法律英语 II 备忘录(临时协议).doc

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1、仅供教学参考,并非法律建议。仅供教学参考,并非法律建议。 内部资料-培训专用,翻印必究1Interim Agreement (“Agreement”) During Negotiations of Lease Revisions for Da Fa Store Beijing (“Da Fa Store”) 关于对北京大发店(关于对北京大发店(“大发店大发店”)租赁合同修订)租赁合同修订 进行谈判期间的临时协议(进行谈判期间的临时协议(“本协议本协议”)Lessor: Beijing SSS Co., Ltd.出租方: 北京 SSS 有限公司Lessee:Beijing AAA Co., Lt

2、d. 承租方: 北京 AAA 有限公司鉴于 Whereas:1.The parties are engaged in a dispute regarding the breach by relevant parties of a Lease Contract between them dated 11 September 2006 in respect of the Da Fa Store (“Lease”). The parties desire to resolve their differences through mutual respect and benefit and cordi

3、al communications and not through taking unilaterally forceful measures.双方就所签订的日期为 2006 年 9 月 11 日的大发店租赁合同(“租赁合同” )的相关方违约行为存在争议。双方意图寻求通过互敬互利和诚恳的交流 沟通方式而非单方面采取强制措施的方式来解决分歧。2.Lessee paid the first quarter 2008 rent on 5 February 2008, the second quarter rent on 14 August 2008 (which was payable on 10

4、April 2008 under the Lease), the third quarter rent on 15 August 2008 (which was payable on 10 July 2008). 承租方在 2008 年 2 月 5 日支付了第一季度的租金、在 8 月 14 日支付了 第二季度的租金(按照租赁合同应于 4 月 10 日支付)、在 8 月 15 日支付 了第三季度的租金(按照租赁合同应于 7 月 10 日支付)。仅供教学参考,并非法律建议。仅供教学参考,并非法律建议。 内部资料-培训专用,翻印必究23.Lessor issued a termination not

5、ice to Lessee, but Lessee objects to termination of the Lease. Lessee would like to express its most sincere apologies for all the inconveniences of the Lessor which were caused by the delayed Q2 rent payment. 出租方向承租方发出了解约通知,但承租方对租赁合同是否解除存有异议,承租方对第二季度租金的延迟支付给出租方造成的种种不便,表示 最真诚的歉意。Based on the facts l

6、isted above, after consultations, representatives of both parties agree that, based on mutual understanding, the parties agree to enter into this Interim Agreement to set out the arrangements and procedures for solving the dispute. In respect of the relevant items before the dispute is resolved, the

7、 parties hereby agree as follows:鉴于以上事实,双方代表经过协商认为,从相互谅解的角度出发,双方以本临时协 议约定协商解决问题的组织与程序,并对争议解决前相关问题作出如下约定:1.The parties agree to enter into negotiations regarding the provisions of the Lease that both parties believes are unreasonable. The negotiations will commence as soon as the proper parties from

8、each side can arrange a meeting. The parties will actively continue the negotiations until they are completed. The parties desire to establish new cooperation and a positive long-term relationship.双方同意就租赁合同中双方认为不合理的条款进行谈判。谈判将于相关 各方的人员能够安排会议的召开时尽快开始。双方将积极进行谈判直至 结束。双方希望能建立新的合作及积极的长期关系。2.The negotiatio

9、n period shall last until, and this Agreement shall expire on, 24 December 2008 (the “Negotiation Period”). If at the end of the Negotiation Period, the parties fail to reach a new lease agreement, the Negotiation Period shall be extended to 24 March 2009 the latest if so requested in writing by eit

10、her party. If by the end of the Negotiation Period, the parties have entered into a new lease agreement, the parties shall perform such new lease.仅供教学参考,并非法律建议。仅供教学参考,并非法律建议。 内部资料-培训专用,翻印必究3谈判期限应持续至 2008 年 12 月 24 日,并于该日本协议期满(“谈判期 间”)。如届时双方尚未签署新的租赁合同,经任何一方书面提出延 长要求,谈判期最长可延长至 2009 年 3 月 24 日。如届时新的租赁合

11、同已经签署,则双方履行新租赁合同。3.During the Negotiation Period 在谈判期间:Both parties agree to use best efforts to negotiate in good faith for fair and reasonable revisions to the Lease.双方同意将尽最大的努力就公平合理地修订租赁合同进行善意的谈判。Lessee agrees to pay rent and property management fees timely according to standards and method of pa

12、yment under the Lease. Lessee paid the forth quarter 2008 rent on 15 October 2008. Relevant procedures of cooperation shall be performed with reference to the Lease.承租方同意以租赁合同的标准及付款形式按时支付租金和物业管理费。 承租方在 2008 年 10 月 15 日已支付了第四季度的租金。相关的合作 流程应参考租赁合同执行。Considering extra cost incurred by Lessor due to dis

13、patch of personnel of Lessors holding company for coordination of relevant matters during Negotiation Period, Lessee agrees to pay a special management fee equal to Five Thousand Yuan (RMB 5,000) on a monthly basis to the Lessor (“Special Management Fee”). This Special Management Fee shall be paid t

14、o the Lessor within the first week of each calendar month, commencing on the effective date of this Agreement until the end of the Negotiation Period. 鉴于出租方控股公司需要派出人员,对谈判期间各项事宜进行协商, 产生额外的成本,承租方同意按月支付给出租方一笔金额为人民币伍 仟元整(¥5000.00)的特殊管理费,该笔特殊管理费应在每个自然仅供教学参考,并非法律建议。仅供教学参考,并非法律建议。 内部资料-培训专用,翻印必究4月的第一周之内支付给

15、出租方,自本协议生效之日起开始计算,直至 谈判期间结束。Lessor agrees to not take any extreme measures, including but not limited to turning off the utilities during Negotiation Period.出租方同意在谈判期间不采取停止提供公用设施等极端措施。The parties agree to convene a weekly regular meeting, so as to keep prompt communications on the leasing status and

16、 progress during the Negotiation Period. Each party shall appoint a negotiation representative for mutual coordination and work arrangement.双方同意每周召开一次例会,对谈判期间的租赁状况和事态进展进行 及时沟通。双方应各指定一名谈判代表,负责相互的协调及工作组织。Any official notices shall be sent in accordance with the terms of the Lease, provided, however, L

17、essee and Lessor will currently provide each other with an up-to-date list of parties to receive the notices on each side. The new list will be provided to each other within three business days of the date of this Agreement. 任何正式的通知应当按照租赁合同的规定发送,但承租方和出租方将尽快向对方提供最新的本方接收通知的人员名单。该新名单将于 本协议签订日后的 3 个工作日内

18、提供给对方。4.At the end of the Negotiation Period 在谈判期间结束时:The parties intend to sign a new lease agreement before the end of the Negotiation Period.双方希望在谈判期间结束前签订一份新的租赁合同。仅供教学参考,并非法律建议。仅供教学参考,并非法律建议。 内部资料-培训专用,翻印必究5If the parties do not sign a new lease agreement by the end of the Negotiation Period, th

19、en both parties shall through consultations find other solutions based on principle of “minimizing the losses as much as possible”. 如果双方未能在谈判期间结束前签订新的租赁合同,则双方应本着尽量将损失最小化的原则另行协商解决方案。5.This Agreement neither means that Lessor has accepted that the Lease continues to be effective,nor means that Lessee

20、has accepted that the Lease has been terminated. This Agreement only provides a basis for relevant work during Negotiation Period. Both partiers reserve all their respective rights under the Lease.本协议不意味着出租方认可了租赁合同的继续有效性,亦不表示承租方 认可租赁合同已经被解除。本协议仅为谈判期间相关工作提供依据,双 方对租赁合同项下的一切权利均各自保留。6.This Agreement is

21、written in Chinese and English languages and, in the event of any discrepancy between the Chinese version and English version, the Chinese version shall prevail. 本协议为中英文版本,如两种版本有不一致之处,应以中文版本为准。7.This Agreement shall become effective on the date of execution by the parties and shall be executed in four copies, with each party holding two copies.本协议自双方签署之日起生效,一式四(4)份,双方各执两(2)份。仅供教学参考,并非法律建议。仅供教学参考,并非法律建议。 内部资料-培训专用,翻印必究6Lessor: Beijing SSS Co., Ltd. Chop:Date:出租方:出租方: 北京北京 SSS 有限公司有限公司 盖章: 日期:Lessee:Beijing AAA Co., Ltd. Chop: Date:承租方:承租方: 北京北京 AAA 有限公司有限公司 盖章: 日期:


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