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1、TapescriptsPRACTICE TEST 1SECTION 1R = ReceptionistW = WomanP = Police officer107R: Good evening, city Police station. can I help you?W: oh hello, I,d like to report a stolen briefcase, please.R: Just a minute and I,ll put you through.RepeatP: Lost property. can I help you?W: oh, yes. I,ve had my br

2、iefcase stolen.P: ok I,ll take some details Tell me what it looks like, first of all.W: Well it,s a soft leather one, you know, not a heavy box-type like a man,s. P: Mmm and how does it close?W: It,s got buckles at the front . two of them They,re gold-plated ones.P: Fine Was it locked?W: No, I,m afr

3、aid not.P: Never mind. Any distinguishing features?W: Pardon?P: Any marks or badges on it that make it stand out?W: only the brand name.P: And where,s that?W: It,s on the back at the bottom in the left-hand corner. It,s sagi. oh and there,s a scratch it,s quite bad but small directly above the brand

4、name. I did it recently putting it on my bike.P: Right, got that. so, what did you have inside the briefcase?W: Well all my papers from college. It,s so frustrating but, thank goodness forcomputers, I haven,t lost them completely!P: Yes, you,re lucky.W: I had my wallet in my pocket so I didn,t lose

5、that but there were also my pens which I got for my birthday and a novel I was planning to read on the train.P: Right. Where exactly did you lose the briefcase?W: Well I couldn,t believe it. I was standing on the platform it was right next to me.P: You were holding it?W: I,d just put it down on the

6、floor but I could almost feel it beside me. I waswatching for my tram because sometimes it comes early and then next time Ilooked, my briefcase wasn,t there.P: And what time was this?W: Ah it was it must have been about 5.20 no a bit later. I,d say 5.30ExampleQ1Q2Q3Q4Q5practice Test 1108because it w

7、as just getting crowded and the train normally comes at about twenty-five to six.P: Right, if you,ll just give me some personal details .W: yes.P: What name is it?W: I,m Mary Prescott.P: can you spell that?W: yes, it,s P-R E-S-c-O-T-T.P: And your address?W: Flat 2, 41, Fountain Road, canterbury.P: F

8、ountain Road.W: yes, number 41.P: And have you got a contact telephone number?W: yes, it,s 7-5 double 2-3-9.P: 7-5-double 239. Fine. One last question what would you say the value of Q9 your briefcase is?W: Including the contents?P: yes, Just a rough estimate is fine.W: I,m not sure. Well, the brief

9、case itself is quite new; I bought it last month for 莺40. I suppose about 莺65. The contents are worth about 20 or 25 pounds atleast.P: That,s fine. Well, if you could come down to the station tomorrow, you can sign this form and have a look at what we,ve got here.W: Ok, thanks. Bye.P: Goodbye.SECTIO

10、N 2Newsreader: This is the 6 o,clock news for Tuesday 25 November. And first the headlines:The Prime Minister has promised to help the drought stricken farmers in thenorthern part of the country who haven,t seen rain for nearly two years. And in Sydney a group of school children are successfully res

11、cued from a plane which landed in the sea shortly after take-off. Transport workers are on strike inMelbourne over a pay claim and the strike looks set to spread to other states. Andon a fashionable note, there s to be a new look for the staff of QANTAS, Australia,s national airline.The Prime Minist

12、er has pledged today that he will make two hundred and fiftymillion dollars available to help the drought stricken farmers who have not seen ram for years, get through the next five years. Money that was to have been spent on the re-structuring of Sydney,s road system has been re-allocated to what t

13、heP:rime Minister described as a more worthy cause. Farmers are to receivefinancial assistance to help see them through the worst drought in over 50 years. Many farmers feel that while the money is welcome it has come too late to saveQ6Qs 7 and 8Q10ExampleQ11Q12Q13Q14Q15Q16Tapescripts109them and the

14、ir farms from financial ruin and are angry that the government did not act sooner.A group of school children who were travelling in a privately charteredaeroplane from sydney to Queensland to take part in a musical concert foundthemselves swimming for the shore when their aeroplane had to land in th

15、e sea just three minutes after taking off from sydney airport. The pilot managed tobring the aircraft and its 50 passengers down safely in the calm waters of Botany Bay where boats and pleasurecraft were able to come to the rescue of the boys. The fact that it was a weekend meant that there were hun

16、dreds of boats inthe bay enjoying the good weather and this undoubtedly helped the rescueoperation. we owe our lives to the skill of the pilot, said one of the boys, but the pilot replied modestly that it was all part of a day,s work. However, all theirmusical instruments were lost and they never go

17、t to play at their concert.Q17Q18Q19Q20Q21SECTION 3M = male studentF = female lecturerM: Hello can I come in?F: oh yes, come in. How can I help you?M: I was looking for the Economics office. I,ve been all over the Arts Faculty Examplebuilding looking for it but I could only find the school of Accoun

18、ting andEconomic History. Is this the right place?F: yes this is the school of Economics.M: oh good. um, I,m a new student and I was wondering if someone could giveme some information.F: well I might be able to help. I lecture on that program. what do you need toknow?M: Quite a few things, actually.

19、 Firstly, how many lectures a week do I have toAttend?F: Ah, well, the Economics I course is a double unit so there are two lectures aweek and one tutorial. The lectures are scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday.M: what time?F: Let me see you know this information is all in the handout which you Q22sho

20、uld have received yesterday at the orientation meeting.M: oh, was there a meeting yesterday? I didn,t know about that no one mentioned F: yes, there was, but never mind. Now lectures are at four m the afternoon.M: Four,s a bit late. I,ve got a part time job that starts at four thirty.F: well, you ca

21、n,t be in two places at once, can you, and attendance at lectures Q23is necessary. we expect at least 90% attendance at this university you know.M: 90%! That,s high. Do they enforce that rule?F: yes, we do. we,re pretty strict about it actually.M: And what times have been set down for the tutorials

22、do you have thatInformation?F: That,s a very well attended course so there,s a number of tutorial times.practice Test 1110Monday,wednesday and Friday, all at 9 o,clock. yours will be allocated at the first lecture.M: can,t I choose the time?F: Maybe, maybe not. you,ll have to talk to the lecturer on

23、 the course. Dr. Roberts is his name.M: oh, oK.F: Anything else I can help you with while you,re here?M: well, yes, actually. Do you know what the course requirements are? I mean, how much work is expected for this course?F: well, you have to complete a tutorial paper.M: what does that involve?F: we

24、ll, it,s a piece of work on a given topic based on some set reading texts. you,ll have to give a small talk to your tutorial group .M: How long does that have to be?F: oh, about 25 minutes usually.M: I have to talk for 25 minutes?F: yes, that,s right. And then you have to write up your piece of work

25、 and give it to the lecturer to be marked.M: Right. And is that all?F: No. you also have to complete a 3,000 word essay on a topic.M: can I choose the topic?F: yes, usually you can.M: Right. That shouldn,t be too bad.F: And in addition to that there is an exam.M: An exam! what sort of exam?F: well,

26、it,s an open book exam.M: Does that mean I can have the text book with me during the exam?F: yes, that,s right.M: And can you give me any idea about the content of the first year of Economics so that I can get into some reading?F: well, you,ll be getting the reading list next week when lectures star

27、t. All the books are in the library.M: yes, but won,t everyone else take them out as soon as they get the reading list too?F: well, yes, they might. But most of the important ones are held in closed Reserve . that,s a part of the library where you can go to read books but you can,t take them out of

28、the building.M: what did you call that section of the library?F: closed Reserve. However, we do recommend that you buy the core books. you,ll find them useful and you,ll need them for the exam.M: yes, I suppose I will. But what is the focus of the course?F: well, the course at this university has a

29、vocational focus, that is a focus on preparing its graduates for work, so we,re orientated very much towardsemployment.M: So my chances of getting a job are good?F: well, provided you get good results.M: well look thanks for your time. you,ve been really helpful.Q24Q25Q26Q27Q28Q29Q30Q31TapescriptsF:

30、 That,s fine. see you next week then.SECTION 4Lecturer:Good morning and welcome to the university of westlands. My name is MarciaMayhew and I,m the co-ordmator of the Bachelor of social science degree. Thismorning I,d like to tell you about the structure of the university and about someof the requir

31、ements of the degree that you,re about to enter. The Bachelor ofsocial science is in one faculty within the university, that is the faculty where I Q32work, known as Arts and social sciences. Here on this campus we also have thefaculties of Architecture, Law and science and Technology among others.I

32、t,s important to know something about the structure of the faculty because, asyou go through your course, you may need to call on members of the staff to helpyou.At the top of the faculty we have a dean and below the dean we have three Q33divisions; each division has a divisional head and your degre

33、e is located in theDivision of social sciences. within each of the divisions, there are the departmentsand each of these offers the different degrees. For instance two of the departmentswhich offer the major subjects for your award are sociology and psychology. Eachhas a departmental head but for pr

34、actical purposes the people you are going tosee the most of are myself as co-ordinator of the social sciences degree and theactual lecturers who are teaching the subjects that you are taking. For instance inthe first semester you,ll be doing four subjects psychology sociology history and Q34economic

35、s.If you have any problems or difficulties, not that I,m anticipating you will, butyou never know, then you should go and see your lecturers. For instance, youmay find that you can,t meet a deadline for an essay or perhaps you re having Q35problems with attendance. These seem to be the two most comm

36、on problems that Q36students face.111If your lecturers are unavailable, you can always come and see me in my office.I,m available on wednesday and Thursday mornings and on Friday afternoonsoutside these hours, perhaps you could ring the secretary and make an appointment.Now you,ll note that all of t

37、he subjects which you undertake in the first yearare composed of lectures and tutorials. A lecture is about an hour long and atutorial usually runs for about two hours. A lecture is rather like what I am doing now where one person will talk to all of you together on a subject. we do ask you to try t

38、o attend the lectures.A tutorial is perhaps where most of the learning occurs at a university. You willbe divided into groups of between 12 and 15 students and each week one of youwill have to present a piece of work to the group as a whole and then the groupwill discuss what you,ve said. It,s this

39、discussion, this exchange of ideas, whichreally constitutes the basis of university learning, in my view. Listening to lectures in many ways is just giving you information that you could access for yourself inQ37Q38practice Test 2112the library but the discussion at the tutorial is very important. T

40、his doesn,t mean that you shouldn,t go to the lectures though!other factors to be particularly concerned about are the structure of essays anddelivery of written material and in particular I would like to mention the question of plagiarism. plagiarism is taking other people,s work without acknowledg

41、ing it, that is, without saying where it comes from. of course all essays are based onresearch done by other people but you must remember to attribute the work to the original writer. And while it,s a good idea to work with other people don,t handin work which is exactly the same as your friend,s wo

42、rk because we will notice! If you don,t acknowledge the source of your information then you run the risk offailing the subject or in very serious cases you might be denied entry to the university.Last but not least, stay in touch with us. If things are getting you down, don,t go and hide. come and t

43、alk to us about it. That,s what we are here for. Right, thank you very much for coming along today.Q39Q40Q41 testsglobalunder-standing o the talkPRACTICE TEST 2SECTION 1c = counsellorK = KateL = LukiC: Hi there, Kate. Come on in. How are you today?K: Fine thanks.C: Hi, Luki. How,s things?L: OK.C: we

44、ll, as I explained on the phone, I,m a Counsellor here at the studentservices section of the university and I,m interviewing overseas students tohelp me draw up a guide for new students so I,d be grateful if you could tellme a little about your time since you,ve been here in Cambridge.K: Right.L: Good idea.C: Now, Kate let,s start with you. OK, um this is your second semester isn,tIt? Could you tell us something about your first impressions of the townwhen you arrived?Example


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