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1、practice Test 2LISTENINGSECTION 1 Questions 1-10complete the notes. use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDSoy each answey.KATEHer first impressions of the townExample QuietType of accommodation(1)Her feelings about theaccommodation(2)Her feelings about the other students(3)Name of courseEnvironmenta/ studiesDi

2、fficulties experienced on the course(4)suggestions for improving the course(5)LUKIFirst type of accommodation(6)problem with the firstaccommodation(7)second type ofaccommodation(8)Name of course(9)comments about thecoursecomputer room busysuggestions for improving the course(10)34ListeningSECTION 2

3、Questions 11-20complete the notes below. use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDSoy each answey.There are many kinds of bicycles available:racingtouring(11) .ordinaryThey vary in price and (12) . .prices range from $50.00 to (13) . .single speed cycles are suitable for (14) . .Three speed cycles are suitable fo

4、r (15) . .Five and ten speed cycles are suitable for longer distances, hillsand (16) . .Ten speed bikes are better because they are (17) . inprice but (18) . .Buying a cycle is like (19) . .The size of the bicycle is determined by the size ofthe (20) . .35practice Test 2SECTION 3 Questions 21-32Ques

5、tions 21-24circle the correct answer.21 At first Fiona thinks that Martin,s tutorial topic isA inappropriate.B dull.C interesting.D fascinating.22 According to Martin, the bananaA has only recently been cultivated.B is economical to grow.C is good for your health.D is his favourite food.23 Fiona lis

6、tens to Martin because sheA wants to know more about bananas.B has nothing else to do today.C is interested in the economy of Australia.D wants to help Martin.24 According to Martin, bananas were introduced into Australia fromA India.B England.C China.D Africa.36ListeningQuestions 25-30complete Mart

7、in,s notes use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDSor each mercially grown banana plantEach banana tree produces(25) .of bananas.On modern plantations in tropical conditions a tree can bear fruit after(26) . .Banana trees prefer to grow (27) . and they requirerich soil and (28) . . The fruit is often protected

8、by(29) . .Ripe bananas emit a gas which helps other (30) . .Questions 31 and 32circle the TWO correct boxes.consumption of Australian bananasA EuropeB AsiaC New zealandD AustraliaE Other37practice Test 2SECTION 4 Questions 33-41Questions 33-35circle the correct answerAccording to the first speaker:3

9、3 The focus of the lecture series is onA organising work and study.Ccoping with homesickness.B maintaining a healthy lifestyle.Dsettling in at university.34 The lecture will be given byA the president of the union.Ca sports celebrity.B the campus doctor.Da health expert.According to the second speak

10、er:35 This week,s lecture is onA campus food.Csensible eating.B dieting.Dsaving money.Questions 36-39complete the notes. write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDSor each answer.A baIanced dietA balanced diet will give you enough vitamins for normal daily living.vitamins in food can be lost through (36) . .TyPe

11、s of vitamins:(a) Fat soluble vitamins are stored by the body.(b) water soluble vitamins - not stored, so you needa (37) . .Getting enough vitaminsEat (38) . of foods.Buy Plenty of vegetables and store them in(39) . .38ListeningQuestions 40-41complete the diagram by writing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS

12、in the boxes provided.ExampleTry todvoid.sugar, salt and butter40 .milk, lean meat, fish, nuts, eggs41 .bread, vegetables and fruit39practice Test 2READINGREADING PASSAGE 1You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-12 which are based on Reading passage 1 below.Right and left-handedness in huma

13、nswhy do humans, virtually alone among all animal species, display a distinct left or right-handedness? Not even our closest relatives among the apes possess such decided lateral asymmetry, as psychologists call it. yet about 90 per cent of every human population that has ever lived appears to have

14、been right-handed. professor Bryan Turner at Deakin university has studied the research literature on left-handedness and found that handedness goes with sidedness. So nine out often people are right-handed and eight are right-footed. He noted that this distinctive asymmetry in the human population

15、is itself systematic. “Humans think in categories: black and white, up and down, left and right. It”s a system of signs that enables us to categorise phenomena that are essentially ambiguous. Research has shown that there is a genetic or inherited element to handedness. But while left-handedness ten

16、ds to run in families, neither left nor right handers will automatically produce off-spring with the same handedness; in fact about 6 per cent of children with two right-handed parents will be left-handed. However, among two left-handed parents, perhaps 40 per cent of the children will also be left-

17、handed. with one right and one left-handed parent, 15 to 20 per cent of the offspring will be left-handed. Even among identical twins who have exactly the same genes, one in six pairs will differ in their handedness.what then makes people left-handed if it is not simply genetic? Other factors must b

18、e at work and researchers have turned to the brain for clues. In the 1860s the French surgeon and anthropologist, Dr paul Broca, made the remarkable finding that patients who had lost their powers of speech as a result of a stroke (a blood clot in the brain) had paralysis of the right half of their

19、body. He noted that since the left hemisphere of the brain controls the right half of the body, and viceversa, the brain damage must have been in the brains left hemisphere. psychologists now believe that among right-handed people, probably 95 per cent have their language centre in the left hemisphe

20、re, while 5 per cent have right- sided language. Left-handers, however, do not show the reverse pattern but instead a majority also have their language in the left hemisphere. Some 30 per cent have right hemisphere language.Dr Brinkman, a brain researcher at the Australian National university in can

21、berra, has suggested that evolution of speech went with right-handed preference. According to Brinkman, as the brain evolved, one side40Readingbecame specialised for fine control of movement (necessary for producing speech) and along with this evolution came right- hand preference. According to Brin

22、kman, most left-handers have left hemisphere dominance but also some capacity in the right hemisphere. she has observed that if a left-handed person is brain-damaged in the left hemisphere, the recovery of speech is quite often better and this is explained by the fact that left-handers have a more b

23、ilateral speech function.In her studies of macaque monkeys, Brinkman has noticed that primates (monkeys) seem to learn a hand preference from their mother in the first year of life but this could be one hand or the other. In humans, however, the specialisation in (unction of the two hemispheres resu

24、lts in anatomical differences: areas that are involved with the production of speech are usually larger on the left side than on the right. since monkeys have not acquired the art of speech, one would not expect to see such a variation but Brinkman claims to have discovered a trend in monkeys toward

25、s the asymmetry that is evident in the human brain.Two American researchers, Geschwind and Galaburda, studied the brains of human embryos and discovered that the left-right asymmetry exists before birth. But as the brain develops, a number of things can affect it. Every brain is initially female in

26、its organisation and it only becomes a male brain when the male foetus begins to secrete hormones. Geschwind and Galaburda knew that different parts of the brain mature at different rates; the right hemisphere develops first, then the left. Moreover, a girl,s brain develops somewhat faster thanthat

27、of a boy. so, if something happens to the brain,s development during pregnancy, it is more likely to be affected in a male and the hemisphere more likely to be involved is the left. The brain may become less lateralised and this in turn could result in left-handedness and the development of certain

28、superior skills that have their origins in the left hemisphere such as logic, rationality and abstraction. It should be no surprise then that among mathematicians and architects, left-handers tend to be more common and there are more left-handed males than females.The results of this research may be

29、 some consolation to left-handers who have for centuries lived in a world designed to suit right-handed people. However, what is alarming, according to Mr. charles Moore, a writer and journalist, is the way the word “right” reinforces its own virtue. subliminally he says, language tells people to th

30、ink that anything on the right can be trusted while anything on the left is dangerous or even sinister. we speak of left- handed compliments and according to Moore, “it is no coincidence that left- handed children, forced to use their right hand, often develop a stammer as they are robbed of their f

31、reedom of speech” . However, as more research is undertaken on the causes of left-handedness, attitudes towards left-handed people are gradually changing for the better. Indeed when the champion tennis player Ivan Lendl was asked what the single thing was that he would choose in order to improve his

32、 game, he said he would like to become a left- hander.41practice Test 2Questions 1-7use the inormation in the text to match the people (listed A-E) with the opinions (listed 1-7) below. write the appropriate letter (A-E) in boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet. some people match more than one opinion.A Dr

33、 BrocaB Dr BrinkmanC Geschwind and GalaburdaD Charles MooreE Professor TurnerExampleMonkeys do not show a species specific preference for left or right-handedness.AnswerB1 Human beings started to show a preference for right-handedness when they first developed language.2 society is prejudiced agains

34、t left-handed people.3 Boys are more likely to be left-handed.4 After a stroke, left-handed people recover their speech more quickly than right- handed people.5 People who suffer strokes on the left side of the brain usually lose their power of speech.6 The two sides of the brain develop different f

35、unctions before birth.7 Asymmetry is a common feature of the human body.42ReadingQuestions 8-10using the inormation in the passage, complete the table below. write your answers in boxes 8 10 on your answer sheet.percentage of children left-handedone parent left-handedone parent right-handed. (8) .Bo

36、th parents left-handed. (9) .Both parents right-handed. (10) .Questions 11-12choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 11 and 12 on your answer sheet.11 A study of monkeys has shown thatA monkeys are not usually right-handed.B monkeys display a capacity for speech.C monkey brains ar

37、e smaller than human brains.D monkey brains are asymmetric.12 According to the writer, left-handed peopleA will often develop a stammer.B have undergone hardship for years.C are untrustworthy.D are good tennis players.43practice Test 2READING PASSAGE 2You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1

38、3-27 which are based on Reading passage 2 below.MIGRATORY BEEKEEPINGTakingwingTo eke out a ull-time living rom theirhoneybees, about hal the nation,s 2,000 commercial beekeepers pull up stakeseach spring, migrating north to ind more lowers or their bees. Besides turningloral nectar into honey, these

39、hardworking insects also pollinate crops or armers -or a ee. As autumnapproaches, the beekeepers pack up their hives and go south, scrambling orpollination contracts in hotspots like caliornia,s ertile central valley.of the 2,000 commercial beekeepers in the united states about half migrate This pay

40、s off in two ways Moving north in the summer and south in the winter lets bees work a longer blooming season, making more honey andmoney for their keepers. second, beekeepers can carry their hives to farmers who need bees to pollinate their crops. Every spring a migratory beekeeper in california may

41、 move up to 160 million bees to44flowering fields in Minnesota andasaseveryproduce much honey possible duringRreadingwinter his family may haul the hives back to california, where farmers will rent the bees to pollinate almond and cherry trees.Migratory beekeeping is nothing new. The ancient Egyptia

42、ns moved clay hives, probably on rafts, down the Nile to follow the bloom and nectar flow as it moved toward cairo. In the 1880s North American beekeepers experimented with the same idea, moving bees on barges along the Mississippi and on waterways in Florida, but their lighter, wooden hives kept falling into the water. other keepers tried the railroad and horse- drawn wagons, but that didn,t prove pract


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