外刊英语【Week10 周五】精读讲义 20240308 ★★★☆☆.pdf

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1、 新英文外刊 2024-3-8 1/12 新闻周刊新闻周刊双语双语 苹果汽车 Week10 周五 字数 759 words 难度系数 全文导读 近期,一则在苹果公司内部披露的消息震惊四座。研究近十年后,苹果取消了其最为神秘的电动汽车项目。然而,这并不意味着苹果放弃踏足汽车领域。实际上,苹果的技术早已渗入整个汽车行业。重难点讲义&全文翻译 Apple Revolutionized the Auto Industry Without Selling a Single Car 苹果没卖一辆车,却彻底改变了汽车行业 The tech giant is reportedly scratching its

2、 decade-long plan to build an EV.But every car is now an Apple car.据报道,这家科技巨头准备放弃其长达十年的电动汽车制造计划。然而事实上,如今每辆汽车都是苹果汽车。revolutionize /revlunaz/v.to completely change the way people do something or think about something 使彻底变革,给带来革命 New technology is going to revolutionize everything we do.新科技将彻底改变我们做的每一件

3、事。tech giant 科技巨头:指在科技行业中具有巨大影响力和市场份额的大型公司,通常涉及计算机、互联网、电子设备等领域。此处指苹果公司。扫码听音频 新英文外刊 2024-3-8 2/12 Para.1 scratch /skrt/v.if you scratch an idea or a plan,you decide that you will not do it 取消,撤销想法或计划 SYN:abandon EV n.(abbreviation)electric vehicle(缩写)电动汽车 Apple Car 原指由美国权威汽车杂志MotorTrend 在美国设计艺术中心学院帮助

4、下设计的一款苹果概念车。此处指所有融入苹果技术的汽车。Apple has long been a company shrouded in mysteryand perhaps its most mysterious recent project of all has been the Apple Car.For a decade,reports have continually emerged about the company building an electric,autonomous car as smart and beautiful as an iPhone.The company

5、 never confirmed the projects existence,even as it hired executives from Lamborghini and BMW.MotorTrend created a speculative Apple Car in 2016,treating it like an object of science fiction,then another in 2022.shroud /rad/v.to keep information secret so that people do not know what really happened

6、隐瞒,将保密 The incident has always been shrouded in mystery.这一事件始终蒙着神秘的色彩。emerge /md/v.if facts emerge,they become known after being hidden or secret 事实 显露,暴露 Eventually the truth emerged.真相终于大白。executive /zekjtv/n.a manager in an organization or company who helps make important decisions 机构或公司的主管,经理 a

7、marketing executive 营销主管 Lamborghini 兰博基尼是一家意大利汽车生产商,全球顶级跑车制造商及欧洲奢侈品标志之一。兰博基尼早期由于经营不善,于 1980 年破产;数次易主后,1998 年归入奥迪旗下,现为大众集团(Volkswagen Group)旗下品牌之一。BMW 宝马(BMW),中文全称为巴伐利亚发动机制造厂股份有限公司,德国汽车品牌,百年来,宝马汽车由最初的一家飞机引擎生产厂发展成为以高级轿车为主导,并生产享誉全球的飞机引擎、越野车和摩托车的企业集团,名列世界汽车公司前列。speculative /spekjltv/adj.based on guessi

8、ng,not on information or facts 猜测的,猜想的 a purely speculative theory about life on other planets 关于其他行星上存在生命的纯属猜测的理论 science fiction stories about events in the future which are affected by imaginary developments in science,for example about 新英文外刊 2024-3-8 3/12 Para.2 travelling in time or to other pl

9、anets with life on them 科幻小说 苹果一直是一家极富神秘色彩的公司,而近期最神秘的项目大概就是苹果汽车了。在过去的十年中,一直有报道称,该公司正在打造一款像 iPhone 一样智能美观的电动自动驾驶汽车。尽管苹果曾聘请兰博基尼和宝马高管,但该公司从未证实过这个项目的存在。2016 年,MotorTrend 设计了一款苹果概念车,将其视为科幻小说产物,然后在 2022 年又设想了另一款苹果概念车。But as of this afternoon,that dream appears dead.Apple is scrapping its electric-car effo

10、rt and pivoting to generative AI,according to a new report from Bloomberg,in one of the biggest failed endeavors in the tech titans history.Apple did not immediately respond to a request for comment,but the abandonment,if confirmed,will breed plenty of schadenfreude:billions spent with little to sho

11、w,all the while pivoting to a different breed of Silicon Valley hype.(翻译作业)Elon Musk claimed to have once offered to sell his car company to Apple;today,he saluted the news of a potentially powerful Tesla competitor giving up.as of/from sth used to indicate a time or date at which something begins o

12、r ends 自某一时间日期起;截至 As of now,there will be no more paid overtime.从现在起不再有加班费。scrap /skrp/v.to decide not to use a plan or system because it is not practical 因不切实际而 放弃,抛弃 计划、体系 We believe that car tax should be scrapped.我们认为汽车税应该取消。pivot /pvt/v.(especially in a business context)completely change the w

13、ay in which one does something 转向 generative AI 生成式人工智能是利用复杂的算法、模型和规则,从大规模数据集中学习,以创造新的原创内容的人工智能技术。Bloomberg 彭博社是全球最大的财经资讯公司,其前身是美国创新市场系统公司。endeavour /ndev(r)/n.an attempt to do sth,especially sth new or difficult(尤指新的或艰苦的)努力,尝试 advances in the field of scientific endeavour 在科学探索领域的进步 titan /tatn/n.I

14、f you describe someone as a titan of a particular field,you mean that they are very important and powerful or successful in that field.巨人;巨头.the countrys two richest business titans.这个国家两位最富有的商业巨头。breed /brid/v.to cause a particular feeling or condition 引起,酿成,招致某种情感或状况 Poor living conditions breed v

15、iolence and despair.贫困的生活条件滋生暴力和绝望情 新英文外刊 2024-3-8 4/12 Para.3 绪。schadenfreude /dnfrd/n.a feeling of pleasure that you get when something bad happens to someone else 幸灾乐祸 all the while all the time that something is happening 一直,始终 He examined her thoroughly,talking softly all the while.他给她作了彻底的检查,同

16、时始终柔声细语地跟她交谈。breed /brid/n.a particular kind of person or type of thing 人或物的类型,种类 Real cowboys are a dying breed(=not many exist anymore).真正的牛仔现在已非常少见。Silicon Valley 硅谷:美国加利福尼亚州旧金山和圣何塞之间的一片区域,系计算机工业中心,因计算机行业以硅芯片为基础而得名。hype /hap/n.attempts to make people think something is good or important by talkin

17、g about it a lot on television,the radio etc used to show disapproval 传媒的大肆宣传,炒作含贬义Despite the media hype,I found the film very disappointing.尽管媒体大肆炒作,我还是觉得这部影片很让人失望。Elon Musk 埃隆马斯克:特斯拉创始人兼首席执行官,SpaceX 首席执行官兼首席技术官,SolarCity 董事会主席、推特首席执行官,星链创始人、OpenAI 联合创始人,美国国家工程院院士,英国皇家学会院士。salute /slut/v.to expres

18、s respect and admiration for sb/sth 致敬;表示敬意 The president saluted the courage of those who had fought for their country.总统对那些为国战斗者的英勇精神表示敬意。Tesla 特斯拉是美国一家电动汽车及能源公司,创始人将公司命名为“特斯拉”以纪念物理学家尼古拉特斯拉。特斯拉努力为每一个普通消费者提供其消费能力范围内的纯电动车辆;其愿景是“加速全球向可持续能源的转变”。但从今天下午开始,这个梦想似乎已经破灭。根据彭博社的最新报道,苹果计划放弃其电动汽车项目,转而投入生成式人工智能的

19、研发,这在这家科技巨头的历史上堪称是最大的失败之一。(翻译作业)埃隆马斯克(Elon Musk)曾提出将自己的汽车公司出售给苹果;今天,他对特斯拉潜在的强大竞争对手放弃造车的消息表示敬意。But Apple is so big,and its devices so pervasive,that it didnt need to sell a single vehicle in order to transform the automobile industrynot through batteries and engines,but through software.The ability t

20、o link your smartphone to your cars touch screen,which Apple pioneered 10 years ago,is now standard.Virtually every leading car company has taken an Apple-inspired approach to technology,to such a degree that“smartphone on wheels”has become an industry clich.The Apple Car already exists,and youve al

21、most certainly ridden in one.新英文外刊 2024-3-8 5/12 Para.4 pervasive /pvesv/adj.existing everywhere 到处存在的,到处弥漫着的,遍布的 the pervasive influence of television 电视无所不在的影响 touch screen a type of computer screen that you touch in order to tell the computer what to do or to get information 触摸屏 pioneer /pan(r)/v

22、.to be the first person to do,invent,or use something 开创,开发;倡 导 The new cancer treatment was pioneered in the early eighties by Dr Sylvia Bannerjee.这种新的癌症治疗方法是由西尔维娅班纳基医生在 80 年代初期开创的。virtually /vtuli/adv.almost 几乎 Virtually all the children come to school by bus.几 乎 所 有 的 孩 子 都 乘 公 交 车 上 学。SYN:practi

23、cally clich /klie/n.an idea or phrase that has been used so much that it is not effective or does not have any meaning any longer 陈词滥调,老生常谈,老套 There is plenty of truth in the cliche that a trouble shared is a trouble halved.“有人分担,烦恼减半”这句老话说得很有道理。由于苹果公司规模庞大,其设备普及率很高,所以它无需销售任何汽车就可以改变汽车行业,而这种改变并非通过电池和引

24、擎实现,而是通过软件。十年前,苹果开创了将智能手机与汽车触摸屏连接的技术,如今已成为行业标准。几乎所有领先的汽车公司都采用了受苹果启发的技术方法,以至于“装在车轮上的智能手机”已成为行业俗语。苹果汽车早已问世,你肯定坐过一辆。Speculation that Apple was building a car began in 2014.The far more important announcement that year,however,was that of CarPlay:a way to connect iPhones to cars,over time allowing drive

25、rs to take calls,use Maps,play music,order food,and more,right through their vehicle.Google rolled out a similar vehicle feature for Android shortly after.CarPlay CarPlay 是美国苹果公司发布的车载系统,它将用户的 iOS 设备、iOS 使用体验与仪表盘系统无缝结合。over time if something happens over time,it happens gradually during a long period

26、 渐渐地,慢慢地 The research project will be assessed over time.这个研究项目要假以时日才能作出评估。roll sth out to make a new product available for people to buy or use 在市场上推出某物 The company expects to roll out the new software in September.公司希望在 9 月推出这款新软件。SYN:launch 新英文外刊 2024-3-8 6/12 Para.5 关于苹果制造汽车的猜测始于 2014 年。然而,那一年更重

27、要的消息是 CarPlay 的推出,这是一个能将 iPhone 与汽车连接起来的系统。随着时间推移系统逐步升级,司机可以直接通过汽车接听电话、使用地图、播放音乐、点餐等等。不久之后,谷歌在安卓系统上推出了类似的车载功能。Now basically everyone has a smartphone,and basically every car has a touch screen.Today,not being able to connect your iPhone to your car would be shocking.As of 2022,a reported 98 percent

28、of new vehicles in the United States had Apple CarPlay.The service doesnt seem to directly generate revenue yet,but it further locks people into Apples screen universe:wake up and turn off the alarm on your iPhone,scroll through social media on an iPad over breakfast,drive to work while blasting Spo

29、tify through CarPlay,then type into a MacBook in the office.revenue /revnju/n.money that a business or organization receives over a period of time,especially from selling goods or services 公司、机构的收益,收入 Strikes have cost 20 million in lost revenues.罢工造成的收入损失达到 2,000 万英镑。scroll /skrl/v.to move informat

30、ion on a computer screen up or down so that you can read it 将计算机屏幕上的信息上下滚动,滚屏 以便阅读 He scrolled through the document.他在屏幕上把这份文件从头到尾滚动读了一遍。blast /blst/v.to produce a lot of loud noise,especially music(使)音乐声等大声鸣响 He was woken by the radio alarm clock blasting out rock music.收音机闹钟发出震耳的摇滚乐声,把他吵醒了。Spotify

31、 一个正版流媒体音乐服务平台,提供免费和付费两种服务,免费用户在使用Spotify 的服务时将被插播一定的广告,付费用户则没有广告,且拥有更好的音质。现在基本上每个人都拥有智能手机,每辆车都配备了触摸屏。如今,无法连接 iPhone 的车辆十分罕见,令人惊讶。据报道,截至 2022 年,美国有 98%的新车安装了苹果 CarPlay。这项服务似乎尚未直接带来收入,但它有助于让用户沉浸在苹果的屏幕世界中:起床后关掉 iPhone 上的闹钟,早餐时使用 iPad 浏览社交媒体,驾车上班时通过 CarPlay 播放 Spotify,然后在办公室用 MacBook 打字。新英文外刊 2024-3-8

32、7/12 Para.6 Automakers,meanwhile,are trying to wrest control back from Apple by improving their own software.But theyre still following the Apple model.Late last year,GM shocked many when it announced a discontinuation of Apple CarPlay and Android Auto,citing safety reasonsbut the auto companys own

33、infotainment already functions,in essence,like an iPad or a Google Pixel tablet.Former Apple executives lead the software business at Ford and GM.And plenty of smartphone manufacturersincluding Sony and Huaweihave followed Apple in trying to build cars as well.automaker /tmek(r)/n.a company that mak

34、es cars used especially in newspapers 汽车制造商尤用于报纸 US automakers 美国汽车制造商 wrest /rest/v.to take power or influence away from someone,especially when this is difficult 攫取权力或影响 They are fighting to wrest control of the party from the old leaders.他们正极力从老一辈领导人手中夺取对党的控制权。GM 通用汽车公司(General Motors Company,GM)

35、成立于 1908 年 9 月 16 日,通用汽车在全球生产和销售包括别克、雪佛兰、凯迪拉克、GMC 及霍顿等一系列品牌车型并提供服务。discontinue /dskntnju/v.to stop doing,producing,or providing something 停止,中断,终止 discontinuation n.infotainment /nftenmnt/n.television programmes that deal with important subjects in a way that people can enjoy 在电视中用轻松的方式谈论重要问题的信息娱乐节目

36、 function /fk()n/v.to work in the correct way 起作用;正常工作;运转 Despite the power cuts,the hospital continued to function normally.尽管供电中断,医院继续照常运作。in essence used when talking about the most basic and important part of something,especially an idea,belief,or argument 本质上,实质上 In essence his message was very

37、 simple.实质上他想表达的意思很简单。Pixel Tablet谷歌推出的一款10.95英寸平板电脑,支持对接、充电扬声器、安卓系统智能等功能。Ford 福特汽车公司是世界上最大的汽车生产商之一,成立于 1903 年,旗下拥有福特(Ford)和林肯(Lincoln)汽车品牌。新英文外刊 2024-3-8 8/12 Para.7 汽车制造商正在努力改进自己的软件,试图从苹果手中夺回控制权。但他们仍在遵循苹果的模式。去年年底,通用汽车以安全为由宣布停止使用苹果 CarPlay 和安卓 Auto 功能,这让许多人感到震惊。然而,这家汽车公司自己的车载信息娱乐系统在本质上已经具备了像 iPad 或

38、谷歌 Pixel 平板电脑一样的功能。福特和通用汽车的软件业务由前苹果高管负责。此外,包括索尼和华为在内的许多智能手机制造商也在效仿苹果,开始涉足汽车制造。An all-electric sedan emblazoned with the Apple logo may never pass you on the expressway.But plenty of drivers navigating with Google Maps,taking a call,or dictating a text message to a screen on their dashboard hooked up

39、 to an iPhone have already done so,and will continue to.Later this year,vehicles from Porsche and Aston Martin will include the next generation of Apple CarPlay,which will control not just infotainment but also much of the car:It will be able to dial the radio,change the temperature,access video fee

40、ds from the cars cameras,check tire pressure,make fuel payments,and more.In an era of electric vehicles run by software and controlled largely through screens,Apple is poised to wield more automotive power than ever.sedan /sdn/n.a car that has four doors,seats for at least four people,and a boot 大轿车

41、,厢式轿车 emblazoned /mbleznd/adj.if something is emblazoned with a name,design etc,it has that design on it where it can easily be seen 印 有 名 字、图 案 等 标 志 的 a T-shirt emblazoned with a political slogan 印有政治口号的 T 恤衫 expressway /kspreswe/n.a wide road in a city on which cars can travel very quickly withou

42、t stopping 城市里的 快速干道,高速公路 navigate v.to find which way you need to go when you are travelling from one place to another(为)导航,指引方向 Ill drive,you take the map and navigate.我来开车,你拿着地图指路。dashboard /dbd/n.the part of a car in front of the driver,which has controls on it 汽车的仪表板 hook /hk/v.to connect a pie

43、ce of electronic equipment to another piece of equipment or to an electricity supply 连接,接通电器 Weve got a CD player,but its not hooked up yet.我们有一台激光唱片播放机,不过还没有接通电源。Porsche 保时捷,是大众集团旗下世界著名的豪华汽车品牌,欧美汽车的主要代表之一。Aston Martin 阿斯顿马丁,英国轿车品牌,公司始建于 1913 年 3 月,创始人是莱昂内尔马丁(Lionel Martin)和罗伯特班福特(Robert 新英文外刊 2024-

44、3-8 9/12 Para.8 Banford)。feed /fid/n.when a television or radio signal,computer information etc is sent somewhere,or the connection that is used to do this 电视或广播信号、计算机信息等的 传送,传输 a live satellite feed from the space station 来自空间站的实时卫星传输 poised /pzd/pletely ready to do something or for something to ha

45、ppen,when it is likely to happen soon 准备好的;蓄势待发的 Spain was poised to become the dominant power in Europe.西班牙已准备好成为欧洲的霸主。wield power to have a lot of power and to use it 拥有并使用权力 The Church wields immense power in Ireland.在爱尔兰,教会操纵着大权。automotive /tmtv/adj.relating to cars 汽车的 automotive technology 汽车技

46、术 也许你永远无法在高速公路上与印有苹果标志的全电动轿车擦肩而过。但许多司机已经习惯了通过连接 iPhone 的车载仪表板来使用谷歌地图导航、接听电话或语音发送短信,而且这种情况还将继续下去。今年晚些时候,保时捷和阿斯顿马丁的汽车将搭载下一代苹果 CarPlay,不仅可以控制车载信息娱乐系统,还可以控制汽车的大部分功能:电台调频、调节温度、查看汽车摄录视频、检查胎压、支付燃油费等。在一个电动汽车由软件驱动、屏幕控制的时代,苹果将对汽车产业拥有前所未有的影响力。Apples path to automobile ascendance may even provide a road map for

47、 its approach to generative AI.Ubiquitous products and a self-contained software ecosystem have led drivers to prefer vehicles with CarPlay and similar systems;Apple didnt have to build a single car to infiltrate nearly every car on the road.Similarly,the company may not need to build a chatbot that

48、 rivals those from Google,Microsoft,and OpenAI if most Americans want ChatGPT and Gemini to run on their beloved iPhones.Generative-AI products,like automobiles before them,may have no choice but to do Apples bidding.The car did,in the end,get the Apple makeover.ascend /send/v.to rise;to go up;to cl

49、imb up 上升;升高;登高 He ascended to the peak of sporting achievement.他达到了运动成就的顶峰。ascendance n.road map A road map of something is a detailed account of it,often intended to help people use or understand it.指南 The idea was to create a comprehensive road map of the Web.这个想法原是为万维网做一个综合指南。ubiquitous /jubkwts

50、/adj.seeming 新英文外刊 2024-3-8 10/12 to be everywhere sometimes used humorously 似乎无处不在的 有时为幽默用法 Coffee shops are ubiquitous these days.如今好像到处都是咖啡馆。self-contained /self kntend/plete and not needing other things or help from somewhere else to work 配套齐全的,自成体系的 a self-contained database package 自足性数据库包 inf


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