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1、M2U1 Reading知识点清单一、重点单词及词性拓展1. unexplained adj.无法解释的f explain v .解释f explanation解释.2. puzzled adj.困惑的f puzzling a”令人困惑的f puzzle w.使困惑n难解之事,谜3. incident n.发生的事f accident c事故,意外4. disappear vi.1肖失f disappearance m 1肖失f appear v. 出现, 露面f appearance/?. 出现, 露面5. assume vt.假定,认为f assumption o 假定,认为f assum

2、ing cor).如果6. construction n.施工,建筑物f construct v.建筑,建造f constructive a/ 建设性的7. occur vi.发生一occurrence c 发生8. possibility n,可能性f possible adj.可能的f impossible o力 不可能的 possibly adv.可能地9. amazing adj,令人惊奇的f amazed 0力感至U惊讶的f amaze v.使惊异f amazement/?.惊讶,惊异10. injury ,伤害f injure v,伤害injured a” 受伤的11. creat

3、ure n.动物f create vt创造f creation n制造,创造;创造物,产物f creative adj有创造力的;创新的 二、重点短语因为主语过长,为了平衡句子结构,避免,且 突出了.【练习巩固】完成句子(1)我们使用洋油的日子一去不复返了。 when we used foreign oil.(2) 坐在房间后面的是我的哥哥。 was my brother.(3)出席会议的是来自于北京大学的教授。were professors from Peking University.【拓展】回忆开学以来你所学到的倒装句型。6. When asked about the possibili

4、ty that Justin was taken by aliens, Detective Sam Peterson told journalists,.当被问到贾斯廷被外星人劫持的可能性时,侦探萨姆-彼得逊告诉记者【自主学习】翻译下列句子。(1)When (shewas) veryyoung, shebegan tolearn toplay thepiano.Dontcomeinuntil(youare)askedto.If(itis)necessary,ringmeathome.【思考感悟】(1 )在教材原句中,when asked about the possibility是的省略,完整

5、的句子是在表示、或 等的状语从句中,如果谓语含有be,且主语与主句的主语一致,或主语是 时,可以省略从句的和 动词。【练习巩固】完成句子Work hard when young, or youll regret.Work hard t or youll regret.He looked everywhere as if in search of something.f He looked everywhere something.过马路时一定要小心。Do be careful the street.可能的话,这台机器会立即被修好。, this machine can be fixed at o

6、nce.【总结反思】7. Witness also say they saw Justin walking towards his house at 10.45 p.m.Kelly, aged nine, says she heard her brother return home at about 11 p.m.I didnt see him, but I heard him put on his favorite CD.【自主学习】翻译下列句子。(1) Before the UFO disappeared, Kelly heard her brother shout.(2)The witn

7、ess said he saw a littleboy crossing the road alone at eight.(3)When he came back, he saw the broken door repaired.【思考感悟】在以上例句中,分别用 以及 作为感官类动词 以及 的宾语补足语。表达的含义分别为:【练习巩固】.我看着老师做了那个危险的实验,然后模仿她。I the dangerous experiment and then followed her.为了学好英语,我们应当尽可能多地找机会听别人说英语。To learn English well, we should fi

8、nd opportunities to as much as we can.Exercise一、选词填空due to, look into, show up, make up, step up, run into, assuming, under construction, occur, dismiss, give witness to, in case of, go missing1. You never know when she is coming - she just whenever she feels likeit.2. There are two new hotels.3. Ca

9、n I leave early this afternoon and the time tomorrow?4. The police the case now.5. A brilliant idea to me.6. The company financial losses were poor management.7. Air pollution is so serious that we are our efforts to prevent it.8.1 will his honesty.9.it rains tomorrow, what shall we do?10. Please ta

10、ke an umbrella with you rain.11. The red jacket he bought 3 months ago.12.1 an old friend when I visited Beijing last month.13. The old man was an interesting story to attract the childrensattention.二、单选题1.suddenly occurred to him that his parents should have arrived in Beijing by this time.A. WhatB

11、. ItC. ThatD. As2. From the expression on the manager,s face, I knew he was about the planI worked out, so I had to make some changes.A. puzzling; puzzling B. puzzling; puzzled C. puzzled; puzzling D. puzzled; puzzled3. the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning are our alumni(校友)from home an

12、d abroad.A. AttendB. To attendC. AttendingD. HavingAttend4. Though to see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome.A. surprisingB. was surprisedC. surprisedD. being surprised5. The secretary has a lot of things to in the office since she has been away for quite afew days.A. take upB. make upC. work

13、outD. carry out6. The manager was satisfied to see many new products after great effort.A. having developed B. to developC. developedD. develop7. Tomorrow is Sunday and he has a day off, so he is to attend our party.A. probableB. possibleC. likelyD. possibility8. As far as I can see,is no possibilit

14、y he will win the tennis match this time.A. it; thatB. there; thatC. it; whetherD. there; whether三、语境翻译警方已经加强对一个3天前失踪的小男孩一李明的搜索。当时有人看到外星人出现,所 以这一事件已经引起了广泛的关注。警方认为李明也许并没有被外星人带走,但他们也没有 排除这个可能性。尽管问题很棘手,但总会解决。让我们信任他们吧。Police have stepped up their search for a five-year-old boy who went missing three day

15、s ago. At that time, some people saw aliens appear so it has receivedgreat interest. The police assumed that , maybe, Li Ming was not taken away by aliens at all, but they didnt not dismiss the possibility either. Though difficult to deal with, the problem will be solved at last. Let/s believe in th

16、em.29.do research on在上做研究1 . step up加紧,加强,促进2 .go missing消失,不见3 .receive great interest 引起极大的兴趣4 .due to由于,因为5 .walk towards 朝走去6 .get ready for 准备好7 .go straight to his room 径直走向他的房间8 .puton播放,上演,增加体重,穿戴9 .weak up醒来,叫醒10 .pull back 拉回11 .a flash of light 一束光12 .have a bad dream 做噩梦13 .send sb to be

17、d叫某人去睡觉14 .show up出现,现身15 .happen to发生于,碰巧16 .take away 带走17 .take charge of the case 负责这个案子18 .make up such amazing stories 编造了这耸人听闻的故事19 .hard evidence确凿的证据20 .dismiss the idea排除这个想法21 .look into other possibilities 调查其他的可能性22 .the rest of the story故事的剩余部分23 .background information 背景信息24 .as we n

18、ow know正如我们现在知道的25 .more.than.与其说,不如说26 .believe in 信任,信仰27 .run into偶然撞见28 .take me aboard the UFO 带我登上 UFO三、重点单词、短语、句式用法拓展30 . st即up加紧,加强,促进take steps/measures to do采取措施做某事step by st即一步一步 地31 . search v/n 搜索,搜寻 常见搭配:make a search 搜查 in search of=in the/ones search for 寻 找 search sb. search after t

19、ruth 追求真理32 . incident事件,事变,尤指令人不快的,不寻常的事或暴力事件,还可指国家间的摩擦和冲突。 accident强调偶然或意外发生的事,尤指事故event尤指历史上重大的、引人注目的事件或体育 赛事.33 .due到期的,预期的,应付的,应得的duo to因为,由于be due to do预计/预期 其它表示 “因为,由于”的有:because/because of/ owing to/ thanks to/ as a result of34 . witness n/vt be a witness to. 是.的 目击者 bear/give witness to. 为

20、.作证 .witness that.见证(主语多为建筑物,年代等)eg. The 20th century has witness great changes in our country. 35. put on播放,穿上,演出,长胖put down平定,镇压 put off推迟,延期put up建造, 张贴,为提共膳宿put out熄灭put up with忍耐36 .construction n 建设,施工 under construction 在建设当中37 .assume 假定,假设,认为 make an assumption作出假定 assume +宾语+to be认为是It is

21、generally assumed that 人们普遍认为 assuming (that) 认为assume that 认为38 .occur发生,出现sth occurs to ab某人突然想到某事It occurs to sb that某人突然想起It occurs to sb to do sth某人突然想起做某事It strikes/hits sb that.某人突然想起.39 .show up出现,露面,使明显,使难堪show off卖弄bring up抚养,呕吐come up走进, 被提出take up从事,占据keep up保持look up查阅,向山看mix up混淆hang u

22、p挂断40 .aboard adv/adj在(轮船/飞机/火车上);上(轮船/飞机/火车上)abroad在/到国外broad adj宽 阔的41 .take charge of负责掌管in charge of负责,掌管,句子的主语通常是表示人的名词或代词in the charge of意思是由负责,掌管,句子的主要通常是物。42 .possibility of (doing ) sth 做某事的可能性 Theres possibility that .有可能possible 可能的常用句式 It is possible for sb to do sth 或 It zs possible tha

23、t, probable 可能的常用句式 Its probable that . likely可能的 既可用于人也可以用物作主语常用句式sb/sth be likely to do sth 或 It is likely that.43 .case案例,情况,状况in case假使,如果,万一 in case of万一in no case决不(置于句首 时,句子要部分倒装)in any case无论如何,总之in this/that case如果这样/那样的话。44 .dismiss不予考虑,对不屑一顾;解雇,免职,开除;打发某人走dismiss sb from把某人从(职位) 解雇45 . ma

24、ke up编造,构成,化妆,和解make out辨认出,了解make up for弥补,补偿 make it成 功,赶上,设法安排46 . while尽管;当的时候;而,然而1 7.Saw Justin walking towards his house,该 结构为“感官动词+宾语+宾补”常见宾补形式现在分词 (强调动作正在进行)不定式(强调动作的全过程)过去分词(可表示被动或动作已经完成)48 . Standing inside were lots of strange creatures with white skin and large black eyes. 本句的主语为 lots o

25、f strange creatures with white skin and large black eyes 因为主语过长,为平衡句子结构,用了完 全倒装结构49 .when asked about the possibility是状语从句的省略,在 when, while, if, as if, although, though, as,once, whether, unless引导的状语从句中,如果其谓语部分含有be动词,而主语与主句的主语一致 或从句的主语为it时,则从句的主语和be动词可一起省略。50 .As we now know, the machine that was fo

26、und looked more like something made by a local boy than anything that could ever travel in space. 此句中,that was found 作 the machine 的定语,more. than 意 为“与其说不如说”M2 UI Reading知识点导学案Learning aims:In this period, you/ll1. learn the following new expressions that are used to describe ones school lifeWords:

27、experience, respect, devote, average, strugglePhrases: for free, look back onSentence: V-ing as a noun functions as the subject2. know the differences between Chinese schools and British ones.3. be able to write a passage on one/s school life according to the Chinese information.PreviewTranslate the

28、 following phrases and underline them in your text. Refer to your dictionary if necessary.L编造了这耸人听闻的故事2 .-束光3 .由于,因 为4 .偶然撞见5 .调查其他的可能性6 .加紧,加强,促进7 .背景信息8 .负责 这 个 案 子9 .在上做研究10 .消失,不见11 .出现,现身12 .引 起 极 大 的 兴 趣13 .排 除 这 个 想 法14 .充满了15 .故 事 的 剩 余 部 分16 .发生于,碰巧Language points:1. assume【教材原句】She assumed

29、 that Kelly was having a bad dream, and sent her back to bed.【自主学习】翻译下列句子中的斜体部分,注意assume的用法(1) You cannot assume that a speaker of English is able to teach English.(2) I assume him to be the cleverest boy in this class.(3) It is generally assumed that pressure is caused by too much work(4) Assuming

30、your judgment are correct. we should travel northeast.only exists in the Third World.she would accept his present.(5) A lot of people make an assumption that poverty(6) He made the decision on the assumption that【思考感悟】assume 词性 含义 n 含义assume that assume . to beIt is generally assumed that. assumingm

31、ake an assumption on the assumption that【练习巩固】完成句子 我一直 以 为 她 是 美 国 人。 I have always .假若明天下雨,我们该怎么办? it rains tomorrow, what shall we do?【总结反思】2. occur【教材原句】 Mr Foster was working that night on his road construction job, and was not homewhen these events occurred.【自主学习】翻译下列句子,注意。ccur的用法(1) Typhoons o

32、ften occur in Taiwan in summer.(2) An idea suddenly occurred to me andfelt very happy.(3) It never occurred to me thatcould make money by doing those things.(4) It occurred to me to make a cakeby myself.【思考感悟】occur词性词义occurtoIt occurs to sb thatIt occurs to sbto do sth【练习巩固】一句多译我突然萌发了要去看看我的启蒙老师的念头。【

33、拓展】你还知道哪些“突然想起”?3. make up【教材原句】Sometimes people make up such amazing stories.【自主学习】译出下列句中make up的意思(l)Young people under 25 make up nearly half of the American population.(2)1 couldnt remember the fairy story, so I madeone up as I went along.(3)Christina needs much time to make up beforegoing out e

34、very morning.(4)The doctor made up some Chinese traditionalmedicine for the patient.(5)Tommy and his wife usually make up their quarrels the same day.(6) Fil put 300 dollars on your account(账户)to make up (for) the inconvenience.CH make up the bedin your old room.【思考感悟】make up的含义为【练习巩固】翻译下列句子不要再为你的迟到

35、编造任何的借口了。玛丽要通过努力来把生病时落下的功课补上。【拓展延伸】查字典,归纳其他有关make的短语。4. show up【教材原句】 When Justin did not show up for lunch the next day, Mrs Foster became worried and told her husband to call the police.【自主学习】翻译下列句子中的斜体部分Having been shown aroundthelibrary, weweretakentothe lab.When theastronautshowed upat the hall

36、, theaudienceburst intoapplause.Some ofherpaintingsareon showinthelocalgallery.Mikewastryingtoshowoffhistalent.Iaskedanativetoshowmeout/in.【思考感悟】show upshow aroundshow offshow.in/outon show 【练习巩固】用show的相关短语填空We were beginning the meeting when an honored guest was . She was from Tokyo. Just before sh

37、e was here, she the Peoples Great Hall. Meanwhile, she was invited to at an important science conference there. It was said that she was good at her knowledge.【总结反思】5. Standing inside were lots of white-skinned, strange-looking creatures with large black eyes.里面站着许多白皮肤、眼睛又黑又大的奇怪的生物。【思考感悟】该句用的是句型,其正常语序是


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