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1、2022年北京市初中学业水平考试(满分:60分 考试时间:90分钟)第一部分本部分共33题,共40分。在每题列出的四个选项中,选出最符合题目要求的一项。一、单项填空(每题0.5分,共6分)从下史各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1 .(2022 4匕京,l)My sister is only six, but can already help with some housework.A.heB.she C.it D.they2 .(2022 北京We have history class three oDclock every Friday afternoon.

2、A.at B.on C.in D.to3 .(2022 北京,3) I take photos here?一Sorry, you canDt. ItDs not allowed in the museum.A.Must B.Need C.Can D.Will4 .(2022 J匕京,4)After taking tennis classes, Tim is much than last year.A. strongB .strongerC.strongestD.the strongest5 .(2022 北京,5) will Liu Yang stay in the space station

3、 this time?一For six months.A.How long B.How oftenC.How much D.How soon6 .(2022 北京,6)Mr. Smith has helped me a lot, 10m thankful to him.A.or B.but C.for D.so7 .(2022 北京,7)The workers the community center now.A.cleanedB.were cleaningC.will cleanD.are cleaning8 .(2022 北京,8)DonElt lose heart. If you kee

4、p working hard, you some day.A.will succeedB.succeedC.succeededD.have succeeded9 .(2022 W匕京,9)1 about my sister when my phone rang. It was her!A.thinkB.will thinkC.was thinkingD.am thinking10 .(2022 北京,10)Jim a lot about Chinese culture since he began to study in our school.A.leamsB. learnedC.will l

5、earnD.has learned11 .(2022 北京,11 )On our farm, the tea leaves by hand when they are ready.A.pickB. pickedC.are pickedD.were picked12 .(2022 北京,12)Do you know the new national park?Yes, I do. To protect wildlife and benefit the local people.A.why did China set upB.why China set upC.when did China set

6、 upD.when China set up二、完形填空(每题1分,共8分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳 选项。(2022北京)Our Christmas GoosegooseOn a cold morning that December, my brother Rick and I were sent to Uncle TommieDs on the other side of Little Mountain to get a goose for Christmas dinner. This long journey over the

7、mountain was hard but worth it.That morning, dark clouds were coming together overhead. I knew it was going to snow on the 1 .When we arrived, Uncle Tommie was already waiting for us. Boys, IDm not 2 you off,“ he said, “but the wind is picking up. YouUd better get the goose and head for home soon.Af

8、ter a quick thank- you and goodbye, I took the goose and we left. Halfway up the mountain, it began to snow heavily. I held the goose 3 to me.By the time we reached the top of the mountain, it snowed more heavily. And the wind seemed to blow straight through my coat. I stepped in front of Rick. You

9、must be cold. Open your coat!“Are you crazy?” Rick asked. 1D11 lose what little warmth I have! When he saw I was 4 , he slowly opened his coat.I placed the warm goose inside his coat. Rick sighed happily(舒了 口 气).My plan was5 .On the way down, I started to shiver(发抖).Rick said, Dave, itDs your turn n

10、ow.”He passed me the goose. For a long moment, I just stood and 6 my freezing(冰冷的)hands on his body. We passed the goose back and forth(来回地)between us all the way. Finally, we got home.Sitting at the table, we explained how the goose kept us from freezing. We canDt have him for dinner! This goose he

11、lped 7 our lives,“ I said.Later, we named the goose Charley and he lived out his life in the yard, bossing around the chickens and another goose we bought to keep him company. A life as the most important bird was fitting fbr our 8 .1 . A.mountainB.islandC.lakeD.beach2 .A.payingB.rushingC.showingD.c

12、alling3 .A.lightlyB. secretlyC.highD.close4 .A.frightened B. regretfulC.seriousD.surprised5 .A.workingB.continuingC.improvingD.changing6 .A.raisedB .driedC.warmedD.examined7 .A.spareB.saveC. treasureD.give8 .A.leaderB.bossC.guideD.hero三、阅读理解(每题2分,共26分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选 项。A(20

13、22 北京,A)WHO IS YOUR ROLe MODEL?WHY?My role model is my neighbor Ms. Li. She is in her eighties now but she is still young at heart. 1 often see her riding her bike in the park and she also spends time doing volunteer work. She helps me understand that people wont be old if they still have a great lo

14、ve fbr life.AdamI miss Mrs. White most after primary school. She was our math teacher and always patient with us. She helped us to work out the answers ourselves, no matter how difficult the questions were. So Mrs. White is my role model, and I want to be a teacher like her in the future.-I?Norman B

15、ethune was a Canadian doctor. In1938, Dr. Bethune came to China and helped treatthe wounded. He often worked very hard withoutresting. Once, he managed to save over one hundredlives in sixty-nine hours. He is still remembered in bothChina and Canada today. So he is my role model.Pger:Yuan Longping i

16、s my role model. He is oneof the greatest agricultural (农业的)scientists ofour time. He worked hard to grow better rice tosolve the problems of (bod shortage. It is sad thatMr. Yuan has left us, but his dreams are carried bymany plant and agricultural researchers.Emmak1 .Who is Emma Os role model?A.Ms

17、. Li.B.Mrs. White.C.Norman Bethune.D.Yuan Longping.2 .What does Betty want to be in the future?A.A teacher.B.A scientist.C.A doctor.D.A volunteer.3 .What do we know about Ms. Li?A.She worked in a hospital.B.She solved the food problems.C.She is old in age but young at heart.D.She is very patient wit

18、h her students.B(2022 北京,B)drumI joined a band(乐队)as a drummer in my middle school. I thought it would be fun playing the drum and meeting new friends. At first it was easy, but a month later, it got difficult. I was the only one who couldnUt keep pace(节奏)with the other players.Our teacher, Angie, s

19、ingled me out to keep practicing while everyone else got to relax. 1 felt ashamed(羞愧的)as my teammates watched me fail so many times. Finally I got so tired of practicing that I didnDt care about doing it right.“Are you giving up on me, Steve?, Angie asked.“Yes, I am, I shouted. Angie sent me inside

20、the music room, where I cried out. Then she came in and said, “Don Dt be sad. I believe you can make it!” She told me never to give up. She left me alone and I realized Angie was right-by giving up, I was also giving up on the team and myself.With her comfort, I decided to go on practicing. However,

21、 I still couldnDt play well. Knowing my difficulties, my teammates gave me a hand. They spent about three more hours practicing with me every week. Thanks to their support and help, I began to keep pace with them. Later, we performed wonderfully in an important show.In the whole process, I was taugh

22、t that although we each had our own job to do in a show, it would take all of us working together to make the show great. I felt accepted and made great progress. I love everyone in the band. I can Lit imagine what my school life would be like without them.l.One month after he joined the band, Steve

23、 felt playing the drum was .A.funnyB.helpfulC.noisyD.difficult2 .With AngieDs comfort, Steve decided to .A.have a good restB.go on practicingC.give others a handD.start another band3 .From his experience, Steve learned about .A.the value of teamworkB.the effect of showsC.the importance of hobbiesD.t

24、he power of musicC(2022 北京,C)What does it mean to be green? Green is more than just a color. It also means taking special steps to protect the environment. Buying a green product is a small step everyone can take. Deciding whether a product is green, however, isnDt always easy. We need to consider t

25、he whole life cycle of the product, even after itDs of no use. Here is what we may keep in mind.The materials of a product are usually our first fbcus(关注).What is it made of? Are there any harmful chemicals in it? Green products are made of more natural materials which are free from harmful chemical

26、s, so they can be good for our physical health.glass metal paperpackainPackaging is important. How is a product packaged? Is it over packaged? We Cid better choose glass, metal and paper packaging, as these can be reused or more easily recycled(回收利用).We can also look for less packaging or even choos

27、e unbagged products whenever possible.Location(土也点)matters. Where was a product produced? Where are we buying it? Think about how much energy was used to get it to us. Try to choose local products. When it comes to food, it is a good idea to order directly from local farmers, shop at markets and buy

28、 fruits in season. Buying from stores near our houses is also a good choice, because we can go there without driving a car.Look into what the company tells us about their product. ItDs easy to say that a product is green” or “all natural”, but the words may be too good to be true. So, much of the in

29、formation about a product should be taken with a grain of salt. After all, companies try to make us believe that their products are environmentally responsible.The greenest thing is certainly the one we donDt buy. Things like food and clothing are necessary for life. But many others are not. Better

30、than buying is choosing to leave an unnecessary product in the store and doing without. It sends a message to the producer, keeps money in our pockets, reduces(减 少)waste and keeps the planet healthy.1 .The writer would suggest choosing a product that is .A.over packagedB.delivered from abroadC.local

31、ly producedD.made of unnatural materials2 .The words “be taken with a grain of salt“ in Paragraph 5 probably mean “A.be easily understoodB.not be completely believedC.be widely spreadD.not be quickly forgotten3. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A.Buying GreenB.Recycling

32、 WasteC.Keeping Healthy D.Reducing Energy UseD(2022 北京,D)A Pathway(路径)to Meaning in LifeWhen it comes to a meaningful life, we might think of love, happiness and health. A life filled with meaning is what most of us want for ourselves. Then, what makes a meaningful life?Many researchers agree that a

33、 meaningful life comes down to three factors (因素):having long- term goals, believing that one Us life matters, and feeling that oneDs life fits together and “makes sense”.But we believe there is more to consider. Sometimes life enables us to experience small moments of beauty. When people are open t

34、o appreciating (欣赏)such experiences, these moments may improve how they see their own life. We call this experiential appreciation (EA). EA is about the person feeling connected to events and being able to appreciate the value within the connection. It shows the discovery of and admiration for lifeD

35、s beauty.We recently set out to better understand EA in studies. We were interested in whether EA was also tied to general judgment of meaning in life. If so, it could be a factor for meaningfulness.In the first study, we had people rate(评估)their support for different methods of reducing stress. We

36、found that people who managed stress by focusing on their appreciation for lifeDs beauty also reported experiencing life as highly meaningful.In the next study, we asked people to rate the degree to which they agreed with various statements, such as “I appreciate the beauty of life and I appreciate

37、little things in as well as other statements that related to the three factors and a general sense of meaning in life. Our results showed that the more people reported that they were appreciating life“ and its many experiences, the more they felt their life was valuable.In the following studies, we

38、further looked at the connection between EA and meaningfulness. For example, we found that people who were asked to look back on the most meaningful event of the past week generally reported high EA in those moments.All the results proved our theoryd发设)true. But putting it into practice can be diffi

39、cult. Our fast- paced lifestyles fill the day with goals. We try to get the highest output both at work and in spare time. This focus on future outcomes makes it all too easy to miss what is happening right now. We should slow down and let life surprise us.1 .You were most probably in the EA conditi

40、on when .A.you made a travel plan for the coming holidayB.you hurried to serve the customers in the storeC.you practiced hard to become the best violinistD.you stopped to admire the roses by the roadside2 .What can we learn from the studies mentioned in the passage?A.Thinking back to the past weaken

41、s our sense of meaning.B.Enjoying small things can influence our attitude toward life.C.Proper stress management is the key to living a satisfying life.D.Good judgment on beauty improves connections among people.3 .What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?A.It is easier for results- driven people

42、 to achieve success.B.We often turn a blind eye to the present moment.C. A fast- paced lifestyle helps us reach our goals.D.Future life will bring us many more surprises.4 .What is the writerDs main purpose in writing this passage?A.To explain how to discover beauty in life.B.To discuss what the tru

43、e meaning of life is.C.To introduce a new factor for a meaningful life.D.To compare different factors for meaningfulness.第二部分本部分共6题,共20分。根据题目要求,完成相应任务 四、阅读表达(每题2分,共10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(2022北京)Working Out through Online VideosPhysical exercise is good fbr our mind, body and spirit. Today, working out

44、 through online videos is becoming very popular. Since the Internet is widely used, itDs very easy fbr us to do so. That means we can work out anytime anywhere.One of my friends, Lin Fei, followed short workout videos to do daily exercise. With live programs, I feel like working out with my friends,

45、 which encourages me to hold on to the last minute, she said. Another friend of mine, Michael, told me that workout videos let him feel so comfortable. have a fear of working out at the gym(健身房),because I don Dt like being watched by others. Working out at home makes working out much more enjoyable/

46、5 he said.With their examples, I decided to give it a try. When I told my plan to my elder sister, a P.E. teacher, she reminded me that workout videos could be helpful but might still carry some problems.“Without being with someone in person, you will be less willing(愿意的)to work out to your best. Wo

47、rking out at the gym allows you to have advice in real time and get pushed harder,my sister said to me. Well, if you really want to have a try, first,choose proper programs or videos. That 3 s very important. And then ask your friends for advice. Their experiences can give you a good sight into what

48、 you can expect. Anyway, donDt be addicted(沉迷的)to it. You should try different ways to work out to be healthy.At her suggestions, I finally followed an online workout program with personalized help that is held for three months. After the first period of training, I felt it very practical and helpful when I put in the right amount(量)of work along with a strong will. Compared with going to the gym, using o


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