-那你为什么和我妹妹在一起-教她开车-What were you eve

14、n doing with my sister? -Driving lessons.你真的喜欢英国家庭烘焙大赛吗Do you even like British Bake Off?你要保证不管怎么样都不要告诉卡姆兰好吗Just promise me, whatever you do, do not tell Kamran that. Okay?等我们逃出去再说Not until were all out of here.没问题上Clear. Go.上Go.我帮你的唯一原因Im only helping you out就是我妹妹是我认识的最聪明的人之一because my sisters one

15、of the smartest people I know.我知道她不会随便帮助那些不配的人And I know she wouldnt help anybody out that didnt deserve it.等等Hold.看来有炸♥弹♥Looks like we got a bomb.我们在西侧发现f炸&hearts湃♥需要拆弹小队支援Got a bomb in the west wing. Were gonna need the bomb squad.撤退Fall back. Fall back.你们这么多人来抓我好吧They sent al

16、l of you just for me? Nice.佐伊上传线路可以了但是不知道能支撑多久开始吧Zoe, the uplink is live, but I dont know for how long. Do it now.我是佐伊我在科尔斯学院高中Its Zo, at Coles High School.损害控制局包围了我和我的朋友Damage Control has me and my friends surrounded.我们有两个超能力者我知道他们正在遭受攻击Two have superpowers, I know, but they*re being targeted.这些人非常

17、可怕而且他们不依不饶These people are super scary, and theyre just not backing down.拜托大家帮帮我们吧Please, you have to help us.我所有忠实的粉丝们把这条消息转发出去To all my loyal followers, tag this message and share stories.穆尼巴-Muneeba.到科尔斯高中来把消息传出去拜托了 拉希德刚刚发给我的-Come to Coles, spread the word. Help us. -Look at what Rasheed just sen

18、t me. 队长收到请回复队长Team Leader, do you read me? Team Leader?目标身穿红色卫衣戴棒球帽重复Target in a red hoodie and a baseball cap. Repeat.目标身穿红色卫衣戴棒球帽Target on foot in a red hoodie and a baseball cap.不许动Hey, you. Freeze.快走Go! Go!我们在追踪多名疑犯外貌相似重复外貌相似Were chasing multiple suspects. All identical. I repeat, all identical

19、.什么他还会分身术了What, he can multiply now?走Go!-没事的你会没事的好吗-嗯-Its okay. Youre gonna be okay. Okay? -Yeah.东侧他们往体育馆去了East wing, east wing. Theyre headed towards the gym.你还撑得住吗Still with me?只要有你在Always was.你们该Hey, you guys gotta.快走有一队特工往这边来了我来拖住他们Go. Um, theres a team of agents heading down this way. Ill keep

20、them busy. 好吗快点Okay? Come on, come on.11里Hey.谢谢布鲁诺Thanks, Bruno.没事Okay.各位跟我一起跳舞吧Hey! Guys, come dance with me.你们喜欢这些舞步吧You know you like these moves.各位怎么了Hey, guys, whats going on?你们要不许动举起手来-You want to. - Freeze! Hands up!-别动-闭嘴-Dont move! - Shut up!上Move!成功了Its working.我的朋友有个接头人他在码头等你My friend has

21、 a contact. He can meet you at the docks.这个朋友是红匕♥首♥他们对吗This friend of yours, theyre the Red Daggers, arent they?是不是他们They are, arent they?红匕♥首♥对我的威胁和那些警♥察♥-一样The Red Daggers are as much a threat to me as those cops are out there.几十年来他们一直在和我的家族对抗Theyve been f

22、ighting my family for decades.我相信他们和警♥察♥不一样Pretty sure those guys arent cops.我要找克兰戴斯汀家族的人我要找我母亲I need the Clandestines. I need my mother.我母亲怎么了What happened to my mother?真恶心Gross.在巴基斯坦发生了什么告诉我What happened in Pakistan? Just tell me.纳杰玛得偿所愿了好吗她刺破了诺尔帷幕Najma did exactly what she swore she

23、 was gonna do. Okay? She pierced the Veil. 她要毁掉所有的一切She tried to destroy everything.她是要拯救我们的世界我的故乡She was trying to save our world. My home.我母亲死了是不是My mothers dead, isnt she?我很抱歉Im sorry.给我站住Stop right there!-好了各位-尤瑟夫手♥机♥-Okay, okay, okay. Folks, folks, folks. -Yusuf. Phone.好先生请您冷静-Yea

24、h. - Lower the temperature, sir.拜托我们在维持秩序女士Please. Were trying to keep the peace here, maam.女士先生拜托好吗Maam. Sir. Sir. Please. Please, okay?-把我们的人带进去-在外♥围♥设置警戒线-Lets bring our guys in. -Set up a perimeter on the outside edge.盯住他们Get them in your sights.不要开枪Hold steady. Easy.等一下Hold. Hold.

25、跪在地上Get on your knees.快点Now.听话啊快跪下Come on, man. Get down.跪下On your knees.开火Fire.不No! No, no, no!快点-Come on. -Come on.不快躲开No! Get out!住手Stop it!停火Cease fire.-住手-别伤害她-Stop! - Leave her alone!为什公朝她开枪Why would you shoot at her?-不要开枪-不要朝她开枪-Dont shoot! - Dont shoot at her!宝贝离开那里Beta, get out of there.-卡玛

26、拉-宝贝-Kamala! - Beta!充电中卡玛拉-卡玛拉你可以的-Kamala. -Come on, KK.站起来Get up.放马过来吧Embiggen.太棒了-Whoa! - Yes!各位没事吧Hey, guys. Are you okay?-没事夜光侠女士 -不要这么叫我-Yes, Ms. Night Light. -Not that name.开火Fire.太棒了Yeah!不No, no, no, no. No!我接住了I got it.卡姆兰Kamran!卡玛拉看看他们Kamala, look around.他们永远不会接受我的他们也永远不会接受你的Theyre never go

27、ing to accept me, and theyll never accept you either.-我母亲说得对这里不是我的家-但是她为了你拯救了这个世界-My mom was right. This isnt my home. -But she saved it for you.在她最后的时刻她把一切都给了你她想要保护你In her last moments, she sent everything she had to protect you. 她选择了你She chose you.看看我做的一切卡玛拉Look at everything Ive done, Kamala.我现在该

28、怎么办我怎么才能变回正常人What am I supposed to do now? How can I be normal?本来就没有正常不正常的There is no normal.我们只能自己决定如何使用我们的能力Theres just us and what we do with what weve been given.快去港口我来为你争取时间Get to the harbor. Ill buy you time.谢谢你Thank you.起来Getup!抓住她Get her!快走Go, go.宝贝你没事吧真是太厉害了Beta, beta, are you okay? That wa

29、s amazing.看他们都和你在一起Look. Theyre all with you.让一下警官Step aside, Sergeant.-女士们先生们-你给我站住-Ladies and gentlemen. -Stop right there.-她只是想帮助她救了我们-Shes just trying to help. - She saved our lives.她救了我们所有人All of us.是找你的Its for you.-喂-什么也别说什么也别做-Yes? -Dont say anything, dont do anything.赶紧离开那里好吗Just get out of

30、there. Okay?你公然违背了我的命令用我们的名义You went against my orders, publicly, and then you attacked a bunch of kids袭击了一群孩子你知道这意味着什么吗是的using our name. And you know what that means? Yes.你被撤职了有人会来收拾你的烂摊子Youre relieved of duty. A unit is coming to fix your mess.立刻离开那里Get out of there, now.所有人撤退Team, go out!你好泽西市-泽西

31、市太厉害了-Salamalekum, Jersey. -.City, baby.-我们见证了历史-终于-We were part of history. -Finally.我激动得直发抖你看Whoo! Im shaking. You can see.我是鲁比带给各位今天的新闻Ruby here with todays news.每个人都在问我“鲁比你知道她是谁吗”Everyone keeps asking me, Ruby, do you know who she is?就算我知道她是谁我也不会告诉你的If I knew who she was, I wouldnt tell you here

32、.她看着很眼熟啊-太疯狂了天啊她就“砰”地一下-She looked so familiar. -It was wild, man! She was like, kapow!看招Take that. Kablam!她将来想要找老公可不容易了Its gonna be difficult for her to find a husband.她说什么来着纳贾夫的卷饼是泽西市最棒的Whatd she say? Najafs gyros are the best in Jersey City! 我现在像是个热狗希望这个热狗是清&hearts滇♥的Looks like I am now a

33、hot dog. Lets hope this hot dog is Halal.-我的心跳得飞快-真是太.-My heart was racing. -It was so.我的一生在眼前闪过前一刻我们还在-My life flashing before my eyes. -One moment we were doing.我坐在那里看着.I sat there and watched.纳基亚巴哈德尔向全世界宣布她是我的女朋友Nakia Bahadir declared to the world she was my girlfriend.-给我们讲讲怎么回事-不了谢谢这可是你的频道-Tell

34、 us how it was. -No, thank you. This is your video.是但是作为你的队友我要用我的平台来帮你发声Yes. But as an ally, I wanna use my platform to amplify your voice.-是啊真的很酷-真是太酷了-Yeah, it was really cool. -It was so cool!-真的非常酷-她就是个超级英雄-It was really, really cool. -Shes a freaking action superhero.太厉害了Mad skills.但我不知道她把我扔下去摔

35、断腿时她的超能力去哪了But I dont know where those skills went when she dropped me and broke my leg.-没准我是个试验品-这周五来一起庆祝吧-Guess I was the beta test. -Come celebrate this Friday.庆祝我们自己的超级英雄Celebrate our own superhero.冰淇淋披萨免费但是得先祷告Free ice-cream pizza. After salah, of course. Yeah.卡玛拉Kamala?萨那Sana.原来是我It was me.诺尔帷

36、幕The Veil.没用的它只会毁了一切Its not gonna work. Its just gonna destroy everything.你还有卡姆兰呢You have Kamran.我把他丢下了I left him behind.妈妈Ammi.只有一个方法There is only one way.-我可以关上它-不-I can close it. -No!布莱恩Brian?你在这干什么What are you doing here?我不知道还能去哪I dont know where to go.我不会让你自己去对付损害控制局的I wont let you deal with Da

37、mage Control yourself.我被跟踪了我们得赶紧走Ive been followed. We have to go.你也有超能力You have powers, too?这就是错误的人掌握超能力的后果This is what happens when the wrong people get powers.你说的错误的人指的是谁啊What do you mean, the wrong people?那些小孩啊巴里探员我们需要封锁这座城市Kids, Agent Barrie. We need to lock the city down在有其他人受伤之前把他们抓起来and get

38、them in now before anyone else gets hurt-用加强弹♥药♥-用不致命的-Enhanced rounds? -Non-lethal.我要活捉这个孩子这样才能弄明白他到底有什么能力卡玛拉Kamala?宝贝你在这干什么Hey, beta. What are you doing here?天啊这太可怕了Oh, my God. This is really scary.好了Yeah, right.很好Nice.你现在已经是最棒的新超级英雄了名字叫.So, you are now the great new superhero called

39、.叫什么我还没想好呢-Called what? -Im still figuring it out.是啊Of course you are.我们大家也在想呢Yeah, were all still figuring it out.但是你救了大家卡玛拉But you saved people, Kamala.这是我拿过的最重的东西了我看到周围都是损害控制局的探员Heaviest thing I ever picked up. I saw Damage Control agents all around, 所以我就一边转身一边攻击他们so I spun around and shot them i

40、n the face.你拯救了生命这个阳台不平安-You saved lives. - The balconies arent safe.这个问题也得解决你记下来了吗We need to fix that. Are you writing that down?只要拯救了一个生命And if you saved one life.就是拯救了全世界Well, you saved the world.你知道我们为什么给你起名叫卡玛拉吗Do you know why we named you Kamala?你妈妈和我一直很想要第二个孩子Your mother and I tried for years

41、 to have a second child.我们都快放弃了Wed almost lost all hope.然后你就到来了And then you came.宝贝你真的是太完美了Beta, you were just so perfect.在阿♥拉♥伯语里卡玛拉这个词代表着“完美Thats what kamal means in Arabic. Perfect.但是在乌尔都语里更像是But in Urdu, its more like.怎么说来着Whats the word?“神奇惊奇”Wonder. Marvel.卡玛拉是惊奇的意思Kamal means ma

42、rvel.我居然和卡罗尔丹弗斯重名I share the same name as Carol fricking Danvers?我不知道那是谁I dont know who that is.但是你一直都是But you sure are and always have been我们的惊奇少女our own little Ms. Marvel.我爱你I love you.我也爱你Love you, too.魔法Magic.这绝对是魔法Absolute magic.一周后你好Yo.-你在开玩笑吗-卡姆兰把车留下来了-Are you kidding me? -Kamran left his car

43、.我知道I see that.当然了他可是偷逃出国的Obviously, he had to be snuck out of the country.他说这车归我了 -不可能-I mean, he told me I could have it. -No, he didnt.-他真的说了 -他才没那么说-Yes, he did. -No, he did not.他真的说了我们在爆&hearts滩♥的时候就是哥们了Yes. We really bonded in that explosion, okay?这车我开着也不错我可能会开到加州理工去I look good driving

44、it. Probably take it to Caltech.我个人认为这辆车更适合泽西市的街道I, for one, think that it looks much better on the streets of Jersey City-说实话你要是不在车里就更好了 -不对-without you in it, to be honest with you. -No.-我也赞同-不我不赞同-Yes, I for two. -No. No. I, for three, disagree.我真的为你感到骄傲我会想你的Im proud of you. Really. Im gonna miss

45、 you.我离你们只有四十三个小时的车程I will only be a 43-hour drive away.对了我有件事要告诉你Oh, also, I need to tell you something.我又回去看了你的基因构成Okay. So, I went back and looked at your genetic make-up again.布鲁诺你要是无聊的话可以给我打电♥话♥Bruno, you know you can call me when youre bored.不阿米尔总是问我他是不是也有超能力No. No, no. Aamir kep

46、t asking if he might have powers, too.我想我们可能一开始就搞错了And I think we mightve had it wrong the first time around.什么意思What do you mean?我们知道你为什么可以使用诺尔以及如何使用它So, we know why you have access to the Noor and how you can wield it, 但是我把你的基因和你家人比对好像有些不对劲but when I compared you to the rest of your family, someth

47、ing still seemed off. 所以呢Okay.卡玛拉你的基因不太一样Kamala, theres something different in your genes.就像是Like.就像是变异了Like a mutation.不管变异成什么我还是我Whatever it is, its just gonna be another label.把钥匙给我Keys, please.好吧Fine.上车吧各位我们去吃土耳其烤肉Get in, losers. Were getting shawarma.我爱死你了 你怎么拿到钥匙的-I love you! -Hey, how did you get my keys?感觉真爽加州理工的水平也不过如此嘛Feels good. Now I guess were both Caltech ki


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