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1、M2U3 Reading知识点清单命题人:冯辉明晓红使用时间:12月19号一:重点单词及词性拓展1. curious adj.好奇的,求知欲强的curiosity n.好奇心,求知欲 curiously adv.好奇地2. fortune n.大笔的钱,财富,运气 misfortune n.不幸fortunate adj.幸运的fortunately adv.幸运地unfortunate adj.不幸的unfortunately adv 不幸地3. jewel n.宝石,珠宝首饰jewelry un.珠宝总称4. preserve vt.保存,保护,保持 preserved adj.保存的,腌

2、制的preservation n保存,维护,防 腐5. content n.东西,目录(常用复数)内容,含量(常用单数)adj.满足的,满意的vt.使满足6. connection n.联系 connected adj.有联系的 connect v 连接7. punishment n.惩罚 punish vt.惩罚,粗暴对待8. scientific adj.科学的 science n 科学,学科9. disturb vt.打扰,扰乱 disturbed adj.烦恼的 disturbing adj.令人不安的 disturbance n.干扰, 不安10. breathe vi/vt 呼吸

3、breath n 呼吸 二:重点短语(l)Peter became a manager but John remained a worker.(2)Whatever great progress you have made, you should remain modest.(3)lnfact,theworkremainedremaining 词,性同义词为;通常充当(成分)unfinished.(4)They remnined listening.(5)Whether it will do us good remains to be seen.(6)1 have remained in to

4、uch with the Greens for more than 10 years.(7)The remaining 10 computers【思考感悟】remain词性有待于观察【拓展延伸】研读例句,翻译句子1 .He bought me a gift with the remaininn money.2 .There are only 5 books left.;通常充当(成分):【练习巩固】(l)Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains whether the old will e

5、njoy it.A. to seeB. to be seen C. seeing D. seen(2) The little boy still needs the 20 dollars to do with some things.A .remaining, remained to be settledB. remaining, remaining to be settledC. left, remained to be settledD .left, remaining to be settled4 . pay off【教材原句】All my years of training as an

6、 explorer finally paid off.(P45) 【自主学习】研读下面的例句,注意短语pay off在句中的意义和用法 (1) You mustnt lose heart, sooner or later your effort will pay off. (2) Soon after he left school, he paid off all his debt. (3) The boss paid off the employees. (4) They are usually paid off at weekends. 【思考感悟】pay off 的含义包括:、pay的短

7、语还有:pay for pay back【练习巩固】用pay的短语填空 (1)1 am sure that he will every cent he owes you.(2)How can I you all your kindness?(3)We got to the hotel, and I the taxi. (4)1 have to 150 dollars the sewing machine.(5)with the help of many people, our plan finally.【总结反思】5 .disturb【教材原句】When a tomb is opened, f

8、resh air disturbs the viruses.【自主学习】研读例句,翻译句子,注意划线部分1. Dont disturb the papers on my desk.2. Talk quietly in the reading room in order not to disturb others.3. We were rather disturbed by the way the government tried to cover up the truth.4. The disturbing bell disturbed my work.【练习巩固】L翻译句子:声音如此的吵人,

9、以至于他很烦恼,一晚上都没有睡。2. They were allby the news; that is, the newsall of them.【思考感悟】disturb 词 t生: 词 义: ; disturbing;disturbed【拓展延伸】辨析比较,翻译句子1. Im sorry to bother you at this time of night.4.Whatistroublingyou?disturb较为正式,指扰乱,使人不能平静或妨碍别人的工作,思维,睡觉 等,是程度较深的打扰。interrupt指的是打断别人的交谈,或者是正在进行的事情。bother指因小事而烦扰别人,

10、一般带有故意打扰他人的意思trouble意为使烦恼,麻烦,尤其指在行动上给人带来不便或者在身心上 给人造成痛苦。【练习巩固】用 disturb/interrupt/bother/trouble1. The bell rang, our heated discussion.2. His poor performance at school his parents deeply.3. She told her son not to his father who was sleeping by making anoise.4. . -I need to advertise for a roommat

11、e for next term.-? Mary is interested.A. Why bother B. Why not C. So what D. What for 【总结反思】6. By the time.【教材原句】By the 1920s, he had become an explorer, searching for the tombs of the Egyptian kings.翻译句子:【自主学习】翻译下列句子,注意划线部分1. Mike has made some friends in his new school by now.2. By the end of last

12、 term, we had learned3. We will have learned six units by the end of this year.4. By the time mom returned home, he had finished5. By the time mom returns home, he will have finished【思考感悟】以上例句考察的是by与 连用作 的用法。此结构翻译为。主要用法如下:“by+现在的时间作状语时,主干句谓语一般用by+过去的时间作状语时,主干句谓语一般用“by+将来的时间作状语时,主干句谓语一般用by the time 意

13、为,是一个介词短语,引导by the time从句用一般现在时(或现在的某种时态),主句用 Obythe time 从句用一般过去时,主句用O【练习巩固】(1)Tommy is planning to buy a car. I know. By next month, he enough for a used one.A. saves B. savedC. will saveD. will havesaved(2)Living cost is rising and by the end of last month the prices of most foodsA. increased B.

14、have increased C. would increase D.hadincreased(3)By the time Jane gets home, her aunt for London to attend a meeting.A. will leave B. leavesC. will have leftD. Left改错:1. By the time we had arrived home, little Tonny had washed his own clothes.2. By the time she gets paid, she has saved enough money

15、.【总结反思】【巩固练习】一、根据提示完成句子l.Only three days after the Titanic (起航)for America did it hit an iceberg and sank.2 .We/11(调查)the matter first before coming to a decision.3 .We wont give up whenever we (遇至U) difficulties.4 .The accident (导致)the death of two passengers.5 .Edison(对 好 奇)everything and he asked

16、 so many questions whenhe was at school.6 .The police have questioned whoever(与有关) the case.7 .The athletes years of hard training when she finally won the Olympic gold medal.(pay 的短语)8 .(据说他通过做生意发了财)by doing business.9 . I think these traditional customs should.(preserve)10 .The remaining money sho

17、uld be used by victims to buy other supplies.=Victims should use the money to buy other supplies.11 .By the time I rushed to the station, the last train . (leave)12 .The naughty boy, as well as his classmates,(ask) to keep quiet when the teacher was giving a speech.二、选择13 The experiment shows that p

18、roper amounts of exercise, if regularly, can improve our health.A. being carried out B. carrying outC. carried out D. to carryout2.By the time Einstein was 14 years old, he himself advanced mathematics.A. has taughtB. taughtC. had taught D. was teaching3. John and I were horn on the same day by the

19、same year,and we have alott in common.A.by all means B.by coincidence C.by designD.by a chance4. As John Lennon once said, life is happens to you while you arebusy making other plans.5. Whether you are right or not remains.A. seeingB.seenC.to seeD.to beseen 6. Dont your father, he is busy writing hi

20、s report.A.botherB.troubleC三、语境写作 一天我偶然在抽屉里发现了朋友的一封信。我很好奇,就打开它。信上说:“不 要被那些与你无关的事打扰,你辛勤的工作最终会得到回报到那时为止,我 才意识到,我很幸运有这样的朋友。1 .discover many amazing things发现许多令人惊奇的事物2 .set sail for起航前往3.be known as作为而出名e across偶遇,讲的明白,被理解,被弄懂5.look into调查,审查6 .fall ill 生病7 .die of 死于(内因)8 .have something to do with 与-有

21、关9 .live on继续活着10.1 n connection with 与有关11.a scientific explanation 一个科学的解释12.result in导致,结果是13.shortly after在之后不久14 .breathe in/out 吸气/呼气15 .be curious about 对好奇16 .the preserved bodies保存完好的尸体17 .remain a riddle to this day 仍然是个谜18 .have the largest effect on对有巨大影响19.of all time有史以来20.have trouble

22、 breathing 呼吸有困难21.later on 后来三:重点单词、短语、句式用法拓展1. curious adj.好奇的 be curious about 对好奇 be curious to do 极想做某事Its curious that (should)+do 是奇怪的show curiosity about 对表现出好奇心 meet/satisfyone,s curiosity满足某人的好奇心out of curiosity 出于好奇 with curiosity好奇地,怀着好奇心,curiously enough 奇怪的是2. fortune n 大笔的钱,贝才富,运气 mak

23、e a/ones fortune 发贝才 have (the) good fortune to do =be fortunate to do sth 幸运的去做某事 tell one,s fortune 算命 seek one勺 fortune 碰运气3. preserve vt.保存,保护,保持 preserve/protect.from/against 保护免受preserve the world peace 维护世界和平 well preserved 保养的好 stop/prevent. (from). keepfrom阻止 做4. content n.内容,目录,容量adj.满足的,满

24、意的be content with 对满意 be content to do 乐于做某事v.使满足,使满意 content oneself with满足于/使自己对感到满足5. connection n.联系 in connection with 与,有联系have connections with =be connected with=have sth to do with = be linked with/to与有关 be related to/be associated with6. remain vi保持,仍然,逗留,剩余 remains剩余物,遗迹 remain +n/adj/介词短

25、语/to do/doing/done remain to be done 有待于被解决remain to be seen 拭目以待remaining剩下的 前置定语left剩下的后置定语7. present adj.出席的,到场的(后置定语)n. at present目前 for the present暂时vt.提出,呈递,呈现,招致,赠送,授予 present sth to sb =present sb with sth8. result in =lead to =contribute to=bring about=cause to 导致 + 结果result from+原因 由,导致as

26、a result 常用句首,逗号隔开 as a result of +doing/nwith the result that 因此 without result毫无结果的9. pay短语payfor付款pay back偿还,报复pay off得到回报,付清工资后解雇,领工资10. come的短语 come across偶遇,讲的明白,被理解come about发生 come up with 提出 come up 上升,走进,提升,被提及,长出 come out 出版 come into being 形成 come true 成为现实=be realized when it comes to+n

27、/doing 当谈到11. set短语 set about doing开始着手做某事=set out to do set down记下,写下,登记,制 定set aside留出 set off出发,动身,使爆炸,点燃set up建起,设立12 . dream n.梦想v.做梦dream of+n/doing渴望做某事 dream a .dream做一个的梦13 . at full/top speed 全速 at a speed of. kilometers per hour 以每小时的速度 at a .speed以的速度 at the speed of light/sound以光速/声速 sp

28、eed up加速14 .coincidence n. 巧合,巧事 What a coincidence! 真巧! by sheer/pure coincidence 纯属碰巧 It is (not) a coincidence that(不)是巧合 coincide v.同时发生; 相符 coincident adj.同时发生的,巧合的 be coincident with 与一致15 .punishment n.惩罚,处罚 avoid/escape 避免/逃脱惩罚deserve punishment 应受惩罚as a punishment for doing sth.作为的惩罚 punish

29、 v.惩罚,处罚;对-判罪Punish sb. for (doing) sth.因(做)一-而惩罚某人 punish sb by/with判某人罪16 .breathe v.呼吸 breathe deeply 深呼吸 breathe a sigh of relief 轻松的舒了一口气 breath n.呼吸 take a deep breath 深深吸一口气out of breath上气不接下气Hold ones breath 屏息 take ones breath away 令人惊叹17 .as well as conj.和,也,不但而且连接主语成分时,谓语动词就远原则18 . By the

30、 1920s, he had become an explorer, searching for the tombs of the Egyptian kings.至I二十世Z己二 十年代为止,他已经成为一名勘探家,寻找埃及国王的坟墓。19 .What is certain, though, is that “the curse of the mummy remains a riddle to this day.但有一点可以肯定的是木乃伊的诅咒至今是个谜本句中,What is certain为主语从句,其中what为连接代词,引导主语从句,并在主语从句中做主 语,起到双重代词的作用,相当于the

31、 thing that。That引导的是表语从句,中间的though为副词, 作状语。Its certain that. what is certain is that.确定的是M2 Unit3 Reading知识点导学案命题人:冯辉 明晓红使用时间:12月19号Learning aims:1. To learn new words and expressions and learn how to use them:curious, preserve, remain, pay off, by+表示时间的名词(词组)/句子引导的时间状语从句2. To consolidate by doing s

32、ome exercises.Preview: Translate and underline the following phrases in the text1 .起航前往2 .作为-一而出名3 .呼吸困难4 .对感到好奇5 .仍是一个谜6 .对有很大影响7 .发现许多令人惊奇的事物8 .与一有关9 .继续活着10 .一个科学的解释11 .导致,结果是12 .在-之后不久Language points1. curious教材原句He was bright and curious about the world outside his home town. (P42) 【自主学习】研读下列例句

33、,翻译句子(1) Babies are curious about(2)People were curious to know why the accident happened.(3)It is curious that(4) He opened the big box at the door out of curiosity.(5)The curious neighbor is always talking about the privacy of others with curiosity.(6)In order to satisfy the kids curiosity, father

34、 told the answers to the puzzle.【思考感悟】译出下列词组或句型curious 词性; 词义; ; n. 词义:对某事好奇 很想做某事,渴望做某事out of curiositysatisfy ones curiosityshow curiosity about sth【练习巩固】根据汉语句子完成英语句子对于不该你知道的事别去打听。things you are not supposed to know.(2)我非常想知道那只古钟是怎样运转的。I how that old clock works.奇怪的是她走的时候都没有说“再见。she left without s

35、aying goodbye.(4)我只不过是出于好奇问问罢了。 I asked only.【总结反思】2. preserve【教材原句】 Inside the tombs, he discovered a great fortune in jewels and gold, along with the preserved bodies of dead kings. (P42)【自主学习】研读例句,翻译句子,注意划线部分(1)1 think the interesting old customs should be preserved.(2)The ancient Egyptians knew

36、ways to preserve dead bodies.(3)AII countries should try their best to preserve the world peace.(4)The organization was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction(灭 绝).(5)Youlookwellpreserved.(6)lcehelpstopreservefood.【思考感悟】preserve 词性:;词义:n. 词 义:保护免于.保存得好【练习巩固】翻译下列句子1 .小说中的精彩细节很好的保留在了电影中

37、。2 .环境应被保护免于污染。【拓展延伸】辨析比较protect(一般意义上的)保护,保卫。着重表示“保护或保卫不受外界的伤 害或侵害。preserve保护,保持,保存。着重表示“保持原有的状态或“保持完好的状态 它还有“维护、维持、腌制(肉等)的意思。共同点两者都可以接 sb./sth. from/ against【练习巩固】(l)At minus 130, a living cell(活细胞)can be for a thousand years.A. sparedB. protected C. preserved D. developed2) ) A sun hat can you fr

38、om the strong sunshine in the summer.A. spare B. protect C. preserveD. reserve(3)The town government spent a lot of money the old castle and other places ofhistoric interest.A. preventing B. deserving C. presenting D. preserving【总结反思】与preserve形近的词有?3) remain【教材原句】What is certain, though, is that the curse of the mummy remains a riddle to this day.(P43)【自主学习】翻译下列句子,注意划线语块


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