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《2020年中考英语真题专项汇编阅读理解.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020年中考英语真题专项汇编阅读理解.pdf(21页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2020年 中 考 英 语 真 题 专 项 汇 编(12)阅 读 理 解 1.【2020年 北 京,14】0.0 d 3 6 2。B 忑。B-3:*-.-.-IMattPosted 5/15/20 4:53PMI created Teens Helping Seniors with my friends.The group has about 200 volunteers.Thevolunteers deliver food or other supplies fbr the elderly in town.I spend six to eight hours a weekbuying foo

2、d and making deliveries.By now we have completed 350 deliveries.LindaPosted 5/1 5/2 0 6:25PMI organized Mittler Senior Technology,a program to help the elderly learn how to use computersand smartphones.Now there are 50 local seniors in the weekly technology classes.I want to makesure that the senior

3、s could stay connected to the world.JordanPosted 5/1 6/20 5:20PMI came up with a way to help lonely seniors with my friends.We call it the Joy 4 All Project.Bydialing 569-4255,the elderly can hear pre-recorded jokes and poems.The hotline has receivedmore than 1,800 phone calls.KathyPosted 5/16/20 7:

4、46PMI heard that the seniors in the nursing home couldnt see their families and friends very often,so myfriends and I decided to cheer up the elderly by writing them letters.We want them to know thatnobody is being forgotten.By now more than 100 students in my school have joined us.l.Who created Tee

5、ns Helping Seniors?A.Kathy.B.Linda.C.Jordan.D.Matt.2.How many local seniors are there in the weekly technology classes?A.50.B.100.C.200.D.350.3.To help the elderly in the nursing home,Kathy and her s c h o o l m a t e s.A.taught them how to use computers B.recorded jokes and poem for themC.wrote the

6、m letters to cheer them up D.delivered food or other supplies for them2.【2020年 北 京,15】There are millions of recipes(菜 谱)hidden in the boxes and hearts ofgrandmother and parents.These family recipes are a special part of our family history.Some ofthem have been passed down from generation(一 代 人)to ge

7、neration.“I realized I couldnt go home every weekend fbr my moms delicious dishes,“says Shreya,who is about to enter university.Shreya has recently started following her mother around thekitchen,taking notes on how to make her“masala chai“and tasty kachoris.Those special tastes can immediately unloc

8、k a whole flood of emotions,memories andfeelings of family,love,and comfort,says she.She adds,nI am looking to the day when my kids will come to know of their grandmothersthrough the dishes they cooked.But many of us find it difficult to keep the food connection with our busy life.Even if wehave tim

9、e,not many of us take the effort to collect and record the recipes from our grandmothersand parents.We often get a recipe on the phone and take it down quickly on a piece of paper.Wejust stick it onto the fridge fbr a week or two and forget about it as soon as the paper disappearsfrom there.Actually

10、,there are simple ways to keep family recipes,Scrapbooks(剪 贝 占 薄)are easily foundin the market.You can even add photos to record every detail of your memories about the recipe.With the help of some popular apps like Story Scans,recording family recipes has never beeneasier.What is needed is to scan(

11、扫 描)the recipes and record the story behind each of them.It canbecome the most meaningful work you have ever done with and for your family.Keeping family recipes is saving and honoring our tradition so that future generations cancontinue to make family ties stronger.Every time you remember your love

12、d ones,recreate one ofthe dishes from your collection and let the memories from the good old days comfort you.So whynot gift your kids a family recipe book when they are starting a new life?l.Why does Shreya follow her mother around the kitchen?A.To clean up the kitchen.C.To prepare family dinners.2

13、.What can we learn from the passage?A.Ways to record recipes can be easy.C.Recipes have become popular with kids.B.To note down recipes.D.To talk about family rules.B.Most people like writing recipe books.D.People often buy recipe books in the market.3.Which of the following would be the best title

14、for the passage?A.Family Recipes:Secrets of Cooking B.Family Recipes Are at a CrossroadsC.Family Recipes:Connections to Interests D.Family Recipes Are More than Just Recipes3.【2020 年 天 津,17 Dear NicoleHow are you?Do you enjoy your summer holiday?Im sure you do.Its been two weeks since I returned to

15、New Zealand.but Im still thinking of the excitingcity life in Hong Kong.In New Zealand,life is totally different.I miss the delicious sweet soup somuch.The weather has been bad these days.Yesterday I got a cold and didnt go to school oday.Ihate taking medicine but I have to take it.I must get well s

16、oon because I will hay tests on scienceand geography next week.I must prepare for the tests this time so that I wont fail again.I remember that you like our local hand cream(护 手 霜).but it is quite expensive in HongKong.I bought you some last weekend and I am sending it to you.Its much cheaper here t

17、han inHong Kong.Its almost the end of August.Its time to pack(收 拾)your school bag and get ready for thenew school term.Take good care.With loveB.excitingl.Judy thinks that life in Hong Kong i s.A.boring2.What does Judy miss about Hong Kong?A.The stadium.C.The sweet soup.3.What will judy do next week

18、?A.She will go to hospital.C.She will have a picnic.Judy0.powerfulB.The zooD.The schoolB.She will go shopping.D.She will have tests on science and geography.C.useful4.1f the hand cream costs$45 in New Zealand,it might cost in Hong Kong.A.$70 B.$45 C.$40 D.$305.When does Judy write the letter?A.In Ma

19、y.B.ln June.C.In July.D.In august.4.【2020年 河 北,12】In class,students are sharing their dream jobs.Jacob:Fd like to be a mountain-climbing guide fbr several reasons.Number One,mountainclimbing is very exciting.Mountain-climbing guides get to climb tall,dangerous mountains,rightNumber Two,I enjoy worki

20、ng outdoors and helping others.Number Three,mountain-climbingguides travel widely and meet many fun people.Fred:My choice is to be a vet(OE).Why?I like animals.Animals bring a lot of joy to ourlives,but they ask for little in return.I also enjoy helping animals and their owners feel better.Petowners

21、 are happy when their pets are well.Finally,vets get to work with other people who likeanimals.Anne:Ha,my dream job?An accountant(Ait)!I think it*s interesting.Im good at numbers,you know,and I also like helping people manage their money.Good accountants are well paid,and I want to manage my own mon

22、ey,of course.But the most important of all,accountants mostlywork alone,and I like to work alone.Jessica:Fd like to become an animator(动 画 片 制 作 者)and make films like Toy Ston,A,and Cars.You see,I love drawing and I love working on computers.Fd like to help people lax andenjoy their life.Animators c

23、an make a lot of money,too.1.Jacobs dream job is to b e.A.a vet B.an animatorC.an accountant D.a mountain-climbing guide2.What is Annes main reason for her dream job?A.The job is interesting B.The job is well paidC.She is good at numbers D.She likes to work by herself.3.What do the four students hav

24、e in common?A.They enjoy working outside.C.They hope to meet fun people.5.【2020年 河 南,1】B.They enjoy offering help to others.D.They hope to make a lot of money.lhfp4 MUSICThe Beatles Story The wortd-Umous 19605music group came from Liverpool.Find outabout The Beatles at the The Beatles Story.Open eve

25、ry day except O c 25 and 26.Adult:Student:E d:Child under five:15.9512.007XX)Adult:Under-16s and students:Child under five:“oo/SPORTUyerpool FC This city kve$football.VisitAnfield football stadium,home toLiverpools favourite football team,andtake a tour.Closed on weekends.15.009X)0FreeMUSEUMVisit th

26、e Liverpool MosenaLem about the history andcuhure of Liverpool.Free entry!Open daily 10 ajn.-5 p.m.W”oo SHOPPINGUvera ol O U E Find the best shopping in the centre ofLiverpool at Liverpool ONE.live r pools new shoppingcentre.Opened in 2008.Word Bankadult成 人 stadium体 育 场 entry进 入 1.What can you learn

27、 about at The Beatles Story?A.A music group B.A famous writerC.The history of the city.D.The English art culture2.How much do they pay if a student and his parents visit Anfield stadium?A.24.00 B.30.00 C.33.00.D.39.003.How long does Liverpool Museum run daily?A.Five hours B.Seven hours.C.Nine hours.

28、D.Ten hours4.What is Liverpool ONE?A.A cinema B.A restaurant C.A music hall D.A shopping centre.5.Where is the text most probably from?A.A research paper B.A health magazineC.A travel guidebook D.A geography textbook.6.【2020年 ill 东 德 州,3 How did people tell the time before clocks were invented?At fi

29、rst,the ancient people looked up at the sun and could tell it was the middle of th daywhen the sun was directly overhead in the sky.They also knew when it was morning or evening.Later,the Egyptians used sticks.These sticks measured(测 量)time during the day The sunshone on the tall stick and the stick

30、 made a shadow(阴 影).As the sun moved across the sky,theposit ion(位 置)of the shadow changed.This would let people tell what time It was.Over time,the Chinese first used sundials instead of shadow sticks.The sundial has a ype ofshadow stick on it.As the sun shines on it,a shadow appears on the numbers

31、 Each number standsfor an hour of the day.But sundials dont work at night or on a cloudy day!There are no shadowsunless the sun is out.Water clocks used water to measure time at night.Water dripped(滴 落)slowly from onebowl into another.The level of the water in the bowls showed the time.People also u

32、sed sandglasses You may have seen one.Some games still use sand-glasses.The sand falls from the top of the sandglasses to the bottom.It measures short amounts of the time.The more sand falls,the more time has passed When the sand has finished falling,you have toturn the sand-glasses over.l.At first,

33、the ancient people told the time by looking a t.A.the stick B.the shadow C.the sun D.the moon2.Which picture can be a sundial”?A.sunny B.rainy C.cloudy D.snowy4.Which is right according to the passage?A.Sticks measured time in Egypt day and night.B.Sundials were first used in ancient Egypt.C.Sand-gl

34、asses usually measure a long time.D.The water clock told the time by the water level in the bowls.5.Whafs the main idea of the passage?A.Something about sundials B.How to tell the time by looking at the sunC.How to tell the time in the past.D.Some inventions in China.7.【2020年 山 东 东 营,2 1】It is a hot

35、 summer day.Clara is drinking juice in the yard.Her mom is cutting grass with a lawnmower(割 草 机).The lawnmower is loud,and Clara wishesher mom would play with her instead.But mom says the grass is very long and has to be cut.Suddenly,the lawnmower stops.Claras mom looks upset.Clara wonders what is w

36、rong.Hermom picks something up out of the grass,and walks to Clara Claras mom has a little turtle in herhand!As Clara looks closer,she sees that one leg is in bad shape.I think I broke its leg,nClaras mom says.Im really sorry.Will you help me nurse it back to health?Clara feels bad fbr the little tu

37、rtle,Turtles move slowly,so it probably could not run away whenit saw the lawnmower coming.And Clara*s mom could not see it in the long grass!It was amistake,but Clara and her mom will make it right.Clara names the turtle Phillip.They take Phillip to the vet.The vet takes an X-ray of Phillips leg,an

38、d makes sure that it isbroken.The turtle gets a little splint(夹 板)and bandage.The vet tells Clara that the turtle needsplants to eat,water to drink and a place to live in.Clara and her mom buy a small tank(水 箱)for Phillip on the way home.At home,Clara takes good care of Phillip.She puts water and ro

39、cks in the tank.She brings himfruit and leaves to eat,and keeps his tank clean.After eight weeks,Clara and her mom take Phillip back to the vet,who says that his leg ishealthy again.Clara is both happy and sad.Happy because Phillip is better,but sad because shehas to let him go.When Clara gets home,

40、she feeds Phillip some fruit,kisses his back and saysgoodbye,then lets him go in the yard.Clara will always remember Phillip.1.Claras mom looks upset b e c a u s e.A.she cant play with ClaraB.the grass is too long to cutC.the lawnmower doesnt workD.she hurts the turtle by mistake2.What does the unde

41、rlined word vet mean?A.兽 医 B.药 剂 师 C.饲 养 员 D.驯 兽 师 3.Clara provides for Phillip.A.some fruit,water and grassB.a tank,some leaves and waterC.a splint,a tank and some rocksD.a bandage,some water and leaves4.What does Clara do after Phillip becomes healthy?A.She takes him to get an X-rayB.She feeds him

42、 some leavesC.She lets him goD.She keeps him as a pet in the yard5.What do you think of Clara?She i s.A.kind B.polite C.careless D.creative8.【2020年 上 海,3 8 New This Term at the Meriden CentreChinese Language Courses!Why I earn Chinese?A new road to a big worldChinese is the No.1 spoken language in t

43、he world!More people are speaking Chinese thanEnglish,and the need for business people who know Chinese is skyrocketing.Another great reasonis to give your kids or yourself a seat at the table in a world where China is an importantpartner.Call us for course listings.Small class:10-15 studentsProfess

44、ional teachers:rich experience in leachingSelf-fit coursezstudying at your own pace.slower or faster than a usual courseOjfline courses on workdays$500 per course each termon workdays$650 per course each termOnline courseson workdays$350 per course each termon weekends$400 per course each term55 Wes

45、t Main Street,Meriden TownUnderground Line 2&8,Bus 515&613 at MeridenFree street parking availablel.The Meriden Centre offers its new courses o n this term.A.business skills B.modern world historyC.spoken English D.the Chinese language2.The underlined word skyrocketing”means A.rising quickly B.retur

46、ning suddenlyC.dropping slowly D.disappearing completely3.We can learn from the information in the box t h a t.A.the courses are designed for Chinese kidsB.China is an important partner in the worldC.its difficult to get a seat in a Chinese restaurantD.English is the No.l spoken language in the worl

47、d4.The advantage of“selFfit course is that you may choose your o w n.A.class size B.speed to learnC.language teacher D.place to park5.Ben wishes to take an online course on Tuesdays.How much does he need to pay each term?A.$500.B.$650.C.$350,D.$400.6.Which of the following is the best to be filled i

48、n the blank?A.Selected Books Buy One,Get One FreeB.Turn left into Garden Road and drive toward northC.For more information Contact Angela at 860-343-5807D.Guest speaker:Ann Bella Room 300 2:00 p.m.July 19.【2020年 江 苏 盐 城,2 0】The next time Wayde saw Manningtree,he said,Couldyou let me have a little of

49、 that medicine?Just enough to see if it works.Tm sorry to trouble you.”I have only a very small amount left.It will take me some time to find out how to makemore.“I will pay you anything you ask,.”Way de said.“Dont give me anything now,but promise to pay me$10,000 when you become PrimeMinister(首 相)W

50、ay de laughed.Thats impossible,nhe said.HI shall never become Prime Minister.Who knows Manningtree said.Give me a week,and 1*1 1 see what I can do.”A week passed.Then,Manningtree came to visit Way de again.He brought with him a smallbottle.I cannot find out how to make more of this medicine,he said,


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