外刊英语【Week10 周六】精读讲义 20240309 lose temper.pdf

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1、 新英文外刊 2024-3-9 1/14 经济学人双语经济学人双语 为什么你应该在工作中发脾气 Week 10 周六 字数 720 words 难度系数 全文导读 在工作场所表达愤怒具有双重性质。虽然持续的愤怒会导致负面影响,但适度的愤怒表达有时却能带来积极效果。但表达愤怒需要谨慎调节,以避免失控。重难点讲义&全文翻译 Why you should lose your temper at work 为什么你应该在工作中发脾气 Sometimes.And without throwing anything.偶尔发脾气,但不要扔东西。lose temper to suddenly become v

2、ery angry so that you cannot control yourself 发脾气Ive never seen Vic lose his temper.我从未看到过维克发脾气。扫码听音频 新英文外刊 2024-3-9 2/14 Para.1 Awareness days are meant to remind people of important causes and desirable behaviour.Among other things,February sees the International Day of Human Fraternity,World Day

3、of Social Justice andeveryones favourite until it became a bit too commercialisedWorld Pulses Day.International Day of Happiness falls in March;you have to wait until November for World Kindness Day.awareness days 意识日,是指特定日期或时间段,用于提高公众对某个特定问题、主题或社会议题的认知和关注。这些日子通常与健康、环境、社会公正、文化、人权等相关。例如,世界卫生日(每年的 4 月

4、 7 日)是一个由联合国和世界卫生组织(WHO)主办的活动,旨在提高改善全球健康的需求的认识。be meant to do something to be intended to do something 意在旨在做某事 The diagram is meant to show the different stages of the process.这个图表意在显示整个过程的各个不同阶段。cause /kz/n.an aim,belief,or organization that a group of people support or fight for 事业,理想,目标He has cha

5、mpioned the cause of independence.他声援独立事业。among other things/places/factors etc used to say that you are only mentioning one or two people or things out of a much larger group 除了其他东西/地方/因素等At the meeting they discussed,among other things,recent events in Japan.会上除其他议题外,他们还讨论了日本近来发生的事件。see v.(not use

6、d in the progressive tenses不用于进行时)to be the time when an event happens 为发生的时间 Next year sees the centenary of Verdis death.明年是威尔第逝世一百周年。fraternity /frtnt/n.a group of people sharing the same profession,interests or beliefs(有相同职业、爱好或信仰的)群体,同人;同好 members of the medical/banking/racing,etc.fraternity 医务

7、界、银行界、赛马圈等同人 International Day of Human Fraternity 国际人类博爱日,2020 年 12 月 21 日根据联合国大会第 75/200 号决议而设立,旨在促进更大的文化和宗教宽容。在埃及和阿拉伯联合大公国的共同推动下,联合国通过这项决议,邀请所有会员国和其他国际组织在每年的 2月 4 日纪念国际人类博爱日。World Day of Social Justice 世界社会公正日,2007 年 11 月联合国大会通过决议,宣布自 2009 年开始每一年的 2 月 20 日为“世界社会公义日(World Day of Social Justice)”。联

8、合国制订世界社会公义日,是回应 1995 年“全球社会发展高峰会”与 2000 年“全球社会发展高峰会及其后续发展:在全球化实现兼顾所有人利益的社会发展”的决议。commercialise (also commercialize)/kmlaz/v.to be more concerned with making money from something than about its 新英文外刊 2024-3-9 3/14 Para.2 quality used to show disapproval 使商业化,使成为赚钱手段含贬义 Christmas has become so commerc

9、ialized.圣诞节现已变得非常商业化了。pulses /pls/plural n.seeds such as beans,peas,and lentils that you can eat 豆子 World Pulses Day 世界豆类日,在联合国粮农组织成功举办 2016 年“国际豆类年”的基础上,联合国大会认识到豆类促进落实2030可持续发展议程 的潜力,并将每年的 2 月 10 日定为“世界豆类日”。International Day of Happiness 国际幸福日,联合国大会在 2012 年 6 月 28 日通过的第 66/281 号决议中宣布每年 3 月 20 日为国际幸

10、福日,确认幸福和福祉是全世界人类生活中的普世目标和愿望,具有现实意义,在公共政策目标中对此予以承认具有重要意义。World Kindness Day 世界行善日,是一个国际纪念日,于每年的 11 月 13 日举行,也有译为世界仁慈日。是 1998 年由世界行善运动(World Kindness Movement)一个由各国慈善非政府组织组成的联盟所引入。2023 年 11 月 12日。意识日,旨在提醒人们关注重要的目标和可取的行为。除其他议题外,二月有国际人类博爱日、世界社会正义日,以及在变得有点过于商业化之前广受喜爱的世界豆类日。国际幸福日在三月;世界仁慈日则需要等到十一月。Anger is

11、 far too objectionable to be celebrated with a special day of its own.There is an anger-awareness week in Britain,but the emphasis is on controlling tempers,not giving in to them.Yet in the workplace,as elsewhere,anger is more ambiguous than it seems.objectionable/bdeknbl/unpleasant and likely to of

12、fend people 令人不快的;可能得罪人的;讨厌的unpleasant and likely to offend people 令人不快的;可能得罪人的;讨厌的 give in to something to no longer try to stop yourself from doing something you want to do 不再克制,屈服于 Dont give in to the temptation to argue back.不要一时冲动就回嘴。ambiguous/mbijus/adj.that can be understood in more than one

13、way;having different meanings 模棱两可的;含混不清的 The language in the Ministers statement is highly ambiguous.部长的声明措辞很含糊。新英文外刊 2024-3-9 4/14 Para.3 愤怒令人过于反感,因而无法设立一个特别的日子来庆祝。英国有一个愤怒意识周,但重点是控制脾气,而不是放纵情绪。但在工作场所,就像与其他地方一样,愤怒要比表面所见更加复杂不明。Its destructive side is obvious.Furious people are not much fun to work wi

14、th,and less fun to work for.A short-fused boss is likely to instil fear among employees and to discourage people from speaking up.Anger can also engender poor performance.Anyone who has ever been riled by a rude email or uncivil colleagues knows how in such circumstances suddenly nothing else matter

15、s.Every spare bit of cognitive power is redirected to thinking of devastating put-downs from which the offender will never recover;other tasks can wait.destructive /dstrktv/adj.causing damage to people or things 毁灭性的,造成破坏的 What is good for the individual can be destructive to the family.个人的利益对于家庭来说有

16、可能是破坏性的。side n.one part or feature of something,especially when compared with another part 某事物的一个方面尤指与其他方面相比时 Environmental pollution gives great cause for concern,but,on the positive side,people are beginning to try and find solutions.环境污染确实令人担忧,但从积极的方面去看,人们开始努力在想办法解决了。furious /fjris/adj.very angry

17、 狂怒的,暴怒的 She was furious with herself for letting things get out of hand.她生自己的气,怪自己把事情搞得不可收拾。short-fused adj.a tendency to get angry easily:a quick temper was seen as the bad guy,the one whose short fuse was scary,destructive and uncontrollable 容易生气的Some managers are short-fused and impatient in the

18、ir reactions.How would you describe your won patience?他把妇女大龄生育的潮流归咎于女性从事职业,她们的个性变得易怒和不太宽容。instil /nstl/v.to teach someone to think,behave,or feel in a particular way over a period of time 逐渐灌输培养思想、行为方式或 感 受 A managers job is to instil determination into his players.主教练的工作就是向他的队员灌输必胜的决心。speak up to s

19、ay something,especially to express your opinion 说 话 尤 指 发 表 意见 There was a brief silence,then Gerald spoke up.一阵短暂的沉默之后杰拉尔德发话了。engender v.to be the cause of a situation or feeling 引起,产生某种情形或感觉 the changes in society engendered by the war 战争造成的社会变化 rile /ral/v.to make someone extremely angry 激怒,使非常生气

20、 That class gets me so riled up.那个班级把我气死了。新英文外刊 2024-3-9 5/14 Para.4 uncivil /nsvl/adj.not polite 不礼貌的,无礼的He was most uncivil to your father-called him an old fool.他对你父亲极其无礼称他为老傻瓜。spare /spe/adj.not being used or not needed at the present time 多余的,闲置的 A decline in beer sales had left the industry wi

21、th spare capacity.啤酒销售量的下降使该行业出现产能闲置。devastating /devsteiti/adj.badly damaging or destroying something 毁灭性的,破坏力极强的 It will be a devastating blow for the town if the factory closes.如果工厂关闭,对该镇来说将是沉重的打击。put-down n.something you say that is intended to make someone feel stupid or unimportant 贬 损 的 话,奚 落

22、 的 话 SYN snub She was tired of his put-downs.她听腻了他那些贬低人的话。offender /fend/n.someone or something that is the cause of something bad 引发坏事的人事物 Among causes of air pollution,car exhaust fumes may be the worst offender.在造成空气污染的诸多因素中,汽车尾气可能是罪魁祸首。愤怒的破坏性显而易见。与愤怒的人一起工作并不愉快,为之工作则更甚。一个容易生气的老板可能会在员工中灌输恐惧,会抑制大家自

23、由发言。愤怒也会导致不佳的工作表现。任何曾经被粗鲁的电子邮件或无礼同事激怒过的人都知道,在这种情况下,其他事情突然间都无足轻重。所有的心思都会集中于思考如何给冒犯者一记永远无法恢复的毁灭性打击;其他任务的则可以搁置一边。In one paper on the effects of rudeness on medical professionals,Arieh Riskin of Bnai Zion Medical Centre in Haifa and his co-authors describe a training exercise in which teams of Israeli p

24、hysicians and nurses treated a mannequin of a baby.The teams were joined by someone billed as a visiting expert from America,who offered studiously neutral comments to some groups and made unprompted and disparaging remarks about the quality of medical care in Israel to others.The teams that had suf

25、fered rudeness performed significantly worse.paper n.a piece of writing or a talk on a particular subject by someone who has made a study of it(研究)论文;(学术)讲话 Professor Usborne gave a paper on recent developments in his field.厄斯本教授就自己领域的新动态发表了讲话。professional /prfenl/n.someone who works in a job that n

26、eeds special education and training,such as a doctor,lawyer,or architect 专业人士,专家 如医生、律师、建筑师等 health 新英文外刊 2024-3-9 6/14 Para.5 professionals(=doctors,nurses etc)医护专业人员 Haifa 海法(Haifa)是希伯莱文“美丽的海岸”之意,是以色列第三大城市,仅次于耶路撒冷和特拉维夫。mannequin /mnkn/n.a model of the human body,used for showing clothes in shop wi

27、ndows 商店橱窗中用以展示服装的 人体服装模型 bill something as something to advertise or describe something in a particular way 把宣传为The castle bills itself as the oldest in England.这个城堡号称是英格兰最古老的城堡。studiously /stju.disli/adv.in a way that is very careful and intentional 刻意地 They studiously avoided/ignored each other.他

28、们刻意回避/忽视对方。unprompted /nprmptd/adj.said or done without anyone asking you to 主动的;自发的 Quite unprompted,he offered to help.他主动提出帮忙。disparaging/dsprd/adj.criticizing someone or something,and showing that you do not think they are very good or important 贬低的,抨击的 She made some disparaging remarks about th

29、e royal family.她说了些贬低王室的话。在一篇关于粗鲁行为对医疗专业人员的影响的论文中,海法 Bnai Zion 医疗中心的阿里耶里斯金(Arieh Riskin)和其合著者描述了一次培训演习,其中,以色列医生和护士团队对一个婴儿人体模型进行了治疗。期间,一位声称来自美国的访问专家加入了这些团队,他刻意向一些团体发表了中立评论,并主动对其他团队发表了贬低以色列医疗服务质量的言论。遭受粗鲁对待的团队表现明显更差。Being angry all the time is bad news for individuals and organisations alike.But so is

30、being tremendously satisfied by everything all the time.Jeffrey Pfeffer,a professor at Stanford University who teaches a course on how to acquire power,reckons that displaying anger is an important skill for those who want to rise up the corporate ladder.It is associated with decisiveness and compet

31、ence(though angry women are more likely to evoke negative emotions among other people than angry men do).Doctors who get angry if they are challenged about their medical advice are not judged to be less competent;if they show shame,patients take a dimmer view.alike /lak/adv.used to emphasize that yo

32、u mean both the people,groups,or things that you have just mentioned 同样都用于强调刚提及的两者I learned a lot from teachers and students alike.我从老师和学生身上都获益良多。reckon /rekn/v.to think or suppose 新英文外刊 2024-3-9 7/14 Para.6 something 认为,以为 The police reckon that whoever killed Dad was with him earlier that day.警方认为

33、杀害爸爸的人那天早些时候就和他在一起。ladder /ld/n.a series of levels which someone moves up and down within an organization,profession,or society 在机构、专业或社会中晋升的阶梯,途径Becoming a doctor would be a step up the social ladder.成为医生就是在社会阶梯上向上攀升了一级。evoke /vk/v.to produce a strong feeling or memory in someone 引起,唤起某人强烈的感情或回忆His

34、 appearance is bound to evoke sympathy.他的外表肯定会引起人们的同情。take a dim view of something to disapprove of something 不赞同某事,对某事持否定态度 Miss Watson took a dim view of Pauls behaviour.沃森小姐对保罗的行为颇为不齿。划线句 Doctors who get angry if they are challenged about their medical advice【who 引导定语从句,引出会因为医疗建议受到质疑而生气 的 医 生 类 型

35、】are not judged to be less competent【这样的医生的能力通常不会被质疑】;if they show shame,patients take a dimmer view【分号引出语意相关但语法独立的句子,they 指的是 doctors,表示如果医生们表示出羞愧,反而会被病人看低】.总是生气对个人和组织来说都是坏事。但同样地,总是对一切都感到非常满意也不是件好事。斯坦福大学(Stanford University)教授杰弗里普费弗(Jeffrey Pfeffer)教授一门关于如何获得权力的课程;他认为,对于那些想要在企业阶梯上晋升的人来说,表达愤怒是一项重要的技

36、能。它与果断和能力有关(尽管愤怒的女性比愤怒的男性更容易引起其他人的负面情绪)。那些因医嘱受到质疑而生气的医生不会被判定为能力较差;但如果他们表现出羞愧感,那么患者就会质疑他们的能力。Anger can have a galvanising effect in specific circumstances.A study by Barry Staw of the University of California,Berkeley,and his co-authors analysed half-time team talks by college and high-school basketb

37、all coaches in America,and found that expressions of negative emotions such as anger and disappointment were associated with better second-half outcomesup to a point.When coaches reached the bulging-eyeballs stage,rage started to have the opposite effect.galvanise /lvnaz/v.to shock or surprise someo

38、ne so that they do something to solve a problem,improve a situation etc 激励,刺激 某 人 The possibility of defeat finally galvanized us into action.可能到来的失败威胁最终促使我们采取行动。galvanising adj.激励的;鼓舞人心的 新英文外刊 2024-3-9 8/14 Para.7 half-time n.a short period of rest between two parts of a game,such as football or ba

39、sketball 足球、篮球等比赛的 中场休息The score at half-time was 347.上半场结束时比分为 34 比 7。up to a point partly,but not completely 在某种程度上That is true,but only up to a point.说得有道理,不过只限于某种程度。划线句 A study by Barry Staw of the University of California,Berkeley,and his co-authors【by 引导方式状语,指出研究的作者和单位】analysed【analyse 的主语是 st

40、udy,后文为研究分析的内容】half-time team talks by college and high-school basketball coaches in America【by 表示“由”,指出中场谈话的主体】,and found【found 和 analyse 是并列谓语】that【that 引导宾语从句,是研究的发现结果】expressions of negative emotions such as anger and disappointment were【were 的 主语是expressions of negative emotions】associated with

41、 better second-half outcomesup to a point.【研究结果:负面情绪与下半场的取得更好成绩有关联】bulge /bld/v.to stick out in a rounded shape,especially because something is very full or too tight 鼓起;胀出He fell heavily to the floor,his eyes bulging wide with fear.他重重地摔在地上,吓得双眼圆睁。eyeball /abl/n.the round ball that forms the whole

42、of your eye,including the part inside your head 眼球 rage /red/n.a strong feeling of uncontrollable anger 盛怒,狂怒 Sobbing with rage,Carol was taken to the hospital.卡罗尔气得呜呜哭,被送往医院。在特定情况下,愤怒可以产生激励作用。加州大学伯克利分校(University of California,Berkeley)的巴里斯托(Barry Staw)及其合著者进行的一项研究分析了美国大学和高中篮球教练的中场谈话,发现教练的愤怒和失望等负面情

43、绪表达与球队在下半场取得更好的成绩相关在一定程度上。但当教练生气到怒目圆睁时,愤怒则会开始产生相反的效果。There are similar nuances in negotiations.A paper by Hajo Adam of Rice University and Jeanne Brett of Northwestern University found that as people got more upset,they were more likely to extract concessions.But being too angry was seen as inapprop

44、riate.And although displays of anger can work in one-off negotiations,they also invite retaliation in subsequent interactions.nuance /nju ns/n.a very slight,hardly noticeable difference in manner,colour,新英文外刊 2024-3-9 9/14 Para.8 meaning etc 方式、颜色、意义等的细微差别He was aware of every nuance in her voice.他听

45、得出她声音中的每一个细微变化。extract /kstrkt/v.to get an advantage or good thing from a situation 获得,得到好处 They aim to extract the maximum political benefit from the Games.他们旨在通过举办运动会获得最大的政治利益。concession /knsen/n.something that you allow someone to have in order to end an argument or a disagreement 让步 The British

46、were not prepared to make any concessions.英国人没有打算作出让步。display of affection/emotion/aggression etc an occasion when someone clearly shows a particular feeling,attitude,or quality 爱意/情绪/攻 击 性 等 的 流 露 Unprovoked displays of aggression cannot be tolerated.无缘无故的挑衅行为是不可容忍的。one-off adj.happening or done on

47、ly once,not as part of a regular series 只发生一次的;一次完成的Its yours for a one-off payment of only 200.一次性仅付 200 英镑,它就是你的了。invite /nvat/v.to encourage something bad to happen,especially without intending to 尤指无意地 招致 不好的事 Any government that sells arms to dictators is inviting trouble.任何向独裁者出售武器的政府都是在自找麻烦。r

48、etaliation /rtlien/n.action against someone who has done something bad to you 报复,反击This action was undoubtedly in retaliation for last weeks bomb attack.这个行动无疑是对上周炸弹袭击事件的报复。谈判中也有类似的细微差别。莱斯大学(Rice University)的哈乔亚当(Hajo Adam)和西北大学(Northwestern University)的珍妮布雷特(Jeanne Brett)的一篇论文发现,人们越生气,越有可能获得让步。但过于愤

49、怒则会显得不妥。尽管愤怒的表现可以在单次谈判中发挥作用,但也会在随后的互动中招致报复。Anger has different effects on different types of people.Agreeableness is one of the“Big Five”personality traits recognised by most psychologists.Agreeable sorts value co-operation and courtesy;disagreeable ones are more cynical and more comfortable with co

50、nflict.Big Five 五 大 性 格 特 质(Big Five personality traits),或称五大人格模型或人格五因素模型,即外向性、情绪稳定性、开放性、宜人性、严谨性,是一种人格特质分类法,从 1980年代开始在心理特质理论中发展起来。新英文外刊 2024-3-9 10/14 Para.9 agreeable /ribl/adj.a pleasant 宜人的;愉快的 an agreeable young man 一个讨人喜欢的年轻人 agreeableness n.宜人性 OPP disagreeable adj.(人)不友善的;难相处的;暴躁的 courtesy /


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