Conversations with Friends《聊天记录(2022)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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1、聊天记录第二集尼克:嗨弗朗西丝昨晚的事情我很抱歉我做了件傻事亲你是我的错尼克:不是你的错我比你大并且那是我妻子的生日派对你经常在派对上亲女生吗?自从我结婚后就再也没亲过了我觉得这样让情况变得更糟糕了那还是我的荣幸咯尼克:我今晚有空可以吗当然到时候见博比:你在干嘛呢?正在忙明天的阅读报告会扎着还是披着?Down or up?不知道你想要什么效果?I dont know. What kind of effect are you going for?我没想要什么效果Im not going for an effect.那就扎起来In that case, up.谢了 -嗯哼Thanks. Mm-hm

2、m.我们铁定迟到了We are gonna be so late.你说得好像是我的错一样You say that like its my fault.就是你的错It is your fault.抱歉啦Sorry.我不敢相信你给她买♥ ♥礼物了I cant believe you brought her a present.你还买♥♥酒了 那不算You brought wine. - That doesnt count.请进-谢谢Come in. - Thanks.放轻松Whoever you are.嘿很高兴见到你们我累了I was wr

3、ecked.是吗?That all?干嘛一直问? 因为一切看起来有点奇怪Why? - Seemed a bit odd. I dont know.没有我就是累了I wasnt. I was just tired.我走的时候已经天亮了It was already bright when I left.你开心吗?Did you have fun?你可以这么说You could say that.你在笑什么?Why are you smiling?我吻了梅丽莎I kissed Melissa.什么?-我知道这太不应该了What? I know, it was stupid.我们两个都喝醉了We we

4、re both drunk,不过是在你离开之后在花♥园♥里亲的but it was after you left out in the garden.是深吻吗?Like a full kiss?是的Yeah.我们一直在调情然后这就发生了Wed been flirting the whole time and it just. happened.后来你和她说过话吗?And have you talked to her since?我们发过信息她觉得那很有趣We texted. She thinks its funny.好吧Right.怎么了?What?没事Nothin

5、g.我应该And should I ever.你生我的气吗?Are you pissed off with me?不No.我为什么会生气?Why would I be pissed off?我不知道你有时候让人看不透I dont know. Youre hard to predict sometimes.你是反对我亲一个已婚女人吗?Or do you disapprove of me kissing a married woman?我不反对I dont disapprove.你的表情可不是这样说的Thats not what your face is saying.顺便说一下这才是我反对时的表

6、情FYI, this is my disapproving face.你周末做什么有趣的事情了吗?Did you do anything exciting at the weekend?呃我去电影院了Uh. I went to the cinema.和谁?With who?呃我喜欢自己看电影Uh. I like watching films on my own.周五的派对怎么样?How was the big party on Friday?挺好的Good.坦白说我觉得那种派对不太对我的胃口I dont think that sort of thing is my scene, to be h

7、onest. 干嘛?What?别说得像为了被邀请你得先杀几个小孩一样菲利普 Like youd have killed children to get invited, Philip. 我吻了一个不应该吻的人I kissed someone I shouldnt have, though.谁? 呃Who? - Uh-这不重要It doesnt matter.是博比吗?Was it Bobbi?不但是No, but-如果是博比的话会更好还是更糟糕?Well, was it better or worse than if it had have been Bobbi?会更糟糕Worse.很明显Si

8、gnificantly so.妈的Shite.是谁啊?-你就当没听见吧Who? - Just forget about it.好吧Fine.年纪比你大还是小? 菲利普Older or younger? - Philip.抱歉Sorry.嗨Hi.我不太确定要这么做Im not really sure about this.其实我很喜欢他上一部作品I liked his last one a lot, actually.谢谢Thank you.谢谢Thanks.博比看Bobbi. Look.啊Aah!我脸看起来油吗Does my face look shiny?有一点点A bit.不过挺好的让你看

9、起来很单纯In a good way, though, it makes you seem less complicated.她好辣呀She is so hot.因为这并不重要.because it doesnt really matter.等级制度的意义在于The point of the hierarchy is only to give people可以让人们在这个架构中衡量自己表现的好与坏a measurement of how well they*re doing in the structure,这只是一种认识which is, after all, only a percepti

10、on这种认识由另外一小局部人产生on the part of a small group of other people他们有着自己的自主意识和群体意识who within their own selective and collective consciousness他们遵循于一个更大的等级制度的框架are conforming to a wider set of hierarchical-嗯你觉得怎么样?Well; what did you think?很好他很聪明Good. Hes clever.但还没聪明到让我想买♥♥他的书Maybe not enough

11、for me to buy a book.你从来都是只听不买♥♥基兰You never buy the book, Kieran.是哦Right.我得走了I better head.祝你在伦敦好运Good luck in London.谢谢-你要跟她一起去吗?Thank you. - You going with her?我得留在家里照顾狗狗I have to stay and mind the dog.哦Oh.再见一再见Goodbye. See you.嘿-嗨Hey.- Hi.就感觉你会在这里I had a feeling youd be here.借过抱歉Exc

12、use me. Sorry.你是不是害怕跟我见面?-完全没有Dreading it, were you? - Not at all.很高兴见到你Its good to see you.我也是Thanks.如果你觉得尴尬那我很抱歉Sorry if this is awkward.并不尴尬呀It isnt.你最近过的怎么样How have you been?可太好了Fucking brilliant.我可以再跟你道一次歉I could apologize again.可别-好的Please dont. - Okay.不过我们可以找时间再聊聊这个事情Although we should probab

13、ly talk about it at some point.好的Yeah.那我之后打给你?Maybe I could call over?好呀Yeah.太好了Id like that.等你回来我们再见面Well see you when youre back.好的一定Yes, absolutely.一路顺风Safe travels.再见一回见Good to see you. - Ill see you.好的Yeah.拜拜拜拜Bye. - Bye.你觉不觉得他们两个之间怪怪的?Do you think theres something weird going on between those

14、two?为什么这么问?-我就是觉得他们两个有点疏离Why? -1 sensed a disconnect, thats all.你觉得她告诉他我们两个接吻的事情了吗?Do you think she told him we kissed?我没觉得他们有什么问题呀They seem the same to me.嗯对了我们现在先不回家Hmm. Were not going home, by the way.耶Yeah!我的天啊Oh, my God!一起跳啊哇嗷Lets dance. Whoo!你怎么没叫我起床Why didnt you wake me?你也没说啊You never asked m

15、e to.我闻到了咖啡的香味I smell coffee!笑什么呢What are you smiling at?哦没什么Oh, nothing.行吧Okay.Hey! Good to see you.谢谢你邀请我们Thanks for having us.欢迎你们来嗨弗朗西丝Thanks for coming. Hi, Frances.谢谢-这是给你的Thank you. - Thats for you.啊谢谢真是太感谢了Oh, thanks. Really, really kind of you.谢谢Thank you.你俩都很好看You both look great.你也是You lo

16、ok great.哈哈我们都是Well, we all look great.唔我给你们拿杯喝的吧Um, can I get you both a drink再介绍你们给其他人认识一下?and maybe introduce you to some people?这是德瑞克This is Derek.你好这是伊夫林Thats me. -This is Evelyn.嗨-嗨Hi.-Hi.这是弗朗西丝和博比你们好This is Frances and Bobbi. - Hey.你好啊我们喝点什么?How are you? - What are we all drinking?我要一杯金汤力谢谢I

17、will take a gin and tonic, please.没错所以你们怎么认识的?Exactly- - So how do you guys know each other?唔我看了她们的演出Um, I saw them perform.弗朗西丝是诗人Frances is a poet.噢我以前讲单口喜剧Oh! I was a stand-up back in the day.为什么不干了 ?没笑话讲了 ?Whyd you stop? Did you run out of jokes?嗯不是我结婚有孩子了Eh, no, I got married and had kids.之后就再也

18、找不到乐趣了After which nothing was funny.是啊Yep.嗨Hi.嘿抱歉Hey. - Sorry.没事No.请进Come in.不了谢谢No, thanks.不你出去No. You, out.噢出去Ooh. -Go.呃Uh-是这样Yeah.狗不能上♥床♥Dogs not allowed on the beds.好的Okay.我已经把门关上了Ive shut the door.我知道I know.我喝高了弗朗西丝Im very stoned, Frances.看得出来I gathered that.你脸红了Your cheeks are re

19、d.微红Only slightly.有点热It*s warm.试试这样Try this.感觉真好Thats so good.可以的Yeah.弗朗西丝Frances.对不起Sorry.这只是Its just-我走吧rn go.对没错Yeah. Exactly.哩-哩 J、 J、Hey. - Hey.你去哪了Where have you been?呃我刚才我要回家了Um, I was just- Im gonna head home.真的吗? 真的我明早的火车Really? - Yeah, well, my trains in the morning.所以So-好吧我在这再待会儿Okay. Um,

20、 Im gonna stick around.玩得开心Enjoy.我一会儿给你打电♥话♥Ill call you.拜拜拜拜Bye. - Bye.你精神不错-嗨Youre alive. - Hello.我还有点担忧认不出你I was half afraid I wouldnt recognize you.你看起来状态不错Youre looking well.是吗?Am I?噢谢谢Ooh. Thanks.咱们聊聊你的工作吧So tell us about the job.那不算是份工作It*s barely a job.那是什么?What is it then?就是个兼

21、♥职♥没什么好说的Its part-time. Its not a big deal.具体干什么呢?-读书Doing what? - Reading.他们雇你读书? 没错Theyre paying you to read? - Thats right.弗朗西丝?Frances?我只是想表现出点关心来Just trying to show interest here.是我知道Yeah, I know.抱歉Sorry.博比怎么样了Hows Bobbi getting on?她挺好的Shes fine.她找到工作了吗She got a job lined up?她在做志愿

22、服务教英语Shes volunteering; teaching English.不错Oh, good for her.我的胳膊快被晒伤了My arms are getting burned.门廊那里有防晒霜There*s cream in the porch.你应该去涂一些You oughta be wearing it.你能帮我拿一下这个吗嗯Can you hold this then? Mm-hmm.你这次回来要去看一下你父亲吗Are you- Are you gonna see your father while youre here?会的Um, yeah.我一会儿去和他打招呼Ill

23、call over to him later on.好Good.你需要我帮你从屋里拿什么东西吗不需要了我没什么要拿的Do you want anything from inside? - No, no, no, Im fine.宿醉还没清醒吗Hangover still at you?我没有宿醉Im not hungover.我们昨晚参加了一个生日聚会We were at a birthday party last night.谁的生日Whose?一个叫梅丽莎的女人-嗯This woman, Melissa. - Hmm.从没听过这个名字I havent heard of her before

24、.我们是最近才认识她的她是个作家We only met her recently. Shes a writer.她看了我们的表演然后She saw us perform and, urn,然后我们跟她和她丈夫聊了天we got talking to her and her husband after.她丈夫是个演员Hes an actor.是吗Oh, really?我看过他的作品或什么吗Would I know him from anything or-我觉得你应该认识fd say so.就是你大概认得他的脸Like, you, youd know his face.还真是Oh, yeah.天

25、啊他真帅气Christ, hers handsome.没错他本人也很友善Yeah, hes-hes nice, actually.他们的房♥子特别棒Their house is amazing.在哪里Where is it?在蒙克斯顿Monkstown.就是从海滨区往上一些Just up from the seafront.被豪♥宅♥冲昏头脑可不像你的风格Its not like you to get carried away by posh houses.我没有被冲昏头脑I- I wasnt getting carried away.我只是告诉你我对

26、它的看法I was just telling you what I thought of it.好了我还是先出发了Okay, I better get going.路上注意平安好的Well, take care on the road. - Yeah.有人吗Hello?爸爸Dad?弗朗西丝嗨Frances. -Hi.我没想到你会来I wasnt expecting you.我今天刚回来抱歉I only arrived down today, sorry.我应该提前打个电♥话♥的I should have rung.我正要吃饭快来吧Im about to eat. C

27、ome in.电视开着我没听见你敲门I didnt quite hear the door, the tellys on.嗯没事Hmm. Youre fine.我周末就这么过This is how my weekend goes.随便把什么东西放进微波炉里热一热I throw something into the micro.也没那么糟这很方便仅此而已Could do worse. - Its handy, thatrs all.想来点啤酒吗Do you want a beer?不要了 那边也有葡萄酒Im grand. - Well, there*s wine there as well. 我

28、不喝Um, Im fine.都柏林有啥新闻没Any news from Dublin?梅根搬出去了Uh, Megans moved out.她东西都带走了吗?How did she leave the place?带走了她本来也没什么东西Fine. Yeah, shes very quiet.我们得再为你找个室友Well have to get someone in to replace her. 嗯Hmm.我回去了就找I-Ill start looking when I get back.没事不用急No, youre fine. No great rush.你继续看吧You watch th

29、at.等你洗完了我来晒干吧Fil dry those when youre done.好Yeah.Interesting statistic from halftime.我走了 -是吗Im away there. - Are you?我都没怎么陪你I havent been much company.垃圾该倒了That bin needs taking out.我现在去PH see to it now.你还有钱吧Youre alright for money, by the way?应该有Yeah, I think so.我可以先给你点I can lodge a bit extra if yo

30、u want.我有工作了所以不用了Uh, I have work lined up, so it should be fine.没事的Theres no problem.我今晚给你存点钱Fil lodge it to your account tonight.谢谢Thanks.之后见See you soon.拜Bye.你♥爸♥咋样?How was Dad?还行Yeah.在看什么?What are we watching?垃圾节目而已Well, some old rubbish.你可以看你想看的You can see what else is on if you like.弗朗西丝Frances?你要刷一晚上手♥机♥吗?Are you gonna be glued to that thing all night?不No.弗朗西丝? 抱歉Frances? - Sorry!你那晚怎么走这么早?Why did you leave so early the other night?


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