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《浙江省温州市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-04多任务混合阅读&短文汉语提示填空.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《浙江省温州市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-04多任务混合阅读&短文汉语提示填空.docx(11页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、浙江省温州市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编04多任务混合阅读&短文汉语提示填空一、短文汉语提示填空(2022 浙江温州)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。Chen Gang is a professor from China University of Geosciences. His son, Chen Lihao, is a university (学生).They reached the top of Mount Qomolangma, the world, s highest peak, on 2 (四月)30th, 2022. Durin

2、g their journey, they did scientific research and 3 (收集)ice, snow, plants and pieces of rocks. They were honoured as 4 (英雄)after they returned.Chen Gang likes 5(爬)mountains. He has been to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau many timesover the past 6(九)years. Although he meets lots of difficulties, he 7 (从不)t

3、hinks of giving up. He nicely connects his hobby with his career. As for his 8 (勇 敢的)son Chen Lihao, he is a national first-class mountaineer. He always 9 (训练)hard and gets ready for more challenges. The father and son 10(两者都)show great courageand abilities. They closely combine their personal futur

4、es with national needs.(2021 浙江温州)Until recently, Ajayi had never gone to school. Now fifty, she attends a school in Ilorin Nigeria, wearing the same pink dress as two 11(百)other girls atthe school. She studies with the students nearly forty years younger than she is.Ajayi runs her 12 (自 己的)business

5、 making and selling bags, but she believes it is 13 (仍然)necessary for her to learn to read and write.In class, she answers questions 14 (积极).She plays, talks and 15 (讨 论)together with her classmates.She is good at 16 (烹饪).Children all like the food she makes. They enjoy 17 (她们自己)at school.Ajayi? s 1

6、8 (女儿)used to feel embarrassed about their mother? s attending school with children. But now, they choose 19 (支持)her efforts.She plans to continue her 20(教育)for four more years, saying it will help herbusiness.(2020 浙江温州)The first week of my summer vacation was exciting. I was 21 (自由 的,空闲的)! I spent

7、 much time on my phone without doing my 22 (家庭作业). Mom was angry and told me I could only use it 23 (在 之间)7:00 pm. and 9:00 pm.I felt lost and kept asking 24 (我自 己)what fun I could have during the day. Mom offered me a challenge. If I could follow the same ant for 25(十) minutes, Id get a prize.I tho

8、ught for a while and agreed. I 26 (选择)the biggest ant in the yard and followed第1页共12页“虽然”可用though/although表示,连词;分析句子可知,此处用于句中引导让步状语从句,用于 句首需大写首字母。故填Though/Although。31. D32. A33. D34. They might sorry for what they did, and they believed Erin had changed. At the same time, they won t judge a person b

9、y hearing what others say. They will be kind to others.(答案合 理即可)【解析】【导语】本文主要讲述了 Erin雅莱参加Joe夫妇的派对,但是他们听到了许多有关Erin不好的舆论,所以他 们担忧Erin会把派对上的东西都偷走,晚上趁着Erin睡着,这对夫妇在他的包里发现了一条围巾,他们 误以为这是从他们那偷走的,最后才发现自己搞了一个乌龙,这对夫妇请求得到Erin的原谅。35. 根据 “How can we deal with hinr-We must keep an eye on him, ” 可知,在 Erin 来之前,这 对夫妇讨论

10、如何对付他,应选D。36. 根据It was a present I had prepared for your silver wedding” 可知,Erin 为这对夫妇 准备了一条围巾作为礼物,应选A。37. 根据 “she found their seven scarves were still there” 及 “Mrs. Joe returned with Erin s scarf. This one is yours,可知,她发现自己的七条围巾都在那,所以她相信Erin所说的,这 条围巾并不是他们的,应选1)。38. 开放性题,答案合理即可。参考答案为:They might sor

11、ry for what they did, and they believed Erin had changed. At the same time, they won t judge a person by hearing what others say. They will be kind to others.39. A40. B41. D42. 参考答案(37 词):Inspiration from the performance encouraged him to redesign the newspapers. Imagination helped him design them c

12、reatively to let readers have a pleasant reading experience. His determination pushed him to adjust the newspapers according to the readers taste.【解析】【分析】文章大意:当今社会电子设备的开展使得报纸正在消亡,本文作者讲述了自己通过努力来拯救报纸的 事情。43. 根据 “Most people believe in the long run, there is no reason no practical reason for第10页共12页 ne

13、wspapers to survive.”大多数人认为,从长远来看,报纸没有理由也没有实际的理由生存下去。可知, 大多数人认为报纸将被取代,应选A。44. 根据 “Can anything save newspapers? I decided to have a try. 以及 “I got a position in Bonnier s newspaper as an art director. 结合文章的内容,可知作者去邦尼埃的报纸工作,是 因为报纸正在消亡,而作者想要去拯救它,应选B。45. 根据 “The process we made was about improving the

14、product completely. 我们所做的是 完全改进产品。以及“We adjusted the content accordingly. We improved everything to what our readers thought it should be and how they liked reading it. We kept improving and we had fun. ” 我6 对内容做了相应的调整。我们改进了所有内容,使其符合我们的读者的想法和他们喜欢阅读的方式。我们 一直在进步,也很开心。可以推知,作者认为要不断地改进,否那么报纸将无法生存。应选D。46.

15、 根据 uInspiration lighted me up, -We started to redesign the newspapers, one by one. ” 灵感照亮了我,我们开始一个接一个地重新设计报纸。“We used our imagination-. Design isresponsible for this experience. Flipping through pages was reader? s experience and I was responsible for this experience. v我们运用了我们的想象力。设计对这种体验负责。翻页是读者的体

16、验,我对这种体验负责。“We had determination,We improved everything to what our readers thought it should be and how they liked reading it. 我们有决心,我们改进了所有内容,使其符合我们的读者的想法和他们喜欢阅读的方式。可知,演出的启发促使他重新设计报纸。想象力帮助他 创造性地设计,让读者有一个愉快的阅读体验。他的决心促使他根据读者的口味调整报纸。这才使得作者 的报纸生存和开展,故填 Inspiration from the performance encouraged him t

17、o redesign the newspapers. Imagination helped him design them creatively to let readers have a pleasant reading experience. His determination pushed him to adjust the newspapers according to the readers? taste.47. A48. B49. A50. While he was running for Governor, many articles on newspapers poured u

18、ntrue charges on him and some shameful things happened to him. He felt surprised, angry, dirty and disappointed, and finally decided to give up running for Governor. (38 词)【解析】【分析】文中Mr. Twain在竞选美国纽约州州长过程中,不断地受到不实指控、抹黑。他感到震惊、愤怒和不 齿。他对此感到极度失望,最后他放弃了竞选。51. 细节理解题。根据A few months ago I was nominated for G

19、overnor of the great state of New York, to run against Stewart L. Woodford and John T. Hoffman. v 可知,马克吐温和 Stewart L. Woodford以及John T. Hoffman二人竞争,所以一共有三人。应选A。52. 推理判断题。A:他在蒙大拿州因偷窃而受到惩罚。根据But I never was in Montana in my life. ” 第11页共12页可知,他从来没去过蒙大拿州,该项表述错误;B:他对对他的指控保持沉默。根据“Mr. Mark Twain still mai

20、ntains SILENCE.”可知,马克吐温对他人的指控保持沉默,该项表述正确;C:他经常喝得酩酊大 醉,不能参加会议。根据I did not drink!”可知,他不喝酒,该项表述错误;D:他接受了报纸给他 的称呼。 根据 “I gave up. I sent them a letter to state that I gave up, and in bitterness of spirit I signed it”可知,马克吐温最终放弃了,没有接受报纸给他的称呼,该项表述错误。应选B。53. 推理判断题。根据 “I really felt dirty to run against the

21、m for all their shameful crimes that were reported on newspapers. 和 “Before I could reply, more dirty charges poured up on me.”可知,马克吐温的竞争者做出过不齿的行为,他不屑与其竞争,但是后来越来越多莫须有的指控 接踵而来,所以推测应该是其他两位竞争者为了打败他而造的谣。应选A。54. 分析文章内容可知,马克吐温在竞选州长的时候,报纸上的许多文章对他进行了不实的指控, 编造了一些可耻的事放在他身上。他感到惊讶、愤怒、肮脏和失望,最后决定放弃竞选州长。故填While he

22、 was running for Governor, many articles on newspapers poured untrue charges on him and some shameful things happened to him. He felt surprised, angry, dirty and disappointed, and finally decided to give up running for Governor. (38 词)第12页共12页it. I saw it create a bridge to cross a 27 (深的) hole. I d

23、ropped some bread and soon it began 28(吃), It even brought friends to carry some home. I never thought watching antscould be so much fun.After that, I found other interesting things to do. I built a house for birds, planted 29 (树)in the yard and borrowed books from the library. 30(虽然)I didn,t use my

24、 phoneoften, I had a fantastic summer.二、多任务混合阅读(2022 浙江温州)Hearing that Erin was coming for the silver wedding party, Mr. Joe and his wife got worried.“Erin the thief!” said Mr. Joe to his wife. Anything smaller than a table, and more expensive than paper, would finally be found in his bag. ”“He s su

25、re to come for the presents we ve received, “ added Mrs. Joe. We can t hide them all. How can we deal with him?”“We must keep an eye on him, “ said Mr. Joe.As soon as Erin arrived, the couple started to keep a sharp lookout. After dinner, the three talked nervously from one boring topic to another i

26、n the living room.Suddenly, Erin asked, You ve got so many presents. Can I take a look at those pretty silk scarves?”“Only it s annoying to have seven of them, Mr. Joe blurted.Erin studied the scarves carefully, lost in thought. The couple got more anxious.After Erin went for sleep, Mrs. Joe counted

27、 the presents immediately. I m not sure if we ve lost anything, “ she doubted.“He must have taken something, “ claimed Mr. Joe angrily. The awful pig hasn t brought us a present. How dare he take anything from us?”“Let s go through his bag late at night, Mrs. Joe suggested.The search was a short one

28、. They found a silk scarf carefully placed in the bag. Mrs. Joe quickly picked it up and put it into her pocket.The next morning, Erin was late for breakfast. Something s been taken out of my bag, v he said. It was a present I had prepared for your silver wedding, only it happened to be a scarf. You

29、 seemed annoyed at having so many, so I thought I d get it changed, but now it s gone. ”The couple turned deadly pale. Mrs. Joe ran to the living room and surprisingly, she found their seven scarves were still there, .Mrs. Joe returned with Erin, s scarf. This one is yours, “ she went on. It s an un

30、pleasant thing to say- Actually, we took it last night. It all started because there were some unkind 第2页共12页words about you. It s really shameful to go through your bag without asking. ”Erin s eyes widened as he was listening. Mrs. Joe handed the scarf to Erin.“Please take your scarf back. It s unf

31、air to you. Really hope you can forgive us for everything we did, Mr. Joe said.Erin refused the scarf with a smile. It has always been for you. Please keep it. Just want you to know that people change. ”31. What did Mr. and Mrs. Joe do before Erin arrived?A. They hid all their presents. B. They told

32、 Erin to come the next week.C. They changed the date for the party. D. They talked about how to deal with Erin.32. What can we know from the story?A. Erin had prepared a present for the couple.B. The couple had a nice talk with Erin after dinner.C. The couple spent a lot of time checking Erin s bag.

33、D. Erin thought the couple was happy to have many scarves.33. Which of the following can be put into in Paragraph 14?A. She put one of the scarves into her pocketB. She placed all the seven scarves in the bagC. She was quite sure that Erin had lied to themD. She realised the scarf in her pocket wasn

34、, t theirs34. How might Mr. and Mrs. Joe feel at the end of the story? Why?(请用约 40 词III答)(2021 浙江温州)Newspapers are dying. Electronic devices like mobile phones pads, TVs and car radios can all be the killers. Most people believe in the long run, there is no reason no practical reason for newspapers

35、to survive. No matter what we do may only buy time.Can anything save newspapers? I decided to have a try.Many years ago, Bonnier, a Swedish publisher, set a newspaper in the former Soviet countries. After a few years, they had more newspapers in central and eastern Europe. However, these newspapers

36、were run by a group of inexperienced people, and they didn t have enough money. In many places there were not even art directors.I got a position in Bonnier, s newspaper as an art director.It was very difficult at first. I was really disappointed until one day, in London when I saw performance by Ci

37、rque du Soleil. uThese guys took some run-down entertainment, and put it to the highest possible level of performance art. Inspiration lighted me up, “Why can, t we do the same with the newspapers. We started to redesign the newspapers, one by one.We used our imagination. We treated the whole newspa

38、per as one piece, one composition 一第3页共12页like music.Music has a rhythm, has ups and downs. Design is responsible for this experience. Flipping through pages was reader s experience and I was responsible for this experience.The front page became my personal channel to talk to the readers. My approac

39、h was simple and direct. I wanted to show my understanding of art, and of reality. I wanted to make posters, not newspapers. Not even magazines: posters.We had determination, and we kept on trying. We experimented with type, with illustration and with photos. We kept asking: Why do we do it? What? s

40、 our goal?Design was not only about the front page. It was a part of the process. To be good was not enough. The process we made was about improving the product completely.We adjusted the content accordingly. We improved everything to what our readers thought it should be and how they liked reading

41、it. We kept improving and we had fun.Soon in Poland, our pages were named “Covers of the Yearv three times in a row. One year later, this newspaper, in the same country, they named it the “World s Best-Designed Newspaper . Two years later, the same award came to Estonia. The circulation of the newsp

42、apers kept going up. They became more and more popular.Someone may think we are buying time, but our newspapers are alive, and growing.35. According to the passage, most people think newspapers.A. will be replacedB. should be improvedC. need to be savedI), may die immediately36. Why did the writer g

43、o to work in Bonnier? s newspaper?A. Art director was a well-paid position.B. It would die and he was going to save it.C. He hoped to get more working experience.D. It was a big publishing company in Europe.37. Which of the following is probably the writer? s opinion?A. Newspapers can be alive if th

44、ey are designed as posters.B. The other newspapers can develop as quickly as Bonnier.C. We may only buy time no matter how we save newspapers.D. Newspapers won t survive unless we keep improving them.38. What makes the writer s newspapers survive and grow?(请用约 40 词回答)(2020 浙江温州)A few months ago I wa

45、s nominated for Governor of the great state of New York, to run against Stewart L. Woodford and John T. Hoffman. I really felt dirty to run against them for all their shameful crimes that were reported on newspapers. However, as a candidate, 第4页共12页I had no choice.The next morning, as I was looking

46、listlessly over the papers at breakfast, I came across this paragraph:PERJURY- Mr. Mark Twain, a candidate for Governor, was convicted of perjury by thirty-four people, in Wakawak, in 1863. He intended to rob a poor woman of her land, her only stay and support after her husband died. For Mr. Twain h

47、imself, as well as the public, he needs to clear this matter up. Will he do it?What a lie! I never had heard of Wakawak!During the rest of the time, I got a title thelnfamous PerjurerTwainz,on this paper.Next came Gazette”, with this:WANTED TO KNOW -When Mr. Twain was in Montana, his workmates lost

48、small valuables from time to time, until at last, these things having all been found on Mr. Twain s person or in his sui tease. Will he explain this to his fellow-ci tizens?I got a new title, “Twain, theMontana Thief”. But I never was in Montana in my life.Then another newspaper article:DELIRIUM TREMENSTWAIN-Mark Twain, who was to make a speech at the mass meeting of the Independents last night, didn t come to time! He argued that he had been knocked down by a runaway team and his leg broken in two places. But a certain man who was very drunk was seen to reel into Mr


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