Conversations with Friends《聊天记录(2022)》第一季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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2、我我到站了This is my stop here.好Okay.我到妈妈家再打给你Ill call you from my mums.好Yeah.怎么样,.能聊聊你的假期吗So. am I gonna hear about this holiday at all?当然-那地方怎么样Sure, yeah. - What was the place like?嗯那儿Um. it was-那儿非常棒It was really nice.天气好吗Did you have good weather?我该走了你一切都好吧?I need to head there. Are you. okay for ev

3、erything? 当然了Of course, I am.那就好Okay.再见Bye.再见Bye.嗨.嗨你♥爸♥怎么样Hey. - Hey. Hows your dad?至少你去看他了At least you went.他是你♥爸♥这对他很重要Hes your father. Its important.为什么Why?你嫁给他的时候他就是这样吗When you married him, was he ever like this?弗朗西丝我不知道I donrt know, Frances.我不记得了I dont remember.好吧我明

4、天该回都柏林了Okay. I think Ill go back to Dublin tomorrow.好吧Okay.我感觉好多了谢谢And I am feeling better. Thanks.抱歉Sorry.我去睡了 弗朗西丝Im gonna go to bed. - Frances.怎么了Yeah?和博比和好吧好吗Make it up with Bobbi, will you?我不想看到你这样I hate seeing you like this.嗨嗨Hey. - Hey.这几天我跟Dara住在一起I was staying with Dara for a few nights.实在不

5、想回家Home is just too much right now.抱歉Sorry.喝点什么吗不用了Do you want a drink? - Im fine.我很抱歉没告诉你我和尼克的事Im sorry I didnt tell you about Nick.真的很抱歉Im really sorry.好吧Okay.我这一周都觉得心里难受Fve been feeling sick about it all week.是吗Have you?我只是想搞清楚I think I just wanted to work it out,这段关系到底算什么whatever it was.因为我真的不知道

6、Because I dont这算什么really know what it is or也不知道这意味着什么what it means.嗯Right.要是我没有撞见你们你会主动告诉我吗If I hadnt have walked in on you, would you ever have told me?应该会吧我不确定I think so, but I-I dont know.走进去看到你们躺在一起真♥他♥妈♥尴尬It*s fucking embarrassing walking in and seeing you together.感觉我自己是个多

7、余的人Feeling like I was the one that shouldn*t be there.你懂我当时的感受吗Do you understand what that was like for me?我懂I do.我很抱歉I am sorry.但是博比有时候很难告诉你一些事But, Bobbi, its hard to tell you things sometimes.你很爱批判别人You*re judgmental.你不喜欢尼克You dont like Nick.你觉得他很无聊或者很呆板You think hes boring or conventional.你总想把他从我

8、身边赶走You took every opportunity to slag him off to me.这让我怎么告诉你呢How was I supposed to tell you?我的看法重要吗Why does it matter what I think?对我来说很重要It matters to me what you think.为什么Why?不为什么就是很重要Because it does.你清楚的You know that.我讨厌你觉得有些事没法跟我说I hate that you feel like you cant tell me things.其实我是喜欢他的For wha

9、t it*s worth, I do actually like him.越来越喜欢Hes grown on me.谢谢Thanks.但尼克并不是问题所在Nicks not actually the problem, though.问题在于你让我感觉我是在打搅你的生活You making me feel like an intruder in your life is the problem. 你这样想让我很害怕It horrifies me that you felt like an intruder.根本就不是这样因为Doesnt even make sense because-说真的当我

10、想到自己的生活时Honestly, when I think of my life, 我想象的是你在我生活的中心I imagine you at the center.好啦弗朗西丝你怎么突然这么煽情Okay, well, now youre just being sentimental, Frances.你要出去透透气吗好Do you want to go get some air? - Yeah.我们回来的那天晚上我进医院了I had to go to the hospital the night we got back.什么?真的假的?What? Seriously?真的我在急诊室里待了一

11、晚Uh, yeah. Uh, I was in A&E for the night.你还好吧?Are you okay?呃还好Um. I think so.我我不是很确定呃I-I dont really know. Um医生本来以为是流产They thought it might have been a miscarriage.但其实不是Um, it-it wasnt, though.那挺严重啊Thats pretty intense.是吗?我不知道Is it? I dont know.当然了弗朗西丝Come on, Frances.我我不知道可能吧I- I dont know. Probab

12、ly. What-如果一件事其实没什么大不了What are you even allowed to feel about something 你还有资格有任何感受吗?that probably wasnt anything at all?你说呢You tell me.这件事让我很困惑It was confusing.那肯定啊Of course, it was.你有可能真的怀孕了 ?And you could have been pregnant?嗯什么意思?Um. what do you mean?因为没用任何避孕措施而怀孕?Like you didnt use protection or

13、whatever?我们没有就是说Uh, we didnt, uh; like-我没有在责怪你就是他这样让我有点意外Im not blaming you. Tm just surprised at him is all. 老实说没避孕可能是我的主意It was probably my idea, honestly.我是说他其实非常被动所以I mean, he*s actually very passive; so-嗯哼但他可以拒绝的Right. But he could have said no.可能他只是表现得很被动Maybe he just acts passive这样他就不用为任何事情负责

14、任了so he doesnt have to take the blame for anything.博比你又这样Bobbi, youre doing it again.你又评判他Youre literally doing the thing.对不起知道了Sorry. Okay.我们还是朋友吧?Are you still my friend?是啊Yeah.我们当然还是朋友Of course, Irm still your friend.不错非常热Yeah, it was really hot.我快跟不上你的思路了亲爱的I cant keep up with the level of detai

15、l here, love.博比玩儿得开心吗Bobbi have a good time?她总是很享受旅行Bobbi always has a good time.你们俩吵架了还是怎么的You two have a row or something?没有没有No. No.谢谢Thanks.吃吧吃了会感觉好一些Just eat. Youll feel better.妈你能过来一下吗Mum! Can you come here, please?怎么了What?你能不能过来一下Can you come here for a second, please?怎么了Whats wrong?究竟怎么了What

16、s wrong?没事吧Youre alright.什么时候开始的?When did this start?就刚刚是来月经了吗?Just there. - Is it your period?不知道好像比月经严重I dont know, it seems worse than my period.不这这不对劲Ah, no, this-this doesnt look normal.有没有可能是你怀孕了 ?Is there any chance you could be pregnant?我不知道I dont know.好好想想弗朗西丝这很重要Well think, Frances. It cou

17、ld be serious.有可能是吗?好Yeah? Okay.我们现在就去医院好吗?We*re going to the hospital, okay?我去帮你拿外套你在这等一下111 get your clothes. You wait there.凯文麦克唐纳在吗?Kevin MacDonald?他比咱们来的晚等一下He came in after us. Hang on.妈妈没关系的Mum, its fine.打搅一下Excuse me?弗朗西丝? 是我Frances? - Yeah.抱歉让你久等了Sorry to keep you waiting so long.我是奥德医生我要问你

18、几个问题Im Dr. ODowd, Im gonna ask some questions, 然后给你做几项检查and Im gonna run a few tests.好的不好意思Okay. - Oh, sorry.能不能伸一下这条胳膊If I could just get that arm, please.很好谢谢Yeah, perfect. Thank you.手臂放松And just relax your arm.要不我去泡点茶来Can I get us some tea or-好-谢谢Please. - Thank you.你最近性行为很频繁吗?Are you sexually ac

19、tive at the moment?对Uh, yeah.你上次来月经是什么时候?What was the date of your last period?呃记不清了Um, Im not sure.你采取什么避孕措施?吃避孕药?What do you use for contraception? Are you on the pill?用避孕套每次都用?Condoms. - Do you always use condoms?我从来没有过无保护的性行为Ive never had unprotected sex.是吗?Never?好Okay.其实也不完全算Well, like, not ful

20、ly.不算完全有保护措施?Well, not fully unprotected?不好意思我没听懂Sorry, I dont follow.不算完全做了Not full sex.什么?Right?我是说他没有内♥射♥够清楚了吗?I mean, he didn*t come inside me. Am I not being clear?好吧Right.我要检查一下你有没有怀孕I am going to check for signs of pregnancy.这几天你的HCG水平会持续升高The HCG levels would remain elevated fo

21、r a few days如果你真怀孕了if there had been one.你的尿样呢?Do you have a urine sample there?我的天哪Oh, my God.稍等一下Just one minute.大家都聚在这里我刚逃出来Everyones still up there. Just ducked out.呃不好意思Sorry. I, um-我想跟你谈谈I just wanted to talk.你还好吗?Are you okay?呃Um, just-弗朗西丝你喝醉了吗?Frances, are you drunk?你还在吗-我没有Hello? - No, I-不

22、好意思Sorry.再见弗朗西丝Bye. - Frances今晚我们明早再来给她做检查.tonight and then well check on her again in the morning.弗朗西丝嗯So, Frances- - Yeah.嗯Okay, so.你还乐意跟我说话吗?You happy to talk to me still?嗯Uh, yeah.确定吗?好吧You sure? Okay.你没有怀孕Well, there was no sign of pregnancy,所以这不是流产so you did not have a miscarriage, 你也没有感染一切都很正

23、常and theres no indication of infection or any other irregularities.不过你疼得这么厉害倒是让我很担忧Uh, the amount of pain you are in concerns me though.妇科医生早上八点上班The gynecologist starts at 8:00.我想让你留在这里等她明天来给你检查I would like to keep you here until then so she can take a look at you as well. 这样可以吗? 可以Is that alright?

24、 - Okay.好那就这样尽量睡会儿吧Alright, then, try to get some sleep.你妈也该回家了Mum should go home.你们俩都需要休息You both need to rest, okay?嗯Um-好Okay.你一个人在这里可以吗?Will you be okay like this?别担忧回去吧你累坏了我没事的Yeah. Go. You*re wrecked. Tm fine.有事随时给我打电♥话♥So, Fil have my phone on.好没问题Yeah. Okay.你好弗朗西丝Hi, Frances.我是今

25、天值班的妇科医生丽塔马奎尔Im Dr. Rita Maguire. Im the gynecologist on today.我要给你做检查Im gonna be doing your examination this morning.可能会有点压♥迫♥感准备好了吗?There*ll be a bit of pressure now. Ready?很好你做得很好Well done. You*re doing really well.好我正在检查你的子♥宫♥Okay, Trn examining the womb.需要我停下来吗?Would

26、 you like me to stop?不用没关系No, its fine.好需要的话就告诉我Okay, just say.好了目前看来没什么需要担忧的Okay. There*s nothing serious showing up as far as we can tell.但为了以防万一我会在都柏林给你约一个超声波检查But Im gonna get you in for an ultrasound in Dublin, to be sure. 在此期间我会给你开一些避孕药And in the meantime, Im gonna give you a prescription for

27、the contraceptive pill. 应该可以缓解你的痛经That should help when you have menstrual pain.所以我只是来月经了还是So was it just my period or-我们会搞清楚的别担忧We*ll figure it out. Don*t worry.妈妈带你回家Lets get you home.系好平安带Seat belt.所以你没有怀孕So you*re not pregnant.没有No.你没跟我提起过你在跟谁约会啊I didnt realize you were seeing anyone.谁说我在跟别人约会了W

28、ho says Im seeing anyone?好吧Okay.我跟你说了我和梅丽莎接吻的事I told you about kissing Melissa.你却没告诉我你跟尼克的关系这让我很难堪The fact that you didnt tell me about Nick is embarrassing.让我感觉自己很傻It makes me feel really stupid.就好像我们对这段友谊的看法天差地别As if were in wildly different versions of this friendship.弗朗西丝弗林是我Frances Flynn? - Yea

29、h.拿好你的药Try and take it at the same time每天同一时间服用清楚吗?every day, okay?可以上个闹钟提醒自己An alarm should help with that.好的谢谢Okay. Thank you.请留言Leave a message.嗨我只是打电♥话♥来和你聊聊Hey. Um, Im just calling to talk.我可能要在这里待上几天所以嗯Fil probably be here another few days, so, um-我会再打给你Yeah, Til try you again.你确

30、实不怎么爱说出你的真实感受Well, you dont really talk about your feelings.你坚持认为Youre committed to this view of me我有某种不为人知的感情生活as having some kind of undisclosed emotional life.再见注意平安Bye. - Take care.我只是没那么情绪化Im just not very emotional.我觉得不是所有人I dont think unemotional is a quality都能不情绪化someone can have.这就像声称自己没有实实

31、在在地活着一样Thats like claiming not to be very alive.这么说吧你过着情绪丰富的生活Well, you live an emotionally intense life你就认为别人也一样so you think everyone else does.要是别人不谈论他们的感受那他们就是在隐藏什么And if theyre not talking about it, then theyre hiding something.好吧在这点上我们有分歧Well Okay, we differ on that.德尼斯?Dennis?爸?Dad?你好我是德尼斯弗林He

32、llo. This is Dennis Flynn.我现在无法接听电♥话♥请留言I can*t take your call right now, but leave a message.弗朗西丝嗨Frances. - Hi.我刚刚去家里了I was just up at the house.干嘛? 什么?For what? - Sorry?你在这干什么?What are you up to?出来散步Just out for a walk.好吧现在回去吗?Well, are you heading back now?一起回去吧?Will I walk you?行Ri

33、ght.唔我先把水烧上Um, Fil just put the kettle on.好Sure.要接吗?Need to get that?不用No.今天忙什么呢?What were you up to today?没什么Not much.心情不好很久了?Are you down for long?就几天罢了Just a few days.你妈让你来的?Did your mother send you?什么意思?What do you mean?你妈让你来找我的?Did your mother send you looking for me?不是No.不管怎么说你还是找到我了You found me anyways.唔Um


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