Conversations with Friends《聊天记录(2022)》第一季第三集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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1、聊天记录第三集发给博比:想一起看个电影吗?博比:什么电影?发给博比:你选博比:好我知道了博比:嗨听着我不关心你是不是暗恋发给尼克:你平安到达了吗?尼克:对发给尼克:你还在上班吗?尼克:不明天一大早才开工发给尼克:祝你好运发给尼克:我们还算在搞婚外情吗?尼克:抱歉我没有表达清楚有时候我和你聊天时会紧张尼克:抱歉我没有表达清楚有时候我和你聊天时会紧张发给尼克:你也许听说了我们要来克罗地亚我想告诉你我不会闹事尼克:好嘲酷到时间咯你好Hello.进来吧Come in.就在这儿Just in here.很高兴见到你Good to see you.谢谢Thanks.你坐达特线过来的吗Did you get

2、 the DART out?对坐的达特线I did get the DART out, yeah.需要点什么吗还是Can I get you anything or不用了谢谢No, thanks.好吧Right.嗯Um-我不想破坏别人的家庭.dreading it.是啊那是首要的事情Yeah, thatd be the first thing.对了在伦敦怎么样?Anyway, hows London?你要离开多久?How long will you be away?嗯Um-一直到夏天结束吧For the rest of the summer, actually.工作几周然后就休假了Workin

3、g for a few weeks and then holiday.在克罗地亚Place in Croatia.我知道了I see.这段时间我很享受Well, this has been terribly enjoyable anyway. 可能之前说过了I might have mentioned that.你确实说过了Think you did.但我喜欢听你这么说是吗?I like hearing it, though. - Yeah?那在这之后And after all this-我们会怎样呢?what happens then?我不知道I dont know.好吧Okay.我想我们只

4、能边走边看We just have to sort of see, I guess.是啊Yeah.祝你旅途顺利Safe travels.我会打电♥话♥给你的Ill call you.好Okay.你真的很帅Youre so handsome.我以为你是被我的个性吸引了I thought you were attracted to my personality.你有个性吗?Do you even have one?嗯好吧拜拜Um. okay, bye.拜拜Bye.谢谢Thanks.听着我不在乎你是不是暗恋尼克Look, I dont care if you have a

5、 crush on Nick我当时也没有试图让你难堪或者怎样and I wasnt trying to embarrass you or whatever.抱歉最后事情演变成那样Sorry if it came across as such,但是你居然说我吃醋了这很操蛋but it was really fucked up of you to accuse me of being jealous like that.指责一个同性恋女人暗地里吃一个男人的醋It is so stereotypically homophobic to accuse a gay woman这简直是无比典型的恐同行为o

6、f being secretly jealous of a man,我还以为你知道这一点which I know you know,但更糟糕的是but even more than that,你搞得好像我在为了你的注意力而竞争its really devaluing to our friendship这太有损我们之间的友情了to make out like Im competing for your attention.这说明了你究竟是如何看我的What does that say about how you see me?你真的把我们的关系Do you really rank our rel

7、ationship排在你萍水相逢的below your passing sexual interest某个中年已婚顺性别直男之后吗?in some cis-het married guy?你真&hearts他♥妈♥的伤了我的感情It hurt my fucking feelings actually.那篇怎么样?Hows that?啊还行Yeah, its fine.真的吗?Really?你自己的作品如何了?Hows your own writing going?进展缓慢Slow.我以为你在这方面很自律呢I thought you were disciplined

8、with these things.我想可能因为是夏天吧Its the summer, I guess.嗯哼一切都慢悠悠的Hmm. - Things drift.确实They do.是啊我觉得这不容易Yeah, Id say its hard.嗨Hey.嗨我觉得在电♥话♥上谈比拟方便Hey. This is easier than messaging.好Okay.你还好吗You alright?我只是想搞清楚咱们之间到底算什么I just wanted to get things straight, thatrs all.我明白了嗯I see. Um-显然我们现在没

9、法见面I mean, obviously, we can*t see each other right now.哦你想结束了是吗Okay, you wanna leave it, is that it?弗朗西丝Frances.我是说我没意见啊I mean, I genuinely dont care.好吧Okay.嗯Yeah.弗朗西丝抱歉我这儿实在Frances, Im sorry, things here are just-晚安Good night.博比你说得对Bobbt hey, youre right.之前是我错了我不该那样说的It was a weird and wrong thing

10、 to say, and I shouldnt have said it. 我只是心里有点抵触故意惹你生气I felt defensive and I just wanted to make you angry maybe. 为这种傻事伤害了你的感情我很过意不去I feel guilty for hurting your feelings over something so stupid. 抱歉Im sorry.没事我原谅你了Fine. I forgive you.对你来说有那么难吗Was that very hard for you?怎么花那么长时间才回消息Took you an awful

11、ly long time to write back.我知道我真的做不来这个I know. Tm bad at this.没事It*s okay.我不喜欢和你吵架I dont like fighting with you.那就别犯浑Then dont be a dick.好吧Okay.你明天有空吗一起喝个咖啡Are you around tomorrow? I wanna meet you for a coffee.好啊Okay.到时候联♥系 ♥Fil text.她演讲的时候.when she gives the speeches.嗨Hi.嗨弗朗西丝Hi, Fran

12、ces.你们好Uh, hey.最近怎么样How are you doing?伦敦之旅如何How was London?还不错出去转转挺好的It was good. Good to be somewhere else for a while. 确实Sure.不介意我加入你们吧Hope you don*t mind me joining you.不会的No, not at all.请问您要喝什么吗Can I get you anything?一杯美式咖啡不加奶谢谢Uh, Americano. Just black, please. Thanks.好的马上好Okay. Be right back.来

13、吧问她吧Okay, ask her.我有个请求Okay. I have a request.我想在我书中引用那首诗钻石里的一句话I wanted to use a quote from Diamonds in my book. 真的?-如果可以的话Really? If thats okay.嗯弗朗西丝Um- - Frances.你知道么You know what?我可以把文章发给你看看你的想法I can send you the essay and see what you think.别有压力真的Its Theres no pressure, really.我就是认为从书的主题来看效果非常好

14、I just think it works really well thematically.好啊真的?Yeah, sure. Yeah?麻烦发来吧Um. Yeah, please send it.好Okay.如果你可以尽快的话我需要在几天内提交I need to submit in the next few days if thats alright.在我走之前You know, before I head away.好啊我马上就看Yeah, no, Til take a look right away.跟她说说你的房♥子Tell her about your house.噢O

15、h.不是我们的房♥子Its not our house.我的朋友嗯其实是我的经纪人在克罗地亚有个房♥子My friend, um, actually, my agent has a house in Croatia她让我们暑期去住and she lets us use it in the summer.她给我看了照片真的很棒She showed me pictures, its stunning.我跟博比说你俩也应该来I was saying to Bobbi that you two should come.我们总有朋友来拜访Well, we have peopl

16、e visit all the time.房♥间很多Theres plenty of room.噢谢谢啊Yeah, thanks.我觉得我负担不起所以Um, I just- I don*t think I can afford to, so咱们可以免费坐航♥班♥Wed get the flights for nothing.到了那儿你不用掏任何钱Once youre there, theres really nothing to pay for.我们来承当我保证Wed feed you, I promise.谢谢但是我还有工作Thanks, um, b

17、ut I have work as well,所以我得想想so, uh, Ill need to think.弗朗西丝只是读书而已Frances, its reading.你在哪里都可以读You can read anywhere.没事没事让她想想吧Its okay. Let her think.嗯我会好好想想Yeah, Ill think about it.你去吧You go then.我不会自己去的Im not gonna go on my own,这会很怪的that would be weird.比起我梅丽莎更喜欢你Melissa likes you more than she like

18、s me.嗯比起我你更喜欢尼克Yeah, and you like Nick more than I like him,甚至可能比梅丽莎更喜欢and probably more than she does too.谁在乎呢Who cares?我们真的要去吗Do we really wanna do this?会很好玩的Itll be fun.对你来说吧For you maybe.不去多可惜啊It would be a sin not to go.傻子才不去Utter insanity.来嘛弗朗西丝Come on, Frances.你也许听说了我们要去克罗地亚Youve probably hea

19、rd were going to Croatia.我向你保证I just wanted to assure you我并没有打算让谁出丑Im not planning on making a scene.I dont want to be a home-wrecker或者别的什么or, uh, whatever.什么意思What do you mean?我Like, I-我不想破坏你的婚姻I donrt want to hurt your marriage.就这样Thats all.我的婚姻已经出过好几次状况了My marriage has survived several affairs al

20、ready.真的吗Oh. Really?只不过破坏者不是我Ive just never been party to them.我知道了I see.那So-好Okay.我们上楼吧Lets go upstairs.你确定吗Are you sure?确定Yeah.可以吗-可以Is this alright? Yeah.嗯Um抱歉我没哭Sorry, Im not, um-只是眼睛在流泪仅此而已My eyes are watering, thats all.弗朗西丝-抱歉Frances. Sorry.嗯Um-我真的没哭我发誓Its, um, its not real crying, I swear.我很

21、开心Um, Im-Im happy.之前我和博比在一起的时候Um, it sort of happened before也出现过这种情况when, um, when I was with Bobbi.她说这是我压抑本性后出现的病症She says ifs a symptom of my repressed nature.你可以问问她You can ask her about it.算了还是别问了千万别问Only please dont ever ask her.好我不问No, I wont只是一种生理反响Its, um, its just a physical thing.我感觉很棒谢谢你I

22、feel great. Thank you.我的天啊Oh, my God.难以置信我们竟然做了I cant believe we just did that.是啊我们做了Yes, you can.嗯Um-或许我应该跟你说一下I should probably tell you something.什么Hmm?说起来有点尴尬This is kind of awkward.说吧Go on.这是我第一次跟男人做♥爱♥Fve never had sex with a man before.好的Right.我没有提前告诉你你会不会觉得奇怪?Is it odd that I d

23、idnt tell you beforehand?不会No.告不告诉我完全取决于你自己Its totally up to you.我本来打算呃I was going to, um-但是我错过了but then I. missed the moment.对不起Sorry.我有时候会想太多I overthink things sometimes.我也是Makes two of us then.要是我不在这儿你会做些什么?So what would you be doing if I wasnt here?呃Um.看台词learning lines.真的吗?Really?看什么台词?For what

24、?呃过几天要去苏格兰参加一个电视节目Um, going to Scotland in a few days for a TV thing.是个很精彩的节目吧?Is it very glamorous?一点也不精彩就是胡说一通Not in the slightest. Bullshit really.呃你一直都想当演员吗?Um, did you always want to be an actor?对十几岁的时候我就想当演员了Um, from when I was a teenager, I think, yeah.你为什么喜欢做演员呢?Um, what is it that you like

25、about it?要说有什么具体的理由If, um, thats something that you can describe even. 呃Yeah, um大概是因为在这个过程中能找到一种确定性吧Find a certainty to it, I think.比方说Something-知道接下来会发生什么知道要说什么Knowing what comes next, what to say.再见See you soon.再见Bye.尼克康韦马上就找到了Nick Conway, it*s on here somewhere.电影什么时候出的?Whens it from?这评分可真够低的Ooh,

26、 it has a really bad rating.我们别看了吧这样有点奇怪Uh, lets not do this. Its weird.不怪啊No, it*s not.我们现在都认识他了那肯定要看啊We know him now, so its kind of obvious we are going to do this. 可是我就是感觉很奇怪Yeah, well, it feels weird to me.看起来Well, apparently, he does take他有一次确实脱掉了衬衫his shirt off at one point.你会喜欢的Youre into th

27、at kinda thing.我不会看这个的博比Um, Im not watching this, Bobbi.好吧Okay.你为什么突然就开始维护他了 ?Why do you feel the need to defend him all of a sudden?我没有维护他Im not defending him.我只是不喜欢这样嘲笑别人I just dont like sneering.只是这样而已That*s all.我没有嘲笑他啊Ifs not what Im doing,况且他是个花瓶丈夫这句话又不是我说and Im not the one who described him as

28、 a trophy husband, by the way.你这么说也太刻薄了 一刻薄?You*re being mean. - Mean?他又不是我们的好朋友弗朗西丝Its not like hes some great friend of ours, Frances.我们认识他也仅仅是因为他娶了一个有趣的人We only know him because hes married to someone interesting.要我说梅丽莎没那么有趣Melissas not that interesting, actually.是吗?Really?你太可笑了You*re hilarious.什

29、么?What?你喜欢上他了You actually like him.噢Oh.你在说什么呢?What are you talking about?你喜欢梅丽莎的丈夫You like Melissas husband.你爱上他了You have a crush on him.这和你有什么关系?Why does that even interest you?什么What?你在嫉妒Are you jealous?是吗?Is that it?喜欢这样吗You like this?嗯Mm!好爽弗朗西丝Fuck, Frances.你和梅丽莎是怎么认识的How did you and Melissa mee

30、t?我能问吗Am I allowed to ask that?当然Yeah, of course.嗯Um-当时我在伦敦I was in London.我在那里上的戏剧学院有很多工作也在那Been there since drama school, working a lot. 听起来很有趣Sounds exciting.是的还不错Yeah, a bit.我其实I mean-不怎么喜欢伦敦I didnt really like London.可能是因为孤身一人吧我想I was lonely, I guess, and-有天晚上我去了朋友在海格特开的派对One night I was at a f

31、riencfs party in Highgate 她也在那儿嗯and she was there. Um-我们聊天来着再之后and we got talking and-就开始约会了we hung out.嗯Hmm.我只和博比一个人谈过恋爱My entire romantic history is just Bobbi.和我讲讲博比Tell me about Bobbi.我们是上学时在一起的We were together in school.一切都出乎我的意料It all came as a surprise to me.你知道的博比就是博比特立独行You know, Bobbi is w

32、ho she is.你可以想象她到哪里都能引起骚动You can imagine the stir she caused when she arrived.而我不怎么受欢迎And I wasnt popular但她还是选择了我but she chose me anyway.每次想到这个我都觉得她改变了我的生活It sort of changed my life, if I think about us.你们在一起很有火花Youre quite intense together.是吗Are we?可能是吧我想Yeah, I guess.那你们怎么结束的呢How did it end?就不了了之了

33、我也不知道It just did. I dont know.那之后我也没和其他人在一起过I havent been with anyone else since.就这样And-早啊-早Morning. Morning.手稿放你桌上了 -哦谢谢Manuscript on your desk. - Oh, thanks.嘿哈喽Hey. -Philip.你好吗不错你呢How are you doing? - Im good. How are you?挺好的Grand.你是不是背着梅丽莎在外面还有个家?Do you have a secret second family?什么意思What?就像播客里经

34、常讲的那种男人Like one of those men they do podcasts about.你为什么会问这种问题呢Wheres this line of questioning coming from? 我今天在城里看见你了I saw you in town today.和一个女人一起推着婴儿车With a baby and a woman.那是我姐姐和我外甥女That was my sister and my niece.哦Oh.要是我看见了你会介绍你们认识的Ed have made introductions if Td seen you. 我对你几乎一无所知I know pr

35、actically nothing about you.你想知道什么?What do you want to know?你有几个兄弟姐妹?How many siblings do you have?就那一个Just the one.你呢?-我是独生女And you? - Im an only child.而且我的父母分开了And I come from a broken home.呃Um-他们什么时候分开的?And when did they split up?在我12岁的时候Um, when I was 12.那段时间一定很艰难吧Must have been tough.没有其实挺平常的No, it was ordinary.我的意思是他们在一起的时候很糟糕I mean, they were, like, terrible together, 所以分开反倒是解脱so it was a relief.不好意思失陪一下Sorry, one sec.很担忧


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