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《四川省广安市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-03短文选词填空&补全对话&短文改错&根据汉语提示填空.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四川省广安市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-03短文选词填空&补全对话&短文改错&根据汉语提示填空.docx(21页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、川省广安市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编03短文选词填空&补全对话&短文改错&根据汉语提示填空一、短文选词填空(2022 四川广安)根据短文内容用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空,每空一词,每词一次。surprise; a; help; hand; with; final; good; but; note; askDanny lived a hard life with his mother in a small town. Although they were poor, they were always to those in need. One day, Danny s

2、aw 2 old man carry a huge bag. The man looked tired and hungry. He 3 people to help him carry the bag. 4 nobody agreed to help him. Danny offered to give him a 5, The old man told Danny that he had no money topay him.6 a laugh, Danny said that he was just trying to help. He asked the old man where h

3、e wanted to go. He told Danny to follow him.7 , the old man stopped right in front of Danny s house. This is my house! v criedDanny. The old man just turned around and told Danny, “This bag is for you. Use it8.”Then he went off. Danny opened the bag and was 9 to find a lot of money inside. A 10 insi

4、de it said, “Help comes to those help. ”(2021 四川广安)he, kind, enough, decide, a, during, both, what, serious, saveJustin is 11 18-year-old student. He is thinking about how to spend his money 12 the summer vacation. He has 13 about 300 dollars already. He plans to buy L4 a computer with his money, bu

5、t he also wants to go for a trip with his friends.He can t do 15 because he doesn t have enough money. What should Justin do?We areoften in these 16 of situations. You want to see a concert on Saturday, but it is alsoyour mother? s birthday and you do not want to let her down. In this case, you don

6、t have17 time to go to both places. You must make a 18. You must think about19 should be done first. You should consider that 20.(2020 四川广安)Have you ever 21 Along the River During the Qingming Festival (清明上河图)? Almostpaintingbeseeforgetbothsinghistoryartcrowdlot第1页共19页 sth”短语,意为“忘记”,故填forget。31. F32

7、. A33. D34. E35. B【解析】【导语】本文主要讨论了 Tom的朋友Ben要来,并讨论了 Ben的一些情况。31 .根据uTomorrow. I can? t wait to see him. ”可知上文询问Ben什么时候来,选项F “他什么 时候会来”符合语境。应选F。32 .根据“He will stay with me for two weeks. ”可知上文询问Ben要待多长时间,选项A “他会 待多久,符合语境。应选A。33 .根据“He is really friendlyv可知上文询问Ben的性格特征,选项D “他是什么样的人”符合 语境。应选D。34 .根据“Wha

8、t does he look like?”可知下文回答Ben的外貌,选项E “他又高又壮”符合语境。 应选Eo35 .根据“Could you introduce him to me?”可知此处回答可以或者不可以,选项B “当然可以” 符合语境。应选B。36. F37. D38. C39. A40. B【解析】【分析】本文是A向B问路的聊天内容。36 .根据 “Certainly. Go along this street. Turn left into Xinhua Road, and the hospital is on your right.可知,这里应该是问路,选项F “你能告诉我去人

9、民医院怎么走吗? ”符合语境,应选 Fo37 .根据It s about forty minutes on foot. ”可知,这里应该是问到那里需要多久,选项D 到 那里要多长时间? ”符合语境,应选D。38 .根据Can I take a bus?”可知,这里应该是说走路去太远了,选项C “走着去太远了。”符合 语境,应选C。39 .根据“Yes. It s over there. Look! The bus is coming. ”可知,这里应该是问附近有没有 第10页共19页汽车站,选项A “这附近有公交车站吗? ”符合语境,应选A。40 .根据Thank you very much.

10、 ”可知,这里应该是回答不用谢,选项B “不用谢J符合语境,故 选Bo41. C42. B43. F44. E45. D【解析】【分析】本对话是警察与莉莉讨论一起交通事故的对白。41 .根据后面回答“Yes, r m OK. ”可知,此处应该是一般疑问句;根据空后的“You look pale. 你看起来脸色苍白,结合选项可知,“你还好吗? ”符合语境。应选C。42 .根据后面的“后re. ”可知,空处是一般疑问句;结合“A boy was riding his bike while he was listening to music on the road. ” 一个男孩一边骑着自行车一边在

11、路上听着音乐,可知这是在描述当 时的情况,结合选项可知,“你能告诉我有关这次事故的一些情况吗? ”符合语境。应选B。43 .根据后面回答“This morning. ”可知,空处应该是在询问时间,结合选项,”事故是什么时候发 生的? ”符合语境。应选F。44 .根据前面“So did the truck hit the boy?”是一般疑问句可知,空处应该用Yes或No作答, 结合选项可知,“不,我很高兴这样说。符合语境。应选E。45 .根据前句“据an句a lot. ”非常感谢,结合选项可知,“不客气”符合语境及交际规那么。应选D。46. playing47. other48. in49.

12、for50. thousand51. interested52. developed53. easily54. works55. them【解析】【导语】本文讲述风筝的用途,科学家对于风筝的研究。46. Children and adults enjoy play with kites孩子们和大人喜欢玩风筝。表达“喜欢做某事” 第11页共19页用短语enjoy doing”,句子表达“玩力应用动名词用laying”作宾语。故填playing。47. There are a lot of kite festivals and competitions in China, Japan and ma

13、ny others countries.在中国、日本和很多其他的国家,有很多的风筝节和比赛。“others”表达“其他的人或物”。 名词“countries”前表示“其他的,用“other”作定语。故填other。48. They can be useful on many other ways它们在很多其他的方面可以非常有用处。根据ways” 可知表达“在很多其他方面”,用介词“in”。故填in。49. Kite flying has been popular in China since more than two thousands years 风筝在中国 流行两千多年了。“since”

14、表示“自从”,后面接过去的时间点,根据“more than two thousands years”, 可知是时间段,用介词“for”。故填for。50. Kite flying has been popular in China since more than two thousands years 风筝在中国 流行两千多年了。根据“two”及“years”,可知表达确定的数字“两千年,用two thousand years 故填 thousando51. Scientists have been interesting in kites for a long time 科学家对风筝感兴趣很

15、长时间 了。“interesting”表达“有趣的”,根据主语“Scientists”,可知句子表达“对风筝感兴趣的”,用短 语 “be interested in”。故填 interestedo52. Recently, scientists have develop many new kinds of kites 最近,科学家研发了很多新的 种类的风筝,根据recently”,可知句子是现在完成时,表达“研发”,动词用have developed故 填 developedo53. Some of them can pull boats, or lift a man easy 一些风筝可以很

16、容易就拉动船或提起一个 人。动词“lift”用副词修饰,表达“容易地”用副词“easily”。故填easily。54. Some kites are really beautiful work of art, and people love it 一些风筝真的是很漂亮 的艺术作品,人们很喜欢它们。“work”表示“工作”时是不可数名词,表示“作品”时是可数名词。根 据“art”,可知表达艺术作品,用名词“works”。故填works。55. Some kites are really beautiful work of art, and people love it 一些风筝真的是很漂亮 的艺

17、术作品,人们很喜欢它们。根据Some kites可知是复数概念,用代词的宾格“them”来指代这些 风筝。故填them。56. excited57. about58. few59. has60. However61. who / that62. so63. can64. healthy第12页共19页65. noise【解析】【分析】文章主要是针对老人跳广场舞因为噪音太大引发了街坊们抱怨,作者在此给出自己的意见。56. I m very exciting to speak here我很激动能在这里演讲。修饰人用ed形容词,故exciting 应改为excitedo57. T d like to

18、 talk with my grandma我想聊聊有关我奶奶的事情。此处应该表达的是想谈谈有 关奶奶的事情,应用talk about,故with应改为about。58. A little months ago几个月以前。months是复数名词,应用a few修饰。故little应改为few。59. Since then, she have been in love with square dancing 从那时起,她就爱上了广场舞。主 语是she,助动词应用has,故have应改为has。60. Now she is fitter. But, some neighbours have a co

19、mplaint 现在她更健康了。但是,一些邻 居有怨言。结合句子结构,此处表示转折的词,前后句都用标点隔开了,应用however,位于句首字母要 大写,故But应改为However o61. some neighbours have a complaint against the people which do square dancing.些邻居 对跳广场舞的人有意见。定语从句先行词是people,指人,且在从句中作主语,关系词用who/that引导, 故 which 应改为 who/that。62. They think that the music is such loud that t

20、hey can t fall asleep at night.他认 为音乐太吵了,以至于他们晚上无法入睡。loud是形容词,此处应用so.that的结构,故such应改为SOo63. In my opinion, people can? t do square dancing 在我看来,人们不可以跳广场舞。根据because it is a good way of keeping.”可知,这里应该是同意跳广场舞,是肯定的意思,故can t应改为 carlo64. because it is a good way of keeping health因为这是保持健康的好方法。keep是系动词, 后

21、接形容词作表语,故health应改为healthy。65. they shouldn t make a lot of noises.他们不应该制造很多噪音。noise是不可数名词,此处 不能用复数形式,故noises应改为noise。66. fourth67. practising68. to help69. progress70. started71. showing72. played73. the第13页共19页74. quickly75. happiest【解析】【分析】本文讲述了作者参加一次钢琴比赛,获得了冠军的经历。66. “When I was in the four grade

22、n表示“当我在四年级时”,定冠词the+序数词+grade,表示 “在年级”,所以基数词four变成序数词fourtho67. “I spent our hours practise playing the piano every day” 表示“我每天花四个小时练习 弹钢琴”,固定搭配:sb+spend+时间+doing sth “某人花费时间做某事”,所以要把practise改为动名词 practisingo68. “My piano teacher came three times a week help me” 表示“我的钢琴老师一周来三次来帮 助我”,老师来的目的是为了帮助我,用动词

23、不定式表目的,所以在help前加to。69. “I made much progresses表示“我取得了很大的进步”,progress “进步”是不可数名词, 无复数形式,所以把progresses改为progresso70. “I went up and start to play”表示“我走上去开始演奏”,start应与went”的时态保持 一致,所以将start改为过去式started。71. “While I was show the music”表示“当我正在表演音乐时”,系动词was要与现在分词构成 过去进行时结构,所以将show改为现在分词showingo72. “The so

24、ng was play without any mistakes” 表示“这首歌演奏得很完美,主语song与 动词“play”之间是被动关系,要用被动语态be done的结构,所以要把play改为过去分词played。73. “Then I waited for them to call out a winner”表示“然后我等着他们喊出获胜者”,此处 表特指“比赛的获胜者”,要用定冠词the,把a改为the。74. “my heart was beating so quick that I thought I would stop breathing” 表示 “我的心 脏跳得太快了,我以为我

25、要停止呼吸了 ,修饰动词beating要用副词,要把形容词quick改为副词quickly。75. “It was the happy day of my life”表示“那是我人生中最开心的一天”,根据比拟范围“of my life”,可知,形容词happy要用最高级happiest。76. March【解析】【详解】句意:我们计划在三月份种植很多树。介词“in”后缺宾语,表达“三月”,用专有名词“March”, 表达月份,首字母大写。故填March。77. on【解析】【详解】句意:上周我们校队赢了足球比赛。根据last week,可知是句子是一般过去时,表达“赢”,动第14页共19页 词

26、用过去式“won。故填won。78. modern【解析】【详解】句意:他正在读一本关于现代历史的书。名词“history”用形容词修饰。表达“现代的”,用形容词 “modern” 作定语。故填 modern。79. sheep【解析】【详解】句意:你能把剪绵羊毛的剪刀递给我么?介词“Off”后缺宾语,表示“绵羊”,用复数名词“Sheep”。故填sheepo80. brave【解析】【详解】句意:我们应该勇敢地面对困难。名词heart”用形容词修饰,表达“勇敢的”,用形容词“brave” 作定语。故填brave。81. invented【解析】【详解】句意:不久前电脑被创造,但是它们现在很受欢

27、迎。主语computers”和动词“创造”是被动关系, 用一般过去时的被动结构,动词用“were invented”。故填inventedo82. upstairs【解析】【详解】句意:汤姆晚饭后上楼去休息。动词“went”用副词修饰,表达“往楼上”,用副词upstairs。故 填 upstairso83. raise【解析】【详解】句意:他们需要筹集足够的资金来建造一所新学校。筹集:raise, need to do sth.”需要做某事”, 动词不定式作宾语。故填raise。84. handbags【解析】【详解】句意:在商店里有很多手提包,它们看起来非常漂亮。根据There are ma

28、ny可知是复数概念,表第15页共19页达“手提包”用名词复数形式handbags”。故填handbags。85. careless【解析】【详解】句意:玲玲如此的粗心以至于她把她卧室的窗户打破了。句子用“so形容词that从句”的结构, 表达“粗心的”,用形容词“careless”作表语。故填careless。86. fifth【解析】【详解】句意:五月是一年中的第五个月。fifth意为“第五。序数词。表达顺序,故填fifth。87. afford【解析】【详解】句意:我一直想有一个美妙的假期。但是我买不起。afford “负担得起”,是动词,空格前是情态动 词,动词应用原形,故填afford

29、。88. knives【解析】【详解】句意:西方人吃饭时喜欢用刀叉。knife刀,是可数名词,由“forks”可知,此处的名词用复数 形式,故填knives。89. singing【解析】【详解】句意:听!有人在隔壁唱歌。sing唱歌,根据Listen! Someone is”可知,此处是现在进行时, 用现在分词形式,故填singing。90. strange【解析】【详解】句意:在盒子里没有什么奇怪的东西。根据中文提示,strange表示“奇怪的”,形容词作后置定语修 饰不定代词nothing,故填strange。91. sent【解析】【详解】句意:2020年7月,中国科学家发射了一艘宇宙

30、飞船到火星进行拍照。send “发送”,是动词,结合 “in July 2020”可知,句子应用一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填sent。第16页共19页92. instead【解析】【详解】句意:他们想去观光而不是住在旅馆里。根据“of”及中文提示,可知,此处用instead of表示“而 不是,故填insteado93. replace【解析】【详解】句意:许多人认为计算机和互联网将取代书籍。replace “取代”,是动词,空格前有will,动词用原 形,故填replace。94. population【解析】【详解】句意:2021年中国人口约14. 1亿。population “人口”,

31、是名词,由“is”可知,此处的名词应用原 形,故填 populationo95. dangerous【解析】【详解】句意:不要在河里游泳。这对你来说很危险。dangerous危险的,在句中作表语,故填dangerous。96. September【解析】【详解】句意:教师节在九月。“九月”英文表达是September,专有名词,首字母要大写,in September 在 九月”,故填Septembero97. capital【解析】【详解】句意:成都是四川省的省会。根据中文提示,capital “省会”,the capital of ”的省会”,故 填 capitalo98. hurt【解析】

32、【详解】句意:你用刀时要小心,否那么会伤到你自己。“使受伤”英文表达是hurt,动词,hurt oneself “伤 到自己”;句子时态是一般将来时,其结构为:will+动词原形,故填hurt。99. lucky第17页共19页【解析】【详解】句意:星期二是我的幸运日。根据中文提示,lucky“幸运的”,形容词作定语修饰名词day,故填lucky。100. shake【解析】【详解】句意:我们中国人在会见客人时应该握手。根据中文提示,shake 摇晃,shake hands “握手”,情 态动词should后接动词原形,故填shakeo101. useful【解析】【详解】句意:英语是一种有用

33、而重要的语言。根据汉语提示可知,此处使用useful, useful是形容词,此 处修饰名词language。故填useful。102. fails【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:Tony经常因为他的粗心而数学考试不及格。根据“often”可知句子时态为一般现在时,主语 “Tony”是第三人称单数,谓语动词要用三单形式;动词fail失败”的三单形式“fails”作谓语符合 句意,故填fails。103. hardly【解析】【详解】句意:我很多年没见他了,但他几乎没变。根据中文提示,hardly “几乎不”,在句中位于助动词后, 实义动词前,故填hardly。104. between【解析】【详

34、解】句意:他们正在修建一条连接广安和重庆的公路。根据“Guang an and Chongqing可知,此处表 示“两者之间”,用“betweenand”表示,故填between。105. heroes【解析】【详解】句意:我认为超人和蜘蛛侠是真正的英雄。根据中文提示,hero “英雄”,可数名词,根据“are”, 可知,此空填复数名词,故填heroes。第18页共19页第19页共19页 everyone has heard of this painting in his 22 class. It s one of the most famous23 in China. It was pain

35、ted by Zhang Zeduan, an 24 in the Song Dynasty. There are 25 of shops, restaurants, hotels and houses on 26 sides of the river, and the roads are 27 with people. Now you have the chance to feel like you,re living in the Song Dynasty. The painting was remade into a 3D version. It is very beautiful. T

36、he people, animals and ships 28 moving in the painting. We can see the river flowing and hear birds 29 The 3D painting will be shown in Shanghai. Dont 30 to see it and feel people,s lives in the Song Dynasty by yourself.二、补全对话6选5(2022 四川广安)根据下面的对话内容,从选项中选出最正确选项,使对话完整通顺,其中有一项为 多余选项。A: Hi, Tom! You lo

37、ok very happy today!B: Oh, yes. Guess what? My best friend Ben is coining.A: Really? 31B: Tomorrow. I can t wait to see him.A: 32B: He will stay with me for two weeks.A: 33B: He is really friendly. I m sure you will like him when you see him.A: What does he look like?B: 34He plays football well.A: C

38、ould you introduce him to me?B: 35A. How long will he stay?B. Of course.C. How often does he visit you?D. What is he like?E. He is tall and strong.F When is he coming?(2021 四川广安)根据下面的对话内容,从选项中选出最正确选项,使对话完整通顺,并将其选项转 涂到答题卡上的相应位置。其中有一项为多余选项。A: Excuse me, sir. 36B: Certainly. Go along this street. Turn

39、left into Xinhua Road, and the hospital is on your right.A: 37第2页共19页B: It s about forty minutes on foot.A: 38 Can I take a bus?B: Yes, you can. The No. 15 bus will take you there.A: 39B: Yes. It s over there. Look! The bus is coming.A: Thank you very much.B: 40A. Is there a bus stop near here?B. Yo

40、u, re welcome.C It s too far for me to walk there.D. How long will it take me to get there?E. Where is the bus stop?F Could you tell me the way to the People s Hospital?(2020 四川广安)Policeman: Excuse me. 41 You look pale.Lily: Yes, P m OK. I saw an accident just now.Policeman:42Lily: Sure. A boy was r

41、iding his bike while he was listening to music on the road.Policeman: Oh, that s too dangerous. 43Lily: This morning.Policeman: What else?Lily: When the lights were changing to red, a truck suddenly appeared round the corner. What s more, the driver was talking on his mobile phone.Policeman: So did

42、the truck hit the boy?Lily:44Policeman: Thanks a lot.Lily:45A. Where did it happen?B. Could you tell me something about the accident?C. Are you all right?D. You re welcome.E. No, Im glad to say.F When did the accident happen?三、短文改错(2022 四川广安)下面短文中的划线局部是错误的,请改正,但不得改变原文意思。Children and adults enjoy pla

43、y with kites.46第3页共19页There are a lot of kite festivals and competitions in China, Japan and many others countries. But kites are not just playthings. 47 They can be useful on many other ways. Kite flying has48been popular in China since more than49two thousands years. Scientists have been50interest

44、ing in kites for a long time. They have used them51for studying weather and for testing new kinds of flying machines.Recently, scientists have develop many new kinds of kites.52Some of them can pull boats, or lift a man easy. Some can53fly like a plane. Some kites are really beautiful work of art,54

45、and people love it. Kite flying is not only an art but also a science. 55(2021 四川广安)下面短文中的画线局部是错误的,请改正,但不得改变原文意思,并将答案写在 答题卡上的相应位置。Boys and girls,Today, I m very exciting to speak here 56and F d like to talk with my grandma. 57A little months ago, my grandma started to do square dancing 58after suppe

46、r. Since then, she have been in love with square dancing 59Now she is fitter. But, some neighbours have a complaint (抱怨)60against the people which do square dancing. They think that 61the music is such loud that they can t fall asleep at night. 62In my opinion, people can t do square dancing because

47、 it is 63a good way of keeping health. But they should think about the feelings 64of other people and they shouldn, t make a lot of noises. 65That s all. Thank you!(2020 四川广安)When I was in the four grade, I joined in a piano competition. 66I spent four hours practise playing the piano every day. My piano teacher 67came three times a week help me. A few weeks later, 68I made much progresses. Then the big day finally arrived. 69I


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