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《浙江省绍兴市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-03语法填空&短文汉语提示填空.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《浙江省绍兴市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-03语法填空&短文汉语提示填空.docx(10页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、浙江省绍兴市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编03语法填空&短文汉语提示填空一、语法填空(2022 浙江绍兴)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Max Woosey is a 12-year-old boy. He has slept outside in storms, snow and heat waves, but now he s coming indoors.After two years of (sleep) in a tent, Max, who has raised over 700, 000, is about to r

2、emember what a bed 2 (feel) like. m still going to be in my tent a lot, “ said Max. But now I ve done two years. If there s a big, 3 (danger) storm coming, I may come inside. ”Max began camping out in March 2020. At that time, 4 old neighbor of his, Rick Abbott, who was 5 (serious) ill, gave Max a t

3、ent and told him to take a risk with it. Later Max decided to camp out to raise money6the hospital that cared for Rick. Max didn t thinkhe would keep going a long time,7it went on and on.Over the two years, Max has been through around 15 tents and has had camping 8 (trip) in many places. He even sle

4、pt on a hotel balcony (B口台) His dad joined 9 in the tent during last month s Storm Eunice, with Max joking that he 10 (wake) up not by the wind but by his dad s snoring (鼾声)!(2021 浙江绍兴)A bookstore in Kaohsiung got international attention after CNN reported on the unusual decoration(装饰)in it. The sto

5、re, Wuguan Books, is known as 11 experimental bookstorev because of the dark lighting used to show the books on sale. Wuguan Books 12 (lie) at Pier-2 Culture Center, which is full 13 special cafes and exhibits. The bookstore is almost 14 (complete) dark, except for the shelves (书架)of books. There ar

6、e over 400 shelves of books in the store, with many 15 (light) placed around books. It appears as if books themselves are lighting up the darkness.The bookstore 16 (create) by Chu Chih-kung not long ago, with the purpose of increasing people s senses when 17 read books. Su Yu-shan, the 18 (manage) o

7、f the store, says the environment can help people learn to do “soul (灵魂)reading“ by 19 (provide) a private experience with each book that draws ones attention. 20 it might not be for everyone, Wuguan Books creates a very different kind of environment from most bookstores.第1页共11页46. 句意:你可以积极参与林地信托基金会

8、的工程。active积极的,形容词,take an active part in 积极参加,为固定短语,故填active。47. 句意:也许当你下次和家人散步时,你可以检查你经过的树,看看它的年龄。此处指树的年龄, 应用形容词性物主代词its,意为“它的,故填its。48. 句意:如果你发现了一棵你认为可能很古老的,用在线地图确切地记录它的位置。句中“record” 为动词,应用副词修饰。exactly确切地,副词,故填exactly。49. 句意:如果这棵树不在公共土地上,别忘了确保你被允许仔细地检查。forget忘记,动词,此句 为否认祈使句,应用动词原形,故填forget。50. 句意:

9、森林信托基金会的杰里米埃文斯解释说:“古树和艺术品一样,都是我们遗产的一局部。” art艺术,名词,works of art艺术品,故填art。51. influenced52. secret53. himself54. seven55. postcards56. share57. same58. clearly59. website60. full【解析】【分析】本文介绍了马克奎恩在研究了一个人的幸福如何受到社交媒体的影响后,想出了一个让人高兴的主 意。他希望建立一个网站或那么一本书,当人们充满悲伤时,可以向它们求助。这个想法让他不只是开心。51 .句意:他在研究了一个人的幸福如何受到社交媒

10、体的影响后,想出了这个主意。根据by social media课,此处表示受社交媒体的影响,因此用被动形式,故填influenced。52 .句意:他不只是考虑自己的幸福,他想知道是否有一个秘密的方法让全世界的人都幸福。有不定冠词a修饰,用单数名词,故填secret。53 .句意:奎恩开始做他自己喜欢的事情。此处主语是he,因此表示他自己,用he的反身代词,故填himself。54 .句意:“我的一生都在拍照,”他说,“在过去的七年里,我花了很多时间制作剪贴簿,里面装满 了照片、明信片、门票回顾这些东西给了我很大的快乐J修饰复数名词years,用基数词,故填seven。55 .句意:“我的一生

11、都在拍照,”他说,“在过去的七年里,我花了很多时间制作剪贴簿,里面装满了照片、明信片、门票回顾这些东西给了我很大的快乐J第10页共11页根据photos和tickets可知,此处用复数名词,故填postcardso56 .句意:我只是在想,也许我可以制作一个网上剪贴簿,让每个人都可以提供。位于情态动词could后,作谓语,用动词原形,故填share。57 .句意:奎因在美国旅行,一边拍照,一边问人们同一个问题:什么让你快乐?修饰名词question用形容词,故填same。58 .句意:他说:“我收到了陌生人、朋友、家人以及其他显然有话要说的人的照片和回答。” 修饰动词短语have someth

12、ing to say用副词,故填clearly。59 .句意:奎因希望创办一个网站或一本书,当人们充满悲伤时,可以向它们求助。有不定冠词a修饰,用单数名词,故填website。60 .句意:奎因希望创办一个网站或一本书,当人们充满悲伤时,可以向它们求助。be full of “充满”,故填 full。第11页共11页(2020 浙江绍兴)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。About 20 million children in America attend summer camp every year, according to America Assoc

13、iation (ACA). They look forward to 21 (spend) time there with friends.But with social-distancing (社交总巨离)rules in 22 United States, many summer camps face difficult decisions. Can they 23 (safe) welcome campers this year? Do they need to close or should 24 change how they carry out their programs?“Mo

14、st camps are asking not only when they re going to open, 25 also how they re going to open, “ says Tom Rosenberg, president of the ACA. He says that many camps 26 (wait) on instructions from the government now.“The state,s summer camps could open 27 June, “ Beth Bye, the leader of the Conncticut Off

15、ice of Early Childhood, said a week ago. But there need to be 28 (strict) health rules than ever. Most programs will not 29 (allow)to have more than 30 kids. ”Bye added that camps are important for both kids and 30 (parent). “For many families, “ she told the New York Times, summer camp is their chi

16、ldcare. ”二、短文汉语提示填空(2022 浙江绍兴)阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。Nurse CharlieSeveral months ago, I had a car accident and required an operation. My wife Geraldine, told me that for the three days I was in hospital, our black dog, Charlie, 31(躺) at thedoor waiting for my return.Charlie is 32(六)year

17、s old. Whenever I go out and can, t take him with me, he patientlywaits at the 33 (前面)door for me. Geraldine says that at times he will not leave his place even when facing delicious food 一 very 34 (不寻常)for a dog.After I returned home, Charlie must have sensed that there was something different abou

18、t me. For my 35 (平安),he did not jump up to greet me, although his moving tail 36 (清晰)showed that he was happy to see me. Instead, he waited till I could comfortably 37 (休息)in bed. Then he hesitantly (踌躇地)came close to me and sat at the foot of my bed.As I started to become more mobile, he played wit

19、h me in a more gentle way. I am now much healthier and 38 (有时)we go for walks together. Charlie does not 39(拉)hardon the lead. Besides, his steps try to suit 40 (我的).I could not have asked for a more careful nurse.第2页共11页(2021 浙江绍兴)(2021 浙江绍兴)Trees play an important role in our environment. For a st

20、art, they make air 41 (更 干净的)for us to breathe. The older a tree is, the more important it is to us. Why not look at ancient trees 42(仔2田土也)around you and find out more?For the past 43 (十五)years, a charity called the Woodland Trust has been recording ancient trees in the country. It has created a da

21、tabase (数据库)about these trees.Since the database was set up, the Woodland Trust has 44(添力口)over 180, 000 trees,but it believes there are many more to be found. It s hoped that all 45 (成员)of the public will help to locate them一including you.You can take an 46 (积极的)part in the Woodland Trust? s projec

22、t. Perhaps when you next go for a walk with your family, you can examine the trees you pass to see 47 (它 的)age. If you find one that you think could be very old, record 48(确切地)whereit is using an online map. If you want to record the tree, you should take a photo. Don t 49 (:百i己) to make sure you ar

23、e allowed to examine it closely if the tree isn t on public land.uAncient trees are as much a part of our heritage (遗产)as works of 50(艺术)”,explains Jeremy Evans of the Woodland Trust. But they don t get the same protection. The good news is, you don, t have to be a tree expert to take part”.(2020 浙江

24、绍兴)阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。Mark Quin is trying to make the world happy一one person at a time. He hit upon the idea after studying how a persons happiness could be 51 (影响)by social media(媒体).Instead of just thinking about his own happiness, he wondered if there was a 52(秘密的)way to makepeop

25、le around the world happy.Quin turned to something he 53 (他自己)loves. All my life Ive been taking photos,“ he says, “and for the past 54(七)years, Ive spent a lot of time making scrapbooks(剪贴簿)filled with photos, 55(明信片),ticketsIt gives me such joy to look back on these.I just thought-maybe I could cr

26、eate an online scrapbook that everyone could 56 (提供) in.From his idea came the book The Happiness Scrapbook. Quin travelled in America taking pictures and asking people the 57 (相同的)question: what makes you happy? ve got photos and answers from strangers, friends, family, as well as others who 58 (清楚

27、地)have something to say, he says.第3页共11页Quin hopes to start a 59 (网站)or a book, which can be something for people to turn to when they are 60 (充满的)of sadness. That idea makes me more than just happy, z,says Quin.第4页共11页参考答案:1. sleeping2. feels3. dangerous4. an5. seriously6. for7. but8. trips9. him10

28、. was woken 或 was waked【解析】【导语】本文主要介绍了 Max Woosey在过去的两年里在外面野营,为医院筹集了很多钱。1 .句意:在帐篷里睡了两年之后,筹集了超过700, 000英镑的Max即将回想起床的感觉。sleep “睡 觉”,动词,介词of后加动名词。故填sleeping。2 .句意:在帐篷里睡了两年之后,筹集了超过700, 000英镑的Max即将回想起床的感觉。描述一般 情况,用一般现在时,主语“a bed”是第三人称单数,谓语动词feel使用第三人称单数形式。故填feels。3 .句意:如果有一场大而危险的风暴来临,我可能会进去。修饰名词storm用形容词

29、dangerous “危 险的。故填dangerous。4 .句意:当时,他的一位病重的老邻居里Rick Abbott给了 Max一个帐篷,并告诉他要冒险。此处 泛指“一个邻居”,old以元音音素开头,用不定冠词an。故填an。5 .句意:当时,他的一位病重的老邻居里Rick Abbott给了 Max一个帐篷,并告诉他耍冒险。此处 修饰形容词ill用副词seriously “严重地”。故填seriously。6 .句意:后来Max决定露营,为照顾Rick的医院筹款。根据uraise money. . . the hospitalv可知 是为医院筹钱,用介词for “为了。故填for。7 .句意

30、:Max认为他不会坚持很长时间,但它一直在继续。根据Max didn t think he would keep going a long time. . . it went on and on.可知前后两句是转折关系,用but连接。故填but。8 .句意:两年来,Max已经用过了大约15个帐篷,并在许多地方进行了露营旅行。trip “旅行”,可 数名词,且不止一次旅行,用名词复数。故填trips。9 .句意:在上个月的Eunice风暴期间,他的父亲和他一起在帐篷里,Max开玩笑说他不是被风吵醒, 而是被他父亲的鼾声吵醒!根据His dad joined.可知他父亲加入了他,谓语之后加代词宾格

31、him “他”作宾语。故填him。10 .句意:在上个月的Eunice风暴期间,他的父亲和他一起在帐篷里,Max开玩笑说他不是被风吵醒,第5页共11页 而是被他父亲的鼾声吵醒! wake “叫醒”,主语“he”和谓语之间是被动关系,且描述过去的动作,用一 般过去时的被动语态was/were done,主语是he, be动词用was, wake的过去分词为woken/waked。故填 was woken/wakedo11. an12. lies13. of14. completely15. lights16. was created17. they18. manager19. providing

32、20. Although 或 Though 或 Whi1e【解析】【分析】本文主要介绍了高雄一家书店不同寻常的装潢,引起了国际关注,并详细介绍了这家书店一一五官书 店的基本信息。11 .句意:这家名为五官书店的商店因用于展示在售书籍的黑暗灯光而被称为“实验书店”。uexperimental bookstorev是名词,并且此处表示泛指,一个,“experimental”是以元音音素开头的 单词,故用“an”。故填an。12 .句意:五官书店位于二号码头文化中心 。根据“The store, Wuguan Books, is known” 可知,空格所在句为一般现在时,主语“Wuguan Boo

33、ks”是第三人称单数,谓语用动词的三单形式,“lie” 的三单形式是“lies”。故填lies。13 .句意:五官书店位于二号码头文化中心,这里到处都是特别的咖啡馆和展品。be full of充满。 故填Ofo14 .句意:除了书架上的书,书店几乎一片漆黑。空格处修饰形容词“dark”,填副词,“complete 的副词形式是completely”。故填completely。15 .句意:这家商店有400多个书架,书的周围放着许多灯。“many”后接可数名词复数,“light” 的复数是“lights”。故填lights。16 .句意:这家书店是朱志功不久前创办的。根据“by Chu Chih

34、-kung not long ago”可知,该句为一般过去时的被动语态,谓语结构是:was/were+动词的过去分词,主语“The bookstoren是第三 人称单数,be动词用was,create”的过去分词是“created”。故填was createdo17 .句意:这家书店是朱志功不久前创办的,目的是增加人们读书时的感觉。根据“with the puirose of increasing people, s senses”可知,空格处表达“他们”读书时的感觉,空格处作主语,用主格, they他们。故填they。第6页共11页18 .句意:这家书店的经理苏玉山。the”后接名词,根据“

35、Su Yu-shan可知,空格处填单数 名词,“manage” 的名词是 “manager”。故填 manager。19 .句意:这家书店的经理苏玉山说,环境可以帮助人们通过每一本吸引人注意力的书来提供一种私 人体验,从而学会“心灵阅读:“by”是介词,后接动名词,“provide”的动名词是“providing”。故填 providingo20 .句意:虽然不是每个人都适合,但是五官书店创造了一种与大多数书店截然不同的环境。分析空 格所在句的前后句可知,该句为让步状语从句,可用“Although/Though/While”引导。故填 Although/Though/Whileo21. spe

36、nding22. the23. safely24. they25. but26. are waiting27. in28. stricter29. be allowed30. parents【解析】【分析】这篇短文讲述的是每年在美国有很多孩子参加夏令营,但今年美国出台了社交距离的规定,这让夏令 营组织很难做决定,是否需要改变执行集合点方式。21 .句意:他们期待着和朋友们在那里共度时光。spend花费,度过,是一个动词。句中使用了短语look forward to-,意为“期待,盼望”,后跟名 词或动名词形式。故答案为spending。22 .句意:但由于美国的社交距离规定,许多夏令营面临着艰

37、难的决定。根据句意可知,这里考查固定结构,the United States表示美国,这里应填定冠词。故答案为the。23 .句意:他们今年能平安地欢迎营员吗?safe平安的,是一个形容词。根据句意和句子结构可知,该空修饰句中的动词welcome,应用副词形 式。故答案为safely。24 .句意:他们需要关闭吗?或者他们应该改变他们执行计划的方式吗?根据句子结构可知,or连接两个并列句,主语都是they“他们”,指代的是前面提到的summer camps, 故答案为theyo25 .句意:大多数营地不仅要问什么时候开放,还要问如何开放。根据句意和句子结构可知,这句话中使用了 not only

38、-but also这一结构,意为“不但而且” 第7页共11页故答案为but。26 .句意:他说,许多夏令营现在都在等待政府的指示。wait等待,是一个动词。根据句意和句中的now可知,这里表示“很多夏令营正在等待”,应用 现在进行时,主语many camps是复数,故答案为are waitingo27 .句意:“这个州的夏令营将于6月开放,”康尼克特州幼儿办公室的负责人Beth Bye一周前说。空后June意为“六月”,在月份前面应用介词in,表示“在六月”。故答案为in。28 .句意:但需要比以往任何时候都更严格的卫生规那么。strict严格的,是一个形容词。根据句意和空后than ever

39、可知,这里表示与以前相比,应用形容词 的比拟级形式。故答案为stricter。29 .句意:大多数工程不允许有超过30个孩子。allow允许,是一个动词。根据句意可知,这句话的主语Most programs和动词构成被动关系,应用 被动语态。空前有will,这里考查的是一般将来时的被动语态,应该是will be+过去分词。故答案为be allowedo30 .句意:Bye补充说,夏令营对孩子和家长都很重要。parent家长,父母,是一个名词。空前kids用了复数形式,这里指“孩子们的家长”,也应用复数形 式。故答案为parents。31 . lay32 . six33 . front34 .

40、unusual 或 uncommon35 . safety36 . clearly37 . rest 或 relax38 . sometimes39 . pull40 . mine【解析】【导语】本文主要讲述了作者在出车祸住院期间,他的狗在门口等着他回来,在他回来之后,狗狗温柔地陪着 作者。31 .句意:我的妻子Geraldine告诉我,在我住院的三天里,我们的黑狗Charlie躺在门口等我回来。 躺:lie,描述过去的动作,用一般过去时,动词用过去式lay。故填lay。32 .句意:Charlie六岁了。六:six,此处表示年龄用基数词。故填six。33 .句意:他耐心地在前门等我。此处修饰

41、名词door用形容词front 前面的。故填front。34 .句意:有时即使面对美味的食物,他也不会离开他的地方一一这对狗来说是很不寻常的。不寻常第8页共11页的:unusual/uncommono 故填 unusual/uncommorio35 .句意:为了我的平安,他并没有跳起来迎接我。形容词性物主代词my后加名词safety “平安”, 不可数名词。故填safety。36 .句意:虽然他那移动的尾巴清楚地说明他很高兴见到我。此处修饰动词showed用副词clearly “清晰地”。故填clearly。37 .句意:相反,他一直等到我可以舒服地躺在床上休息。休息:rest/relax,情

42、态动词could后加 动词原形。故填rest/relaxo38 .句意:我现在健康多了,有时我们一起散步。有时:sometimes,频度副词。故填sometimes。39 .句意:Charlie并没有在前面用力拉。拉:pull,助动词does后加动词原形。故填pull。40 .句意:此外,他的脚步尽量适合我的。此处指“我的脚步。空格后没有名词,此处用名词性物 主代词mine “我的。故填mine。41 . cleaner42 . carefully43 . fifteen44 . added45 . members46 . active47 . its48 . exactly49 . forg

43、et50 . art【解析】【分析】文章主要介绍了保护古树的林地信托基金会。41 .句意:首先,它们使我们呼吸的空气更干净。clean干净的,形容词,由所给意思可知用其比拟 级cleaner,意为“更干净的”,故填cleaner。42 .句意:为什么不仔细看看你周围的古树,了解更多呢?句中“look at”为动词短语,应用副词 修饰。carefully认真地,副词,故填carefully。43 .句意:在过去的15年里,一个名为林地信托基金会的慈善机构一直在记录这个国家的古树。句 中“years”为复数名词,应用基数词修饰。fifteen十五,基数词,修饰复数名词,故填fifteen。44 .句意:自从这个数据库建立以来,林地信托基金会已经增加了超过18万棵树,但是他们相信还 会有更多的树被发现。add添加,动词,由句中“Since”可知,主句应用现在完成时,其构成为“has/have+ 过去分词”,故填added。45 .句意:希望所有公众成员都能帮助找到他们,包括你。member成员,可数名词,由句中“all”可知,应用复数形式,故填members。第9页共11页


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