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1、M2 Unit2 Project知识点清单主备人:冯辉 明晓红 使用时间:2016年12月13日 一、重点单词1. dassic adj.经典的n.经典作品classical adj.传统的,古典的;n.古典音乐class n.班级,阶级,分类4.officially adv.官方地,正式地official adj.官方的,正式的n.官员,公务员5 .announce vt. 宣布, 宣称 announcement n宣称, 声明6 .reflect vt.反射,反映 reflection n.反射,反映7.surrounding adj.周围的,附近的surroundings n.周围的事物

2、,周围的环境surround vt.围绕,环绕8 .harmony n.和谐,协调,融洽harmonious adj.和谐的,融洽的9 .publish V.出版,发行,发表,公布publisher n出版人,发行人publication n.出版,出版物二、重点短语【第三组】同义句转换及改错。l.He doesnt know what he will talk about.= He doesnt know 2.1 really have no idea whether I will accept her invitation or not.I really have no idea acce

3、pt her invitation or not.3.Those wishing to join this club should sign here.= Those to join this clubshould sign here.4.1 have worked with children before, so I know what to be expected in my new job.(改错)5.Where to hold the ceremony have not been told us until now.(改错)【微写作】我宣布一项研究成果:如何做到与你的同学和谐相处?首先

4、学会适应你的学习生活而不是厌 烦它;其次,埋头于学习,自然会使学习变得容易;另外,保持健康的心态,抽出时间去仔 细思考你未来的计划。1. be tired of sth/doing sth 厌烦某事/做某事2. the chance to discover发现某物的机会3. a place of mystery and beautiful一个神秘而美丽的地方4. regular flights 定期航班5. in a classic novel在一部经典小说中eaven on earth 人间天堂7. reach to the sky 直达天际8. all over the world 全世界

5、9. stay young forever 永葆青春10. take the name of负有的名声11. a perfect match for.与完全匹配12. tourist spot 旅游景点13. be covered with 被覆盖14. tower over比高,超过,优于15.leave you at a loss for words使你无法用语言表达16.be home to 是的家园1.1 in perfect harmony with 与完美的和谐18. far away from 远离19. provide.with.为提供20. endless natural t

6、reasures 无尽的天然宝臧21. at its mildest最为温暖舒适三、重点单词短语拓展1 .beauty n.美UC;美丽的人或事物C a beauty 一个美人/一件美事 这种情况叫做抽象名 词具体化,类似形式还有:a failure 一个失败的人/一件失败的事a success 一个成功的人/ 一件成功的事a danger 一个危险的人/一件危险的事a surprise 一件令人惊奇的事a pity 一件遗憾的事2 .reach to the sky 直达天际 reach v. reach to 延伸,达到 reach sp.到达某地 reach sth够到某物reach a

7、 conclusion得出结论n.手臂够到的长度,涉及范围out of reach够不着within ones reach够得着,在能力范围之内3 .Spotn.地点,场所,斑点,旅游胜地be on the spot当场,在现场的put sb on the spot使 某人为难vt.看见,看出,注意到spot sb/sth doing sth看见某人/某物做某事4 .announce vt. 宣布, 宣告, 通知 announce sth to sb =announce to sb sth 向某人宣布/通矢口 某事 announce (to sb) that 宣布,通知 It is/was a

8、nnounced that.据宣布 Announcement n. 宣布, 布告, 通知 make an announcement 发表公告5 .tower vi.屹立,高耸,超过tower over/above sb/sth远高于周围的人或事物;(在能力品 质上)远超过他人n.塔,塔楼6 .reflect V反射,反映,显示,表明reflect sb/ sth in sth.在里映出reflect on sth沉思, 思考7 .harmony n.和谐,协调,一致,融洽,和声in harmony with与协调/一致 out of harmony with与不协调的live in harmo

9、ny 一起生活的融洽8 .surrounding adj.周 围的,附近的 surroundings n.环 境 surround v.环绕,围绕 surround .with/by.用.围绕be surrounded by/with.被围绕/包围 surround oneself with sb/sth与某人/某物在一处9 . In this perfect world lived people who had discovered how to stay young forever. 住在这4、完 美世界里的人们知道如何永葆青春。本句是一个完全倒装句,in this perfect wor

10、ld是地点状 语,主语为people,谓语动词是livedo how to stay young属于“特殊疑问词/whether +不定式” 结构,做 discover 的宾语,此结构通常用在 tell,show,understand, explain, know, learn, discuss 等动词后面,疑问词常用who, what, which, when ,how, where等,相当于一个名词性从句, 常常可以转换。10 .Their snowy mountaintops form a beautiful picture that will leave you at a loss f

11、or words. 其白雪皑皑的山顶构成了一幅美丽的图画,美的让你无法用语言描述。leave you at a loss for words为“leave +宾语+宾补”结构,leave译为“让处于某种状态”, 宾补为介词短语充当这种结构常见的形式有leave+名词/代词+形容词/副词(表示状态)/名词(表示一种结果)/现在分词(表示动作或状态的持续)/过去分词(表示被动或动作的完成)11 .Nature has provided Shangri-la with endless natural treasures, making the land a happy home for the lo

12、cal people,大自然为香格里拉提供了取之不尽、用之不竭的自然宝藏,使这片土地 成了当地人幸福的家园。本句是一个简单句,句子的主语是nature,谓语动词是has provided,现在分词短语making the land a happy home for the local people做结果结果状语,表示自然而然的结果。通常放在句 末,一般不放在句首,逻辑主语是句子的主语或现在分词前的整个句子,一般可以转化为 so that引导的结果状语。M2 Unit2 Project知识点导学案Learning aims:1. To learn new words and expression

13、s and learn how to use them:announce, reflect, harmony, v-ing作结果状语2. To consolidate by doing some exercises.Preview: Translate and underline the following phrases in the text1. be tired ofworld3.the chance to discover5. regular flightsn ovel7. in perfect harmony with 9.stay young forever2.alloverthe

14、4. a place of mystery and beautiful6. in a classic8. heaven on earth10. take the name of12. be covered11. tourist spotwith13. tower over 14.leave you at a loss forwo rd s15. be home toLanguage points1. announce【教材原句】In September 1997, the government of Yunnan Province announced that Zhongdian was th

15、e Shangrila of Hiltons story【自主学习】翻译下列句子中的语块。2. They announced their engagement (订婚)to the family.They announced to th。family their engagement (订婚),3. We are pleased to announce that all five candidates were successful.4. 3 has been officially announced that5. The announcer made an announcement that

16、 all the details should be announcnd through the broadcast.【思考感悟】 9 9 n. announcer 译 为 , announcement 译 为向 某 人 宣 布、 通 知 某 事(向某人)宣布;通知某人 据宣布【练习巩固1语法填空。An(announce) will be made soon on the bulletin board.(2)At the end of the meeting,was announced that an agreement had been reached.The the news the pu

17、blic on TV.A. announcer; announced; /B. announcer; announced; toC. announcement; announce; /D. announcement;announce; to【拓展延伸】辨析比较。announce指正式地公布,发表,宣布,侧重预告人们所关心或感兴趣的事情,尤指新 闻之类的消息declare一般指在正式场合宣布官方立场或态度等。多用于宣战、议和、宣判等【练习巩固2】 选词填空:announce, declareThe school office that the sports meeting would be pu

18、t off.It was by the government that these small coal mines should be closed.Britain war on Germany in 1914.He refused to which way he would vote.【总结反思】2. reflect【教材原句】Below the mountains, the sunshine reflects onthe many lakes, making them shine like diamonds against the rich countryside.(教材 P38 原句)

19、【自主学习】翻译语块。 H i sfacewasreflectedinthemiiror. Theiractionsclea rly reflecttheirthoughts. The window reflected the bright afternoon sunlight,(4)The reflection of the sun on the glass wall wasblinding.Not having promoted the new digital camera successfully, the company should reflect on itsoriginal ma

20、rketing methods.【思考感悟】reflect v.反射(声、光、热等);映像; 反映在-里映出:;沉思,思考【练习巩固】语法填空I need to reflectwhat you have offered before I make the final decision.Usually a childs behavior is a(reflect) of his environment.【总结反思】3. harmony【教材原句】In this peaceful land, people live in perfect harmony withnature, far away f

21、rom the noise and worry of the outside world【自主学习】翻译下面语块. These two companiesare in harmony with eachother.It was she that was out of harmony with the actual world, not the staff. My cat and dog live in perfect harmony. This is a harmonious class where pupils are very happy and hard-working.【思考感悟】ha

22、rmony n. adj. 和谐的;协调的一起生活得融洽与-协调/一致 与.不协调的/地【练习巩固】用harmony的适当形式填空瞧!这一家子一起生活得十分融洽。邻居们都羡慕他们家的和谐气氛。Look! The family are perfect . The neighbors all admire theatmosphere.建立个和谐的社会。Only when we realize the importance of helping each other can we be devoted to.人类应该学会与自然和谐相处。Man should learn to live nature.

23、 【总结反思】4. doing sth.【教材原句】Nature has provided Shangri-la with endless natural treasures, making,使这片土地 成了当地人幸福的家园。【自主学习】品味例句,然后完成感悟填写。教材原句二Nature has provided Shangri-la with endless natural treasures so that it makes the land a happy home for the local people.He did his homework carelessly, making a

24、 lot of mistakes.他做家庭作业不用心,结果犯了 很 多错误。=He did his homework carelessly so that he made a lot of mistakes.He was caught in the rain, thus making himself catch a cold.他被困在雨中,结果使自己感冒 了。He hurried to the station, only to be told the train had left.他匆忙赶到车站,结果被告知火 车已经离开了。I hurried to the supermarket, only

25、to find it was closed.我匆忙赶到超市,结果发现超市关 门了。【思考感悟】making the land a happy home for the local people 中 making 为分词且为一般式(V-ing),该分词短语作 状语,表示一种必然性(的结果)。现在分词(短语)做结果状语位置:通常放在,一般不放在 O现在分词(短语)的逻辑主语:句子的 或现在分词前的 O现在分词(短语)的时态特征:分词动作发生在句子谓语动作之后,所以分词用 式。扩展性:现在分词(短语)做结果状语,一般可转化为 引导的结果状语从句。不定式也可作 状语,通常也用一般式(t。do),其逻辑

26、主语一般为句子的,但不定式作结果状语时,多表示出 的结果,为表示强调可在不定式前加上O【练习巩固】.He comes home late every evening, making his wife very angry.=He comes home late every evening his wife very angry=He comes home late every evening, and his wife very angry.It rained heavily in the south,(cause) serious floods in several provinces.He

27、 got there in a hurry, only(tell) that they had left.【总结反思】【巩固练习】【第一组】用适当的介词填空1 .Take some time to reflect your success and failure.2 .When the man was trying to break into the bank, he was caught by the police the spot.3 .She is a genius(天才) and towers other dancers of her generation.4 .She covered

28、 her face her hands.5 .China is working harmony with the other countries in international affairs.【第二组】用所给动词适当形式填空6 .Today there are more airplanes(carry) more people than ever before in the skies.7 .More highways have been built in China,(make) it much easier for people to travel from one place to

29、another.8 .Dont leave the water(run) while you brush your teeth.9 .There is a note pinned to the door(say) when the shop will open again.10.1 always dream of having a house by trees, flowers and grass. If we can live insuch beautiful, we must have a happy feeling every day. The things always have an effect on our mood, (surround)


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