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1、M2U2 Reading知识点清单11. Language points【教材原句 1 Ive been quite busy arranging my holiday with my older brother, Colin.【自主学习】翻译下列句子,注意arrange一词的用法1) Well arrange for an experienced teacher.2) Its not necessary for parents to arrange everythin3) I/ve arranged for Mary to meet you at the airport.4) We have

2、 made arrangements for our vo【思考感悟】arrange 词性词义narrange sth for sb arrange forarrange for sb to do sth make arrangements for【即时巩固】1 .翻译下列句子。我已安排好派一个代表到机场接你。我已安排他去参加会议。2.单句改错1) I have arra2) The local newspaper was making arrangements of an interview with Professor Stein2. supply【教材原句】Since well be w

3、alking for almost two weeks, KII need to buy a large backpack in advance to carry my supplies of food and water.【自主学习】说出下列句中supply一词的意思和词性1) The manager promised us fuel, but can she guarantee itssup ply?2) Planes are carrying food and medical supplies for flood-hit areas.3) In summer, electricity c

4、ant supply the increasing demand in most cities.4) Apples are likely to be in short supply this winter.6) The government 【思考感悟】 supply词性词义in short supply supply and demand supply sb with sth supply sth to sb【练习巩固】选择题 l)The boss made a phone call to me yesterday me a good job.A. givingB. supplying C.

5、 providing D. offering2)These who became homeless in the flood blankets against cold.A. were provided for B. supplied for C. supplied with D. were provided with 3)The government has plenty of food and clothes of high quality to the people inWenchuan.A. sufferedB. arranged C. supplied D. provided【总结反

6、思】supply, provide和offer作动词用都有“供应,提供,供给”之意,区别三词的不同 之处3. scare【自主学习】译出下列句中划线部分1)1 was scared to death when I found I was alone in the big building.2)They managed to scare the bear away/off.3)She was scared of going out alone.4)People are scared to take the buses late at night.5)Local businesses were s

7、cared into paying protection money.6)The terrible noise scared her out of leaving her room.【思考感悟】译出下列词组把/被.吓死 把.吓跑 吓唬某人做某事 吓得某人不敢做某事对感到恐惧,害怕 害怕/不敢做某事 【练习巩固】l)Seeing thefire spreading in the building, she was too to cry for help.A. scaring, scared B. scared, scaring C. scared, scared D. scaring, scar

8、ing2)The fierce tiger but she succeeded in.A. scared her away, scaring herself to death B. scared her to death, being scared offC. scared her to death, scaring it away D. scared her into dying, being scared out of dying4. advance【教材原句】Since well be walking for almost two weeks, KII need to buy a lar

9、ge backpack in advance to carry my supplies of food and water.【自主学习】翻译下列句子,注意advance一词的用法1) There have been great advances in medicine in the last ten years.2) His ideas were well in advance of the age in which he lived.3) With the help of his English teacher, he has made a great advance in his spok

10、en English.【思考感悟】advance n v a djin advance in advance ofmade an advance in advanced on【练习巩固】1.语法填空1) With more(advance)technology, this kind of machine can work faster thanbefore.2) We should make arrangements in advance the meeting.1)如果想在这个餐厅用餐,你得提前三天预约。2) 一个月过去了,但工作还没有进展。5.【教材原句】 You have to wear

11、 a helmet and a life jacket for protection, just in case you fall into water.【自主学习】翻译下列句子,注意case一词的用法2) In no case will I3) In any case, it5) You【思考感悟】in no case in case of in anycasein case【练习巩固】1 ) I heard you had seen the film, you needn*t go with us.A. in case that B. if not C. unless D. in whic

12、h case2 ) you poor record in school, we think you should study harder.A. In view of B. In charge of C. In spite of D. In case of【总结反思】6.【教材原句】Well live with the local people in their villages, and eat and drink whateverthey do, including cows blood! (Page 23)【自主学习】翻译下列句子l)Whatever / No matter what I

13、【思考感悟】疑问词+-ever在以上例句中均引导 从句。可与互换【练习巩固】根据句意填空:1) comes to the door, tell them Im out.2)he may choose, he will be satisfied.3) great progress you/ve made, you shouldnt be proud.4) telephones me, let me know in no time.【拓展】no matter +疑问词”与“疑问词+ -ever“都意为”无论”,都可用来引导让步状语从 句/列如 no matter who, no matter wh

14、at, no matter which, whoever, whatever; whichever 等。而“ 疑问词+-ever ”还可引导名词性从句(主语从句、宾语从句等)。例如:he said that day was right.Its not wise for parents to give their children they want.Do you like.【总结反思】Exercises:一.同义句转换1. What a nice girl she is!=she is!2. She will support whoever needs help.=She will suppo

15、rt needs help.3. Farmers provide fresh vegetables for the residents in the city.=Farmers fresh vegetables the residents in the city.4. She studied so hard that she passed the examination.=that she passed the examination.5. The Great Wall is so well-known a tourist attraction that millions of people

16、visit it every year.=The Great Wall is tourist attraction that millions of people visit itevery year.6. This is the house where Shakespeare was born.=This is the house Shakespeare was born.7. What the boy did was worth praise.=What the boy did was worth.=What the boy did was worthy.=What the boy did

17、 was worthy.=What the boy did was worthy.二.单项选择1 .Ladies and gentleman, please fasten your seat belts ! The plane(2013 山东高考)A. takes offB. is taking off C. has taken off D. took off2.one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it (2013 江西高考)A. Whoever B. Whatever C. whichever D. Wherever3 .Lea

18、ve your key with your neighbor you lock yourself out one day.A. as long asB. even thoughC. in case D. as if4 .He telephoned the travel agency to three air tickets to London.(2010 天津高考)A. order B. arrange C. takeD. book5 .Don/t worry, Ive a car to pick up the guest at the airport.(2010 全国高考)A. hoped

19、for B. prepared for C. stood forD. arranged for6 . The only drawback of the voyage was the sea, which made me very seasick.A. calm B. rough C. patient D. tough7 . The child possessed an memory- he can remember so many stories.A. extra B. extraordinary C. extensive D. expensive8.1 have got of the wor

20、k, because it is too.A. tired; tiring B. tiring; tiring C. tired; tired D. tiring; tired9.1 wish I at my sisters wedding last Tuesday, but I was on a business trip in NewYork then.A. will be B. would be C. have been D. had been10. There are still many problems before we are ready for a long stay on

21、theMoon.A. solving B. solved C. being solved C. to be solved11. The food was good and we loved the atmosphere and the people.it was a great evening.A. Completely B. Entirely C. Altogether D. Fully12. It is important to create an where wild ideas are honored rather than dismissed.A. adventure B. adva

22、nce C. atmosphere D. attacklO.scarev使恐惧,惊吓/n.惊恐,惊吓,11. tiring adj.让人疲劳的,累人的 Fire v.二:重点短语l.in case 万一3.up close靠近地5. be busy doing忙于做某事7.fall into 掉入9.go white-water rafting 进行白浪漂流ll.get quite rough (河水)变得湍急13.look forward to 盼望15.on clear night在晴朗的夜晚17.get as close as possible 尽可能接近19.feel sick感觉虚弱

23、/难过重点单词及词性拓展1. adventure n.奇遇,冒险经历f adventurous adj有冒险精神的;惊险的f2. arrange vt&vi 安打pf arrangement n安邦F, 筹备3. desert n&vt沙漠;抛弃,舍弃一deserted adj.被遗弃的,无人居住的一desertion n.逃脱,遗弃;开 小差f (形近词)dessert n.(饭后)甜点4. shade n&v阴凉处,背阴,树阴/给.遮挡光线f shadow n.阴影,影子5. uncomfortable adj.不舒服的;不自在的 f comfortable adj.舒服的;自在的f co

24、mfort v安慰/n安慰; 令人感到安慰的人(或事物)6. rough adj.汹涌的;粗糙的;大概的;粗鲁的一roughly adv.粗鲁地;粗糙地;大致/约一(形近词) tough adj.艰难的,棘手的;严厉的,强硬的,无情的7. protection n 保护,防卫f8. advance n前进;预先/vi前进;进步f advanced adj高级的;先进的;超前的fadvancement n .推动,发展9. defence n.防御;保护f defend v.防御;保护;辩解/白-defensive adj.防御的,保护/卫的f defencelessadj无防御的,不能自卫的恐

25、慌f scared adj.恐惧,害怕,担心,畏惧(使)疲劳,疲倦一tired adj,疲劳的,疲倦的;厌倦/烦2.in advance 提前4.travel down the River Nile 沿着尼罗河而下6.take a flight to 乘飞机去8. scare .away 把吓跑10. make sure确信;确保12.move on to继续前进14. bring a flashlight with me 我会带个手电筒16.go on a trip继续前往18.send you postcards 给你寄明信片20. carry the supplies of带上的给养 三

26、:重点单词、短语、句式用法拓展l.be busy (in)doing sth忙于做某事 be busy with sth忙于某事表示“(使)忙于.”的搭配还有: be engaged in sth be employed in doing sth be occupied with sth be occupied in (doing)sth occupy oneself /sb with sth occupy sb/oneself in (doing )sth2 .arrange vi&vt筹备,安排;整理,布置,排列arrange sth for sb为某人安排某事arrange for安排,

27、筹备 arrange (for sb/sth)to do sth 安排(某人/物)做某事 n: arrangement make arrangements for 为做好安邦E3 .extraordinary adj.不平常的,非凡的,卓越的;意想不到的,另人惊奇的,奇怪的it is extraordinary that是不同寻常的4 .desert n:沙漠,荒漠,荒原vt抛弃,遗弃(二abandon)擅离(岗位)deserted adj:无人居住的;被 遗弃的desertion n:擅离职守,逃脱,遗弃;开小差5 .expect v预计/料,期待,盼望,期望expect sth期待某事 e

28、xpect to do sth预料做某事 expect sb to do sth 期望某人做某事 expect that.预料/计. expectation n:预料/期 live up to ones expectations不辜负某人的期望 unexpected adj未预料到的;意料之外的6 .protection n 保护,防卫;保护物 under the protection of 在的保护下 protect sb/sth from /against(doing)sth保护不受的危害7 .supply n 供给;补给品 vt 供应,提供 in short supply 供应不足 su

29、pply and demand 供需 supply sb with sth向某人提供某物supply sth to sb向某人供应某物 同义短语还有:offer sb sth/ offer sth to sb provide sb with sth/ provide sth for sb8 . defence n.防御,保护,保卫;辩护;防御物,防务,防御能力in defence保卫,防守in defence of 为了保卫.;为.辩护In sb,s defence为某人辩护defend v.防御,保护;辩解,辩白defendsb/sth from/against.保卫.以免受 defensi

30、ve adj 防御的,保护的,保卫的 defenceless adj 无防 御的,不能自卫的9 . scare vt.使害怕/恐惧,惊吓n.惊恐/吓;恐慌scare sb away/off将某人吓跑scare sb to death将某 人吓死 scare sb into doing sth恐吓某人做某事scared adj.恐惧,害怕,担心,畏惧 be scared of sb/sth 害怕某人/物 be scared of doing sth 害怕做某事 be scared to do sth 害怕做某事 be scared to death 吓得要死 be scared that. 害怕

31、10 . tiring adj.令人疲倦的,累人的tire (使)疲劳,疲倦tired疲劳的,疲倦的;厌倦/烦be/get tired of.对厌倦be/get tired from因而感到疲倦be tired out疲惫不堪11 .risk v冒的危险;使冒风险n.危险,风险risk sth冒着的危险risk doing sth冒险做 take/run a risk /risks 冒险 run/take the risk of doing sth 冒着做的危险,冒险做某事 at risk 有危 险,冒风险atthe riskof (doing)sth冒着(做)的风险12 .advance n

32、.前/行进;进步/展V.前/行进;(工作)取得进展;进步in advance (=ahead of time) 预先,事先in advance (of sth)(时间上)在前;(发展上)超前 make an advance in 在方面取 得进展 advance on/towards/to朝(向).前进 advanced高级的,先进的;超前的advancement 推动,发展13 .up close (二closely)靠近地close adj.(在空间,时间上)接近;亲密的,密切的(具体 的);adv.接近,靠近,紧挨着,不远地get close to接近,靠近closely adv.密切地

33、, 亲密地(抽象的closed adj.关闭,封闭14 . Wish you were here wish后使用了虚拟语气,从句的谓语动词用were,表示与现实情况相反的 愿 望表示与过去情况相反的愿望,从句的谓语动词用过去完成式(had done) How he wished hehad attended the meeting!表示与将来情况相反的愿望,从句的谓语形式为would/could/might+动词 原形 How I wish I could have a good holiday this Spring Festival!15 . We leave London onl5 Ju

34、ly, and well be taking a flight to Morocco, in northern Africa.啊 nd 连接了 两个并列句,“leave London onl5 July”在形式上是一般现在时,但表示将来的动作 go, come, arrive, leave, start等动词与表示将来的时间状语连用,通常用一般现在时表示按时刻表,计划或安排将要 发生的动作 在由when, if, as soon as, before, until, unless, whenever等引导的时间或条件壮语从句 中,常用一般现在时表示将来16 . That means Ill h

35、ave to sit on a camel for almost a week-How uncomfortable! means 后面是一个省 略了引导词that的宾语从句,破折号后的内容起解释说明的作用,此处“how uncomfortable,是 感叹句的省略形式,其完整形式是“how uncomfortable it w川be” How+adj/adv (+主语+谓语)! How +adj+a/an+可数名词单数(+主语+谓语)!How+主语+谓语!What +a/an+(adj+)可数名词单数(+主语+谓语)!What +名词复数(+主语+谓语)!What+adj+不可数名词(+主语+

36、谓语)!M2 Unit2 Reading知识点导学案Learning Aims:In this period, youll1.learn to use some new words and expressions.words: arrange; supply; scare; advance sentence structure: in case; no matter + 疑问词2. master their usage by doing some exercises.Translate the following phrases and underline them in your text. Refer to the dictionary if necessary.1 .万一2 .靠近地3 ,忙于做某事4 .掉入5 确信;确保6 .(河水)变得湍急7 .盼望8 .在晴朗的夜晚12 .乘飞机去9 .11.带上的给养13 .提前15 .继续前往14 .感觉虚弱/难过16 .把吓跑


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