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《浙江省湖州市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-03语法填空&短文汉语提示填空.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《浙江省湖州市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-03语法填空&短文汉语提示填空.docx(9页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、浙江省湖州市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编03语法填空&短文汉语提示填空一、语法填空(2022 浙江湖州)阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形 式。Matt is a primary school student who loves playing with little animals. One day, when he was on (he) way to school, he saw a homeless cat sitting in a box. It was a black-and-white cat with bright e

2、yes. The cat was so cute 2 Matt couldn, t help playing with it.The longer Matt played with 3cat, the more he liked it. The little cat followed himas he left for school. Matt then decided 4 (take) the cat to school with him. He put the cat in his schoolbag 5 went to school happily.After Matt entered

3、the class, he told some 6 (classmate) about the cat. As he opened the schoolbag to show them the cat, it suddenly jumped out and 7 (start) running around the classroom. It even jumped onto the teacher s desk! Everyone in class was 8 (excited) than ever before. Just at that time, the teacher came in

4、and caught the cat 9 (quick). Matt felt embarrassed and his face turned red.To Matt s surprise, the teacher came up to him 10 a smile, saying, “ Matt, it s nice of you to lend a helping hand to homeless animals, but you are not allowed to take it to school.(2021 浙江湖州)阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的

5、正确形 式。Your dog is barking, but you can t hear it! Your best friend is telling you 11 joke, but you can t catch it! 12 terrible! The people who have hearing loss 1 3 (consider) deaf.It s not easy being deaf, and although some kids are born deaf, many others lose their hearing later on. So it s import

6、ant to know how 1 4 (be) a good friend with anyone in the Deafcommunity. Here are some ways.Be patient and do not give up on a friend 15 hearing loss. If you repeat what you are saying 16 (loud), and it isn t helping your Deaf friend, try to write it down or use signals instead.Also, remember that d

7、eafness isn t the same as being stupid. Deaf kids are just as smart as anyone else. Don t treat your Deaf friends like they are not very smart. 17 they can t hear you, there? s nothing wrong with their brain.Don t forget about texts, 18 (email), and so on. These are much 19 (good)第1页共11页55. arms56.

8、shares57. winter58. Sunday59. low60. courage【解析】【分析】本文向我们介绍了可以帮助我们保持健康的三种运动方式。51 .句意:这就是为什么数百万人一周跑步好几天,积极参加比赛的原因。“积极的”可用active表示,形容词;分析句子可知,此处用于句中作定语,修饰其后的名词part。 故填 activeo52 .句意:一些跑步者加入这项运动,一起为他人做一些有益的事情。“有帮助的”可用helpful表示,形容词;分析句子可知,此处用于句中作后置定语,修饰其前的不 定代词 somethingo 故填 helpfulo53 .句意:去年秋天在东京,一些运发动

9、穿着疯狂的服装跑完全程马拉松,为慈善机构募捐。“穿”可用wear表示,动词;根据句中时间状语Last autumn可知,本句时态是一般过去时,所以 用其过去式形式。故填wore。54 .句意:在中国,你会看到一大群人在公园、广场等公共场所打太极。“公共的可用public表示,形容词;分析句子可知,此处用于句中作定语,修饰其后的名词placeso 故填 publico55 .句意:手臂和腿的这些缓慢控制的运动对你的健康很有好处。“手臂”可用arm表示,形容词;分析句子可知,此处表示复数含义,与其后的legs构成并列结构, 所以用其名词复数形式。故填arms。56 .句意:李先生。一位医生,经常提

10、供他的经验,说做太极拳帮助他克服压力,感到放松。“提供”可用share表示,动词;分析句子可知,本句时态是一般现在时,主语Mr. Lee表单数,所 以用其动词三单形式。故填shareso57 .句意:假设你在俄罗斯或芬兰的某个地方过冬,外面是零下15摄氏度。“冬天”可用winter表示,名词;分析句子可知,此处表示“在冬天”,构成in winter短语。故填 wintero58 .句意:在一个晴朗的星期天下午,你愿意去看电影还是到附近的河里游泳?“星期日”可用Sunday表示,名词;分析句子可知,此前有不定冠词a修饰,所以用其原形即可。 故填 Sunday o59 .句意:我们的读者中没有多少

11、人会选择在这么低的温度下游泳,但在一些国家,冰上游泳已经流行了几个世纪。第10页共11页“低”可用low表示,形容词;分析句子可知,此处用于句中作定语,修饰其后的名词temperatures。 故填lowo60 .句意:但是你必须有勇气去尝试一一而且它只适合那些已经很健康的人!“勇气”可用courage表不,名词;分析句子可知,courage是不可数名词,此处用于句中作宾语, 所以用其原形即可。故填 courageo第11页共11页 ways to keep in touch with your Deaf friend than phone calls. If the two of you c

12、an sign, a video call is great!It s fun to communicate with others. We should support all of 20 (we) friends,and make new ones!(2020 浙江湖州)阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。When teacher Margret Atkins, 39, went to ride her bike to school last Friday, she was shocked to discover it 21 (steal). When

13、 our reporter spoke to her, she told him that shed been angry when she realized he bike was gone. It was quite 22 old bike her grandpa had given her years ago. She said it was 23 (valuable) gift she,d ever received.So what did she do? She decided 24 (write) a note to the thief and put it where the b

14、ike had been taken away. To her surprise, she 25 (find) the thief had returned the bike, together with a written apology (抱歉)later that day. What I did was 26 (complete) wrong. Im really sorry I took your bike. Hope you can accept 27(I)apology!,zMrs. Atkins told reporters she was not going to call t

15、he police 28 she was no longer angry. She was just thankful that she could go to school on her bike again. She added that she,d probably write another passage to the thief. want to thank him 29 returning the bike and tell him Ive forgiven (原谅)him, she explained. People sometimes make 30 (mistake), b

16、ut the important thing is that they own up to (成认)what they,ve done,“ she said.二、短文汉语提示填空(2022 浙江湖州)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。The tradition of tea drinking began in China thousands of years ago. It soon became 31 (流行的;受欢迎的)because it was healthy and gave people energy. Later, tea was brough

17、t to some countries in 32(东方的)Asia, such as Japan and Korea. Nowadays, Chinese tea has becomea world drink.Some of the world s tastiest teas 33(生长)in China. Oolong tea is one of the bestand it has many different kinds. One of them has a light brown 34 (颜色)and tastes like honey. Another special kind

18、has a heavier, burnt taste.Perhaps the best way for beginners to enjoy tea is to 35 (出席; 参力口)traditional tea art performances which are held at tea houses and tea farms around the country.Several steps are planned 36 (细致地;d、心吐也)in each performance. First, heat the pots and tea cups with warm water.

19、Then, put some tea 37 (叶子)into the teapot. Next, pour hot water from a specific height. After that, make sure the tea is boiled for a proper time.When the tea is ready, drinkers should 38(闻至ll;嗅)it before taking a sip. Its 39 (有礼貌的)to finish each cup in three small sips. The performance provides a c

20、hance to appreciate this valuable 40 (礼物;馈赠)from nature.第2页共11页(2021 浙江湖州)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Things SpotterIf you often lose things, you 11 be happy with a new 41 (创造)called Things Spotter.It 11 look like a small key tag that can be put on your objects. The tag will 42 (连 接)to your m

21、obile phone through BlueTooth technology. When you find something missing, don t 43 (担忧)! Just press a button on your mobile phone and a map on your screen willtell you where to look.Fire RechargerIt s really fun to 44 (扎营)in the wild! But what can you do if the batteries (电池)on your mobile phone ar

22、e empty? Some 45 (工程师)are working on a Fire Recharger.It 46 (生产)electricity from the heat of fire. This means you can use a small fireto charge (充电)your mobile phone. It is very useful and will be 47 (广泛土也)used in the future.DigGogglesThose lively underwater photos are so beautiful, but not easy to

23、take. Besides, underwater cameras are not 48 (廉价的)enough. But soon you will have the 49 (机会) to buy a pair of DigGoggles. That? s the name of a 50 (特殊的)diving mask that can take photos. Open and close your eyes twice and your camera will go click !(2020 浙江湖州)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Keepin

24、g Healthy-stories from around the worldRunning for funRunning regularly helps you to keep fit. That,s why millions of people run several days a week and take an 52 (积极的)part in races. Some runners join the sport and doing something 52 (有帮助的)for others together. Last autumn in Tokyo, some runners53(穿

25、)crazycostumes and ran a full marathon to collect money for charity(慈善).A beautiful morning in a parkYou will see in China big groups of people doing tai chi in 54 (公共的)places, such as parks and squares. Tai chi is a traditional sport widely spread in China. These slow controlled movements of the 55

26、(手臂)and legs are very good for your health. Mr. Lee, a doctor, often56 (提供)his experience, saying that doing tai chi helps him overcome stress and feel relaxed.Ice swimmingImagine you are somewhere in Russia or Finland in 57 (冬天),and its -15 outside. Would you rather see a film or go for a swim in t

27、he nearby river on a fine 58 (星期日)afternoon? Not many of our readers would choose to go for a swim in such 59(低)temperatures, but第3页共11页in some countries, ice swimming has been popular for centuries. Some people say it can help strengthen the body. But you have to have the 60 (勇气)to try it一and its o

28、nly for people who are already fit and healthy!第4页共11页参考答案:1. his2. that3. the4. to take5. and6. classmates7. started8. more excited9. quickly10. with【解析】【导语】本文讲述了马特在上学路上遇到了一致流浪猫,并把它带到学校的事情。1 .句意:一天,当他在上学的路上,他看到一只无家可归的猫坐在一个盒子里。on one s way to. “在某人去某地的路上,one s用形容词性物主代词代替,故填his。2 .句意:这只猫太可爱了,马特忍不住要和它

29、玩。结合“so cute. Matt couldn, t help playing with it.”可知,此处是$0.坨4七.“如此以至于”引导的结果状语从句,故填that。3 .句意:马特和猫玩得越久,他越喜欢它。此处是指代前文提到的名词,用定冠词the修饰,故填 the。4 .句意:然后,马特决定带这只猫去学校。decide to do sth ”决定做某事”,是固定短语,故填to take。5 .句意:他把猫放进书包里,高兴地上学去了。空格前后是并列关系,应用and连接,故填and。6 .句意:马特进入教室后,告诉了一些同学关于这只猫的事。空前有some修饰,名词用复数形式, 故填 c

30、lassmateso7 .句意:当他翻开书包给他们看那只猫时,它突然跳了出来,开始在教室里跑来跑去。空处与“jumped” 是并列关系,此处应用过去式形式,故填started。8 .句意:班上的每个人都比以前更兴奋了。结合“than”可知,此处用比拟级形式,故填more excited。9 .句意:就在那时,老师进来很快抓住了猫。空处修饰动词,应用副词形式,故填quickly。10 .句意:令马特惊讶的是,老师微笑着走到他面前。此处是表示伴随,应用介词with,故填with。11 . a12 . How13 . are considered14 . to be第5页共11页15 . with1

31、6 . loudly17 . Although#Though18 . emails19 . better20 . our【解析】【分析】文中介绍了和聋人做朋友的一些方法。11 .句意:你最好的朋友在给你讲笑话,但是你听不到!此处泛指讲一个笑话,joke以辅音音素开头, 其前用不定冠词a。故填a。12 .句意:多么糟糕啊!根据terrible!”可知此处是感叹句,中心词是形容词,用“How+形 容词!”结构。故填How。13 .句意:有听力损失的人被认为是聋的。主语The people与动词consider之间是动宾关系, 陈述一般事实用一般现在时,一般现在时的被动语态结构为am/is/are

32、done,主语“The people”是复数, be 动词用 are, consider 的过去分词形式为 are consideredo 故填 are consideredo14 .句意:所以知道如何成为聋人团体的好朋友是很重要的。know后用“疑问词+动词不定式”结构 作宾语。故填to be。15 .句意:耐心点,不要放弃有听力障碍的朋友。根据a friend . hearing loss可知此处指 有听力障碍的朋友,用with表示“有。故填with。16 .句意:如果你大声重复你说的话,这并没有帮助你的聋人朋友,试着把它写下来或使用信号代替。 分析句子结构可知要用loud的副词形式lou

33、dly表示“大声地”,修饰动词saying”。故填loudly。17 .句意:虽然他们不能听到你的声音,但他们的大脑没有任何问题。前后句之间是让步关系,用 although或though引导让步状语从句,句子开头首字母大写。故填Although/Though。18 .句意:不要忘记短信、电子邮件等等。根据“texts”可知此处email要用复数形式emails。故 填 emailso19 .句意:这些是比打 更好的与你的聋人朋友保持联系的方法。程度副词much后接形容词good 的比拟级better,在句中作定语修饰ways。故填better。20 .句意:我们应该支持我们所有的朋友,并结交新

34、朋友!根据空后“friends”可知此处用we的形 容词性物主代词。ur表示“我们的。故填our。21 . was stolen22 . an23 . the most valuable24 . to write25 . found第6页共11页26 . completely27 . my28 . because29 . for30 . mistakes【解析】【分析】本文讲述了玛格丽特阿特金斯老师自行车被偷了,刚开始很生气,但当天晚些时候发现小偷归还了 自行车后,便决定不再报警,因为她认为人有时会犯错,但重要的是他们要敢于成认自己所做的事。21 .句意:上周五,39岁的玛格丽特阿特金斯老师骑

35、自行车去学校时丁她震惊地发现自行车被偷了。考查动词。根据句意主语it和谓语动词steal之间是被动关系,又因为全文是用一般过去时表达,所以此句应用一般过去时的被动语态,其结构为was/were+动词的过去分词,故填was stolen。22 .句意:那是她爷爷多年前给她的一辆很旧的自行车。考查冠词。此句指“一辆很旧的自行车”,表示泛指,所以用不定冠词,又因为old以元音素开头, 所以用不定冠词an,故填an。23 .句意:她说这是她收到的最有价值的礼物。考查形容词。根据句中shed ever received,可知这是她收到的最有价值的礼物,所以应用形容词 的最高级形式,valuable为多音

36、节词,其最高级为the most valuable,故填the most valuable。24 .句意:她决定给小偷写张便条,把它放在自行车被拿走的地方。考查动词。“决定做某事”为decide to do sth.,其中动词不定式作宾语,故填to write。25 .句意:令她吃惊的是,当天晚些时候,她发现小偷还了自行车,还附上了一份书面抱歉信。考查动词。因为全文是用一般过去时表达,所以此句应用一般过去时,find的过去式为found,故填 foundo26 .句意:我所做的完全错了。考查副词。此处要修饰形容词wrong,副词修饰形容词,所以应用complete的副词形式completely

37、, 故填 completely。27 .句意:希望你能接受我的抱歉!考查形容词性物主代词。此处要修饰名词,所以应用I的形容词性物主代词my,故填my。28 .句意:阿特金斯夫人告诉记者,她不打算报警,因为她不再生气了。考查附属连词。根据句意前后两句是因果关系,“she was no longer angry”表示原因,所以用because 连接,故填because。29 .句意:我想感谢他还车,并告诉他我原谅了他。考查介词。thank sb. for doing sth.意为“为做某事感谢某人”,故填for。30 .句意:人有时会犯错,但重要的是他们要成认自己所做的事。考查名词。犯错误”为ma

38、ke a mistake或make mistakes,根据主语people可知用复数形式,故填第7页共11页mistakeso31 . popular32 . East#eastern33 . grow34 . color#colour35 . attend36 . carefully37 . leaves38 . smell39 . polite40 . gift#present【解析】【导语】本文主要介绍了中国的饮茶传统。31 .句意:它很快就流行起来,因为它有益健康,给人以能量。根据“became”和中文提示可知,需 要形容词作表语,popular 流行的”符合句意;故填popular。

39、32 .句意:后来,茶被带到了东亚的一些国家,如日本和韩国。根据“Asia”和中文提示可知,可以 用名词或形容词修饰名词,East Asia/easten Asia “东亚”符合句意;故填East/eastern。33 .句意:世界上一些最美味的茶叶生长在中国。根据Some of the world? s tastiest teas”和 中文提示可知,是一般现在时态,主语是复数,动词用原形,grow “生长”符合句意;故填grow。34 .句意:其中一种是浅棕色的,吃起来像蜂蜜。根据a light brown和中文提示可知,需要一 个名词单数,color/colour “颜色”符合句意;故填c

40、olor/colour。35 .句意:对于初学者来说,品茶最好的方式可能是参加在全国各地的茶馆和茶场举行的传统茶艺表 演。根据“is to 和中文提示可知,需要一个动词原形,attend “参加”符合句意;故填attend。36 .句意:每次演出都要精心筹划好几个步骤。根据Several steps are planned和中文提示可 知,需要副词修饰动词,carefully “小心地”符合句意;故填carefully。37 .句意:然后,在茶壶里放一些茶叶。根据中文提示可知,leaf 叶子。可数名词;结合“some”, 需要名词复数,leaves符合句意;故填leaves。38 .句意:当茶

41、准备好后,饮茶者应该闻一闻再喝一口。根据“should”和中文提示可知,需要一个 动词原形,smell 闻到”符合句意;故填smell。39 .句意:在三小口内喝完每一杯是礼貌的。根据“It s”和中文提示可知,需要形容词作表语, polite “礼貌的”符合句意;故填polite。40 .句意:演出提供了一个机会来欣赏这个来自大自然的珍贵礼物。根据this valuable和中文 提示可知,需要一个名词单数,gift/present “礼物”符合句意;故填gift/present。41 . invention第8页共11页42 . connect43 . worry44 . camp45 .

42、 engineers46 . produces47 . widely48 . cheap49 . chance50 . special【解析】【分析】文中介绍了三个创造:东西测位仪、火充电器和DigGoggles。41 .句意:如果你经常丢东西,你会很高兴有一项新创造叫做东西测位仪。根据“a new .可知 此处用可数名词单数,“创造”译为invention。故填invention。42 .句意:标签将通过蓝牙技术连接到你的移动 。will后接动词原形,“连接”译为connect。 故填 connect o43 .句意:当你发现少了什么,不要担忧! dorf t+动词原形”构成祈使句,“担忧”

43、译为worry。故 填 worry。44 .句意:在野外露营真的很有趣!根据句子结构可知此处用动词不定式作句子真正的主语,to后接 动词原形构成不定式,“扎营”译为camp。故填camp。45 .句意:一些工程师正在研究一种火充电器。“工程师”译为engineer,是可数名词;some后接其 复数形式 engineers。故填 engineers。46 .句意:它通过火的热量发电。句中缺少谓语动词,“生产”译为produce;根据上下文可知要用一 般现在时,主语“It”后接动词的第三人称单数形式produces。故填produces。47 .句意:它是非常有用的,并将在未来得到广泛的应用。“广泛地”译为widely,副词修饰动词。 故填 widelyo48 .句意:止匕外,水下摄像机也不够廉价。“廉价的译为cheap,形容词在句中作表语。故填cheap。49 .句意:但很快你就有机会买一副DigGoggles 了。定冠词the后接名词,“机会”译为chance,此 处特指买一副DigGoggles的机会,用单数。故填chance。50 .句意:这是一种可以拍照的特殊潜水面罩的名字。“特殊的”译为special,形容词在句中作定语。 故填 specialo51 . active52 . helpful53 . wore54 . public第9页共11页


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