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1、专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组一题组一()题组一题组一Passage 1(2023新课标卷,12.5分)Personal Forgiveness Taking responsibility for mistakes is a positive step,but dont beat yourself up about them.To err(犯错)is human.1.You can use the following writing exercise to help you do this.In a journal or on a piece of paper,put the heading

2、Personal strengths.2.Are you caring?Creative?Generous?A good listener?Fun to be around?They dont have to be world-changing,just aspects of your personality that youre proud of.DB专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组一题组一()At the top of a second page,put the heading Acts of kindness.On this one,list all the positive things

3、 youve done for others.It might be the time when you helped a friend with their homework,when you did the ironing without being asked,or when you baked cookies after the family had had a tiring day.3.You could ask a friend or family member to help add to your list.4.That way,you could exchange thoug

4、hts on what makes each of you special and the aspects of your personality that shine through.In fact,dont wait until youve made a mistake to try this its a great way to boost self-confidence at any time.Its something of a clich(陈词滥调)that most people learn not from their successes but their mistakes.

5、The thing is,its true.5.Were all changing and learning all the time and mistakes are a positive way to develop and grow.FCG专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组一题组一()A.A little self-forgiveness also goes a long way.B.Now list all the characteristics you like about yourself.C.They might even like to have a go at doing the

6、 exercise.D.Its just as important to show yourself some forgiveness.E.It doesnt mean you have to ignore whats happened or forget it.F.Whatever it is,no matter how small it might seem,write it down.G.Whatever the mistake,remember it isnt a fixed aspect of your personality.1._D解析 本文的主题是自我原谅,空前两句和空后一句都

7、没有提到forgiveness,再结合空后的help you do this和下文的内容可知,空处一定会提到forgiveness及它的重要性。故选D项。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组一题组一()2._B解析 根据空前的Personal strengths和空后的例子可知,B项现在列出所有你喜欢的关于你自己的特点承上启下,符合逻辑。3._F解析 空前讲述了列出你为别人做过的所有积极的事情,F项不管是什么事,不管它看起来可能有多小,把它写下来总结上文,符合逻辑。4._C解析 空前讲述了你可以让朋友或家人帮你往列表添加东西,C项他们甚至可能想尝试这样做承接上文。C项中的They指代前面的a fri

8、end or family member。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组一题组一()5._G解析 根据空后的内容可知,我们都在改变并一直在学习。G项中的it isnt a fixed aspect of your personality和空后的Were all changing形成对比。解读:本文介绍了自我原谅的一些具体方法。自我原谅的具体方法包括罗列个人优点、列举自己帮助别人的事迹和让别人帮你指出优点。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组一题组一()Passage 2(2023新课标卷,12.5分)As an artist who shares her journey on social medi

9、a,Im often asked by curious followers how to begin an art journey.Unfortunately,there is no magic list I can offer.I do remember,though,what it was like to be a complete beginner.So Ive put together some good tips for starting an art journey.Start small.I suggest using a sketchbook(素描本)for small stu

10、dies.These small studies provide inspiration and may be a springboard for more complex works in the future.1.Youll want to look back on your journey to see how far youve come.C专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组一题组一()Paint often and paint from life.Theres no better way to improve than to put in those brush miles.Whethe

11、r you paint still lifes,portraits,or landscapes,paint from life as much as possible.2.Continually challenge yourself to try something new.3.Artistic growth can be a bit painful.Welcome to the club;weve all been there.I love taking on challenges.I once took up a challenge to create a painting every d

12、ay for a month and post the works online.4.Seeking and accepting constructive feedback(反馈)is crucial to growth.I post my work on social media and,in turn,have met some of the kindest people.They make me feel valued and respected,no matter my level of artistic ability.The journey youre on wont follow

13、 a straight path.5.Push through,give it time and put in the effort.You will harvest the rewards of an artistic life.GADE专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组一题组一()A.Get out of your comfort zone.B.Make career plans and set goals.C.Dont throw away your beginner art.D.Share your work if you feel comfortable doing so.E.Youll

14、 hit roadblocks,and youll feel discouraged at times.F.Evaluate your performance and,if needed,redefine your role.G.Youll develop that painting muscle memory that only comes with repetition.专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组一题组一()1._C解析 空后一句讲到了Youll want to look back on your journey to see how far youve come(你会想要回顾自己的旅

15、程,看看自己已经走了多远),因此空处应该会做一个关于看什么来回顾的铺垫,C项中的your beginner art可以帮助你看到自己从开始到现在走了多远,故C项符合语境。2._G解析 空处位于本段的结尾,空前一句讲到了Whether you paint still lifes,portraits,or landscapes,paint from life as much as possible(无论你是画静物画、肖像画还是风景画,都要尽可能多地写生),G项你将培养出只有重复才能得到的绘画肌肉记忆讲到这样做的目的和好处,承接上文,符合语境。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组一题组一()3._A解析

16、根据本段的主旨句Continually challenge yourself to try something new可知,本段主要围绕不断挑战自我去尝试新事物展开,且空后讲到了Artistic growth can be a bit painful(艺术之旅的成长有时会有些令人痛苦),A项走出你的舒适区符合语境,且能引出下文,故选A项。4._D解析 结合本空的位置可知,本空考查段落主旨句。根据本段中的Seeking and accepting constructive feedback(反馈)is crucial.They make me feel valued and respected可

17、知,本段讲到了可以利用社交媒体寻求建设性的反馈以及这样做的好处,故D项分享你的作品,如果这样做让你觉得舒服适合作本段的主旨句。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组一题组一()5._E解析 空前一句讲到了The journey youre on wont follow a straight path(你的旅途不会一路平坦),而空后讲到了Push through,give it time and put in the effort(坚持下去,给它时间,付出努力),这是面对困境时的做法,因此空处应承接上一句,讲到旅途中的困难,故E项你会遇到障碍,有时你会感到沮丧符合语境。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组一题

18、组一()解读:本文作者是一个艺术家,作者以第一人称的口吻向自己的粉丝传授初学者开启艺术之旅的一些技巧和建议。【核心词汇】put together汇集,组织 springboard n.(使某事得以开始的)跳板,助推因素 look back on回顾,回忆continually adv.不断地,频繁地 take on challenges接受挑战be crucial to对至关重要 in turn相应地专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组一题组一()Passage 3(2023全国卷乙,10分)Indoor plants might look as if they just sit around no

19、t doing much,but in many ways they are the unsung heroes of the home.1.,but studies have shown that they can promote peoples wellbeing by improving their mood(心情),reducing stress and helping their memory.Whats more,indoor plants are easy to look after and are not very expensive.What are indoor plant

20、s?Indoor plants,also known as houseplants or pot plants,are plants that like to grow indoors.Many of these species(物种)are not ideally suited to growing outside in the UK,especially in the winter.2.BD专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组一题组一()Why are indoor plants good for you?Will Spoelstra,who works at the Royal Botanic

21、 Gardens,says,3.I find during the winter months,plants around the house can really lift your mood.Several studies have backed this up and found that indoor plants can improve creativity,focus and memory.There is also research showing that pot plants can clean the air around them by removing harmful

22、gases,such as carbon dioxide.They also remove some harmful chemicals from paints or cooking.4.CE专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组一题组一()Which plants can you grow?Aloe vera,peace lilies and spider plants are some of the species that are easy to grow indoors.You can buy plants from supermarkets,garden centres or online.

23、Younger plants are often cheaper than fully grown ones,and you get to care for them as they mature which is part of the joy of owning plants.5.,Spoelstra says.It can bring a new interest and focus into peoples lives and help to make the link between home and nature.G专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组一题组一()A.All plants

24、 are differentB.Not only do they look beautifulC.There are many benefits to growing plants indoorsD.Instead,they grow better inside,where it is warmerE.Plants like peace lilies and devils ivy are among the bestF.Changing the pot of your plant from time to time will also helpG.Learning about the requ

25、irements of each plant can be very rewarding专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组一题组一()1._B解析 空后表明室内绿植还可以通过改善心情、减轻压力、增进记忆力来提升人们的幸福感,且空后的but与B项中的Not only在意思上构成递进关系。故选B。2._D解析 上文说在英国许多这样的物种不适宜在室外生长,特别是在冬季,和D项相反,它们在室内更温暖的地方长势更好构成转折关系。故选D。3._C解析 根据本段小标题和本段内容可知,该段主要讲述了室内种植绿植有许多好处,此处引用别人的话也应呼应这一主题。故选C。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组一题组一()4._E

26、解析 空格位于段尾,与上文存在例证关系,上文说盆栽可以通过消除二氧化碳等有害气体来净化周围的空气,还可以消除一些来自油漆或烹饪的有害化学物质。E项列举了此类盆栽中两个最好的例子:和平百合和绿萝,符合语境。5._G解析 空后It指代该空内容,说明这样做可以给人们的生活带来新的兴趣和焦点并帮助人们增强家与自然的联系。故G项了解每种植物的习性会很有益处符合语境。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组一题组一()【核心词汇】indoor adj.室内的 promote v.促进,提升wellbeing n.幸福 ideally adv.完美地,绝好地解读:室内绿植不仅可以净化空气,还可以改善人们的心情、减轻压力和增进记忆力。


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