专题二 七选五-题组七.pptx

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1、专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组七题组七()题组七题组七Passage 1(2021浙江1月,10分)You run into the grocery store to pick up one bottle of water.You get what you need,head to the front,and choose the line that looks fastest.You chose wrong.People who you swear got in other lines long after you are already checked out and off to the

2、 parking lot.1.It turns out,its just math working against you;chances are,the other line really is faster.Grocery stores try to have enough employees at checkout to get all their customers through with minimum delay.2.Any small interruption a price AG专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组七题组七()check,a chatty customer can

3、have downstream effects,holding up an entire line.If there are three lines in the store,delays will happen randomly at different registers.Think about the probability:3.So its not just in your mind:Another line probably is moving faster.Researchers have a good way to deal with this problem.Make all

4、customers stand in one long,snaking line called a serpentine line and serve each person at the front with the next available register.4.This is what they do at most banks and fast-food restaurants.With a serpentine line,a long delay at one register wont unfairly punish the people who lined up behind

5、 it.Instead,it will slow down everyone a little bit but speed up checkout overall.5.It takes many registers to keep one line moving quickly,and some stores cant afford the space or manpower.So wherever your next wait may be:Good luck.DFB专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组七题组七()A.Why does this always seem to happen to y

6、ou?B.So why dont most places encourage serpentine lines?C.Some of them may have stood in a queue for almost an hour.D.The chances of your line being the fastest are only one in three.E.How high is the probability that you are in the fastest waiting line?F.With three registers,this method is much fas

7、ter than the traditional approach.G.But sometimes,as on a Sunday afternoon,the system gets particularly busy.专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组七题组七()1._A解析 上文描述了你排队结账时,发现自己排的队伍比别的队伍慢这一现象,下文的It turns out chances are,the other line really is faster点明了结论,所以空处应为对该现象提出的疑问。结合选项来看,只有A项的内容与结论的内容相匹配。2._G解析 空前提到食品杂货店希望将结账延误降到最低

8、,空后提到任何小小的干扰都会拖慢整个队伍,两者形成转折,空处应明确转折关系,故G项符合语境。G项中的busy呼应下文的interruption holding up an entire line。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组七题组七()【技巧点拨】空前的probability与D项中的chances和one in three呼应,同时D项与空后的So its not just in your mind:Another line probably is moving faster呼应。【易错点拨】考生可能会因E项中的probability而错选E项。但是E项(你排在最快的队伍里的可能性是多高?

9、)是个问句,不能对空前的probability进行解释说明;且根据空后的So可知,空处还要是空后句子的原因,E项同样不能作为原因,故排除E项。3._D解析 空前提到想象一下可能性,且与空处以冒号相连,表示空处是对可能性的解释说明,故D项符合语境。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组七题组七()4._F解析 前一段提到如果商店里排起了三个结账的队伍,那么结账时延误情况的出现是随机的。本段提到研究人员为解决这一问题,想出了一个好办法:让所有人排成一队,排在最前面的人到可用的收银机处结账。F项能很好地承接上文,同时F项中的this method是空后This的指代对象。5._B解析 空后一句解释了很多商店

10、不采用只排一个队伍结账的办法的原因。故B项符合语境。解读:当你排队结账的时候,是不是总会感觉别的结账队伍比你的快呢?情况可能真的是这样。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组七题组七()Passage 2(2020新高考卷,12.5分)Some individuals are born with a gift for public speaking.1.Do you want to be a good public speaker?Here are some principles you must master.People want to listen to someone who is inter

11、esting,relaxed and comfortable.Too often,when you stand up to give a speech,you focus on the public at the expense of the speaking.2.Focus on the speaking.Talk directly to your audience,be yourself and make a connection.Even the most successful public speaker will make mistakes.Yet,the only one who

12、cares about any mistake is the one who is speaking.Peoples attention wanders constantly.In fact,most people only absorb about 20 percent of a GA专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组七题组七()speakers message.So,dont stop speaking when you make a mistake unless its a truly serious one.3.Your goal is not to be a perfect public

13、 speaker.4.And like everything else in life,that takes practice.Remember,even world champion athletes practice their skills on a consistent basis.5.Its rare to hear someone say,I wish that speaker had spoken longer.On the other hand,you probably cant count the times that youve thought,Im glad that t

14、alk is over.It seemed to go on forever!So surprise your audience.Always make your presentation just a bit shorter than anticipated.Its better to leave your listeners wishing for more than shifting restlessly in their seats waiting for your speech finally to end.CBD专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组七题组七()A.Do the oppos

15、ite.B.You want to be an effective public speaker.C.You dont need to apologize for a minor slip.D.When it comes to public speaking,less is usually more.E.The objective of most speeches is to benefit the audience.F.Take the fear out of public speaking by focusing on your listeners.G.However,the majori

16、ty of people are effective speakers because they train to be.专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组七题组七()1._G解析 上文提到有些人生来就有演讲的天赋;下文陈述了成为优秀演说家应掌握的规则;据此可以判断,空处起承上启下的作用,说明大部分人经过训练也可以成为演说家,故G项正确。2._A解析 根据上文可知,很多时候,当你站起来演讲时,你会把注意力放在听众身上,而不是演讲上;下文提到要把注意力放在演讲上,直接和你的听众交谈,做你自己,建立联系。据此可以判断,空处前后是两种截然不同的做法,故A项(做相反的事)正确。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题

17、组七题组七()3._C解析 根据上文中的So,dont stop speaking when you make a mistake unless its a truly serious one可知,当你犯错时不要停止演讲,除非是非常严重的错误。据此可以推知,空处承接上文,说明犯小错误不必道歉,故C项正确。4._B解析 根据上文中的Your goal is not to be a perfect public speaker可知,你的目标不是成为一个完美的演说家。据此可知,空处与此对应,说明你的目标是要成为高效的演说家,故选B项。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组七题组七()5._D解析 根据全文结

18、构可知,空处为该段的主题句;结合下文中的Its rare to hear someone say,I wish that speaker had spoken longer.Always make your presentation just a bit shorter than anticipated可知,本段讲述的主要内容是:使你的演讲短一些,故D项(说到公开演讲,通常说少些更好)最能概括本段内容。解读:本文主要介绍了成为好的演讲者必须掌握的几个规则,即做你自己,在犯小错误时应继续往下讲,不断练习和短些为妙。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组七题组七()Passage 3(2020新高考卷,1

19、2.5分)Talking with your doctor Talking freely with your doctor can make you feel better and give your doctor the information she or he needs to give you the best care.Dont be afraid or embarrassed to discuss something that is bothering you.1.Stay positive.Go to your doctors office with a good attitud

20、e.2.Think teamwork!Think positive!BE专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组七题组七()Keep track of how you are feeling.3.This will make it easier for you to answer questions about your symptoms(症状)and how medicines make you feel.It also makes it easier for you to bringup anything that you are worried about.Make sure to be hone

21、st about how you feeland how long youve felt that way.4.Your medical history is a list of your illnesses,treatments,what the doctors toldyou to do,and anything else you think your doctor should know.Also,if you areallergic(过敏)to any medicines,be sure to mention that to your doctor.DF专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组七

22、题组七()Ask questions.Do not be afraid to ask your doctor any questions you have.To remember all the questions you have when you are not in the doctors office,write them down and bring the list with you to your appointment.5.Remember theres no such thing as a stupid question.If you dont understand the

23、answer to a question,ask the doctor to explain it again until you do understand.A专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组七题组七()A.This will make getting answers easier.B.Here are some tips for talking with your doctor.C.You can talk to another doctor if the treatments dont work.D.Before your doctors visit,keep notes on how y

24、ou are feeling.E.Remember,your doctor and other caregivers are on your side.F.Bring your medical history,including a list of your current medicines.G.Writing down what the doctor says will help you remember important information.专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组七题组七()【技巧点拨】本空位于总分结构的How to do sth.类型说明文常考的主题句位置,该空一般会用H

25、ere/There/The following are.ways/tips/skills/methods.句式引出下文的内容。1._B解析 空前讲到和你的医生自在地交谈可使你感觉好些,并让医生了解你的信息,从而给你最好的治疗,并且不要因谈论困扰你的问题而感到害怕或尴尬,而下文是具体的做法,故B项符合语境。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组七题组七()2._E解析 空前一句讲到去医生办公室的时候,要保持好的态度,空后则讲到想想团队协作,想想好的一面,故E项符合语境。3._D解析 本段小标题讲的是跟踪记录个人感受,空后一句则讲到了你这么做的话,当医生问你的症状和药物给你带来的感受时,你就可以更轻松地给出答案了,因此该空讲的应该是具体的做法,即记录自己的感受,故D项符合语境。4._F解析 本段主要涉及对病历的介绍,故F项适合作本段的小标题。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组七题组七()5._A解析 空前一句讲到当你不在医生办公室的时候,写下你所有的问题,随身带着这些问题的清单去问诊,而空后一句则讲到没有什么问题是愚蠢的问题,因此该空讲的应该是写下问题的好处,故A项符合语境。解读:本文主要讲述了与医生高效交流的几种方法保持积极心态、跟踪记录个人感受、携带病历、提问问题。


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